Posted by Sickened World -Sign Ups-

🌻sunflowerbutter (#27121)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-02-28 14:03:08
Role-Play Thread

It's been about 17 years since the humans died from the deadly illness that plagued them all. That plagues us all as well. It's a horrible thing, that sickness. There are no warning signs, nothing to discern the clean dogs from the infection carriers. It changes your insides, screws up your mind. I've seen it take over a dog in less than a week, I've seen it drag out the process for over six months. It's different for everyone, but for the young and the old, it seems to work quicker, seems to break them easier. Infection carriers, the ones with the early symptoms, must be run off, or better yet, killed. It doesn't matter if it's your sister, your brother, you Ma, your Pa or even your own pup, they must be exterminated. It's the only way to make sure they don't spread the virus. It may be sad, but the world is hard, and you need to be able to survive in this desolate wasteland... I guess that's why I'm here though.

First thing you need to know is what to watch out for, or what to expect from a carrier. In all my days I've seen just about everything there is to discover about the ravaging things that walk this earth, but my information will be outdated soon. They're always evolving, changing, growing...

Role-Play Explained
This particular RP idea is around a post apocalyptic world, where there are dogs among other animals who carry an 'infection'. The infection causes many symptoms including bloodshot eyes, inability to feel pain, sensitivity to light, schizophrenia, etc. You could play as either a clean dog, or an infected. The infected are playable because they are not dead, just severely ill.

1.) This is a Semi-Literate to Literate role-play, so proper grammar is needed. 3+ sentences are required.
2.) No God-modding or Power-playing.
3.) Your characters cannot be mates, socialize!
4.) Breeding and Birthing need to be faded out.
5.) No killing another player's character unless given permission.
6.) No Mary/Gary Sues
7.) No force-breeding
8.) Follow ALL Lioden photo image use rules.
9.) Put 'Kangaroo' in your post if you read all the rules.

(Canine RP, must be approved by me if you want a cat character.)

Sexual Orientation:
Health Status: (Carrier, Infected, Clean)

*Clean; an animal that is free from the affects of the illness

*Infected; a dog or other animal that has been infected by the disease. It is not yet able to spread the disease. Shows mild symptoms of a carrier.

*Carrier; an animal that has the full symptoms of the illness. They are now highly contagious and prone to mutations of sorts. Symptoms include;
-Sensitivity to sunlight
-Inability to feel pain
-Increased aggression
-Bodily Mutations
-Increased hearing
-Foaming of the mouth


-No existing packs-

Dj Jackie-Female-Clean-Cat
My Character(s)
4 years, 3 months
Sexual Orientation:
No one for now.
Years in the run-down city he resides in has made Azrael a hard and cold soul. He's highly aggressive, and always on edge, making any poor thing who surprises him the likely victim of an attack. Azrael is a rather detached dog and getting on his good side can prove to be very difficult at times. Although he's rather callous to many newcomers in any group he happens to travel with, within his 'group' he's usually a little more friendly. He has no mercy for any Carrier or Infected, and kills them on sight. He has no remorse for the dogs and animals he has killed. To him they were just a plague upon the earth he lived, unable to be helped. His upbringing drove him to believe he must kill to save. This, he never doubts.
Pakistani Mastiff mix.
Azrael is a rather large dog, with a thick build. He is well muscled, as he has to be to survive. He's albino, and his eyes are a pinkish red in appearance. Scars adorn his body, including a ripped ear, and a half gone tail. AZRAEL
Azraels history is to be role-played out.
Health Status:
-Hearing is wonky in one ear
-Skin is sunburned easily
-Has an overwhelming fear of water
-Good at physical combat
-Can think quickly
-Can run quite fast
Other: Kangaroo

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Edited on 08/03/15 by AlpacaJoJo (#27121)

Hex (#41384)

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Posted on
2015-03-05 00:03:04
-snuggles- Thank you for the lovely words c: I don't get many compliments usually.
Twist is a world of fun to role play as xD He's one of the main charries that I play, and he's always a load of fun!

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NeonCherries4Life (#52623)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2015-03-08 08:15:22
Name: Dj Jackie known as Wildstyle.
Age: 2 and a half.
Sex: Bisexual although is a player meaning she mostly flirts and tries out everybody no matter what gender or species.
Gender: Female.
Mate/Crush: Truly none unless she really really has her eye on somebody.
Personality: Flirty, Sweet, Caring, Loving, and easily Jealous.
Breed: Mixed Cat.
Appearance: Image and video hosting by TinyPic
History: She never tells.
Health: Clean.
Weaknesses: Aggressive and cold males, a pack of dogs or 2+ very fast dogs, certain carriers and very smart dogs or cats.
Strengths: Flirting, Desperate and dumb makes, taking advantage of someone, speed, and smartness.
Other: Kangaroo.

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Edited on 08/03/15 by NeonCherries(Offline for a bit (#52623)

🌻sunflowerbutter (#27121)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-03-08 08:19:15
@ JayKat~

*Huggles* Your welcome, I'm glad that you have so much fun playing him. :3


NeonCherry could you please use the form above? It's formatted for both a dog and a cat. :3

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NeonCherries4Life (#52623)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2015-03-08 08:20:18
Yea I'm posting the other half since when I tried to copy It only pasted this half.

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🌻sunflowerbutter (#27121)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-03-08 08:30:06

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NeonCherries4Life (#52623)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2015-03-08 08:40:02
Name: Steban known as The Red Bandit by ones who fear him.
Age: 3 and a half years. (27 human years.)
Sex: Male.
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual.
Mate/Crush: Impress him.
Personality: Laidback, Fun, Risky, Protective, Inmature, Irresponsible, and is always looking for adventure/trouble.
Breed: German Shepherd and Malinios mix.
Appearance: (All credit absolutely goes to the wonderful artist Skailla on Deviantart.) Image and video hosting by TinyPic
History: Doesn't really talk about it.
Health Status: Clean though is sometimes mistakened for a carrier due to his inmatureness.
Weaknesses: Very Agressive males, carriers, cold and cruel females, and being in a pack(prefers to be a loner.)
Strengths: Doesn't give up easily, distant runner, Can easily ignore dogs, and doesn't get mad easily.
Other: Kangaroo.

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Edited on 08/03/15 by NeonCherries(Offline for a bit (#52623)


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Posted on
2015-03-08 08:48:45
Name : Fortis (Latin, 'Strong')

Age : 2 Years, 6 Months

Sex / Gender : Male

Sexual Orientation : Bisexual

Mate / Crush : ...

Personality : TBL

Breed : Pharaoh Hound

Appearance : Linkie

History : TBL

Health Status : Clean

Weaknesses : Miosis, (Darkness is blurry to him) Cowardly / Nervous Wreck

Strengths : Quick Runner, Quick Learner

Other : Kangaroo

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🌻sunflowerbutter (#27121)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-03-08 08:55:57
Accepted; though I do have to wonder what TBL means. Sorry, I'm just a little clueless at times. XD

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Posted on
2015-03-08 09:26:50
It means 'To be learned', as in learning through the RP.

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🌻sunflowerbutter (#27121)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-03-08 10:08:15
Thank you~

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