Posted by [Feb] Change/Buff the 'Hoarding Lion' Encounter

Terrinthia [G1] (#97101)

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Posted on
2024-02-23 06:57:02

So... this encounter sucks. Seriously. In all of the February explore encounters, this is the ONLY one I skip every time, unless I'm at 0% energy. Every single other encounter has at least something useful that doesn't require losing energy for. They may not all give Heart Shells, but the ones that don't give Heart Shells give EXP, Impression, Energy, etc. without costing Energy itself.

When you find this guy, there's one option: Demand Shells. It initiates a standard battle, and upon winning, you get... 1 Heart Shell. ONE. I mean, look at his damn pile! This stingy asshole could at least give a couple Heart Shells when we kick his butt. He can afford it. I know for a fact that if I had $1000 in my wallet and some guy came up to me demanding my money, and I'm laying in a heap on the ground by the end, he isn't walking away with just one dollar!

I'd like to propose a rework to this encounter, heavily inspired by the "Boss" battle mechanics from the July event.

First off, I'd want to add an option to Ask Nicely. Maybe he'd be kind enough to take pity on your poor, Shell-less king as long as you were nice about it? Or maybe not! This option would give a chance to gain up to 3 Heart Shells, but he may decide to not give you any.

But if you DO want to Demand Shells let's make it worth it! This initiates a "boss-type" battle. For those who have not played the July event or who don't fully remember, these types of battles are a bit tougher than standard battles, cannot be auto-won with the use of a Lucky Foot, and give a larger bounty upon victory. High-risk, high-reward. Winning this battle could give +10 Heart Shells, or perhaps just +5 if he's not made to be too difficult to beat.

By having both a non-fighting option that could give 0-3 Heart Shells and a battle with a potentially greater reward, it can be left entirely up to the player if they want to try risking it even if they may walk away with -5 energy and 0 Heart Shells upon losing.

(I'd also want his art updated to make him buff and awesome-looking - why does this plain-ass lion have more Heart Shells than my sexy kings? Unfair :P)

Thank you for reading! I'd love to hear your thoughts if you agree or disagree, or what you might change about it.


My other suggestions:
Masterpost here

This suggestion has 291 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 23/02/24 @ 07:03:48 by Terr-ible Luck [G1] (#97101)

[All mut
pride]Barnashunter12 (#226934)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2024-02-23 07:02:05
Support! I think a range of 2-10 heart shells would be good.

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TEᖇS (#412633)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2024-02-23 09:16:31
Support! I think that if he is redrawn, he could be lying on top of the shell pile, kinda like a dragon

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+ | Basil [G2 Jelly]
| + (#460720)

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Posted on
2024-02-23 10:26:32
And omg y e s we need him lying on top of the pile—

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emma! [g1 10bo
ambrosia] (#209631)

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Posted on
2024-02-23 15:58:42
support, for a hoarding lion with that many hs he’s definitely not worth wasting 5-10% energy on

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Edited on 23/02/24 @ 15:59:01 by emma [full bo 3x ros g1 kiman] (#209631)

Rin Spiritwolf (#20915)

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Posted on
2024-02-23 16:29:56
So tired of kicking this guys butt every time and only getting 1 HS but spending 5+ energy

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Watashi wa star ⭐ (#36229)

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Posted on
2024-02-24 17:50:12
Everyone skips him. I boo him every time. -10 Energy for 1HS is crazyy

how i feel when i see him

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Alouette (#223105)

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Posted on
2024-02-25 10:21:08
Support! I always skip that encounter because Im not wasting energy to MAYBE get one hs.

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[♰] Yharnam (#112370)

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Posted on
2024-06-01 21:54:19
TBH have him give 3-4 HS and that's an easy fix. 5-10 is too many.

Otherwise support. Fork over the goods, loser.

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Terrinthia [G1] (#97101)

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Posted on
2024-06-02 00:46:02
3-4 would be the amount I'd choose if it were still a regular battle! But if it were changed to have the boss-type mechanics (a bit stronger, no Lucky Foot usage) I think that level of risk should carry a bit higher reward.

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