Posted by ::Biohazard RP Thread::

GalacticRing (#68231)

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Posted on
2015-12-13 09:41:57

OOC Thread :)

The year is... Well, that really doesn't matter, does it? All that you need to know is that something is WRONG. Why would someone start an organization like this? We've started to call it "Biohazard" thanks to that symbol they put everywhere...

They haven't hurt anyone, yet, though.... Maybe they mean well? They don't seem happy with the government's actions, or what the scientists have done...

Who do you support? Do you think that this government is fine how it is, with the higher classes protecting the lower?

Or are you okay with possible revolution? Will you stand beside it and embrace a new society?


The setting is a small town surrounded by woods inhabited by elves, the tribes few and far apart. Some humans live in settlements outside the town in the woods, alone. They are shut-ins and don't like to be messed with. Sometimes they come into town and sell things.

Weather: Clear. No sign of rain.

Season: Spring. Not too hot, not too cold.

Feeling in the air: Strangely tense. Don't tell me it's about that stupid injection again??


At a politics debate in the middle of town, a figure was caught on video. The figure's identity is unknown, as well as age, gender, height, ect. Their face was hidden by a gas mask and they wore a hood. They quickly fled, but they left a Biohazard mark on the wall they were next to, spray painted on. It's the talk of the town.

Biohazard set off a bomb, injuring a few people. People are already pointing fingers at the elven races. After all, haven't they always hated humans? The elven tribes might not take kindly to this once they find out...

The government is offering rewards for people who wish to help in investigations and whoever can give logical evidence to the actions of Biohazard. The explosion has put the spotlight on them even more than before...

This action wasn't smart.

A member of Biohazard's eyes glow bright red.

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Edited on 28/12/15 @ 18:58:36 by Adamymous ☣ (#68231)

Keezy B (#77898)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-12-27 14:55:07
Town|Mentions: Emriose

Kenia watched him as he walked off to the woods. She glanced over at the other elf, but didn't say anything, she figured Emriose would be back soon anyhow. She shifted her weight over to one leg and tapped her other foot gently on the ground. After a few minutes she began to get worried, although she hadn't heard anything in the forest, there was no telling what had happened. She was going to stay waiting there, until she seen a large crowd of humans coming her way, they seemed very angry, and she didn't want to be the one they took it out on, so she quickly flapped her wings, gaining some altitude, and flying just above the trees of the forest. It took her a few seconds to find Emriose, but she did, and she landed a few feet away from him. From up above she could tell there was someone else with him, but she didn't know who. As she walked over to the two of them she noticed that the other was dead, and also a human. She could also tell by how pale the human was that he had been dead for a little while, she also observed a piece of fabric over his neck, which was a dark red, which she assumed was blood. "You didn't do that did you?" She already knew the answer, but she had to be sure.

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Windsparkle (#16196)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2015-12-27 15:18:27
((Oh keezy btw his bame is emrios :P ))

Emrios || 23-25 || elf || Forest || mentions: kenia

He heard Kenia's voice and it broke his concentration. I didnt even notice she was near me.. when did she get here?, he thought. Embryos looked up and met her eyes, "No, I didnt, under different circumstances I might have just left him here to die, but with the bomb and his body lying here... and you most likely being the first elves they meet...." he let his voice trail off letting the conclusion sink in. "If the humans were to find his body here on the main road...its going to cause more trouble for us." He sighed, looked down for a moment at his bloodstained hands before standing ip from his crouched position. "... the best thing I can think of is dumping this body in the oil spill site. Humans dont usually traverse that area..." he, his iridescent eyes meeting hers.

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Edited on 27/12/15 @ 22:47:03 by Windsparkle (#16196)

Keezy B (#77898)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-12-27 15:24:08
(Wow, sorry, I really don't know where I got the e from, I apologize. lol)

Town|Mentions: Emrios

She nodded, "Thought so." She listened to all he had to say, he was right, if the humans found his body it would just make everything worse for them. There was no way she was just going to let that happen, "Yeah, you're right. We need to move his body, I'll help you." She walked closer to the human's corpse, she closed his eyes and tied the fabric around his neck so the wound would stay covered. "We can make it look like an accident too, that would help. We could cover the wound entirely and make it look like something else happened." She shrugged and looked up at Emrios, waiting for his response.

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Windsparkle (#16196)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2015-12-27 15:38:40
((Haha its fine I noticed something other characters call I me that too..))
Emrios || 23-25 || elf || forest || mentions: kenia

"Yeah that would help," he said. Covering the wound would erase this man's presence... hopefully. He grabbed the mans arm, and hefted him up on his back. Then he looked at the small amount of blood on the road. "We can fix him up towards the oil site.. so bystanders dont see us. I think ive seen an old abandoned hut near there too, so if we need to we can raid it", he grinned, and then asked with a teasing tone in his voice, "just make sure to tell me if his head falls off" he glanced at the blood. I hope there wont be much of a blood trail... Emrios waited to make sure Kenia was ready.

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Edited on 27/12/15 @ 22:40:56 by Windsparkle (#16196)

Keezy B (#77898)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-12-27 15:47:44
Town|Mentions: Emrios

She chuckled and followed him down the road, "Sure thing." She watched as a few drops of blood fell from the wound. "Hold up." She said and tore a piece of fabric from her hoodie, overlapping it over the other fabric, "That should hold more of the blood." She looked up at Emrios once again, this time smiling. "I'll watch out for other elves or humans." She flapped her wings a few times and flew above him, just under the tree tops, keeping watch.

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Windsparkle (#16196)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2015-12-27 15:59:53
Emrios || elf || 23-25 || forest/oil spill|| kenia

"Thanks," he nodded to Kenia. He walked as swiftly as he could with a human male on his back. It was an awkward bulky package at best, an overweight octopus at worst. After about a thirty minute walk, signs started to mark how close they were.the plant life started to look brown, and then the foliage disappeared altogether, the ground was oily. It was a foreign substance and it was unnatural. Emrios dumped the man down and then the hut caught his attention.

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Keezy B (#77898)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-12-27 16:04:46
Town|Mentions: Emrios

Kenia delicately landed beside him, "Well, there's no one around, so we should be safe here, at least for a while." She smiled and looked over to the hut. "We bringing him there?" She asked as she grabbed one of the human's arms, throwing it over her shoulder and barely flying over the ground, just so she was Emrios' height so that she could take some of the weight off of him.

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Windsparkle (#16196)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2015-12-27 16:51:50
A slightly sheen of sweat glistening on Emrios' body. "Yeah that'll do, and thanks for flying" he said with a faint smile. He wasnt super tired but it had served as a warm up. "So how should we fake it? I tend to be bad at camoflauging in general... so your the boss of this one," he looked at her waiting for Kenia's response. He noticed her butterfly wings.. they look delicate he thought. They were shimmery blue green, and And then he looked at the house, "tell me what you need and I'll get the items", he nodded, his expression serious once more. i hope no one's in.. with any luck I'll be in and out, he thought. Emrios had only been here once but he was hothead right now. He was itching for a rush to take at least some slight edge off his annoyance.

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Edited on 28/12/15 @ 00:11:01 by Windsparkle (#16196)

Keezy B (#77898)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-12-27 17:01:34
Town|Mentions: Emrios

"No problem." She said taking a deep breath as they put the corpse down, she looked over his body, "Well, we could make it look like he killed himself, which would probably be the best option, that way we'd only need a knife or something similar, and we can cut one of his wrists too, while his blood'll still run." She looked back at Emrios and stood up straight, still looking over the body. She uncovered the wound on his neck, "So he was trying to kill himself and it wasn't going fast enough, so he slit his throat." She smirked, it was a pretty good cover story if she had to say so herself, especially considering where they were going to leave him, all alone in the oil spill, where no one barely goes.

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Windsparkle (#16196)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2015-12-27 17:21:02
Emrios nodded, "that'd be a good cover story" he said. Then he looked at her, "do you have a dagger on you.. feel free to add any more cuts." The sword he had usually on his back had been wrapped around his waist while he had been carrying the man. He grabbed a dagger on the inside lining of his tunic and cut one of the man's wrists. Even though this man was dead, a fair amount of blood poured out. "... we're going to need alcohol to get this smell off of us.." he said

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Keezy B (#77898)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-12-27 17:29:47
Forest|Mentions: Emrios

She nodded and pulled out her own dagger that she had on the inside of her boot, "You can go ahead and look for some alcohol, and anything else useful you find in there, I'll finish this up." She smiled at him before adding a few cuts here and there on the human's body. Once she was done she stood up once again looking over the body, she didn't want to move it, because there was blood under the body and it would make a trail, so she just left it and waited to see what Emrios would find.

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Windsparkle (#16196)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2015-12-27 17:34:02
((Now w'ere going to have to wait for charlie))
Emrios | elf | 23-25 | oil spill Charlie's house | mentions: charlie, kenia

(will post later as im on my phone)

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GalacticRing (#68231)

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Posted on
2015-12-28 00:20:28
(OOC: Guys, you have to wait until someone else posts instead of just posting back and forth. I posted something about this in the OOC chat and how it is becoming a rule now.)

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Hawkmask (#41743)

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Posted on
2015-12-28 02:28:57
Eldrin||22||She/Her||Elf||Ice Summoning

Location: Forest||Mentions: Emrios, Kenia

"I'm Eldrin..." She told them, then watched as the male rushed off into the forest. Soon after, she heard a group of humans approaching the area where she and the aerial, who had not given her name either, and she only hesitating moments before following the other deeper into the woods. El came upon the others with a human body.

Silently, she stood near them, watching the surrounding area for people. Their actions didn't need to be explained to her; if the humans found out an elf had killed the man the unrest against the elves would escalate. The pale elf didn't touch the man though, deciding to leave the actual disguising to them.

(Guys, I know I wasn't on for two days, but Eldrin was trying to have a conversation and you guys just rushed your characters off... I'd really appreciate it if you could be a little more patient... Thanks..)

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GalacticRing (#68231)

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Posted on
2015-12-28 11:57:00

In the place where the bomb was place, the police have uncovered evidence of who the bomber might be. Evidence of who Biohazard might be. A surveillance camera caught video of the person planting the bomb, which was overlooked by the security officer on duty. The person wasn't very big, about elf sized, and easily set it up a few days prior to the explosion.

The explosives used primitive materials, common in the forests and in trash littered by humans, often picked up by elves. The fingers, of course, point all back to the elves on the news stations reporting this information, and they showed the video of the person over and over and over...

A figure, smaller than average human size, walked over to the wall, setting down a heavy object, now identified as a bomb. They took out a spray-paint can and painted the symbol onto a nearby wall, just as it always had been. The bomb was placed under a dumpster, one that had been abandoned but never disposed of. They, for a split second, took off the mask and glanced over their shoulder at the camera. No facial features could be identified, but... Their eyes were caught, in shockingly bright color against the dim light in the area.

The person's eyes were literally bright red in an eerie light.

The person put the mask back on, gathered the stuff, and left without a trace.

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