Posted by Lion king (private for (#34845))

Aziraphale (#17332)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2015-01-23 20:59:37
Arthur Kirkland = *AK*
YukiStar = *YS*


King: Ahadi *AK*
Queen: Uru *YS*
Mufasa (Prince) *AK*
Taka (Prince) *YS*

Lions (2/10)
Mohatu (Former king) *YS*
Kaminari *YS*

- Sekai (Former queen)
- Banira (Princess) *YS*
- Rei *YS*
- Hikari *YS*
- Bamba *AK*

- Hakkai (M) *YS*
- Sarafina (F) *YS*
- Sarabi (F) *YS*
- Star (F) *AK*


Leader: Nikumu (F) *YS*

Lions (1/5)
- Dean *AK*

- Heartless *YS*
- Arekusa *YS*
- Hokori *YS*

- Hunter (M)
- Fang (M)


Ahadi walked beside his mother, his mother limped badly from the injury she had recived a few days ago from the hyenas which had tried to attack him when she was out hunting. He wanted to know his mother was alright but he knew that she wasn't. His mother soon laid down to tired to walk any more, Ahadi didn't know the area too well but he decided that he would try and find his mother some food.

He was scared about what could be out there but he knew he needed to be brave for his mother. He had heard about this place from his mother's stories when he was younger, it was called the pridelands and that his mother had once lived here when she was a cub before she had met his father.

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Edited on 24/02/15 by Arthur Kirkland (#17332)

Aziraphale (#17332)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2015-02-01 20:41:14

I decided to see an old friend thinking that I could use her to get what I wanted and make it seem like I loved her, I knew she'd be in the outlands and that is where I would find her, I would make Ahadi pay for what he had done.


I smiled a little before nodding and stayed close to her so to make sure she was alright, I really liked her.

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DarkLioness200 (#34845)

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Posted on
2015-02-01 23:35:07

I was walking near the Pridelands border, being careful not to get caught by the king.
As I was walking I notice a lion, I didn't remember, I crouched down in the tall grass, waiting.
The target is in range, with one pounce I landed on his back, growling.
"Who are you pridelander?" I snarled.

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Edited on 02/02/15 by YukiStar (#34845)

Aziraphale (#17332)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2015-02-02 08:09:56

I growled before shaking her off "You must have a very bad memory after all I still remember you Nikumu" I growled at her, I wouldn't be letting her harm me mostly because I was sure she'd still have feeling for me.

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DarkLioness200 (#34845)

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Posted on
2015-02-02 08:25:41

Oh my gosh! It was Dean. I couldn't believe my eyes. He was so handsome.
"Dean, it's really you isn't it" I said in disbelief. It could be a dream for all I knew.
I still had deep feelings for him, but I knew that his heart belonged to uru.
"Why aren't you with Uru anyway?" I asked.

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Aziraphale (#17332)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2015-02-02 08:59:46

"She chose Ahadi" I said to her looking to the ground not bothering to say anything more.

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DarkLioness200 (#34845)

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Posted on
2015-02-02 11:13:01

"SHE DID WHAT!" I yelled. "WHY THAT UNGRATFUL LITTLE, LITTLE TERMITE. AFTER EVERYTHING YOU DID FOR HER SHE CHOSE THAT LITTLE ROGUE!!!!!" I needed to calm down but I couldn't, how could she hurt Dean like this.

I went over to Dean and nuzzled him lovingly. "Dont worry we will make her and her family pay for what they have done to me, you and my mother."

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Aziraphale (#17332)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2015-02-02 23:14:22

I nodded, I knew I could use her to my advantage however I would have to be careful however he would get Uru as she was his and always would be. He was sure he could produce a cub who would give him what he wanted.

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DarkLioness200 (#34845)

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Posted on
2015-02-03 02:15:14

"So Dean what do you have planned, for revenge on Uru?" I asked smiling devilishly.


The sun was setting, dinner was finished although I wasn't that hungry as I thought I was. I needed to relax alittle, so I thought that tonight would be perfect to look at the stars, like me and dad used to do all the time. Banira hadn't watched the stars before so I thought I would take her as she is old enough now, plus I needed a distraction, dad or Dean hadn't returned yet.
I walked into the royal den to find my giving Banira a bath, I smiled at Ahadi who was lying next to my mum, Banira was playfully batting him on the nose. I sighed to myself, I heard Banira laugh.
"Mum I was thinking of taking Banira to look at the stars with me tonight, is that okay." I said as Banira squealed with delight.
"Sure Uru dear, just don't be out to late, Banira be good for Uru." She said giving Banira a nuzzle, then coming over to me also giving me a nuzzle.
"Hey Ahadi you can come with us if you want to, I would really like the company." I asked shyly, blushing slightly.

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Aziraphale (#17332)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2015-02-03 18:24:43

I smiled a little, I'd always love to come with her where ever she went especially since we both liked each other.


I smiled "We will need to by our time" I told her, this would take time and I would want to have an strong heir who would take Ahadi down since I knew a young male would stand best against Ahadi.

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DarkLioness200 (#34845)

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Posted on
2015-02-04 17:35:26

While walking down the side of Priderock, Banira was practically bouncing, this was her first time out at night so everything was so new to her. Banira raced off ahead but I could still see and hear her.

I walked closed by Ahadi, I nuzzled him lovingly. "Ahadi I wanted to say sorry for crying like a cub today, I ran because I didn't want you to see me like that. But I meant what I said, I love you Ahadi so much" I said giving him a nuzzle and a lick on the cheek.

I noticed that I could hear or see Banira anymore, which was weird. I was just about to call her, when she come running out from some bushes, she crashed into Ahadi's front legs then hid behind them. She was crying and she seemed scared. "I'm scared Ahadi." She whimpered into his legs hugging them tight. It seemed like I wasn't the only one that loved Ahadi.

I was about to ask her what had scared her when I saw a familiar figure come from the bushes, but it was too dark to see who it was. I unscathed my claws ready for attack. "Whos there?" I growled.

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Aziraphale (#17332)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2015-02-04 17:50:40

I was sure it was no one and just our eyes playing tricks. Dean had decided to stay with Nikumu for a while so that he could help her out. I held Banira close keeping her safe and hoped that things would be ok after all I was a strong male and would protected the pride just and Uru's father does.

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DarkLioness200 (#34845)

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Posted on
2015-02-04 23:32:51
Uru decided that it was just her eyes playing tricks on her. After making sure the path was clear, she retracted her claws, walking over to a still trembling Banira, who was holding onto Ahadi's front legs for dear life.

"Banira, what scares you so much?" Uru asked while nuzzling her. She looked up at Ahadi.
"I, I heard a voice and it scared me, I'm sorry Uru, sorry Ahadi." She was close to tears, she licked Banira's tears away.

After telling her it was okay they continued on to Uru's favourite place to star watch.

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Aziraphale (#17332)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2015-02-05 06:30:58

I hugged Banira gently "Its ok" I said to her gently, I saw no reason for her to be sorry for being scared as it happens to everyone after all he used to be afraid of the pride. Dean wondered if Nikumu had any pride members.

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DarkLioness200 (#34845)

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Posted on
2015-02-05 09:33:22

Dean was still with me, even though it was getting late and I was sure that the king knew that Dean was missing by now. So time was short.

As I was thinking about the time, 3 of my pride sisters come into view. My pride was a good size of 6 lionesses that have been banished, so I took them in. 5 of them are from King Mohatu's very pride, they told the king that they have found mates and left.

Arekusa, Hokori, and Dochira were the most loyal to me
It was Hokori that told me it was time to go back to the Outlands. She was a sundust lioness with yellow eyes, lilacs rogue and black panther.
"Nikumu we should go, Arekusa had seen Mohatu coming this way." She informed me.
"Ok thanks Hokori, I'm sorry Dean I must go, if I'm caught they will kill me. Can we meet up again." I looked up at him with desire, taking him in.

Meanwhile . . .


I watched the interaction between Ahadi and Banira, it warmed my heart. Banira was back to herself, but a bit more careful, she made sure that she was close to Ahadi. I walked up to him, nuzzling him. "It seems that Banira's quite attached to you Ahadi. She looks up to you." I giggled.

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Aziraphale (#17332)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2015-02-05 18:24:09

I wouldn't leave her yet mostly because I was sure the king wouldn't be looking for me after all it wasn't like I was important to him. I was sure he wouldn't think to go into the outlands since it wasn't the kings territory "I'll show you a quick way to your lands" I told them, I had been to the outlands a few times mostly because it had always seemed interesting to me ever since I was little.


I smiled a little and nuzzled Uru happily, I knew I was a bit older then Banira but my heart belonged to Uru. I wondered if Banira would find a male of her own.

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