Posted by Sickened World -Sign Ups-

🌻sunflowerbutter (#27121)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-02-28 14:03:08
Role-Play Thread

It's been about 17 years since the humans died from the deadly illness that plagued them all. That plagues us all as well. It's a horrible thing, that sickness. There are no warning signs, nothing to discern the clean dogs from the infection carriers. It changes your insides, screws up your mind. I've seen it take over a dog in less than a week, I've seen it drag out the process for over six months. It's different for everyone, but for the young and the old, it seems to work quicker, seems to break them easier. Infection carriers, the ones with the early symptoms, must be run off, or better yet, killed. It doesn't matter if it's your sister, your brother, you Ma, your Pa or even your own pup, they must be exterminated. It's the only way to make sure they don't spread the virus. It may be sad, but the world is hard, and you need to be able to survive in this desolate wasteland... I guess that's why I'm here though.

First thing you need to know is what to watch out for, or what to expect from a carrier. In all my days I've seen just about everything there is to discover about the ravaging things that walk this earth, but my information will be outdated soon. They're always evolving, changing, growing...

Role-Play Explained
This particular RP idea is around a post apocalyptic world, where there are dogs among other animals who carry an 'infection'. The infection causes many symptoms including bloodshot eyes, inability to feel pain, sensitivity to light, schizophrenia, etc. You could play as either a clean dog, or an infected. The infected are playable because they are not dead, just severely ill.

1.) This is a Semi-Literate to Literate role-play, so proper grammar is needed. 3+ sentences are required.
2.) No God-modding or Power-playing.
3.) Your characters cannot be mates, socialize!
4.) Breeding and Birthing need to be faded out.
5.) No killing another player's character unless given permission.
6.) No Mary/Gary Sues
7.) No force-breeding
8.) Follow ALL Lioden photo image use rules.
9.) Put 'Kangaroo' in your post if you read all the rules.

(Canine RP, must be approved by me if you want a cat character.)

Sexual Orientation:
Health Status: (Carrier, Infected, Clean)

*Clean; an animal that is free from the affects of the illness

*Infected; a dog or other animal that has been infected by the disease. It is not yet able to spread the disease. Shows mild symptoms of a carrier.

*Carrier; an animal that has the full symptoms of the illness. They are now highly contagious and prone to mutations of sorts. Symptoms include;
-Sensitivity to sunlight
-Inability to feel pain
-Increased aggression
-Bodily Mutations
-Increased hearing
-Foaming of the mouth


-No existing packs-

Dj Jackie-Female-Clean-Cat
My Character(s)
4 years, 3 months
Sexual Orientation:
No one for now.
Years in the run-down city he resides in has made Azrael a hard and cold soul. He's highly aggressive, and always on edge, making any poor thing who surprises him the likely victim of an attack. Azrael is a rather detached dog and getting on his good side can prove to be very difficult at times. Although he's rather callous to many newcomers in any group he happens to travel with, within his 'group' he's usually a little more friendly. He has no mercy for any Carrier or Infected, and kills them on sight. He has no remorse for the dogs and animals he has killed. To him they were just a plague upon the earth he lived, unable to be helped. His upbringing drove him to believe he must kill to save. This, he never doubts.
Pakistani Mastiff mix.
Azrael is a rather large dog, with a thick build. He is well muscled, as he has to be to survive. He's albino, and his eyes are a pinkish red in appearance. Scars adorn his body, including a ripped ear, and a half gone tail. AZRAEL
Azraels history is to be role-played out.
Health Status:
-Hearing is wonky in one ear
-Skin is sunburned easily
-Has an overwhelming fear of water
-Good at physical combat
-Can think quickly
-Can run quite fast
Other: Kangaroo

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Edited on 08/03/15 by AlpacaJoJo (#27121)

Rin (#2458)

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Posted on
2015-03-01 07:19:20
Name: Leon
Age: 3 Years 6 Months
Sex: Male
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Gray-Asexual (Biromantic)
Mate/Crush: N/A (Open!)
Personality: Leon is shown to be very friendly to others, and very perceptive at that. With a soothing personality that is reminiscent of a mother figure, he loves to comfort others. However, he can be nosy, unwilling to let someone's situation go past him without him trying to help. He's also cowardly, hating any sort of physical confrontation, despite his own physical strength. Leon also can be clingy, unwilling to let someone he cares about out of his sight.
Breed: Belgian Shepherd (Groenendael)
Image credit to Kjutichen (Bernd Stocker) on deviantArt
History: TBD
Health Status: Clean
Weaknesses: Slow, Non-Aggressive, Low Stamina
Strengths: Very Strong, Perceptive, Can Take a Hit
Other: Kangaroo (Now I'm craving Dunkaroos ugh why are they no longer produced)

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Edited on 01/03/15 by Silver/Rin (#2458)

🌻sunflowerbutter (#27121)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-03-01 07:24:33
Accepted! :D

Update/Heads Up
For Carrier mutations, if you wish to confront an NPC, you may make up a mutation. Though do try to make it realistic-ish please.:3
Ex.: The carrier may have highly acidic saliva, prone to burning skin upon contact.

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Sybil (#14065)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2015-03-01 07:25:31
I really wanna make a carrier aha, gimme a second, ill throw the oddball in there

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🌻sunflowerbutter (#27121)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-03-01 07:27:50
Woo! I was hoping someone would make a Carrier, I'm excited to see what you make Nephthys~

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Sybil (#14065)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2015-03-01 07:34:18
Name: Nyx
Age: 3
Sex: Female
Gender: Feminine
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Mate/Crush: xxx
Personality: She doesnt have much of a personality left. She can often be found talking to herself or making a cat like chattering sound. While she will rarely talk to others she may at times communicate. Being around her sometimes makes time slow, like those movie moments, though that may just be that feeling of danger. Shes very snappy and will go after you, though sometimes she can be sweet, think of her like shes bipolar almost.
Breed: Border collie
Appearance: Photo credit to WoofBC
History: Being clean for almost her whole life she soon fell into the illness being completely overwhelmed in it.
Health Status: Carrier
Weaknesses: Violent, Schizophrenic, nearly blinded in sunlight.
Strengths: Very fast, Toxic saliva, Increased hearing.
Other: Her mutation is toxic saliva, able to burn through skin with prolonged contact.

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🌻sunflowerbutter (#27121)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-03-01 07:37:39
Accepted! She's going to be interesting to meet. ;3

It's Up!

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Hex (#41384)

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Posted on
2015-03-01 07:47:46
-groans- My damn browser spazzed as I was editing and deleted my sign ups >.< I apologize for the wait. I fucking hate Safari sometimes.

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Crumbinatr (Maki) (#43022)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-03-01 07:56:32
Name: Miko
Age: 3yrs
Sex: Male
Gender: Brute
Sexual Orientation: BI
Mate/Crush:mNone Yet
Personality: Due to the extinction of human beings aswell as his owner, Miko has become a bit of a loner staying clear of other dogs, especially the infected. He stayed in large abandoned buildings where no animals usually come, even though dogs don't usually go to where he stays he still moves from building to building every week. Giving to this he can be shy, rude, timid, and a loner, in other words if you get on his good side he can be, loyal, excitable, helping, protective, and even playful.
Breed: Genuine Singing Dog
Appearance:Image and video hosting by TinyPic
History: unclear, he never talks about it.
Health Status: (Carrier, Infected, Clean) Clean ((I'll make a carrier later that will be nearly his twin))
Easily Spooked
Other: *Hop Hop* Kangaroo!

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🌻sunflowerbutter (#27121)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-03-01 07:58:43
Accepted Maki! :3

@xx.JayKat.xx The Grim Reaper
Don't worry, I have this problem sometimes as well. >.>

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Crumbinatr (Maki) (#43022)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-03-01 08:07:41
Name: Hikaru
Age: 3yrs old
Sex: Male
Gender: Masculine
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Mate/Crush: None
Personality: Hikaru is insane due to this plague bestowed upon him, he doesn't much like to talk at all, he loves the sensation of crying dogs which mourn the death of their lost ones due to the plague. Hikaru can make it seem from the back of his head that he is normal, but of all he is not. This plague was cursed yet he calls it a blessing, trying to persuade others to come closer.
Breed: Genuine Singing Dog
Appearance:Image and video hosting by TinyPic
History: He shares the same as his twin Miko yet to the end it differs.
Health Status: (Carrier, Infected, Clean) Carrier
Less talkative
Less active
Sensitive Senses
Other: Kangaro

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🌻sunflowerbutter (#27121)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-03-01 08:09:29

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navarre (#32090)

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Posted on
2015-03-01 08:32:16
{Welp, I think I died and went to heaven. I've been waiting for a roleplay like this!}

Name: Kato
Age: 3 years
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual
Mate/Crush: None
Personality: Kato has little personality in him due to the sickness. Before, he was your average, fun loving, caring, and loyal canine. Before, his main goal in life was to survive, and live a relatively well life. Now, his main goal in life is to ravage and sicken any dog that comes across his path. He is no longer sane, and some would say he has no heart. Kato does have one, though, but it's now ridden with blackness. He may come off as almost mysterious in a way, and he is also not one to anger. One would advice to be wary around him as well, for one second he could just be sitting there, and the next he could be inches from a dog's throat.
Appearance: German Shepherd Mix
History: Kato was a stray, at first, completely oblivious to the fact that the disease was spreading. Little by little, he started recognizing the signs. But it was too late by then. During a rather heated dog fight, he was infected. It was a nightmare come true. He never thought he would become one of them, but unfortunately, he did.
Health Status: Carrier
Weaknesses: Extreme light | Wound on his back leg | Somewhat large scar running from his forehead to the ridge of his shoulder
Strengths: Increased hearing | Relentless | Aggressive
Other: Kangaroos

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Edited on 06/03/16 @ 21:47:05 by navarre (#32090)

🌻sunflowerbutter (#27121)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-03-01 08:35:12
Glad to be getting some Carriers in here! :D


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Whale Biologist 🐋 (#35355)

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Posted on
2015-03-01 08:41:35
I'm confuzzled. If all the humans died out 17 years ago, how was Kato owned by humans, then infected, and still alive?

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Crowteeth {RLC
1.6.23 } (#39277)

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Posted on
2015-03-01 08:44:52
Name: Dahlia (Doll-E-Ah)
Age: 3 years
Sex: Female
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Mate/Crush: No one
Personality: Dahlia is a sweetheart, she is very soft and has been mostly protected throughout her life making her kind of soft. But she is a fast learner and is slowly catching on to the fact that this world is a rough one. She is very loyal and will follow her friends to hell and back, and just under the surface lies a dog who is willing to fight for what she believes l.
Breed: Lundehund
Appearance: norwegianlundhund.jpg
History: Ask her, she will gladly tell.
Health Status: Clean
- Shes not built for heavy combat
- Her smaller build makes her easier to knock over
- Fast moving waters could easily sweep her under and drown her.
+ Due to her small build she is fast and can squeeze into small spaces
+ She has six toes on each paw that make her an amazing climber
+ She is able to hunt and raid bird nests when food becomes scarce on the ground.
Other: Kangaroo
Name: Crater (Cray-Ter)
Age: 2 years
Sex: Male
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Gay
Mate/Crush: No one
Personality: Crater is careful and wary, knowing better then to trust other dogs to get too close to him. He is a bit of a prankster around those he really knows but to others, it seems he had built up a defensive wall with accusations and sharp words as the bricks and mortar. But under that wall, he is playful, loving, and his a very big heart.
Breed: Karelian Bear Dog
Appearance: 1384631952.jpg
History: Ask him, though he can be a bit defensive about it if he doesn't know you
Health Status: Clean
- His left hind leg is slightly weaker then the rest of his legs.
- He is quick to act or jump into a fight.
- His right eye is not as strong as his left one.
+ His thick insulated coat makes swimming easy for him because it does get to his skin
+ He has the stamina to keep up a chase for quite a while.
+ His claws are just a bit longer then normal.
Other: Kangaroo
Name: Rosaco (Ross-A-Co)
Age: 6 years
Sex: Male
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Mate/Crush: None
Personality: Rosaco was a grumpy dog before he became infected, the infection just turned him into a raging mass of muscle, fur, and obscenely long teeth. He is irritated easily and is likely to leave you alone even if he catches sight of you, unless your in what he counts as his territory. He is seriously territorial and believes that if you step paw on his territory that its his right to kill you.
Breed: Tibetan Mastiff
Appearance: Ferocity.jpg
History: Try to get close enough to ask
Health Status: Carrier
- Places where skin show and fur is mussing are extremely light sensitive
- His front right leg is gone from an accident, making him slightly slower.
- Due to his very well muscled built he isn't the fastest runner.
+ By sheer size and weight he can smother opponents.
+ Being a carrier he is no long able to feel pain.
+ An effect of the disease, his front and bottom canine teeth are overgrown and stick out.
Other: Kangaroo

(All credit belongs to pictures original owners! They don't belong to me and i take no credit for them)

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