Posted by -LOCKED - [CLOSED] Buying HS (GB NOW, HS LATER)

Ukame Tsunami [G1,
Project] (#98263)

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Posted on
2023-12-06 13:11:27
Please PM me the secret word "WOODEN" to show you've read the ENTIRE post! (please read the entire post lol - it's long, but I want to make sure I have less problems appear later on!)

Need GB now, but current event prices aren't getting you enough profit? I've got sets of 50 or 100 GB that I can send to you now, in exchange for the agreement that you will transfer 600 or 1200 HS worth of select February event items by February 29.
*I may be willing to reserve more than 100 GB to a single person if you can provide a screenshot of your HS from last year's event!

These are the items I'm seeking:
Buffalo Scrotum (60 HS)
Lion Scrotum (80 HS)
Yohimbe Bark (30 HS)

I don't care which items you choose as long as the total amount is correct! No rounding; 590 isn't enough to cover a 600 HS reservation.

As far as how many HS one can expect to grind during the February event, in my own experience, "casual" grinding (just using all your free energy when you can and flirting with other players' lions) usually nets about 70-100 HS a day, maybe a bit less, but using items like Roasted Lambs and energy boosts while also flirting every 15 minutes will increase your gains drastically. A couple years ago I worked 35 hours per week and still got around 4000 HS per account, so I think 600 or 1200 is pretty attainable. With my current job I was able to gather almost 190 HS per day last year with a total a bit over 10000 by the end of the month! If this is your first February or you'd like a refresher, I would be glad to answer any questions you have. There are also a TON of user-created guides you can look through as well.

That said, please only reserve the amount you are certain you'll be able to get. That way neither of us has to stress about it :) It is a couple of months away, so make sure not to forget! I recommend staying subscribed to the thread until you have fulfilled your end of the deal so that I can get in touch with everyone all at once when needed.

If you have enough heart shells by the time tier 3 opens, I encourage you to message me so that I can let you know which items to send over! I'll reach out privately to anyone who hasn't been crossed off the list by the 24th or so, and again on the 28th.

Last year there were a few players who got their accounts suspended due to reserving unattainable HS amounts from too many players and ultimately couldn't gather them in time. I don't want to scare anyone away, and it is not my intention to get anyone banned! But, it has happened before, so try not to overdo it, haha x) If you aren't sure how much you'll be able to get, it's probably best to estimate low.

50 GB = 600 HS | 100 GB = 1200 HS

0/1250 GB remaining

Here is a form to fill out and post on this topic! Yes, I would like you to both PM me and comment here - kind of like a two-factor authorization dealio.

Amount of GB requested:
Screenshot or other proof (spreadsheet, etc) of past February event(s) currency: (optional)

Surprise! Please also incorporate the other secret word "SPOON" into your PM!


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Edited on 01/03/24 @ 01:57:39 by Ukame Tsunami [G5, Project] (#98263)

Ukame Tsunami [G1,
Project] (#98263)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2024-02-18 18:30:24
All currently completed reservations are now updated, thank you!

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