Posted by Draw To Adopt ( CLOSED )

Michimoo (#63028)

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Posted on
2015-08-16 14:04:41
So I made a design i Thought about selling but I'm going to make it a draw to adopt instead for all the talented artists out there ;^;

the rules are fairly simple ;3;
- do not claim the design as your own
- do not retrace this art
- just don't steal in any way
(real rules to the DTA)
- Must make a cool back story!! Bio, story small, background to it!
- Must be your own drawing. NO LINEART!! I want to see your style!

the best backstory/drawing will win the design ^-^
DTA ends on the 22th! so get to it ^^


OPPs omgosh Sorry! I was busy.. so busy -_-


Kendyl (#56781)!!!
For her amazing and very interesting back story! I just love how creative you went with his!
and must I say your art style is so beautiful, and every little detail is so perfect! You are very talented!

Thank you every who entered! And sorry if you did not win this :( , but I'm glad so many wonderful writers and artists took apart in this activity

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Edited on 24/08/15 by Artisticks (#63028)

Fauve (CL Ferus -
Semi-Hiatus) (#12205)

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Posted on
2015-08-17 23:42:11
So adorable! :D

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Michimoo (#63028)

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Posted on
2015-08-18 03:53:37
@flying sure I dont mind ^^
@the roleplayer go ahead :P
@ jess I'm not judging by JUST art, I want this design to go to a good home that will include him/her as part of their OC family

@miss fauve Thank you ;3;

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beastiekat (#19369)

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Posted on
2015-08-18 06:23:40

Click for the picture's page!

Here's my entry, I hope it's okay that it's traditional and that the quality of the camera doesn't have to be 100% perfect. It was a bit difficult finding the right lighting, it's hard to get it in my house.

I don't really have a story to go with it, but this guy reminds me so much of Crash Bandicoot because of the crystals on its back. Plus, even though Crash is a bandicoot, he looks so much like a fox, and foxes are canines. I hope that made sense, ahaha.

Whoever wins, I will gladly give you this piece of art for free since it will be your new character. I will private message it to you so you won't forget to ask or anything.

Good luck everyone. <3

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Edited on 18/08/15 by Jess Hemmings (#19369)

Michimoo (#63028)

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Posted on
2015-08-18 11:15:45
@jess hemmings Thank you so much for your entry! this is going to be hard to pick! I love the pose you drew him in ^^

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Ace of Yokai (#59342)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-08-19 10:56:06
The picture >o<

I was slightly rushed an finished in just over an hour. I wish I added more detail, but slowly falling asleep x_x I also regret not including the crystals ;o;

And like Jess, ^^ Whoever wins can have my picture c:

First shot at anthro owo

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Edited on 19/08/15 by Ace of Yokai (#59342)

Michimoo (#63028)

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Posted on
2015-08-19 11:05:17
looks awesome! thank you for your entry! Do you have a story to go with it? @Ace

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Ace of Yokai (#59342)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-08-19 11:09:04
No, I might be able to make one later if I don't fall asleep. ;∆;

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Michimoo (#63028)

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Posted on
2015-08-19 12:37:50
Alright ^^ no rush! @Ace

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Pan Pan (#57012)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2015-08-19 16:19:02
*wipes away sweat*

I managed to finish it! I am so proud too..

So, here it is :3

I'm honestly so proud of it..

The horse running alongside him is Zelda, a horse from my HARPG stable :3

Story time:
Atlas raced against his friend Zelda, his eyes revealing his competitive spirit. He romped and played, his energy was that of a pups when he was racing around. He skidded to a halt at the end of the pasture, raising his head high in the air triumphantly. He howled playfully, smiling at Zelda. She approached him, her head lowered to the same level as his, and she sniffed at him. Zelda reared teasingly at him, before racing around nearby, her tail high, and mane flowing in the wind. When she reached Atlas again, he was on his back, belly-up with his tongue lolling out of his mouth. The sun was high in the sky, a representation of the afternoon. Zelda smiled at Atlas, and laid herself down on the grass.

"Do you really have to go back?" Zelda asked, her voice silvery and soft.

Atlas smiled again, and let the words roll off his tongue "I will be back again, Zelda, but I must return to my mistress.."

Zelda huffed and sneezed at his statement, the young mare could be quite impatient when it came to playing. Atlas chuckled, although he was only a small sum older than Zelda, he felt like he was wiser. He did live with Gods and Godesses after all.

Atlas laid in the sun until he felt the call of his mistress to return home, he sighed and allowed himself to be transported to Olympus, right by her side.

"Oh Atlas, about time you showed up" the goddess poked fun at her companion, as she patted the seat just beside her.

The canine woofed softly, and trotted up to the chair. It had a red padding where he was to sit, and was a gleaming silver, with a full moon that seemed to be made of mist just above it. The moon shone a silvery glow around his and his mistress' seats. He looked up at her, happy to be in her presence. They had a bond that was more than just human and dog, they had something more. They were bonded spiritually, and Atlas was to be her companion until the day they both would die. Which would not be for a long long while. She was a goddess after all..

The day ran on quickly, and he aided his mistress with her daily activities. The moon had taken it's place high in the sky, when he decided to retire for the night.


His mind was ridden with nightmares. Olympus was falling, the world was in shambles, and there was this incessant laughing. He had lost his mistress, and he was in darkness. When he woke up, he heard yelling, he heard the voices of the other gods and goddesses companions screeching, pleading for help. Maybe Atlas' nightmare was more than just a nightmare..

Maybe he really was going to lose his mistress..

And just as this thought crossed his mind, the floor gave away beneath him, and he was falling.

I hope my background-less picture is okay :/

If it's really a problem, just PM me, and I can whip one up <3

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Edited on 25/08/15 by ~* Panda Senpai *~ Side (#57012)

avery (#56781)

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Posted on
2015-08-19 20:24:49
Link to the picture in my deviantart stash is here.

[ Story ]

The first thing he can remember is smelling smoke, even though he didn't know what it was at the time. He was barely two weeks old and nestled close to his mother's belly. He had no siblings and no memories of his father, and his mother never spoke of him.

She raised him to be afraid of the tunnels outside the cave they were in, "You'll get lost too quickly, and when you stop, before you can even think to go back the way you came, you'll be dead." But she never said what would kill him. He didn't need a full explanation, for as he grew he noticed a stench that could only fit a monster, and if he listened closely at night, he could hear nails scraping on rock and low growls.

He was a few months old when his mother explained things to him. She told him about the crystals above his shoulder and back, and about the symbols that were on the rocks of the walls. She told him about the cave system- no, the labyrinth -and about how to really survive, not just drink water that dripped from the ceiling or catch bats that appeared outside their cave. She said that he had to get out, to find the surface and take back the Earth from the monsters that lived up there.

Months later, she grew anxious. The monsters on the other side of the rocks in their cave had started to become restless, and he could hear nails dragging down walls even when he wasn't going to sleep. They were hungry, his mother explained, since she and him had managed to avoid being killed by them. So she decided it was time for everything to happen, for them to leave so that he could make it, so that he could survive. Before she slipped through a gap in the wall, the one they used to get their food, she gave him his name: Koen- brave.

He waited for hours, staring at the marks on the rocks before he left. He could hear growls echoing off the walls, a thousand times louder than they had been before. He didn't know which way to go- his mother had said that he would just know what the right thing to do was -so he let his paws lead him through the tunnels of the labyrinth, getting turned around more times than he could count, but he never stopped running, for if he did he would surely die. At one point, he came to an open cave with more paths than there should have been, and if he had gone another way or just kept going straight, then he wouldn't have stopped, but he did.

The monsters seemed to materialize from the shadows, and he had barely seen one's eyes when he realized he was going to be killed, because that's what happens when you stop in the labyrinth. But nothing happened. When he opened his eyes again, he realized he wasn't alone, but it wasn't a monster- at least, not one he had ever known before. The other canine was taller than him by a few feet, and Koen couldn't tell if his pelt was moving or if his eyes were playing tricks on him. The stranger pushed him toward one tunnel, and soon enough the two were running. The blue-eyed canine didn't say anything as they ran, still shocked that he hadn't died as soon as he had stopped. But the stranger did explain- he told him that he had been in there for what seemed like years and had grown used to everything in there, but had never gotten out.

Whenever they stopped, the shadow-mutt as Koen started to call him, would guard them from the monsters that lurked in the tunnels, waiting until they could move again. They would get out if it took them years to do it.


I hope the story is okay. x3 Also, sorry if the picture's colors are too dark. They look fine on my laptop but sometimes the screen makes things look paler than they actually are and messes up colors a lot. Also if I don't get him, then the person who does can definitely keep the picture as a gift!

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Edited on 20/08/15 by Kendyl (#56781)

Michimoo (#63028)

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Posted on
2015-08-20 00:45:22
@~* Panda Senpai *~ I love the story! and the artwork is so good! Thank you for entering ^^

@Kendyl That drawing is fabulous! Like omgoshh, and the lighting on it is perfectly fine! I just adore the story, thank you for your entry!

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Mots - RP Loved🏒 (#5378)

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Posted on
2015-08-20 01:13:22
Crap... Why do days have to fly by and the only day I have to work on it is the day the contest ends?

I don't stand a chance anyway...

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Michimoo (#63028)

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Posted on
2015-08-20 01:14:49
Oh come on Mots! you could at least try? who knows> you could win??

and I forgot to change it, It ends the 22nd ! ^^

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Tasha (#39574)

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Posted on
2015-08-24 00:28:00
Oops, I missed it. Good luck to all the entries! If you do something similar could you PM me?

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beastiekat (#19369)

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Posted on
2015-08-24 05:19:09

This ended 2 days ago...? o:

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