Posted by Lion king (private for (#34845))

Aziraphale (#17332)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2015-01-23 20:59:37
Arthur Kirkland = *AK*
YukiStar = *YS*


King: Ahadi *AK*
Queen: Uru *YS*
Mufasa (Prince) *AK*
Taka (Prince) *YS*

Lions (2/10)
Mohatu (Former king) *YS*
Kaminari *YS*

- Sekai (Former queen)
- Banira (Princess) *YS*
- Rei *YS*
- Hikari *YS*
- Bamba *AK*

- Hakkai (M) *YS*
- Sarafina (F) *YS*
- Sarabi (F) *YS*
- Star (F) *AK*


Leader: Nikumu (F) *YS*

Lions (1/5)
- Dean *AK*

- Heartless *YS*
- Arekusa *YS*
- Hokori *YS*

- Hunter (M)
- Fang (M)


Ahadi walked beside his mother, his mother limped badly from the injury she had recived a few days ago from the hyenas which had tried to attack him when she was out hunting. He wanted to know his mother was alright but he knew that she wasn't. His mother soon laid down to tired to walk any more, Ahadi didn't know the area too well but he decided that he would try and find his mother some food.

He was scared about what could be out there but he knew he needed to be brave for his mother. He had heard about this place from his mother's stories when he was younger, it was called the pridelands and that his mother had once lived here when she was a cub before she had met his father.

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Edited on 24/02/15 by Arthur Kirkland (#17332)

DarkLioness200 (#34845)

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Posted on
2015-02-06 03:28:38
Nikumu was only happy to follow Dean, she wanted a way into the Pridelands without being caught .

"Hey guys we are here." I announced happily, as we approached an old acacia tree, standing on a little hill. When you look up at the sky the view of the stars was just the best, I was happy to share this with Ahadi and Banira.
I heard Banira squealing about how beautiful the spot was, I looked over to Ahadi and smiled.

"Come on Banira, please be quiet. Your far too loud, for the magic to being you need to be quiet." I said giving Ahadi a wink. "Now lay down and look at the stars, you might even see shooting star." At that moment Banira become quiet and laid down on the grass, absorbed at looking for a shooting star.

I gave a little chuckle. "Works ever time." I whispered to Ahadi. I laid down on the grass myself and began looking at the stars.
"Ahadi do you want to join me, are you okay you can talk to me about anything you that right. If there is something bothering you, you can talk to me about it." I said with concern.

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Aziraphale (#17332)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2015-02-06 03:34:53

"I'll take you back to your home and stay with you" I told her, I planned to stay with her for a while just to see what the pride would do.


"I'm ok" I told her and joined her by laying down beside her, I knew that the kings of the past were up there in the sky however I wondered if I could ever be as great as the past kings.

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DarkLioness200 (#34845)

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Posted on
2015-02-06 04:30:34

While in my rounds, I come across the grove I used to take Uru when she was a cub, I stayed quiet as I heard Uru and Ahadi talking to each other, as they gazed up at the stars. I was beginning to wonder if Ahadi would make a suitable mate and king for Uru, as she was nearly at the age to be married. I left them alone while I headed back to pride rock and speak with Sekai about Uru, as my rounds were complete.


"Dean you really what to stay with me for a while." I was blushing, I hope I wasn't hearing things. "Because I would be honoured to have you, my home isn't much like the Pridelands though." I said sadly looking down.


After gazing at the stars, I remembered something my dad said about all the great kings of the past looking down on us. It got me thinking about becoming queen, I wasn't sure if I was really ready. I heard Banira snore gently, looking know over I saw her curled up fast asleep, she shivered as a cold breeze blew. Getting up I moved over to Banira's side laying down next to her keeping her warm. I once again looked up at the sky.
It wasn't until I heard Ahadi talk to me, that I realised tears sliding down my cheeks.

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Aziraphale (#17332)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2015-02-06 04:42:27

I nodded "I can hunt for you and bring food back for your pride" I told her, I knew good spots to hunt and would do it out of sight of the others.


"Do you think the great kings look down on us?" I asked her wondering if they would be able to see all that we did.

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DarkLioness200 (#34845)

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Posted on
2015-02-06 04:52:09

I was so grateful for Dean's offer, as there wasn't a lot of food or water for that matter in the Outlands. "My pride sisters and I would be very grateful Dean." I kissed his cheek softly. "Do you know any sheltered spots of the river to drink at without getting seen?" I asked him.


I was expecting Ahadi to ask, "Do you think that to great kings look down on us?"
"My father always told me they did, and I'm sure they are up there looking down on us to guide us." I said through my tears.
"Ahadi can I ask you something?" I asked shyly. "Do you think I will make a good queen?" I looked back up at the stars.

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Aziraphale (#17332)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2015-02-06 05:23:45

I nodded, I knew there was a shallow area of water that was drinkable and was on the border of the outlands leading into the pridelands.


"Of course" I told her and nuzzled her lovingly, I knew she'd make a great queen and I hoped that things would be ok "Should we take your sister back?" I asked her, I wondered if I would be a good mate to her.

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DarkLioness200 (#34845)

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Posted on
2015-02-06 05:43:42
"Dean could you show us please?" Nikumu asked sweetly.


It was time to head back to pride rock, I happily returned Ahadi's nuzzled. I picked Banira up, "I want to catch the falling star . . . " she said in her sleep.
I carefully carried her, while walking close to Ahadi, it was a cold night tonight. "Thank you Ahadi" I said shyly. I couldn't believe I had cried again in front of him.

On the way back I saw my dad waiting for us, on a ledge.
"Uru, what are you doing out so late?" He asked, worriedly.
"I took Banira to stargaze with me, and Ahadi joined us." I replied walking into the den, with Ahadi and my father following me.
"You know that I don't like you out after dark Uru, what if something happened" he was stressing about my safety again.
I sighed, I placed Banira rest to my mother who greeted both me and Ahadi with a nuzzle.
"Daddy calm down will you, as you can clearly see, we are all okay. Mom said we could go anyway so she knew where we were the whole time. Anyway Ahadi was with me, so I was well covered." I smiled at Ahadi, then nuzzled my father goodnight, before making my way to where I always sleep.
"Remember Uru the mate choice ceremony is tomorrow." My father reminded me. I groaned inwardly, I was dreading this day.
"How could I forget" I muttered, while getting settled.


I knew Uru had that ceremony but it had to be done, and Banira's will be soon. I realised that both of my daughter have grown up so much. I loved them dearly.
I wanted to have a word with Dean but I hadn't seen him all day. "Ahadi have you seen Dean today?" I asked the young lion. "Oh and Ahadi, I want to thank you for making Uru happy." I smiled down at him.

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Aziraphale (#17332)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2015-02-06 05:53:11

I shook my head when he asked if I had seen Dean, I hadn't really seen him today mostly because I was mostly watching after Uru. I wondered if he was ok however I could only wonder if things would be ok. I knew things would be different tomorrow and that I could only wonder who Uru's mate would be mostly since I didn't really know much about the mate choice ceremony.

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DarkLioness200 (#34845)

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Posted on
2015-02-06 06:16:38

I watched Uru talk to I too was not looking forward to the mate choice ceremony tomorrow.
I looked over at Uru who was sound asleep. I heard Mohatu talk to Ahadi about Dean.
Watching Ahadi shake his head, I could only wonder. I walked over to Mohatu, I needed to talk to him about tomorrow. "Ahadi I need to talk to you please in 2 minutes okay and I know it's late."

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Aziraphale (#17332)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2015-02-06 18:46:15

I looked over at Uru's mother before nodding to her, I didn't mind talking after all she had done so much for me when I first came to the pride. I wondered for a moment what she'd want to talk about as I was sure it was going to be important.

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DarkLioness200 (#34845)

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Posted on
2015-02-07 02:00:56

I walked and sat next to Ahadi and started to explain, what I needed say.
"Now Ahadi I don't know if you have ever heard of a mate choice ceremony." I waited, when there was no reply, I continued. "You see Ahadi, I know how close you and Uru are, but it is not her choice of who her future mate with be, do you understand." I saw his face fall immedaintly, I pulled him close and nuzzled him. "Don't worry Ahadi tomorrow includes you too as you are a member of this pride. The choice is made between the two eldest males in the pride, which you and Dean, by the King and Queen, which is Mohatu and myself. We have to make the same decision for Banira as well when she comes of age as well. I hope that i have explained everything, I will let you get some sleep as it is late. Goodnight Ahadi sleep well." I smile at him as i went in search for Mohatu as we had thing to dicuss about tomorrow.

I found Mohatu sitting on the edge of Priderock, looking over the lands. I wondered what he was doing out here so late. "Honey what are you doing up so late?" i asked him as I joined him and nuzzled him.
"I was waiting for Dean to come back, him and Uru had an argument today and he walked off, no one has seen him since, I'm worried." He looked at me with with worry in his eyes.
"He will be fine my love, try calling him." i suggested. within a few seconds, Mohatu let out a mighty roar that echoed acroos the land, im sure that Dean heard that.


After my call to Dean, I heard an anwser immediately. "Dean is on his way." I said to Sekai. "We need to talk about tomorrow, you know the mate choice ceremony for Uru. I have come to a conclusion, but I wanted to run it by you first, my love." I said to Sekai with a nuzzle.


I hoped him had the same choise as I did. "Please let me start first, my love." I asked. With a nod, I continued. "Okay, I chose Ahadi to be Uru's mate." i said looking him in the eyes. I saw a wide smile come across his face and he pushed my down playfully nuzzling me, this took me by surpise.
"I couldn't agree more, Sekai. Did I ever told you how much I love you." I heard him whisper in my ear.
I pushed him off of me and ran into the den giggling as i went, him was hot on my heels.


I heard Mohatu's roar, i knew that he was calling to Dean, he had to get back.
"Dean you have to go" I said sadly to him.

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Aziraphale (#17332)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2015-02-07 04:16:42

I shook my head "I don't have to" I told her, I knew the king was calling me but it didn't mean I had to go since I knew I wouldn't be Uru's mate so I would chose to stay with Nikumu for the night. I wondered how things would be tomorrow.


I went and laid down with the other members of the pride, I wasn't a cub anymore so didn't need to stay with Uru and her parents. I closed my eyes hoping tomorrow when well even if I didn't become Uru's mate I would be happy for her any way since I wouldn't be upset about it.

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DarkLioness200 (#34845)

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Posted on
2015-02-07 04:33:50
"Dean won't you get in trouble with the king, besides don't you have to be at the ceremony tomorrow morning." I asked him, I didn't want him to get in trouble because he was seeing me, I looked down at the ground sadly.

The next morning . . .


I felt someone nudge my side, jogging me from an Ahadi filled dream. My mother was nudging me saying, "Come on Uru it's the big day." I finally opened my eyes, to have my mother smiling, then realised what day it was today. The mate choice ceremony. I groaned and got to my paws, following my mother to the area where the ceremony will take place. I was not looking forward to this.

As I come into view I was all the pride sitting in a circle, my mother and I went to sit next, to my father. Banira was sitting next to her best friend Prince Kaminari of a neighbouring pride. He was an onyx cub with blue eyes and the making of a white mane, plus he had a small scar on his muzzle. He was here with his Queen Yuki, a white lioness with blue eyes and his father, King Bakuhatsu a gold lion with black eyes and a brown mane. They were here to attend there ceremony, also to discuss Banira's betrothal to their son. Looking round I saw Ahadi on the edge of the circle. He seems sad and didn't return my smile.

Rafiki come to the centre the give his blessing then the ceremony was under way.

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Edited on 08/02/15 by YukiStar (#34845)

Aziraphale (#17332)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2015-02-07 07:58:51

I had stayed with her regardless because I was knew I wouldn't be chosen for Uru's mate after all I knew they hated me so I saw no reason to even be there.


I had no idea who would be chosen for Uru's mate after all she could end up being the mate of a king from another pride after all they probably could bring two prides together however I could only just wonder. I looked away for a moment.

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DarkLioness200 (#34845)

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Posted on
2015-02-07 12:12:37

Now that Rafiki had blessed the ceremony, and taken his place. I looked around everyone was here except Dean. I signed. Sekai nudged my front paws then with a nuzzle I began the ceremony.

"Now as you all know this is tradition has been with this pride for generations pars and most probably generations to come. Today it is time for a mate to be chosen for our princess Uru." I raised my paw for Uru to step forward. Uru stepped into the Center of the circle, with all lioness gushing on how much she had grown and pretty she was. I saw Ahadi look up at her with wonder in his eyes. I continued with my speech.


The ceremony had started with my father with the long speech, it was quite boring actually, I just wanted this over with as soon as possible. I saw my signal to step in the middle of the circle. I blushed as I got comments from the other lionesses on how beautiful I looked. I looked over at Ahadi, he was staring at me.
"Now it is time for the decision on a mate for Uru, made by myself and the Queen." I was dreading when my father would say that. "We have thought long and hard on this decision," I was on pins and needles. "Our choice e is that Ahadi will be Uru's future mate and future King of the Pridelands. Ahadi will you stand next to Uru please." I was shocked I nearly fainted. My mind couldn't get around what I had just heard. Ahadi, the love of my life was going to by my mate.

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Edited on 08/02/15 by YukiStar (#34845)

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