Posted by The Great Wolf Migration - Hunting Thread

Rusty [Interstellar
4cel 4.5k] (#39276)

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Posted on
2015-07-07 09:25:31
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You and at least one other wolf have decided to team up to take down prey larger than a rabbit. Your success will be based on your teamwork and experience in hunting.

Only hunting is to take place in this thread. Taking the prey back to the pack or bringing the pack to the prey must be done in the main RP thread.

My rule of at least four sentences per post is absolute. If you don’t follow this you will get a strike by your name in the main RP thread. Three strikes and you will no longer be allowed to rp in this group. I may remove a strike if you post a lot of detail in your next few posts.

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No thread generated. The original poster of this RP thread will be able to generate one for this feature.

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Edited on 26/12/15 @ 11:30:49 by Rusty [Skyward 3.2k, Poop pls] (#39276)

Nature Paw (#64491)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2015-07-29 03:14:35
Remington || Male || 4 years || Alpha
Remington's Face Remington's Body(more muscle though)

Remington hid a smile as Velvet continued to flirt and rub up on him. He knew his feelings for her were more evident to the others, and to himself. He could tell he had feelings for her now and it would be hard not to think of her as his mate already. He puffed as he thought about the other males they might come across, in his mind she was to be his, but in hers he had no idea. He sat listening to Velvet seem to take dominance in leadership with getting the hunting party going. Remington was partially impressed and was just hoping her command was alright with the rest. As Raoula and Velvet went to one side of the clearing ready to chase the deer and watched Velvet from behind when she walked away and shook his head trying to focus.

As the two of them left, Luna came over to him as she started rubbing on him he looked at her curiously cocking his head to the side. "Luna? Is everything alright?" Remington was not sure how to react to something like that so he side stepped a little to hopefully give her the hint she was in his personal space. As she licked his cheek he lowly growled and then trotted off to the bushes with Kade and Luna following. What in the Hell was Luna doing back there! He thought to himself actually kind of creeped out a bit. He lowered his front haunches nodding to Velvet and Rauola, to signal he saw them. He then glanced at Luna noticing she was acting weird and heard Kade speak to her, "Yeah Luna you stay with me and learn, watch, let the older wolves do what they have to." He got close to Kade making it so his side was pressed up against hers seeing which doe she was looking at. "Alright Kade you, and Elihu take down that doe. And just be smart and work together please I don't need our own blood spilled." He quietly stepped a bit away giving her back her space nodding to Elihu.

Remington was watching the deer, Remington couldn't help but gaze upon Velvet who was just across from them. He licked his muzzle and deeply growled both ready to see the hunt and because of the view of Velvet. He nodded to the pair again signaling them to go when they were ready and chase the deer.

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Dipper (#28104)

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Posted on
2015-07-29 03:40:47
Raoula|Female|4 years old|Undecided

Raoula saw Remington's signal and braced herself to chase the deer. She turned to Velvet and nudged her softly so that she knew to get ready, before slowly creeping forward so she was beside Velvet and could see the deer better. She looked to Velvet again, and back at the deer, before taking a deep breath and launching herself into the open. She knew Velvet was probably following so didn't look back; instead, she began to run towards the deer, reveling in every stretch of her muscles as she neared them. The herd scattered; Raoula flattened herself to the ground, ears back, as the herd stampeded around her. She glimpsed the target deer and rose to chase it, dodging flying hooves and coughing in the dust. She hoped Velvet was ok, but there was no time to check. She broke away from the main herd and ran at the targeted deer, chasing it as it stood its' ground. However, as she neared, it broke and ran, even though they were only two wolves after it. She could see clearly that it limped, and as she drew up alongside it she nipped at its' flanks to herd it in the direction of the attackers. She hoped that somewhere behind her, Velvet was doing the same. She dodged kicking hooves every now and then and drove the creature in the right direction.

(Just thought I'd start off the hunt, not sure if I should have waited for Velvet's player to post but I think I did alright? Idk)

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Nyanunix (#11487)

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Posted on
2015-07-29 03:59:23
Kade || Female || 5 years || Undecided

Kade waited . . . waited . . . wait for it . . . GO. Bounding from the bushes she caught up to the doe and leaped at it. Trusting Raoula to take her hamstrings the she-wolf's full weight slammed into the side of the animal, making her stumble, but the doe did not fall. They were running side-by-side and Kade leaped for her quarry's throat and reveled in the sensation of her teeth sinking in through fur and skin. The salty tang of blood filled her mouth and the doe slowed, not able to drag the wolf along with her. She absolutely refused to fall, standing tall and strong even though a fully grown wolf was slowly tearing out her neck with one hundred and three pounds of muscle that rippled and heaved as her paws dug into the ground and she alternately went limp and pulled, trying to pull the deer down as she waited for either the doe to die or someone else to knock her down. Kade would have her kill.

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Dipper (#28104)

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Posted on
2015-07-29 04:14:58
Raoula|Female|4 years old|Undecided

Raoula leaped for the deer's hamstrings, biting into the back legs. The doe bucked and heaved; she could see that Kade had charged already and was attempting to kill the deer, but Raoula was sure one wolf alone couldn't bring her down. She tried to leap for the deer's throat herself but fell short, trying to avoid the flailing hooves. Kade was a strong wolf, but the doe did not fall. Raoula lunged again for the legs, biting deep and viciously. The doe tried to kick out at her, but couldn't attack her and Kade at the same time. The doe began to bleed, but kept bucking and attempting to pull free. Raoula leaped at its' flanks, inflicting wounds that slowly drained its' energy. Eventually, she was sure, another wolf would arrive and help them finish the kill. Velvet appeared to have been held up in the stampede, but Raoula figured she was probably unhurt and would arrive soon. She ripped into the deer's belly, but was met with furious kicking hooves, so backed away swiftly. Again and again she leaped, biting at the flanks and being dragged along as the doe moved slowly forwards.

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Rusty [Interstellar
4cel 4.5k] (#39276)

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Posted on
2015-07-29 04:16:12
Velvet || Female || 4 years || Undecided rank
Velvet’s appearance

Velvet’s tail wagged as Luna agreed to spend more time with her. She didn’t suspect anything more than the pup just being happy to learn from the older femme. ”Well if you do have any questions I’ll be happy to answer them after the hunt.” She turned to address the pack about following her if they wanted to be part of the driving team and got a response from Raoula.

”Okay, let’s go then,” she smiled at Raoula, glad the femme was accompanying her. There were plenty of strong wolves capable of attacking the herd, but Velvet was pleased to know that there was another wolf who favoured speed and agility in their newly formed pack. After all, it was only through balancing abilities that a pack was able to survive. In fact, that’s what made a wolf pack so strong. The femme’s ear flicked at Raoula’s growl and she chuckled, tail wagging. She was also excited for the hunt and had to resist yips and growls bubbling in her throat.

The silver femme waited, crouched in the shrubs with her packmate, as she watched the attacking group move into place. She saw the signal from the alpha just as Raoula sprang out. Not to be left behind, Velvet darted out, quickly drawing level with Raoula with a bit of space between them so the herd would have no choice but to run towards the attackers. Ahead she saw the attackers make their move, targeting a single doe. Velvet jumped to the side as a stag kicked out near her, luckily too far away to do any damage, and twisted through the panicked deer to make her way to the target prey.

Kade had latched onto the deer, seeming half crazed in Velvet’s view. The she-wolf didn’t have enough muscle to also latch on, so stuck at the left side of the deer’s rear. She snapped at its heels, driving it forward so that it would continue to tire itself out and be less able to resist the hunters. She panted, bounding along, tail wagging in excitement and stomach clenching at the thought of soon having a good meal. Packs couldn’t always take down prey, even well established ones. It was a good sign that such a new group of wolves was able to work together so efficiently. Velvet continued to run alongside the doe, waiting for the move of the next pack member.

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Nyanunix (#11487)

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Posted on
2015-07-29 04:30:47
Kade || Female || 5 years || Undecided

Kade slowly dragged the doe down as Velvet and Raoula tore at her flanks and legs and belly. Soon, the doe lay on her side, and the she-wolf tore a chunk out of her throat. She let go to get a better hold, letting the prey bleed out onto the grass. Soon it was dead, and Kade's anger was mostly gone. "Got one!" she called, so that the others would know. She glanced at Raoula and Velvet, looking both dead in the eye. "Good job!" she eventually said. "I haven't hunted like that in ages. Well, more like days, but same thing." Muzzle already wet with blood, Kade obeyed the demands of her body and ate, tearing off chunks and barely chewing before she swallowed. As her hunger was satisfied, Kade backed away from the kill to allow her packmates at the belly, which she'd been eating off of. She made an effort to leave enough so that everyone could eat well.

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Truthful Pride (#64473)

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Posted on
2015-07-29 09:52:39
Luna || Female || 1 year ||Pup

Luna nodded to both Kade and Remington as though told her to watch, but Luna had better plans on her mind. While the rest of them were ready to leap out Luna continued to scan the herd of deer in the clearing when she spotted a 10 point buck, head high in the air tail flicking as a warning signal. Luna grinned and the went back to waiting for Kade.

Before she knew it Kade was after the doe in the clearing followed by Rauola helping in the attack and Velvet making her way through the stampede. Right as it seemed they had killed the doe and gotten under control Luna howled and barked leaping out from the bushes straight towards the buck. She quickly dashed over the buck barking and snarling flashing her teeth, but to her surprise he was not amused and was not phased by her. She continued growling until the buck pointed his head down in her direction and started to charge her. Luna quickly yelped running toward Ktade, Rauola , and Velvet. As she ran past them through bushes the buck was still after her, but changed his focus on Velvet. The buck now was within a second from piercing his antlers into Velvet. Luna quickly turned to see the buck and Velvet. Luna worried yelped and curled up into the bushes realizing what she had done.

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Astraia (#62667)

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Posted on
2015-07-29 10:11:07
Elihu|Male| 3 years old| Undecided

Elihu watched startled as his pack members took off without him. He flicked his ears back angrily and snarled to himself You were supposed to wait and make sure everyone was ready before you tried to make a kill. It was called teamwork. Oh well, nothing he could change now.
The massive black wolf took off through the grass and watched as the herd scattered. Kade, Velvet, and Raoula seemed to have separated the target doe from the herd and Elihu watched as Kade somehow managed to bring down the doe without help from him and Azazel. He cocked an eyebrow and ran to the kill.

Just as he was nearing the three he noticed something in the corner of his eye. Luna was charging a buck! He leapt through the grass and immediately changed directions as he watched the buck chase Luna. Furious, the silver speckled male growled and barked for the pup to move. Foolish pup! What were you thinking?! He thought to himself. As he got closer to the ten point buck, Elihu watched stunned as the animal changed course and began to charge at Velvet instead. Frantically Elihu changed directions again and sped back towards the group. He howled a warning, "Look out! Velvet! Run!" He could feel his muscles burning as he pushed himself faster and faster until he was ahead of the buck, his long legs pounding the ground. The huge black wolf turned and watched as he got the buck's attention. "Over here!" He cried, distracting the beast. He snapped his jaws and slowed to a halt as the buck turned to face him. He snarled, low and long as the animal pawed the ground.

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Edited on 29/07/15 by Astraia (#62667)

Nature Paw (#64491)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2015-07-29 10:11:47
Remington || Male || 4 years || Alpha
Remington's Face Remington's Body(more muscle though)

As Remington stood and watched as Kade leaped out of the bushes and started after the doe he also saw Velvet and Rauola. He was watching every muscle, every move, everything they did he would see. He saw the initial struggle with the stubborn doe and snickered in amusement. As the had finally killed the doe as she lay still he was shocked by what happened next. He rose his head high in the air with his ears forward his jaw dropping a bit, "Luna! WHAT on Earth are you doing, stop! Get back here!" She ignored his calls. He continued to stay on the sidelines leaving it to her as that is what he told them all he would do, not interfere.

This buck though was very large and seemed like a guy not to mess with. Right as he saw the buck lower his head at Luna he growled and barked at Luna to run. Remington's muscles tensed up as the thrill ran through his veins. He was not sure if the buck would stop or not. As Luna ran into the bushes he saw the deer turn his attention to Velvet and barked loudly running quickly into the opening before the buck could reach her. He noticed Elihu trying to get the buck's attention although the buck still was worrying the way he kept looking to Velvet. Right before the buck reached her he ran into the buck's side with all of his weight knocking it over onto its side. Remington stood in a fierce stance in front of Velvet growling barring his teeth at the buck. As he stood there flashing his teeth the buck continued to test him by charging but stopping before his antlers met him. Remington getting annoyed with his prey barked loudly, saliva dripping from his jaws nipped at the bucks feet circling him. The buck got confused and quickly left leaving Remington there breathing deeply, still full of anger, worry, love, and protection.

He turned to Velvet not sure what to say and started off walking back to the bushes nodding to Elihu, Kade and Rauola as he passed, "Nice kill guys, great teamwork, and thank you Elihu for being brave" He looked around for Luna and didn't see her and sighed shaking his head reaching the bushes and sitting down licking the drool up from his muzzle.

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Edited on 29/07/15 by Nature Paw [Alpha] (#64491)

Rusty [Interstellar
4cel 4.5k] (#39276)

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Posted on
2015-07-29 10:35:30
Velvet || Female || 4 years || Undecided rank
Velvet’s appearance

Velvet cheered internally as the doe finally stopped its struggles and the females were able to bring it down. She panted, buzzing with the thrill of the hunt, as Kade bent down to tear at the kill. She thought it was only fair that the other wolf was left to eat her fill since she’d taken the majority of the impacts from the deer. Velvet looked over at Raoula with a grin on her face. ”We worked pretty well together, huh?” She enjoyed the hunt, although was still in shock that Kade had essentially pulled an entire doe down herself. It wasn’t every wolf that was able to do something like that. Certainly the largest thing Velvet could hunt alone was a young fawn, and even then she only had a fifty percent success rate.

As Kade stepped back Velvet prepared to move in, looking forward to finally sinking her teeth into the succulent flesh before her. She’d got the taste of blood in her mouth from nipping at the doe’s heels and wouldn’t be able to shake the desire for more until she’d eaten her fill. Suddenly her attention was snapped away as she heard Elihu howling at her to run. Confused, she spun around to see chaos had broken out behind her. A ten point stag was charging straight for her, Elihu pushing forward and attempting to get the beast’s attention.

Velvet froze, eyes wide. The stag had built up too much speed for her to try and outrun it and there was no way she was powerful enough to stop it in its tracks. She whimpered, unable to comprehend what was happening. Stags never attacked wolves unless provoked. Their priority was to get the herd out of the danger area, leaving whoever fell behind to the mercy of the predators. Why was it targeting her? It made no sense. Shaking slightly, she drew herself up taller, suddenly making a snap decision. There was no way she could escape it, so the least she could do was keep its attention on her, giving Kade and Raoula the chance to get away unharmed.

The stag got closer, and closer. The femme shut her eyes, ears back, waiting for the blow. It never came. Slowly, she reopened her eyes. She gasped; Remington had appeared and was positioning himself between her and the buck, snarling. The beast seemed shaken so he must have literally crashed into it. There’s no other way it could have been stopped. ”Remington,” her voice broke as words failed her. He’d put his life on the line to stop the stag and was even now facing it off, in real danger.

Luckily the alpha managed to confuse the creature enough that it gave up, obviously coming to its senses and realising that whatever had spooked it was no danger. She watched in a slight daze as it trotted away, back to the herd stood watching from a distance. When she came back to she realised Remington had already moved away. Velvet shook her pelt out, as though the action would shake the remaining adrenaline out of her body, and quickly left the kill to follow the male back into the bushes.

The femme found him sat alone a short way from the kill and slowly approached him. ”Remington, I…” she paused, once again unable to find the words. Instead she moved to sit beside him, leaning into him. She began to lick his shoulder, grooming the fur where it had become slightly messed up from the encounter. She bumped the top of her head against the underside of his chin, resting her nose against the thick fur at the base of his throat. ”Thank you,” she told him, ”I have no idea what happened out there to make the buck do that, but you saved my life.” The kill had been quickly forgotten as she tried to show him was grateful she was for his actions.

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Hex (#41384)

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Posted on
2015-07-29 12:06:05
|| Twist || Female || 4 Years || Omega || Going Hunting // Doing ... Stuffs || Remazall, Elist, and Azazade forever <3 ||

During the turmoil of the explosive hunt, a fawn had been separated from the herd, panicing and running/scrambling/sliding strait towards Twist. Her eyes filled with a mild terror, imagining the doe rushing back and trambling her. She had no reason to be afraid, however, because the rest of the herd had fled when the pack had sprung from the bushes. The fawn skidded to a halt when it realized the jaws to which it's path was headed all too late, and Twist sunk her teeth into it's soft, delicate throat. It couldn't have been more than a few days old, it's legs still shaky and uncertain of the world. When it's thrashing ceased, she withdrew, realizing with some surprise that the fawn's sharp hooves had created a rather large gash on her side, and she lets out a low whimper, though not a particurally pathetic one.

"Aw shit... Of course. My first hunt with my new pack and I manage to injure myself! How typical. And just look at me now, talking to myself. Very lovely indeed. I'm sure it'll cause much respect to be paid, aren't we? Oh yes. Now I seem to be rambling to myself. Very ladylike." She muses, chuckling. How fitting that even now she was completely useless.

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Nyanunix (#11487)

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Posted on
2015-07-29 12:38:43
Kade || Female || 5 years old || Unranked

Kade's face promised absolute murder, or at least a ton of anger. "Velvet! Are you alright?" she asked, rushing to the other female's side. She didn't look injured. "I swear, I'm going to kill Luna for that fool stunt! What was she thinking?" Then, the bloody, really pissed wolf whipped around and followed the trail Luna had left. She found her quickly and gave her no chance to escape before she clamped her jaws around the looser skin on the nape of her neck and dragged her to the clearing using nothing but her adrenaline strength, left over from the hunt and the anger.

Dropping the pup at Remington's paws, she growled. "Luna. You have just endangered a packmate's life, and nearly got our alpha killed in the process of saving her. You also ignored a direct order from both myself and Remington. What do you have to say for yourself?!" Her voice was a mix of disgust, disappointment, and rage. This was the voice she used when she was alpha on those who caused trouble. It was a voice of power. The voice of the alpha she may not be in this pack, but that would always reside in her soul.

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Dipper (#28104)

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Posted on
2015-07-29 14:59:28
Raoula|Female|4 years old|Undecided

Raoula stood panting after the triumph of the kill. She began to dig in once Velvet had moved away, but didn't get to eat for long before she heard sounds of a commotion. She looked up and backed away, horrified, as she saw a massive stag charging straight at Velvet. What had provoked that stag to charge? She didn't know, but it wasn't important. Raoula readied herself to intervene if she had to, but before she could do so Remington intercepted the stag, stopping it from trampling Velvet. The stag went back to the herd and Raoula allowed her breathing to slow. Then she noticed Luna run under some bushes. What was that pup doing here? It took her a minute to connect the dots. She stared in shock at the pup as Kade dragged her back out. How could she have provoked the stag into chasing Velvet?

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Nature Paw (#64491)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2015-07-29 23:52:45
Remington || Male || 4 years || Alpha
Remington's Face Remington's Body(more muscle though)

Remington sat looking at the ground deep in thought. He never planned on showing is ability like that. He always worried of putting fear into another's eyes. When he saw Velvet come towards him he felt warmer inside and lifted his head. As she came beside him rubbing on him and being affectionate he could help but share is feelings as well. He turned his head to her licking her cheek and by her ear as his tail wagged along the ground as he nipped lightly at her shoulder. "Don't thank me, thats my job, why would I allow someone to get hurt. I just shouldn't have interfered I am sure Elihu would have handled it or Raoula. I just couldn't let anything happen to you is all." Remington's nose twitched and his ears flicked as he heard commontion coming towards them.

Kade came before him and dropped Luna at his feet, Remington stood up and looked down at her. As he heard Kade getting at her he growled and barked at Kade to back off, "Kade! I will handle it, thats enough!" Remington stood high above Luna as the pup was whimpering still. He took a deep sigh before speaking, "Luna what were you thinking? What was your plan? Did you want the buck to go after Velvet like that! You could have hurt yourself and others. Now don't worry about me I know my own strengths I wasn't in danger okay? Please tell me what you were doing and why? As you can tell some of us here are to pleased with your actions." Inside Remington was upset that Velvet could be dead, but he knew he was talking to a pup and that there must be something going on and a reason behind it. Luna had the bravery to do what she did, but that bravery was backed up with wit.

As Remington stood tall over Luna waiting to see her response he couldn't help but to start to think about the way Velvet had shown her affection. He felt warm inside and couldn't help it that his tail slowly wagged in response to his thoughts. He snapped out of it and looked up at the carcass and walked pass Luna looking down at her as he went to the clearing. He dug his teeth deep into the warm flesh of the doe and rip of a god chunk of meat and sat down putting the meat at his paws. "Come and take some meat guys we shouldn't stay in this clearing at dark and attract attention to ourselves with a kill. Take what is your and what you can carry, leave as little left as we can." Remington had been in this clearing before many nights and run into animals driven by hunger and the need to kill. He waited for everyone to come and get the part of the doe so we could head back from where we came and so tomorrow they could head out on their journey.

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Edited on 30/07/15 by Nature Paw [Alpha] (#64491)

Truthful Pride (#64473)

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Posted on
2015-07-30 01:33:51
Luna|Female|1 year|Pup

Luna's tial was between her legs and her ears flat as can be. She whimpered and cried as Kade yelled at her and brought her to Remington. She remained curled in a ball and couldn't look him in the eyes. As he spoke he wanted to know what she was doing and why. How could I answer that she thought. I was being accused of purposely provoking the buck to charge Velvet, but thats not true!

Luna cried as she fought everything and looked up at Velvet and to Remington, "I am sorry! So sorry! I swear I did not mean for any of this to happen I wouldn't do that to Velvet! I just want to show you I am more than a useless mouth to feed. I wanted to show you I was brave and could kill a buck myself, but my plan didn't work! I had no idea it would go after Velvet I just wanted to get away from him. I am so sorry, sorry to everyone especially you Velvet." Ashamed she put her head down and kept quiet, she heard Remington walk away and tell everyone to grab some of the doe. Luna didn't want to budge, she didn't deserve any of that kill she just wanted to get back and sleep. Besides she had eaten this morning she could wait until tomorrow. All she wants to do is get back and go to sleepsleep is all she wanted.

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