Posted by ::Biohazard RP Thread::

GalacticRing (#68231)

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Posted on
2015-12-13 09:41:57

OOC Thread :)

The year is... Well, that really doesn't matter, does it? All that you need to know is that something is WRONG. Why would someone start an organization like this? We've started to call it "Biohazard" thanks to that symbol they put everywhere...

They haven't hurt anyone, yet, though.... Maybe they mean well? They don't seem happy with the government's actions, or what the scientists have done...

Who do you support? Do you think that this government is fine how it is, with the higher classes protecting the lower?

Or are you okay with possible revolution? Will you stand beside it and embrace a new society?


The setting is a small town surrounded by woods inhabited by elves, the tribes few and far apart. Some humans live in settlements outside the town in the woods, alone. They are shut-ins and don't like to be messed with. Sometimes they come into town and sell things.

Weather: Clear. No sign of rain.

Season: Spring. Not too hot, not too cold.

Feeling in the air: Strangely tense. Don't tell me it's about that stupid injection again??


At a politics debate in the middle of town, a figure was caught on video. The figure's identity is unknown, as well as age, gender, height, ect. Their face was hidden by a gas mask and they wore a hood. They quickly fled, but they left a Biohazard mark on the wall they were next to, spray painted on. It's the talk of the town.

Biohazard set off a bomb, injuring a few people. People are already pointing fingers at the elven races. After all, haven't they always hated humans? The elven tribes might not take kindly to this once they find out...

The government is offering rewards for people who wish to help in investigations and whoever can give logical evidence to the actions of Biohazard. The explosion has put the spotlight on them even more than before...

This action wasn't smart.

A member of Biohazard's eyes glow bright red.

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Edited on 28/12/15 @ 18:58:36 by Adamymous ☣ (#68231)

Khoshekh [Main] (#68944)

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Posted on
2015-12-15 09:47:18
Blair Hyde || 25 || She/Her || Human with Powers || Ice Bending
Town || Samicus

Blair let out a small chuckle to his statement, about the town, and took her hand back, shoving it back inside her jacket's pocket. "Ha, considering the whole Biohazard fuss, I doubt the place will remain too boring." The girl spoke, her voice had a taint of joke put on to it. About his height, she was used to looking up to people. As said before, her family has a few tall people on it. She guessed he probably was as tall as her mother, who stood at a height of 6" 4'. And she was not even the tallest, who actually was her mother's older brother. Even though, Blair never got to meet him. It seems he died a few years before she was even born.

"Anyway, care to accompany me? I really don't enjoy being alone around the town." Blair said, turning around without another word and heading to the café. She spun around, to check if he was following or not. "C'mon, you're slower than a turtle." She joked, grinning in a rather smug way. Blair can be a playful person at times, almost childish we could say. It's a bit rare from her, though. She tends to remain serious in most situations, and only show this side of her to known people. But hey, better act cool when meeting someone. That way, or atleast /she/ believes, gaining the trust of someone is a little easier. Besides. Getting a friend, being new to the place, would not hurt. And as far as she knew, nobody from her family was around this town... And this 'Samicus' guy seemed to be a bit alone. So, why not? As long as he does not enrage (which is not too difficult) her, it'll be fine.

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Hawkmask (#41743)

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Posted on
2015-12-15 10:03:47
Eldrin||23||She/Her||Elf||Ice Summoning
Town||Mentions: Charlie, Quén

Eldrin glanced at a tall woman with an afro as she came over, but ignoredher as she went away quickly. She nodded in agreement with the person as she glanced at the screen; baseball. Not only was it hard for her to get over the concept that some people just played games for a living, but those seemed insignificant compared to the mystery of Biohazard. Humans were so unfocused.

Her small grin returned when the person told her that they didn't see why she was stared at, and that she seemed normal. El was pretty far from normal. Not only was everything about her coloring pale, almost washed out, but she knew that she didn't really belong anywhere. "Really? I guess its not as obvious as I thought." She laughed.

The elf pushed her pale hair behind her right ear, revealing that it was pointed. "Most people I've met have never even seen an elf, so they all stare, at first anyway." Eldrin didn't really feel like explaining why other elves stare at her, so skipped it, deciding that the human could wonder about why she had left. "I'm Eldrin, its nice to meet you."

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GalacticRing (#68231)

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Posted on
2015-12-15 12:24:04
Charlie || ??? || They/Them || Human || N/A
Town (TV store) || Mentions: Eldrin

"Ah, that'd explain it. I thought I recognized the features." Charlie paused, holding out a hand themself. "... Charlie. That's what they call me."

They glanced around for a moment before sighing. "... Say, I have to drop something off at a local pawn shop. Hence my bag. I'm selling a few things there, want to, uh, tag along..?" Normally they wouldn't ask, but why pass up an opportunity to talk to a non-violent elf?

"... I should most likely explain why I know what elves look like, minus the ears. I live in a house in the woods. People rarely do, but that's mainly because some Aerials don't take kindly to it. I've had them around more than once..."

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🦇 lucien
🦇 (#30646)

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Posted on
2015-12-16 12:51:54

25 years old
Human with powers
Location;; Town
Tagged;; Blair

Taking a moment to process what was happening, Samicus shook his head and very slowly followed behind Blair. He found it oddly strange how someone would want to hang out with him, he was extremely boring. He pushed his hands into his pockets and laughed softly at the comment that was made towards him, "I think that's an insult to turtles!" He smiled - for once a non forced one - towards the female and stepped up his pace. Something about this female had him intrigued and he really liked that.

Taking a quick lead, he chuckled softly and furrowed his brows, "Last one there pays for everything!" He called out as he turned to look behind him to look at Blair. It was nice having someone around. He really enjoyed it, seeing as he didn't get much attention; as he liked to separate himself from others. But talking to Blair was a nice change. He noticed that he had slowed down, allowing Blair to gain on him and almost get in front of him. Ah, he'd planned to buy whatever anyways, but it was fun to have a bit of a contest. At least to him.

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Heda (#635)

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Posted on
2015-12-16 13:43:11
[Someone please come interact? I'm lonely over here.]

Arvaya Lúthien Hunter||20 years old||She/her||Human mix||Shapeshifting
Town (café) || Tagged: Open||

In most cafés, alcohol wasn't an option. But Mrs. Sullivan knew Aya, and knew the raven haired girl would likely want something to take the edge off, so subtly served in a coffee cup was two shots of rye with Seven-Up, something the plump woman kept in the back for those challenging days. Aya dipped her head in thanks as the waitress dropped off the coffee cup and the bowl of fruit. Leaning back against the booth, she took a sip from the ceramic mug, her cold, silver eyes scanning the area for any potential threats. Seeing nothing, she huffed softly and gazed over at the door, grimacing as she took a sip of the bitter liquid, but welcoming the warmth that burnt its way down her throat.

Alone at her booth, Aya recounted how long it had been since she'd last seen Mrs. Sullivan. A year or two ago, perhaps, at her mothers funeral. Terrible tragedy, to have one's mother mauled by a dog gone mad. A bitter smile, or perhaps some cold thread of her heart attempting to masquerade as a smile, spread over her face. Perhaps her life would have been different if she'd grown up the daughter of Mrs. Sullivan instead of Ms. Hunter. At least Mrs. Sullivan had been able to get out of the slums. Her mother on the other hand had not been so lucky. Shaking her head to clear the thoughts that swam around inside, the pale girl pulled a few strands of hair back from her face, and took another sip of her drink.

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Khoshekh [Main] (#68944)

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Posted on
2015-12-16 15:23:32
Blair Hyde || 25 || She/Her || Human with Powers || Ice Bending
Town || Samicus

Blair was kind of taken by surprise, as he called to her and ran. She laughed a bit, and started to catch up in fhe same type of pace. There was no way she was gonna pay everything, no thanks! Besides, her budget was a bit limited. She's only got some money her family gifted her before she left, and she planned to survive with it as she could until she got a job or something. Blair did not seem to 'notice' he slowed down, she simply did not stop running, and soon had passed him.

She soon reached the door, slowing down to a walking pace. Panting slightly, she smirked towards him. "Beat'cha." The female spoke, before opening the door and holding it open for him.Well then, maybe he is not as slow and boring as he seemed. Blair waited until he approached, just following afterwards and glancing around the café, to everyone inside.

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~Kiannia~ (#27008)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-12-17 02:49:21
Julianna Giovanni||23 years old||She/her||Human|| N/A
Town (Cafe)|| Mentions: Blair and Samicus

Her music was only faintly playing so her attention was drawn to the door when it was opened. Instinctively she smiled at the two people who were just entering, it was something she just couldn't help. After the brief encounter she gazed about the cafe, it was rather busy today and there didn't appear to be many free tables. She herself had taken a rather large table just for her, well mainly for the books she had cluttered it with. The possibility of having to share the table was soon apparent, so she made some room, just so they would see it as an option. Now she went back to her book, reading the page and biting her lip a little.

From the books present it was clear the girl was some form of medical professional, they were all high level science books. She heard the words of 'Beat'cha' and came to the conclusion that the pair had raced here, giving her a small chuckle. It was nice to see that this bio hazard stuff wasn't getting to everyone, most people seemed to becoming at least a little afraid of it. Personally it simply intrigued her, she wanted to know why and who, it made her a little excited. It was a mystery, a mystery she wanted to solve.

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Hawkmask (#41743)

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Posted on
2015-12-17 08:04:38
Eldrin||23||She/Her||Elf||Ice Summoning
Town||Mentions: Charlie

Eldrin grinned faintly as she shook his hand. It wasn't often someone was so accepting of the fact that she was an elf. His reaction was calm and non-suprised - a nice change.

She was a little surprised when he asked if she wanted to come with him to sell some things at the pawn shop. But, it was nice. She hadn't been accepted so quickly before; it made her feel a little warm inside. "Sure. I just arrived in town today, so I have no plans." El's easy smile was still there.

Running a few pale fingers through her hair absently, she nodded. "Lucky for me I didn't run into any on the way in. Aerials seem to forget that ground elves are elves too sometimes..."

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GalacticRing (#68231)

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Posted on
2015-12-17 08:08:28
Charlie || ??? || They/Them || Human || N/A
Town (TV store) || Mentions: Eldrin

They gave her a sharp-toothed grin, which was slightly lopsided, but it was close enough. "Aerials forget everything, apparently. Especially since they tend to side more with humans than other elves. You know they're soldiers for hire sometimes, right?"

Charlie started off towards the pawn shop, both hands on the strap of the bag. A few pieces of metal clanked together inside. "So, what's going on with you? Seen many things?"

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Heda (#635)

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Posted on
2015-12-17 17:47:16
Arvaya Lúthien Hunter||20 years old||She/her||Human mix||Shapeshifting
Town (café) || Tagged: Sam, Blair, Julianna||

Despite how hyper aware the ebon haired girl was about her surroundings, when the door swung open she involuntarily flinched, her muscle memory attuned to a time when an opening door meant something far worse than mere pain was coming her way. Narrowing her flinty eyes ever so slightly, she tracked the couple as they entered, her silvery gaze grazing over their bodies and assessing any dangers. The eyes on the tall girl made her stop, her own grey pair gliding across any other unusual features suspiciously. Leaning back into the shadows of her corner booth once again, Aya downed the rest of her drink with one swift movement, almost throwing the coffee cup that had until so recently contained alcohol back to the table. It clattered around, and for a second the chatter softened, and the dark haired girl shrunk back into the corner, uncomfortable with the attention.

Yet it was mere seconds before the crowds were back to speaking of this and that. Quite a few times she heard the word 'Biohazard' thrown into the conversation. They, whoever they were, seemed to be doing a good job of making themselves known. Personally, Arvaya preferred to operate in the shadows, yet she was not to judge this strange individual for their choices. Tucked away in her almost empty corner booth (the kind that couples would claim, because no one would notice them kissing), with an untouched bowl of fruit before her, she let her piercing silver eyes scan the crowd again. This time they settled on a young woman, clearing space at her large table, formerly occupied by books. The raven-haired shifter wondered if the girl would no anything about this Biohazard. Unlikely, but it could never hurt to find out. She was about to stand and stalk over when she realized something - the table was far too in the open. It would be better to follow the girl when she left, and corner her then. Pulling her cold eyes away from the girl with her books, Aya absently wound tiny braids into her thick locks, looping them around the back of her head and into the ponytail at the nape of her neck. They were nothing compared to what she'd do when she had time, but for now they served to keep the loose strands of hair from her face while she watched and waited.

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Hawkmask (#41743)

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Posted on
2015-12-19 12:55:22
Eldrin||23||She/Her||Elf||Ice Summoning
Town||Mentions: Charlie

Eldrin laughed a little. "They really do... Most ground elves think that Aerials aren't true elves because of that." She shrugged to show her indifference on the matter; who was she to judge about conforming to elvish norms? "Even so, the fact that they are mercenaries for humans surprised me."

The pale elf adjustsd her bag on her shoulder as they began walking. "Hmm... Well, I'll make it brief; I'm one of those elves born with powers, and I never really belonged with the other elves, so I left 3 years ago and now I'm here. Not that I really fit in here either, but its better than with elves. Anyway, I can't go back, so no use being upset." El shrugged again.

"As for what I've seen... Well, a lot more than I ever expected to, but what's probably normal for you humans." Her mouth twisted into a wry grin, and she gave Charlie a sideways glance. "What about you?"

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Edited on 19/12/15 @ 20:22:42 by Hawkmask (#41743)

GalacticRing (#68231)

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Posted on
2015-12-19 13:07:33
Charlie || ??? || They/Them || Human || N/A
Town (TV store) || Mentions: Eldrin

Charlie simply looked ahead, grinning, although their eyes remained half-closed, almost tiredly. "Busy. I'm not like most humans, as I'm not as.. Social as most." Their eyes focused on the names of the shops they were passing. "I live out in the woods, as I said. Aerials drop by, wanting to kill me, but that's most of the interaction I get regularly. I usually hate going into town, but I have to, you know?"

They stopped when they got to a small shop. It was small, and nobody seemed to be there other than the cashier. "That's the pawn shop. I like to build things. This guy likes what I do, so he offers a price on my things. It helps." They turned their gaze to the elf beside them. "Want to go in? Maybe I can leave my bag there and let him look through it and we can talk more in a second. After all, if you plan on staying, I guess I can show you around, even if I don't get out much."

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Windsparkle (#16196)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2015-12-21 19:21:48

23-25 elf years || Elf..? (might change) || Forest -> Town ||
Mentions: Charlie, Eldrin


The ground was soft under his feet. Emrios sighed. Another patrol done. A tree was coming into view, its various giant roots made huge tunnels into the earth, revealing just how big it was. It was covered in moss, and knobs. Ample amounts of floral and fauna grew by either side of it. In the front, there was a small hole where the roots parts and then upon closer inspection, one would see there was a door. This is how various openings, such as windows, other exits in the tree were hidden. The only give away was a small balcony and a small circular window at on the second floor. Well I'm home. he thought. He stepped towards the door. It was a smooth dark wood contrasting with the greenish mossy tinge the rest of the tree had. He opened it. Emrios' house had several libraries to account for him having a love for learning. He hadn't read in awhile, due to his daily duties. I never thought being a guardian of this forest would be so tiresome. Not only was it tiresome, frankly, it was quite boring. 

He looked at his reflection in the mirror. "..Dammit.."  he cursed softly. On his back lay a huge ... birthmark. A present from his mother. Both she and his father had powers, naturally occuring of course. when she concieved him, in a fit of rage she marked him accidentally. . Father couldn't even stand the sight of me when he realized what mother had mistakenly done. He glared at the markings. "That merchant told me it would change my skin tone... I need to return this." And indeed it had. His skin turned tan but the markings still showed through. All those animals looked at me funny he recalled with some slight amusement. More embarrassing than anything was if other elves were to see him - he'd be questioned. As if I wasn't questioned enough already..I don't need another reminder - these scribbles do that already. He decided to just quickly throw on a tunic and pants. The garments were soft and smelled clean, and crisp. Thankfully he had just washed his garments in the river. He grabbed a coat from his rack. Just bought this Emrios' house was filled of "just bought" things, he never had a clue how expensive an item was, even in elven society. He just paid whatever the merchant said, or exchanged information.


After a short walk a small town came into view. He adjusted his coat, making sure his markings where hidden. I think I look fairly human right now - so the humans won't be a problem.. he thought. I won't have to worry about elves either - they never come into town, he breathed a sigh of relief. Honestly, Emrios was more worried about having one of his own notice him, although humans could be very irritating if they noticed he wasn't human, but currently, with his dark dyed brown hair and tan skin they wouldn't notice. They're fairly unobservant He walked quickly to where he bought the item and came to a small shop. Two figures were had stopped outside of the shop. One was an elf, who had pale blond hair. An elf?! Alarm shot through him as he realized, noting her pale skin and light colored hair, that she was an elf. If I cross quickly she won't notice.. Also, her companion might give me trouble. He walked quickly past them, his head was down, hunched over, and his dark brown hair covered his strange colored eyes. His eyes were the one thing the cosmetic hadn't changed. He walked up to the storekeeper. "Excuse me!", he said loudly. The storekeeper peered over at him, his glasses sparkled in the light coming in from the windows. "The cosmetic you gave me... didn't work.", he said softly. "You said it was supposed to cover up any defects" The shopkeeper gave him a look of surprise and then said, "I said it would change your appearance, and generally yes, it would cover up any scars. You don't look the same right? I have no idea who you are or when you came, but I assume you look different because I don't recognize you." Emrios nearly growled in frustration, but forced himself to remain calm.

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Edited on 22/12/15 @ 18:55:35 by Windsparkle (#16196)

Keezy B (#77898)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-12-22 02:02:32
Forest & Town|Mentions: Emriose

Kenia looked herself over once more in the mirror before her, before letting out a deep sigh, she was definitely going to be noticed if she went into town, but she had to. Humans always intrigued her, she always wished that she could be human for just one day, but she knew that was never going to happen. She pulled a hoodie, that was about three sizes too big for her, over her head. She had to hide her wings some how, and this was the first thing she could think of, so she wrapped them around her body, and made sure they were hidden. She turned a few more times, looking over every aspect of herself over. It no longer looked like she had wings, but her pale skin, pointed ears, and bright eyes would alarm the humans as well, as if her 4'8" height wasn't reason enough. She pulled the hood up and tucked her hair in as best as she could, then hopped that the human's just wouldn't notice her eyes or skin. She left her tree, and began walking towards town, she walked quickly, trying to avoid any other elves. She could hear distant voices and knew she was getting closer, she had been to town before, but it had been a while.

She stopped just outside of town, surveying everything around her. Kenia took a deep breath and walked into the small town, she heard bits and pieces of different conversations, and almost everything she had heard dealt with something called 'bio hazard.' She kept her head down and walked through the town, she decided she was going to find somewhere to just watch the humans from afar so she wouldn't be discovered, but on the way to a large hill, she overheard an argument from the inside of a shop, she froze in place and turned towards the shop, looking through the window at someone who was arguing with what she presumed was the shop owner. She opened the door quietly, walking inside just enough to close the door, she waited for a while, just watching the argument for a while.

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Edited on 22/12/15 @ 12:00:44 by Queen Keezy (#77898)

GalacticRing (#68231)

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Posted on
2015-12-22 04:40:24
Charlie || ??? || They/Them || Human || N/A
Town (Pawn shop) || Mentions: Eldrin, Emrios

Charlie huffed as someone quickly left, obviously avoiding them and Eldrin. They were about to say something, but they closed their mouth, instead walking into the store and putting the bag down with a grunt. It was obvious they got in a short conversation with the owner before walking out to Eldrin. "It's going to take a while. Want to go get something to-"

Charlie stopped suddenly, furrowing their brows and frowning. "... Eldrin, something wrong."

Something's wrong.

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