Posted by March Karma System

Conditioning™ (#454315)

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Posted on
2024-03-01 11:14:23
March’s karma really really shouldn’t be punishing you for stopping poaching. I say that killing/scaring the poachers be neutral karma (maybe +1 rhino beetle for doing that) and -2 karma for cowering or letting the poachers go. There are other good karma encounters to make up for neutral karma when seeing poachers.

If no support, please explain why!

This suggestion has 74 supports and 5 NO supports.

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Lex (#250686)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2024-03-01 19:05:56
It punishes you for stopping poaching?? Huhhhh?

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OllieFishh (#179334)

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Posted on
2024-03-01 19:07:56
I dunno why they are super anti-poach but when YOU are actually anti-poach in the game they give you neg karma??? 😭 Super unfair to the people doing positive karma..

Of course, not all "bad" things should be good, like killing them, since that also isn't fair for bad karma players. Neutral karma is the best because you're just being a lion and doing the best thing for you and your pride, protecting it. Karma this month makes no sense 😭

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Conditioning™ (#454315)

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Posted on
2024-03-01 19:08:42
You get bad karma for killing poachers and good karma for letting them get away, it’s so confusing and is sending mixed messages

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Lex (#250686)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2024-03-01 19:10:43
Exactly- like isn’t that sending the message to support poaching?

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[♰] Yharnam (#112370)

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Posted on
2024-03-02 16:24:03
The karma system in the game in general is really weird.

Negative karma will result from doing things a normal lion would do, which feels really weird to me. Like the armadillo encounter. You can roll it around and play with it and try to bite. You get negative karma.

In this case though, I don't think any of the encounters should give karma unless it's explicitly taking advantage of and killing trapped animals / neglecting them, or saving them.

I think the poachers in general should all be neutral karma. They're a dangerous threat encroaching your territory and threatening your pride. Protecting your pride and your territory is neither a good nor a bad act. It's a lion doing what a lion would do.

Also RE: Killing poachers.
In Africa - in real life - some reserve rangers have taken to simply shooting poachers on sight. But a lion killing a poacher? Well that's just karma coming to bite you in the arse. Literally. :^)

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Edited on 02/03/24 @ 16:33:31 by [♰] Yharnam (#112370)

Datrandomcat (#166891)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2024-03-03 03:50:32
Lioden's karma system seems to pimarly be that Good Karma is self sacrificing deeds, such as ignoring easy prey, and self serving actions grant you Bad karma, irregardless on what would really be the best outcome.

In conclusion- the damn lions are Protestants!!!/ joke

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ㅤ🌸 Lady Kakata
ㅤ🌸 (#37637)

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Posted on
2024-03-03 04:38:48
The Karma system for March is utterly borked, some encounters it doesn't matter what you pick, it gives you negative Karma, which is a major bugbear when you're a Good Karma specialist like me!

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Equagga|G5 Harbinger
DHR Felis (#105402)

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Posted on
2024-03-03 08:33:54
I kinda wish all the options this month were karma neutral, especially since some of the ones that give 2 instead of 1 RB can give either! Or the positive option gives more RB than the negative.* Just let choices there be for flavor. My kings are both acting out of turn this month because I have a lot of decor I want to buy and I'd rather the karma hits than miss an RB.

*Yes the negative option usually gives something else instead of RB, but RB's what we care about this month :`) They mostly reward with items obtainable from other encounters, like meat chunks, that are always available.

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[ heartbroken ] [ G2
] (#209190)

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Posted on
2024-03-03 09:18:32
I have an issue with LD's explore karma system in general. I feel like it would make more sense to gain negative karma only from going out of your way to do mean/cruel things that don't have a natural gain associated with them- ex. killing the donkey foal for food shouldn't be evil because most hungry predators would take that chance in the wild. And encounters like the porcupine, which grant 10% hunger reduction if you choose the right option, should grant negative karma only if you choose that option while your king is already full.

Especially with this month being based around an extremely pervasive and cruel thing like poaching, it seems like letting the poachers live to poach another animal shouldn't be treated as "good" and killing them (like any wild animal would do) shouldn't be "evil." Support^

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