Posted by [March] extend the image blocker!

Bluuuuu (#308064)

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Posted on
2024-02-16 03:47:41
This February, a temporary image blocker was added for people uncomfortable with the encounter art

Personally, im fine with the feb art but next month there is a lot of disturbing and or gorey images, I like a lot of the items you can get in March but I am very sensitive to gore so i suggest leaving the image blocker working year-round either until a better one is added, or throughout March before disabling it!

I know March is designed to raise awareness, of course I think it's great lioden is working towards conservation and it definitely raises awareness well! but it would be nice to be able to turn off the more gorey photos

This suggestion has 71 supports and 4 NO supports.

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Ricky [Git gud lol] (#177615)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2024-02-16 06:05:13
Ive always suggested it as, realistically, it puts people off from logging in/engaging with the event so much. I greatly admire how its meant to spread awareness and how effective it truly is, but i quite literally feel too sick to my stomach to explore when in the event; and i need shit from tht event, so i cant just opt out. Those elephant encounters are specifically what put me off, they're way too detailed for me

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Alouette (#223105)

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Posted on
2024-02-25 10:23:50
Support. I think it'd be nice to be able to have the toggle for all events. I know there's some in the dragon event that could be difficult for people who are freaked out by spiders and insects as well. I really like the toggle for this event because people can adapt for whatever they are comfortable with and will enjoy the game with.

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; | he/hymn ⚡ (#422405)

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Posted on
2024-03-01 01:25:27
heavy support. i understand that this is meant to raise awareness, but i'm on mobile and can't manually code in images to block myself. the faceless elephant encounter makes me nauseous at best and ruins my entire day with how badly it triggers me at worst. i'm logging out either until April or until the image block is expanded.

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[♰] Yharnam (#112370)

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Posted on
2024-03-01 05:10:52
Activism should be engaged with by those who have the ability and energy for it, not forced upon those who don't. Exposing people to these things needlessly only wears people down - or worse, desensitizes them to it.

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floop (#395516)

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Posted on
2024-03-01 14:25:33
I support! Not everyone is in the right headspace to see animals mutilated, especially if they use this game for escapism.

With the new rosette-boosting item, some people who previously sat the event out because they did not want to see the encounter images will want to participate this month. Bringing back the encounter image blocking would allow them to do so without sacrificing their mental health

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Cat Spit (#461027)

Notorious Loser
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Posted on
2024-03-01 15:17:35

Personally, I've worked with feral cats, and have seen some things. It's not so much the gore that bothers me, but encounters like the baby serval whose mother was caught in a snare. I've seen real animals grieving, terrified, and in pain. I don't need to have all that old trauma stirred up just to remind me that conservation and anti-poaching measures are important.

In chat today, I also spoke to a member (who I won't name, but they seem to be a regular player) who likened the serval encounter to losing their own mother to a longterm illness when they were a child. There were also MANY players stating that at least one image made them very uncomfortable.

I think having the ability to block images on a case-by-case basis would work, but here are some other ideas too:

- block or blur ALL gory or otherwise NSFW images until encountered, and then unblock them individually
- implement toggle controls to allow users to block/blur current and future encounter images by content type (sexual, gore, perhaps a third category for depressing stuff like orphaned babies?)

The first option would work like February's fix, but in reverse - instead of players seeing an image and then choosing to block it, they would see the text for the encounter and choose whether or not to unblock the image based on that.

The second option would let people opt out of certain types of content before ever going into Explore at all. Personally I feel this would be the worst option, because of the often highly specific nature of trauma and personal comfort zones - I was bothered by the serval encounter (and to a small extent the baby caracal), but am not bothered by any of the other encounters so far because my trauma is very specific to experiences with cats.

Sorry for such a long response, and I hope I don't come off as trying to hijack the thread with my own ideas. I just have a lot of feelings about the balance between showing things that need to be shown and allowing people to make responsible choices about their emotional safety, so I've thought about this kind of thing some.

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[♰] Yharnam (#112370)

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Posted on
2024-03-01 16:09:18
Without compassion, activism is moot. That goes for being compassionate toward those not equipped to handle seeing these things.

I feel for players joining this month, and who this will be their first time seeing this event. I feel for those who unintentionally open old wounds.

I personally do not like any encounter dealing with injured or dead cats. As a catdad, as someone who's worked in a cat shelter, I've also struggled with seeing them hurt, in media or in real life for decades.

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Glitch -G1 12/15
RoseGold NRLC (#460431)

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Posted on
2024-03-02 14:16:17
This is my first time with this event, and while I'm not typically bothered by this imagery, recent events have left me not in the greatest headspace to be jump-scared by mutilated animals and their devastated young while I'm trying to get food for my pixel lions at night. I support this, and I'm shocked and appalled it wasn't a given.

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Equagga|G5 Harbinger
DHR Felis (#105402)

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Posted on
2024-03-03 08:37:51
Support- I'm surprised the image blocking function wasn't made available for all months in the first place, but this one especially since it's been the month people express the most interest in blocking encounter images in for a very long time. I personally don't get bugged by any of it, but I'm all in favor of having a year-round, functional in-game image blocker. Everybody's got something they'd rather just not look at.

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skye wolfe | G1 x4
Ros Rift (#320259)

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Posted on
2024-03-03 08:50:54
I cannot stress this enough. I am heartbroken that animals are suffering this, but playing a game where animals faces are cut off and bleeding? I'm actually considering not playing much this March because of the amount of depressing images I'm coming across, especially when in a public space. I was actually surprised when I came across this suggestion as I thought that this would be implemented already. Activism should be a choice, and like @Yharnam said, it shouldn't be forced on those who don't.

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Stormm (#436536)

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Posted on
2024-03-03 17:35:13
Very much support.

Lioden is a place many people come to escape the sadness of the real world, and awareness is all and good, EXCEPT when the only way to not see these graphic images is by completely hiding the entire event.

While I know some people disagree because it’s “potentially blocking awareness,” I don’t think awareness should be taught through graphic images that a person did not expect to see. Awareness is something that can be explained without graphic images, in a space that a user specifically chooses to interact with, that is NOT a main function within the game.

As this being my first time with the March event, to say I am very disappointed with LD is an understatement.

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[♰] Yharnam (#112370)

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Posted on
2024-03-03 19:36:54
Honestly, something that might be a good way to spread awareness is a section on the Event page that includes a write-up about poaching, efforts made to stop it, threatened species, those driven to extinction, and how we as the average person can help with everyday efforts. As well, information about conservation groups.

I feel like that would be a very informative way to educate, and maybe even encourage future generations of wildlife conservation fighters.

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