Posted by Starvation

sorry (#28141)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2014-05-07 16:52:09
I think you should be able to strave your lion because whats the point of getting a sub male in early life then? I was just thinkin that somtimes you don't have enough time to play as your sub male.

This suggestion has 324 supports and 238 NO supports.

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Savannah2 (#92366)

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Posted on
2016-07-05 11:27:19
There's also the possibility that when your main lion starves and dies, you lose the rest of your pride with him.

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Berenos|On hiatus (#84593)

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Posted on
2016-07-06 02:24:16
I don't support this, it would be really unfair to all those before that paid for the early retirement. Also, by having the other males early on, you can rise their stats.

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Africa (#9670)

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Posted on
2016-07-06 02:39:51
This just seems like a loophole.

IF you were to starve your lion, I think it should be like retirement only you have to pay the 10 GB to either revive/be replaced as a sub, or be forced a reroll.

No support.

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Estil[Side|Hiatus] (#144699)

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Posted on
2018-05-08 04:22:15
Honestly, I'm new to the game and I'd love to change my main male, but I don't think we should be able to starve our lion just to change it as it would ruin the game experience for some people. My goal right now is to breed muts so i can sell them for GB and thus be able to change my main lion :)

So sorry, no support :/

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Desert Flower (#93267)

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Posted on
2018-05-26 15:49:46
I am shocked and saddened that this post has so many supports, but even with them no way this will EVER happen. As stated this is a free way to get rid of a crappy lion for free. It is unfair and throws off the balance of things. I remember when I first joined how terribly bad I wanted to get rid of my rolled lion. The price was a bit annoying and well.. pricey, but when I finally got the 10gb and saw my new king it was SO EXCITING! To get out of paying the ten gb is unfair to everyone, especially staff. I understand not everyone can afford gb and it gets pricey in the sales, but a very easy way to go around this is via event items. Save up all of your event currency to buy a valuable item and sell it for 10 gb. Every time it goes off the market in a minute flat! If you don't need it, then save the gb. Truly, it is not as hard to get the ten gb if you are smart about it and plan around. I mean if starving your lion will allow you to retire without any consequence to the player, might as well throw in a free mutie sub male to replace him! It does not work like that

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Emi Wolvesbane (#101377)

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Posted on
2018-06-08 11:07:13
This will definitely not happen. As stated above there are already negative impacts to not feeding your kings, and there's already a system in place to replace your king. Stop whining about not having money and actually work for it. I save up 5000sb and then go on a shopping spree when I see the oasis GB sales going down in price. It's ridiculous that people think that something this game changing will happen for free.

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xXDruidXx (#74535)

Nice Guy
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Posted on
2018-06-08 11:09:01
No support, you do get negatives when your lion is low on hunger/starving, if you could suddenly replace your king for free then I would have wasted a fair bit of gb!
Edit: If you're new to the game there isn't much need to change your main male anyway, its better to build up for a better king imo! It's surprisingly easy to get gb after a little while of playing, selling any spare food, selling spare items at the monkey business etc are all great and free ways of gaining sb, which you can then buy gb with ^-^ It takes a little bit of work, but if you want to change your king that bad it's not too much effort to try ^-^ (or you can spend $5 XD)

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Edited on 08/06/18 @ 11:13:57 by xXDruidXx (#74535)

Flags&Fairys (#153514)

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Posted on
2018-08-16 21:38:04
For a person who is poor and just seeing as it is a game I support. I don’t have the money to waist on the game I just play for fun it’s not my life, I’m currently starving my main male and keeping my other lions fed that way I can get better batches of cubs and I don’t like my current lion since he’s bland and boring. In the end I won’t be spending money since it’s a waste of gas money and may as well if you can. It’s not cheating, think smarter not harder.

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Meteorstar (Main) (#157518)

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Posted on
2019-08-06 20:05:53
"work smarter not harder" only counts when the "smarter" way isn't cheating. You don't have to pay 10 gbs for retirement, you could, oh I dunno wait out your lion's lifespan? I'm poor as well, i understand that but that doesn't mean you have to take away something that's in support of the game. It's a luxury, not a necessity to retire your lion soon. and so you pay for it.

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𝕂𝕒𝕪𝕝𝕒 (#11123)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2019-08-07 16:55:59
People would abuse this, sorry.

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Jarat (#50123)

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Posted on
2019-08-07 17:42:18
No support.
It seems an odd way to try and get your king killed. What kind of lion king would sit around and starve to death while the pride is bringing in prey?
RP-angle aside, if you want to play longer with your sub male, there are ways to do it. Pay for early retirement. Give the sub to your side account and freeze him there until it is time for your king to retire, thus giving you maximum time with the sub. We even get an age-up opportunity every year to shorten the time between kings. Personally, just being patient is my suggestion. It's free, and might encourage you to role-play with your bland-king a bit, just to spice things up. Give the poor potato a story.

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Edited on 07/08/19 @ 17:43:11 by Jarat (#50123)

-Zodiac- [G3
Interstellar Pie] (#11145)

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Posted on
2019-08-07 17:48:52
No support for many of the same reasons that have already been stated. GB is how the site makes money, and I've been able to replace my king using the 10gb by playing the game strategically. If you aim for the items in events that are high-value later on (and do your research!) you can make 10GB like nobody's business. Starving your main male just seems like a cheater's way out imo, and it will never be implemented more than likely. Everyone has been there with their potato king, and everyone wants to get rid of him as quickly as possible. But just be patient, or proactive in gathering stuff that you can sell and earn SB to later convert into GB, or buy event items that you can sell for GB later on down the road from the event.

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Myr [frozen -
contact @ #76] (#188)

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Posted on
2019-08-07 17:49:45
No idea why this ancient suggestion from 2014 got bumped... but anyways, no support for the obvious reasons already mentioned.

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di (#126735)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-08-09 21:02:43
I support. :P Solely because the rude tone of some of the replies irks me and it's uncalled for. :P

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KalikaRoo31 (#89224)

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Posted on
2019-08-16 19:46:09
No for all of those reasons

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