Posted by The Great Wolf Migration - Hunting Thread

Rusty [Interstellar
4cel 4.5k] (#39276)

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Posted on
2015-07-07 09:25:31
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You and at least one other wolf have decided to team up to take down prey larger than a rabbit. Your success will be based on your teamwork and experience in hunting.

Only hunting is to take place in this thread. Taking the prey back to the pack or bringing the pack to the prey must be done in the main RP thread.

My rule of at least four sentences per post is absolute. If you don’t follow this you will get a strike by your name in the main RP thread. Three strikes and you will no longer be allowed to rp in this group. I may remove a strike if you post a lot of detail in your next few posts.

Character Sheets

No thread generated. The original poster of this RP thread will be able to generate one for this feature.

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Edited on 26/12/15 @ 11:30:49 by Rusty [Skyward 3.2k, Poop pls] (#39276)

Hex (#41384)

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Posted on
2015-07-09 03:47:12
|| Twist || Female || 4 Years || Omega || Going Hunting // Finding the Group || Remazall and Azazade forever <3 ||

Twist crouches behind a bush, her eye narrowed and focused on a large rabbit nibbling on some sweet green grass. She tenses her hindquarters, wiggling her rump much like a cat. With a mild snarl, she leaps from her concealed hiding place and right on top of her victim, jaws snapping viciously at it's neck. With a rather loud, sickening crunch, the animal goes limp and Twist steps back, blood dripping from her maw in long, saliva-filled trails. She licks the fluids from her face, picking up her prize and hiding it among a beech tree's roots. She raises her head, sniffing for both possible threats and possible prey.

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Rusty [Interstellar
4cel 4.5k] (#39276)

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Posted on
2015-07-12 11:34:19
(bit of a summary post and something to hopefully get the hunt moving)

Velvet || Female || 4 years || Undecided rank
Velvet’s appearance
Velvet's facial marking

Trotting through the undergrowth, Velvet had somehow pulled ahead of the rest of the hunting party. She glanced around, listening, mainly trying to locate Luna. Very protective of pups, she was uneasy that one so young would be accompanying them. Sure, the young femme was almost old enough to start learning to hunt anyway, but teaching was usually done by a well established pack that knew each other’s strengths, minimising the risk to the younger pack members. She knew that needs must, and that leaving Luna behind would have been worse than bringing her given that there was no established territory or den site. With the amount of survivors that had gathered who knew how many more could be lurking, less friendly than those she ran with.

Velvet used the short journey to think over the wolves she’d met so far. There was such a variety that making a pack out of the lone wolves scattered here would be relatively easy, and hopefully this hunting trip would cement any bonds. The males she’d met, both Remington and Elihu, were much stronger than any of her previous suitors. They were truly wolves she could find acceptable as a mate. Remington more so, in her opinion; age, looks and personality were more on his side from what she could tell so far. Plus, with so many wolves gravitating to him, there was obviously something about him that meant he would be able to look after a family.

Of course there were also femmes in their gathering, of which she was very glad. She had been close to everyone in her old pack, and the majority had been female. Being out of her pack’s territory was much less intimidating with other females there. In particular there was Kade, a worthy, strong wolf who Velvet hoped to get to know better. She narrowed her eyes a little as she thought of the male Kade had gone off with, Azazel. Okay, so she couldn’t help but flirt while introducing herself, but there was something off about the male, and she could tell by everyone else’s posturing that they thought so too.

Still, every pack had a few oddities; it made life more interesting. She stopped for a moment, standing still, as she thought over that. Were they really forming a pack? She didn’t know if she’d be able to handle it if she grew attached to everyone and another disaster happened. She wasn’t built to be alone, far too dependant on company. She shut her eyes tight, head down and ears drooped, at the thought of losing these wolves too.

Velvet’s ears twitched at a sound nearby, her head snapping up. Had the rest of them caught up to her? She’d howl for them, or speak out, but didn’t for fear of scaring potential prey.

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Nature Paw (#64491)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2015-07-12 12:28:04
Remington || Male || 4 years || Undecided rank
Remington's Face Remington's Body(more muscle though)

As Remington and the rest of the hunting party started on there way into the forest at a steady pace he noticed Velvet getting quick and watched her as she went a good distance ahead of them. He kept glancing back at the wolves beside and behind him to make sure they were keeping up and that nothing was wrong, especially to watch Luna. As he could barely see Velvet anymore he got curious, as his nosed twitched smelling the air catching her scent he turned to Elihu. "Elihu could you lead them behind me I want to go catch up with Velvet and make sure everything is alright. Just follow our sight and we should be fine." He looked at everyone else in the group nodding to them and started at a slow trot to Velvet.

Once Remington got Velvet in his sights again he slowed down to the walk and just followed her, watching her making sure to keep his distance in case she wanted to be left alone. He noticed her stopped as she seemed sad at the moment she did. As she stopped so did he, he tilted his head curiously at her watching. If she found that he had followed and watched her, she probably would be suspicious of him, but it was him he was protective and curious so trying to figure out the wolves that surrounded him was in his nature. He does not know these wolves histories and backgrounds which could be dangerous. Not that he didn't believe Velvet was a great wolf to be trusted, but wasn't sure on past. He looked back at where he came seeing if the rest of the group caught up yet and they hadn't so as Velvet was still alone Remington quickly dashed behind a tree still observing her, as thoughts started going through his mind. Should I go out and see if she is alright and wants to talk? I could figure out her past easily that way. Maybe I should go flirt and be a bit naughty with her I do have time to be all alone with her. He shook the thoughts out of his head and just decided it would be best to walk up and be the gentlemen he was and not let his male tendencies, wants and desires get a hold of him.

Other male wolves would just attack her or jump her and be pure wolf males with only one agenda, but not Remington he had his own morals and values and knew it was wrong. Was it wrong to have those thoughts? No, no matter what he would have them its what he would do about them is the question and usually he shook them off. As he went to step out behind the tree he accidentally stepped on a small twig snapping, which quickly caught Velvet's attention. He quietly slid back behind the tree seeing her reaction, she seemed to look behind her thinking it was the rest of the group approaching, but it wasn't it was him. As she looked away he quietly bolted back through the trees back to the group he left nodded to Elihu as he returned.

As he lead the group on he thought to himself, I missed my chance, I could have said something to her I could have learned more. I blew it! He ignored it and kept moving forwards to catch up to where Velvet stood.

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Hex (#41384)

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Posted on
2015-07-12 12:58:22
|| Twist || Female || 4 Years || Omega || Going Hunting // Talking to Velvet || Remazall and Azazade forever <3 ||

Twist hears something moving and crouches down once more, stalking towards it slowly, belly brushing the ground. She stops suddenly, ears pricking and eyes alert. Instead of a rabbit or another prey sort, a beautofil female wolf stood in the forest. Walking farther behind her was a very odd colored, handsome male wolf with an air of authority about him. The kind that made her want to crawl out on her belly, cower, then flip onto her back and grovel until she made a permament impression in the ground. She shakes her head, ridding herself of that image. She wasn't the unwanted pup anymore.

The ragged black wolf emerges from her hiding place, walking into plain view. Despite every cell in her body telling her to bow down, she walks with her head up and steps high, even her splayed paw obeying. If she had a tail, it would wave in the air. Her clear eye flashes in the sun, a chip of ice on a warm day. "Hello. I'm known as Twist." She informs, looking both wolves over cautiously. She had no way of knowing if these wolves would accept her or attack her, though neither of them looked as though they wanted any violence. She could smell many wolves on the breeze, including that wretched narcissist Azazel. Her lip lifts slightly in a snarl at the thought of his name, and she glances at the ground for a moment.

Twist raises her gaze once more to the female and odd male, awaiting teir responses. They would likely be rather shocked at her sudden appearance, and the fact that a wolf who was obviously so abused and likely an omega could calmly walk from the brush with a calm, collected, and even slightly dominant manner. She had learnt from Azazel that not all wolves deserved her complete surrender, something she should have learned much sooner in her own pack. Wolves who abused a pup without a second thought, now that was evil at it's face value. These wolves didn't seem to be like them, however. The male seemed almost kind, and definitely worried over the femme. Twist didn't think that they would launch themselves at her for no particular reason, unless she proved that she was a threat.

She shifts her weight slightly to her left side, where it was more comfortable for the time being. Her flank twitches slightly, her ear flicking as a fly buzzes around it. She still smelt of the sweet wildflowers she had foolishly ramped through, as though she were once more a carefree pup who knew nothing of fairness at the time. Her muzzle, however, was still covered in dripping rabbit's blood, likely quite a frightening thing at first glance. However, if you opened your nose, it was obvious which species the red liquid belonged to. She hoped that her prey would still be there to collect. It wasn't everyday that one could find and catch such a large, meaty rabbit, after all.

Edit: just fixing something :P

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Edited on 12/07/15 by JayKat [The Hoodie Whore] (#41384)

Forest [G3 Grullo
Ferus] (#41430)

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Posted on
2015-07-13 23:20:04

|:|Male|6 Years Old|Undecided|With: Kade|#Azazade<3 #Remazall *insert heart eyes emoji*|:|

Kade's words sounded so silly to him. Too confident, is that even a thing? Azazel had always been the type to hate other's confidence, but revel in his own. There was something about her that seemed different. She lacked the same hunger for power that he assumed all alphas had. That he had managed to gain, even though he had never ranked higher than a hunter. Though he happened to associated his lust filled thoughts of ruling with godliness, refusing to see just how dark his mind is. Sure, he may not be the nicest, but he liked to think people looked up to him. In reality, the few people who he had let into his mind feared him. Feared the way his thoughts always revolved around death and destruction. His own mother had lashed out at him for something he didn't think was wrong. She deemed him a killer when all he wanted was the same attention he had once received. If that meant he had to be a cold, heartless killer then so be it. To him, nothing he had ever done was worse than his ganging up on him. He refused to look at the situation from any other angle from his own. He can still feel the rush of adrenaline he received when pushing his last brother over the edge. It had been exhilarating to say the least. Nothing makes you feel more powerful than the ability to take life as you please. His nostalgic thoughts came to an end as a familiar smell caressed his nose.

Azazel's legs were longer than Kade's, resulting in him having to slow his steps in the slightest to stay by her side. "First of all, there is, and never will be, such a thing as too confident. Second of all, I think I may have just smelt dinner." His response held as much smugness as mere words could. If his nose was correct, then he had just smelt three deer. Two of them being a mother and child. The mother's milk scent wrapped around her regular one. It seemed a little early to him to be seeing fawns this time of year, but the fear that the earthquake had instilled probably caused her to give birth earlier than expected. How wonderfully easy a premature deer fawn would be to kill. He had only ever seen one early fawn, and it hadn't been able to make it. It's mother stood by her child's limp carcass, even as his pack surrounded her. It was only his second time ever going out on a hunt. He can remember asking his alpha not to kill her, she had already lost so much. His only answer was a chuckle that sounded a whole lot crueler to Azazel's young ears. I should really stop delving into the past. It's just that. The past. I need to leave it that way. Coming back to Kade, he thought back on her words. "...I have been an alpha long enough to tell emotions at a glance." She had been an alpha? It would explain her confidence and unwillingness to give in. He had managed to pick up as much from her little monologue.

"You were an alpha?" The male had long since forgotten about the deer, finding this tid-bit of information much more interesting. An alpha without their pack. Oh the irony. His ear's twitched as he tried to contain all the insulting words that had flooded his mind. Though, a couple had managed to weasel their way out. "I'm sure you were a great alpha. Always putting others before yourself and not narcissistic like the others. That's what all you alphas say isn't it? Empty promises to convince the sheep in wolves' clothing." His first two sentences had been drenched in sarcasm, but that soon melted away to hatred. Never had an alpha ever been good to him, they had never seen the potential that he had seen in himself. Now he was nearing the end of his life. He had maybe two or three good years left in him, and he was nothing. You can be something my son if you follow our directions. Do as we say, and we'll ensure you're remembered. The Gods condolences only solidified his earlier decision. No one could understand him, especially not this alpha trash that walked beside him.

( Everybody's just picking on my poor baby boy. He isn't that bad. When he's not being a literal psychopath. I feel so bad for having to be mean to Kade like that. :c Also my favorite Remington quote, "Maybe I should go flirt and be a bit naughty with her..." I'm still giggling like a schoolgirl. )

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Astraia (#62667)

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Posted on
2015-07-15 06:41:54
Elihu | Male | 2 years old | Undecided | Following Azazel, Velvet, Remington, and Kade, meeting Twist

Elihu dipped his head to Remington as the older male asked him to lead the rest of the pack as he ran to catch up to Velvet. Again, his fur bristled with jealousy and he stared after Remington as he loped ahead. Elihu turned to look at Luna and the other she-wolf Raoula. The midnight wolf wagged his tail softly and then turned back around to lead the others onward.

With large paws, he trotted through the shady undergrowth keeping his senses alert as he kept his head lowered and followed the scent trail of the older wolves. He could make out Azazel and Kade's scent underneath Velvet and Remington's. Azazel smelled slightly odd for a wolf; his scent was herbal, terpenic, and sharp like a peppermint plant, while Kade smelled fresh, and cool, like rushing water. Stronger than those two was the scent of Remington and Kade. Remington's scent was stronger, he smelled earthy, rich, and warm, like the woods on the side of a mountain. Velvet smelled light, inviting, and floral, like the wildflowers one found in a dark forest in a patch of sunlight. Elihu inhaled deeply and then sped up slightly as he came across the scent of another young she-wolf. This wolf smelled bittersweet, her particular scent intermingled with the scent of fear. Perhaps she was an omega? He could also smell rabbit blood...this wolf had made a kill recently.

Elihu continued with the others through the shady forest and came upon a strange sight as he saw Remington and Velvet, talking with a small black she-wolf. He stopped a short distance away from the three and cocked his head at Remington and Velvet curiously, as a way of asking what was going on.

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Edited on 15/07/15 by Astraia (#62667)

Rusty [Interstellar
4cel 4.5k] (#39276)

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Posted on
2015-07-15 08:55:43
Velvet || Female || 4 years || Undecided rank
Velvet’s appearance
Velvet's facial marking

The silver femme looked around, trying to find the source of the noise, but failed to see anything. The wind was in the wrong direction for her to pick up the scent of whatever or whoever it may have been. She sighed softly, deflating a little. Part of her had hoped that Remington had decided to run ahead to find her. She wanted to spend more time with the male, to see if her attraction went beyond the initial appeal of what she’d seen of him so far. Shrugging the noise off as some small animal, she decided to wait where she was for the rest of the pack to catch up.

She looked over as a wolf suddenly appeared from the trees. Perhaps this female had been making the noise she’d heard. She tilted her head, immediately noticing the splayed paw that stood out as abnormal. It was possible it was the reason behind her obvious posturing. Velvet exuded a calm confidence in herself, one which any wolf could recognise without her needing to raise her tail or puff out her chest. She was naturally a more dominant figure, one that never felt the need to force it on others.

”Hello Twist,” she sent the other a soft smile, ”My name’s Velvet. You don’t need to worry about posturing with me, I won’t force anything over you unless you step out of line.” She thought of her newly forming pack. If, for example, Twist were to try and attack one of the weaker pack members such as Luna, then Velvet’s tail and hackles would rise. Generally, though, she preferred friendly encounters.

”What are you doing out here alone?” She scented the air, searching for Twist’s pack, but all she could sense was rabbit blood, ”My…pack, and I, are hunting. It looks like you’ve had a small meal already, but if you’re alone I’m sure you’d be more than welcome to join us.” She glanced back to see Elihu step from the brush. Her tail began to wag a little and she gestured him over. ”This is Twist,” she introduced the femme. It seemed like slowly the rest of the pack were catching up. Excitement raced through her again at the thrill of the hunt.

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Hex (#41384)

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Posted on
2015-07-15 09:30:13
|| Twist || Female || 4 Years || Omega || Going Hunting // Talking to Velvet || Remazall and Azazade forever <3 ||

Twist gives a slight incline of her head, relaxing considerably. Even as other wolves emerged from behind the wolf, Velvet, she showed no sense of worry. She had no reason to distrust them, even if they did have Azazel with them. She could sense that they were nervous about him as well. "You see, my pack perished in the earthquake. I can't say I'm sorry, however. They treated me horribly, you see. Without much of a reason, at that." She explains, bitterness making it's way into her voice.

She turns to Remington, assuming he was their alpha due to the way the others gravitated towards him. She could see the she-wolves did moreso, even so much as to say they nearly adored the male. Twist didn't seem to feel the same. She respected him, certainly, and his coat and posture was quite handsome, but she felt no wish to try and swoo him. Her gaze catches on a black male who, though still seemed lower than the merle wolf, seemed to be dominant. It had been wolves like them that had abused her the most, but she felt no fear or need to cower near these wolves. They seemed quite fair to all wolves. She looks back to Remington, eyes slightly downcast however she kept her ears pricked and general posture slightly dominant. "If you would accept me, I would be very humbled to be let into your pack. I am an excellent hunter, if I may be so bold, but I will not challenge any of you who have already claimed your positions. I will not, however, take abuse if I have done nothing to deserve such things. I've had enough of that, thank you. I'm not a piece of garbage." Her eyes narrow slightly, though not generally directed at the wolves there.

She raises her eyes, gaining confidence. After all, she had yet to be attacked. "If you are going hunting, I would be more than willing to help. I have a good nose, and a strong bite. I'm also very quick on my feet, despite this wretched paw and my obvious taillessness. I've already managed to kill a large rabbit, if that helps you in any way." She slightly bows her head, though keeps her eyes trained on the pack. She couldn't yet trust them enough to turn her back on them.

(I absolutely love how she's evolving from being the pathetic omega who was constantly abused, to the slightly confident she-wolf finally free of her abusers who stands up for herself now that she can.)

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Nature Paw (#64491)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2015-07-15 22:20:34
Remington || Male || 4 years || Undecided rank
Remington's Face Remington's Body(more muscle though)

As Remington made it back the the rest of the group he walked beside Elihu making there way back to Velvet. Remington started seeing Elihu as a brother figure, but didn't like to think others as like family members due to his past. Remington wanted to talk to Elihu about his feelings and thoughts toward things, but bit his tongue and decided not to. As he saw Velvet he tried not to change any expressions on his face and continued to meet the she wolf that stood before Velvet.

He walked up to stand before her, and listened to her speak. Then put in is input, "Hello Twist I am Remington, its a pleasure to meet you. You are welcome to join us of course a pack could always use another good hunter. Whatever had happened to you and whatever people have said and done to you to make you feel like garbage throw that in that past and start a life you want to. I have no need or pleasure in downgrading anyone that stands around me, so please feel free to join and welcome to the gang!" He nodded to her and looked at everyone else around him and dipped his head, "Alright everyone lets go and continue on our way!" He gestured for everyone to go off ahead of him as he would catch up, he looked to twist The key to a better future is forget and don't mention the past. I would not have assumed you any less if you introduced yourself as an alpha, a beta or an omega. Don't mention the things that had happened and let it anger you in the present, because if you do it will take over you and what you can do now." He nodded smiling at Twist. "Now lets go and show me what you can do!" He nudge his muzzle softly into her side, before rubbing up against her and trotting up back the the group.

Remington wanted her to be confident about herself and forget the horrible things done to her, so he hoped he helped her build that confidence just not over build it. He was still mad at himself he wanted to get close to Velvet, but had never interacted with a female wolf from outside his family he had. His father always told him to pass on the great family lines, which would obviously mean he would need a mate, but he hadn't met a wolf before several hours ago so he was trying his best.

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Nyanunix (#11487)

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Posted on
2015-07-18 03:59:17
((I'm sooooo sorry~ Mission trip happened.))

Kade || Female || 5 years old || Undecided rank || With Azazel

Kade instinctively snarled at Azazel's words. Maybe she'd made a mistake, and rather wished that she was with Remington and the others instead of here.

Her lips curled back to show razor-sharp fangs. There wasn't a trace of fear in her sudden change in demeanor. "You know nothing about me," she growled, her voice rough, but with audible loss. "I became an alpha two years ago. I gave up my dreams for my pack, learned how to keep them safe, how to protect them as best I could. I lost everything in that earthquake MY MATE IS DEAD," she continued, her voice rising sharply before she cut herself off.

"Don't you dare pretend to know what anyone here is like. What we've gone through," she added, her voice much quieter but still hard as steel. "Everyone and everything I ever loved is gone and I refuse to let you come in and disrupt this new pack I've found."

Kade didn't know him at all but for some reason the insinuation that she was like every other tyrannical alpha in the forest, that she had gone after her own goals rather than fighting for her pack as an alpha should rubbed her the wrong way. She'd given everything for her family and she would not take this stranger's shit.

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Truthful Pride (#64473)

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Posted on
2015-07-18 08:15:38
Luna || Female || 1 year old || Pup|

Luna lifted her head as Remington trotted off after Velvet, and sighed as she was left with Elihu. She liked Elihu's personality and he was cute, but Remington was what she always dreamed of having as a mate. She liked Velvet because of who she was, but when it came to Remington she got very annoyed and pissed off whenever Remington gave attention to her. So when he trotted off after Velvet she was very jealous. As Elihu lead the rest of them onward, she saw Remington return and was filled with happiness she barked and kept moving with the rest of them until they came upon Velvet and another wolf.

Luna growled looking at Velvet, only of jealousy and she wondered if Remington and her did anything. She didn't smell Remington on Velvet so that was a good sign, and she definitely wasn't marked as Remington's either. Luna still knew she was much younger than him, but thought she might have a chance. She sighed. She was the only pup in the group and felt alone.

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Edited on 18/07/15 by Truthful Pride (#64473)

Astraia (#62667)

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Posted on
2015-07-18 09:12:21
Elihu | Male | 3 years old (Happy birthday Elihu!)| Undecided | With the hunting party, meeting Twist

Elihu padded up to the trio of wolves and listened courteously as Velvet introduced the petite she-wolf to him. He was quite a bit taller than her and dipped his head to the new wolf. Her striking ice blue eyes made him uncomfortable but he managed to look her in the eye as he introduced himself. "Greetings Twist." The large silver speckled wolf said in his deep, breathy voice. He stood before her but kept his distance from the she-wolf. "My name is Elihu." He continued before stepping to the side as Remington spoke with the she-wolf.

He tried to watch Twist discreetly as Remington accepted the small she-wolf into the pack. He admired the way Twist has stood up for herself without aggression. She had made her position clear, but had avoided offending Velvet or Remington. He was struck by her splayed paw, taillessness, and torn ear. Never before had he seen such an injured wolf. Was she blind as well? One of her ice blue eyes seemed to be slightly murky. He immediately looked away as the she-wolf glanced over at him.

When Remington had finished speaking, Elihu walked up alongside the older male. "Perhaps we should try to catch up to Azazel and Kade now? I can smell deer in the air." He tried to casually remind the male about his unease about Azazel and Kade as the pack started onwards again.

He walked alongside Remington and matched his stride as though they were brothers. He had never had a brother, and looked up to Remington. As they walked he quietly looked over his shoulder to the new she-wolf. Her ice blue eyes met his silver ones and he immediately turned around, sucking in a breath as he did so. He swallowed but kept his composure. This new wolf would not interrupt his focus. Oh no. He had a rank to win, and if Azazel wanted it as well, he would have to prepare for a fight.

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Edited on 18/07/15 by Astraia (#62667)

Hex (#41384)

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Posted on
2015-07-18 14:16:12
|| Twist || Female || 4 Years || Omega || Going Hunting // Doing ... Stuffs || Remazall, Elist, and Azazade forever <3 ||

Twist inclines her head to the wolves who had spoken. Though surprised that the wolf Elihu had spoken up, she found herself slightly warmed by the though that he had. She mentally snorts, disgusted by herself. She had only just met these wolves, and may not stay with them for long, depending on her feelings towards them. She shouldn't bother with taking an interest in any male, much less one that surly had a much better suiter in mind. Besides, who wanted her anyway? Her old pack certainly hadn't.

With a new object in mind, hunting, she positions herself near the front of the group, but much farther away than the others appeared to be. She felt mildly self conscious of that fact that she looked as though she had been pulled through a field of thorn bushes backwards. She was covered in old scars, new wounds, and her pelt was a complete windblown mess.

She takes her mind from her appearance, raising her head and scenting the cool, wild breeze for the smell of possible prey. "Elihu is correct. There are deer close by." She comments idly, unconsciously stiffening at the sound of Azazel's name. Oh how she wished that wolf with the god complex would stop managing to pop up at every turn.

Her eyes widen slightly once she processes her previous words. "Not that I had doubted you, of course. I mean... I just... Oh, dammit Twist! Just shit the hell up!" Her cheeks heat slightly as her eyes meet with Elihu's, then flinches slightly. She still wasn't used to direct eye contact with others. When she looked up once more, he had turned his head away. She relaxes slightly, though her spine remains stiff and her eyes slightly slitted.

Oh, how she wished she could simply jump into the pack life. She had never been included in any pack-related events such as hunting or howling in her prison. She would have to work severely to become more comfortable around these wolves. "I'm afraid I must ask, do you all have a certain way you wish to go about hunting?" She asks, making a sorry attempt at turning everyone away from her earlier blunder.

(I'm sorry of this makes little sense :P I'm so tired right now. And also, I won't have Lyall curse as much as Twisty here. She's just sort of used to it ^^')

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Dipper (#28104)

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Posted on
2015-07-18 20:24:50

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Raoula|Female|4 years old|Undecided

Raoula trotted after the group, her tail whisking. The appearance of the wolf she had seen earlier unsettled her-how had she managed to show up again? But Raoula remembered her and didn't fear her. She walked confidently after the group, head and tail held high. She could also smell the deer, and was primed to hunt, all her senses alert. She couldn't wait to show these wolves how she could hunt. Twist had said she was an excellent hunter, but Raoula thought she was better. Maybe the wolves would respect her more if she could show her skills in this hunt.
She could see how other wolves looked at Remington and Elihu, but found her own thoughts wandering back to Azazel. Yes, he had been cruel to Twist, but still...she couldn't forget the way the sunlight played on his sleek fur. He had gone off with Kade, though. Maybe if she was lucky they would meet another male along the way. Why was she thinking this way? She normally never took much interest in males. But she knew inside that she did want a mate, and pups.
Maybe some day...
Raoula turned her attention back to the deer.

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Nature Paw (#64491)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2015-07-18 22:40:49
Remington || Male || 4 years || Alpha
Remington's Face Remington's Body(more muscle though)

Remington stayed in front of the pack he had no need to smell where they were because he had been here countless times and knew exactly where they were. He kept glancing over at Luna because of her strange behavior he was sensing. He brushed it off as she was a pup and pups have behaviors like that.

Remington listened to Twist as she spoke and answered her immediately, "Well we will of course want to have a way of going about it instead of all of us just attacking randomly at once. The deer that hoard here are young, naive, and witty ones with there first time born, so it should not be to hard to take a deer or two down. For form we will need to see what and where deer are and who will go where and do what." He hoped he answered Twists question, and then spoke more forward for the rest in the pack to hear, "Not to put pressure or stress on anyone of you, but I will be watching the way you attack, I am interested in seeing who has the attack skills for a place in that rank of the pack."

As they trotted there way toward Kade and Azazel he noticed Elihu glance back at the new wolf Twist as if you had interest and nudge him playfully, and then softly spoke to him so only he could here, "You like that new female, Twist? You can tell me you know I can sense some interest in you going on." Remington shook his head as he teased Elihu and kept on there way until Remington saw Kade and Azazel close in the difference. As we reach them Remington looked at Kade. "Find any other surviving wolves? We have a new member to our pack, her name is Twist." Remington gestured Twist to walk forward and meet Kade and Azazel. "Once we all catch up and meet each other, the deer are just behind those bushes not far at all so we can all manage the hunger."

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Edited on 19/07/15 by Nature Paw [Alpha] (#64491)

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