Posted by Broken pines OOC

The best snek (#274274)

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Posted on
2024-01-28 14:06:59
You can chat here about stuff or ask questions

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🎩Fancy fork 🍴 (#427147)

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Posted on
2024-01-28 15:45:41
how long ago did the whole collapse thingy happen? just curious

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The best snek (#274274)

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Posted on
2024-01-28 16:07:14
It's a little complicated but I'll try to straighten it out:

Hawstar's death which was the event that started the collapse, happened around 30 moons, or a little over two years ago. Hawkstar died without a cat to take leadership after his death, and the constant strain his leadership had caused meant that the clan couldn't decide on a new deputy, and plunged into civil war, with many splinter groups trying to seize control. The other clans didn't help at all during this time, so Pineclan cats don't remember them fondly. After almost a year, the fighting had ended, and the few survivors that remained had already began to leave the territory. (So Nettlesnap, If he had joined after the collapse at around 20 or so moons old would've joined around the tail end of the fighting.) Owljump and his friends tried to remain on Shadowclan territory, but the other three clans drove them out, claiming the territory to be divided among them, which happened over the course of several moons. Owljump eventually decided to leave, and travled for a while before arriving here.

That got way way too long I need to make a timeline or something

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🎩Fancy fork 🍴 (#427147)

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Posted on
2024-01-28 16:09:52
oh damn
that is a lot of words
how did you come up with this
very cool, let me do a little adjusting on my character sheet now..

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The best snek (#274274)

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Posted on
2024-01-28 17:42:14
I honestly don't know, it just appeared in my brain lol
I should probably put the timeline on the main roleplay post somewhere, I haven't actually started making it yet (I got so distracted I can't even)

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Edited on 28/01/24 @ 18:09:13 by The best snek (#274274)

The best snek (#274274)

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Posted on
2024-01-30 00:13:41
We are ready to go!

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Ivy (#291155)

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Posted on
2024-01-30 19:23:49
Loving the roleplay so far!!

Just wanted to let everyone know I'm popping off for a bit, and will probably be away for an hour or so. I know it's in the midst of heavy action so another reply from me will take awhile!

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🎩Fancy fork 🍴 (#427147)

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Posted on
2024-01-30 19:38:44
's all good

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🎩Fancy fork 🍴 (#427147)

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Posted on
2024-01-30 19:38:48

gave Nettlesnap trauma because mm yummy

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Ash167 Queen of
Raccoons (#137584)

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Posted on
2024-01-30 19:40:41
Cool cool

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The best snek (#274274)

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Posted on
2024-01-30 19:43:14
yummy trauma

I was doing some homework but I'm back to reply now

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Beautifulblo (#59951)

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Posted on
2024-01-30 19:49:00
lmfao everyone fighting for they life (especially nettlesnap) and owlstar back at home

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🎩Fancy fork 🍴 (#427147)

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Posted on
2024-01-30 19:50:46
Owlstar's such a helpful leader

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Ash167 Queen of
Raccoons (#137584)

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Posted on
2024-01-30 19:51:00
He chillin lol

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The best snek (#274274)

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Posted on
2024-01-30 20:16:58
Owlstar- promises he'll be making the warriors are safe while they hunt

Owlstar- prances around the forest looking for shiny prizes

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🎩Fancy fork 🍴 (#427147)

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Posted on
2024-01-30 20:17:39
Also completely ignoring his warriors getting smushed by a waffle rat

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