Posted by ::Biohazard RP Thread::

GalacticRing (#68231)

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Posted on
2015-12-13 09:41:57

OOC Thread :)

The year is... Well, that really doesn't matter, does it? All that you need to know is that something is WRONG. Why would someone start an organization like this? We've started to call it "Biohazard" thanks to that symbol they put everywhere...

They haven't hurt anyone, yet, though.... Maybe they mean well? They don't seem happy with the government's actions, or what the scientists have done...

Who do you support? Do you think that this government is fine how it is, with the higher classes protecting the lower?

Or are you okay with possible revolution? Will you stand beside it and embrace a new society?


The setting is a small town surrounded by woods inhabited by elves, the tribes few and far apart. Some humans live in settlements outside the town in the woods, alone. They are shut-ins and don't like to be messed with. Sometimes they come into town and sell things.

Weather: Clear. No sign of rain.

Season: Spring. Not too hot, not too cold.

Feeling in the air: Strangely tense. Don't tell me it's about that stupid injection again??


At a politics debate in the middle of town, a figure was caught on video. The figure's identity is unknown, as well as age, gender, height, ect. Their face was hidden by a gas mask and they wore a hood. They quickly fled, but they left a Biohazard mark on the wall they were next to, spray painted on. It's the talk of the town.

Biohazard set off a bomb, injuring a few people. People are already pointing fingers at the elven races. After all, haven't they always hated humans? The elven tribes might not take kindly to this once they find out...

The government is offering rewards for people who wish to help in investigations and whoever can give logical evidence to the actions of Biohazard. The explosion has put the spotlight on them even more than before...

This action wasn't smart.

A member of Biohazard's eyes glow bright red.

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Edited on 28/12/15 @ 18:58:36 by Adamymous ☣ (#68231)

Windsparkle (#16196)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2015-12-22 12:33:33

20-25 elf years || Elf ||Town: Pawn Shop ||
Mentions: Kenia


All I'm asking is that you-" A quiet, jingle was heard and the door creaked open behind him. He stopped midsentence and glanced behind him. Out of the corner of his eye he saw a small female figure, which he automatically assumed was an elf. He reached around towards the back of his neck to readjust his tunic automatically, making sure his marks were covered."Nevermind," , he mumbled, "we're done here." Emrios straightened up and his voice was curt and diplomatic. "Thanks for your help", he did a little nod towards shopkeeper. The shopkeeper gave him a sympathetic glance. "I'm sorry I couldn't do more for you. Please excuse my forwardness, but young man, why do you wish to hide something that's part of you? I mean, as far as I can see you have no physical deformities." Emrios's eyes flashed and he was silent for a second. When he responded, his voice was all curt, and held none of the passion it had before, "That's not your concern. Thank you again for your assistance" He head pulled his hood over his eyes, making sure they were covered, and avoided eye contact with the girl. He walked slowly towards the entrance. "Sir, if I may.. have you heard of biohazard? You might want to be more careful around here.." the shopkeeper said suddenly.

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Keezy B (#77898)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-12-22 12:49:06
Town|Mentions: Emriose

Kenia watched as the events before her unfolded. She couldn't hold back her small laughter at the shop keeper's remark. She covered her mouth after realizing that she had laughed, since she had already opened her mouth she might as well speak. "Biohazard?" She laughed a little more, "They are definitely nothing special and all of their 'powers' were injected." She rolled her eyes and tugged the hood of her jacket father over her head. She let out a soft sign and opened the door, walking back out of the store and down the street.

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Windsparkle (#16196)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2015-12-22 15:55:45

23-25 || Elf || Town ||
Mentions: Kenia


He glanced at the shopkeeper. Emrios heard the tiny (although she seemed to be elf-height) bystander's remark. He caught a glimpse of her pale skin. So it's either another elf, or a very sun deprived human. he thought. He guessed it was, most likely, the latter. After all, why would a human dislike the sun?   After she left, he also left, the tinkling sound announcing his departure..

He followed a short distance behind the girl.  Better keep my distance at least a little bit, he thought, as he remembered - he looked nothing like an elf at the moment besides his height, and his eyes and even then it was hard to notice. For an elf he was tall - standing around 5"3.   I look like a midget.  he grimaced. Being a midget could be worse than being an elf, they lacked the fear factor elves had. Realizing it might be more unnerving to the potential elf, or very short human, that he was following her, he increased his pace until he was walking alongside her, and then matched her stride. He wished her hood was down so he could ascertain whether she was human or not without revealing himself. After all, for a human he had a strange eye color, it did give some cause for suspicion. He couldn't check her race, without arousing suspicious or giving questions which might lead to the discover of the shameful cosmetic he had applied. Guess I'll have to let it be a mystery for now.. better say something, he thought.

Actually, Emrios had no idea how to start the conversation, he almost never really encountered his own. He usually avoided them, but he had to know more about this Bio hazard group.  If he played it well, he could find out information, and if he acted well she would just think of him as another townsfolk."..Miss," he began, his voice a little quiet. "regardless of bio hazard.. you might want to consider bringing a companion - people here usually don't take kindly to others of different stature." Emrios meant that literally, however he was mostly going off rumors he had heard. He hadn't been in the town much.  He mused as he looked up towards the sky, his hand on the back of his head casually to keep his hood from slipping, "Regarding biohazard, no one knows what powers they have so.. they have a tactical advantage over us if they are hostile."  He just assumed information from what he just heard in conversation. "How did you learn about them..? or I guess when, since it seems to be the talk of the town.." he said, vaguely recalling people talking about something on his way here. He hoped she wouldn't ask about his lack of knowledge on current events.

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GalacticRing (#68231)

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Posted on
2015-12-22 18:07:46

This is an RP message that effects all RPers.

In the far distance, there was a sound. A deep sound, yet it had a sort-of power to it. It was unmistakable, as any creature, human, elf, or whatever one was could recognize it as something dangerous, but maybe not by name.

A bomb had gone off.

Instantly, every channel had an alert on it. A new news report, with people already frantically talking about what happened. The shocking news, but some people were expecting it all along. How couldn't they...?

The news reporter looked at the camera with a grave expression. "Biohazard has claimed their first victims."

The rest of the report wasn't as powerful as that one statement. The news went on giving coverage on everything that was happening, how no one was actually killed but a few were slightly injured, how there was the unmistakable symbol painted nearby, and how the bomb had been planted earlier than normal.

This wasn't just any attack. What had they done???

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~Kiannia~ (#27008)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-12-23 01:05:29
Julianna Giovanni||23 years old||She/her||Human|| N/A
Town (Cafe)--->Bomb site|| Mentions: N/A

As she heard the distant sound she pulled her earphones out, wondering what had caused the noise. Her attention was bought out of her books by the television, the report coming on now. A look of pure horror was on her face at the reports, she stood up instantly. I've got to get down there and help her mind instantly went to the fact she had to help. shoving her headphones into her pockets she took off towards the area, she'd gathered where it was from the report. Leaving everything else where it was she took off, heading towards the site.

The blonde girl pushed her way out of the cafe and began to run down the street. This is what she'd trained for, after all she was a doctor although she hadn't been in the job long. Arriving at the site and panting heavily from the running she looked about, taking a few moments to catch her breath. Explaining she was a doctor she approached someone who appeared to be injured, helping them as best she could. She'd move to the hospital later to continue with her help.

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Keezy B (#77898)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-12-23 02:26:18
Town|Mentions: Emriose

Kenia had realized that the person who was in the store from earlier had been following her, but she was ignoring it so that, in case he was a very short human, he wouldn't raise the alarm that there was an elf in town. She was humming a song very quietly as she noticed that he was now on the side of her, matching her strides exactly. She stopped humming and raised an eyebrow, looking at him at the corner of her eye. She was about to speak when he started the conversation himself, smart move on his part.

"A companion?" She had to stop herself from looking over at him and exposing her face, "As in you?" She giggled ever so slightly, " She paused for a second and thought over his questions, if she answered them wrong then he would know that she wasn't a human, she wasn't completely caught up with the news, but on the other hand, he didn't seem so well informed himself. "Very true, but unless they've mixed powers together, there are only a few hand fulls of powers they could have." Kenia knew the basics of humans having powers but she had overheard something that was new to her, she had heard from several of the town's people that the bio hazard people may have mixed powers together to make themselves stronger, almost invincible, but that was all just rumors from scared humans, they always say the most unbelievable things when they're scared. "I learned about them from all the news on them, even though there is not much to be covered about, and a read a few thin-" Kenia stopped mid-sentence as she heard a loud, deep blast from far behind them, although it sounded much closer at the time. She quickly spun around and the hood of her jacket fell off of her head. She hadn't noticed at first but when she did, she quickly picked it back up, hoping he hadn't seen her face, or the very least her eyes and ears.

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GalacticRing (#68231)

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Posted on
2015-12-23 05:16:51
Bomb Site

The place where it went off wasn't a very busy place at that time, thank goodness. It wasn't very far off from the Cafe, nor the Pawn Shop. A few people were already on stretchers with minor injuries, people shining lights into their eyes to make sure they were just okay. Numerous reporters whized about, trying to find out what happened. One female reporter was already speaking to a camera.

"No one has been killed, the injured count is currently at five. The site of the explosion was a small gym where some people are known to gather to work out, but more people arrive later in the week. Thank goodness it went off at this time, but some people are already pointing fingers. Some people are blaming the elves for the organization, although there is no proof at the moment."

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Windsparkle (#16196)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2015-12-23 05:20:18

23-25 elf years || Elf || Pawn Shop ||
Mentions: Kenia


"Me..?" He arched his eyebrow and he seemed to be amused. "I guess I could be...", he said, and the corners of his mouth turned slightly upward, just a hint of a smile.  Mixed powers.. that could be troublesome... he thought with a small sigh. "Powers seem to bring just a lot of opinions, and lots of dissent among people." Emrios had to refrain from saying humans specifically. He was hearing her continue about what she had read,


 A deafening sound  drowned out any semblence of thought. Emrios' sensitive ears rang. What the hell? he thought. He turned to look behind him, and thought he saw smoke far away in the distance. "A bomb? That's what it seems to be...", he said, quickly glancing towards his companion. He caught a glimpse of the girl's pointed ears, and breathed a sigh of relief. At least now I know she's an elf now."....and an elf." he said a quiet soft laugh. "Is it so bad being one?" Emrios feigned ignorance, as an occasionally a friendly human would ask him idiotic questions because he was a novelty.

Seeing the tv screen, Emrios noticed a female reporter standing near a gym. The realization made him stiffen.The bomb is close, much closer than I had previously thought. He cursed himself for making such a mistake. Emrios heard a female reporter say something about people thinking the elves were at fault for the attack. His blood turned cold and he turned quickly towards the female elf next to him, his ethereal eyes flashed in the sunlight and he prayed his eyes wouldn't cause her to question his race. After all humans have strange colored eyes right? He hoped so. "Miss..," Emrios felt stupid for not knowing her name, "it's not safe here anymore.. you should get to safety. Who knows what these people will do to elves - they're scared, and irrational.", he said bluntly. 

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Edited on 23/12/15 @ 12:38:22 by Windsparkle (#16196)

Windsparkle (#16196)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2015-12-23 05:20:19
((edited my most recent post - 12:38 accidentally posted twice))

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Edited on 23/12/15 @ 12:39:00 by Windsparkle (#16196)

Keezy B (#77898)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-12-23 05:44:12
Town|Mentions: Emriose

Her ears were still ringing, but she was absolutely sure she had heard him right. He must have seen her ears. She let out a sigh, "Well," She turned back towards the man with a raised eyebrow, "Since you've already seen, I might as well just take this off." She slid the hood off of her head and fixed her hair slightly and looked up at him, "But you could probably answer that for me, couldn't you?" She grinned, Kenia had caught a glimpse of his eyes, and put it together with his short height, he had to be an elf too, but he was probably a grounder. "So, that was a bomb right?" She asked looking back at the smoke once again, she could see citizens either running towards or away from the bomb site.

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GalacticRing (#68231)

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Posted on
2015-12-23 05:52:12
Charlie || ??? || They/Them || N/A
Mentions: Eldrin, Kenia, Emriose

Charlie looked in the direction of the smoke, a tightness rising in their chest. Their anti-freeze green eyes were wide behind their glasses as they watched the smoke rise up. No... It... Almost completely forgetting the elf beside them, they took off towards it, yelling something that was not understandable over their shoulder...

... Only to run into some male.

Charlie was easily knocked off their feet, hitting the ground, glasses now crooked. Their 5'1'' stature might've been close to the other's size, but it was almost like they had no weight in their body. As if they were basically a bag of bones, but even the bones had no weight... But Charlie looked up at the guy, baring their long teeth as they quickly got up, wiping the dust off of their olive jacket. "Oi! Watch where you're--"

Then they realized that both of these people were elves. More elves?!?! Quickly, they pulled a knife out of their jacket, holding it up in a defensive position. "Why are you here???!! Elves never leave their precious home or something, and only one every few centuries does it!! It's almost like a mutation, and I don't think three elves in this time period can leave at once. They'd literally kill you if you tried to detach!!" They basically snapped at the elves, bright eyes narrowed. Heck, if they weren't being so defensive around actual elves, it would be possible to confuse Charlie for one. A small stature, bright colored eyes (even though that's more Aerial than anything)...

It was weird.

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Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2015-12-23 06:14:19
Eleniel | Female | 19 years | [Aerial] Elf | She/Her
Mentions: Shut-In NPC | Location: Forest
Clothing - Bow is the same as in picture| Dagger(s) - Two daggers on each hip (in sheaths)

Eleniel sat up on a branch set on a high part of a tree, overlooking the 'road' below. She scoffed, "Dirty shut-ins... Thinkin' they own the whole damn place" she muttered. Soon the sound of heavy footsteps pattering down the 'road'. She smiled, "Ooh, seems like its my day" she said, waiting until the human passed tree she was in before she wrapped her arms around the tree and slid down the trunk, gracefully landing on the ground silently. She silently crept up behind him and grabbed her knife, which was placed on her right leg on the side of her knee, taking it out of the sheath without a noise. Once she was close enough, she wrapped her arms around his neck and held him in a locked position. He gasped and almost screamed, but she put her hand over his mouth. Looking down at his body, she saw a plenty of things that might be of some 'worth' to some elves, not her though, for she personally found mostly nothing that shut-in's owned to be 'worthful'. She slit his throat, the body falling to the ground with a semi-loud 'thud'. She let out a grunt before crouching down, searching his clothes. She grabbed a knife that was in his pant pocket, smiling. It looked like a rather expensive one. Now that was something she found to be of worth. She smiled again before continuing her search, finding an odd jewel sort of thing. Nah, not useful to her. Shrugging, she grabbed it before standing up and, stepping over the body, she continued on her way, walking on the side of the 'road', staying hidden by the trees, making no noise on the forest floor.

Then a loud, deafening noise boomed, her sensitive ears ringing. She let out a small groan, but soon the sound was gone. Her face was alarmed, "What the hell?" she breathed out, a bow in hand. She kept walking unsure of how one was supposed to react to such a noise.

EDIT: Yes, I added the last part bc I forgot about the whole bomby thingy))

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Edited on 25/12/15 @ 10:37:23 by Christicat15 (#54511)

Keezy B (#77898)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-12-23 06:15:12
Town|Mentions: Emriose & Charlie

Kenia rolled her eyes at their remarks, "Look, I've come to town several times before, it's not that rare actually. It's more rare in grounders than aerials, but that's a different story." She sighed and easily took the knife out of their hand, throwing it a few feet away. "Now, if you would be so kind as to not draw attention to us, or yourself considering there was just a huge explosion, that'd be wise." She reached her hand out for them to take to help them up, and waited for them to grab it. "And by the way, you were the one that ran into him, not the other way around, so you should watch where you're going."

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GalacticRing (#68231)

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Posted on
2015-12-23 06:30:42
Charlie || ??? || They/Them || N/A
Mentions: Kenia, Emriose

Charlie, naturally, refused the hand, instead pushing themself up. They instead crossed their arms, glancing in the direction of the knife. They weren't going to rush for it or anything, but...

"I most likely wouldn't have run into him if you guys weren't here." Charlie huffed, glancing them over. "But I've had elves try and kill me more than once. I'd like to avoid that for now." They pointed in the direction of the smoke, however, not taking their eyes off the two in front of them. "I understand that there is an explosion, obviously. I have sensitive ears as well, you know?"

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Keezy B (#77898)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-12-23 06:51:32
Town|Mentions: Emriose & Charlie

She scoffed and folded her arms as well, "Well, then how do we know you're not an elf yourself? You're the right height, right eye color too." She shook her head, "I don't want to hurt you, or anyone at the moment, I was actually considering going help, but with the amount of people running around, I think it would be best if I just left." She had already started walking away from the two of them when she turned around and added, "Plus, even if we weren't here, you probably would've ran into someone else, people around five feet and under tend to be overlooked."

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