Posted by Cursed Like The Wolf- Sign-Ups

Lady Calla N. Of
Winterfell (#76766)

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Posted on
2016-01-18 13:42:29
Closed! Only those who have reserved, posted on this thread, or spoken to me can make forms at this time!


Welcome to London, England. Not really. This is just a simple little town outside of London, a poor little town filled with farmers and old, ruined, burned buildings. Our town may not be much, but it has some history. The werewolf attacks as of late have made us famous, and despite putting us back in the map, we want no part in this. The werewolves are killing and eating those around us, and because of this, we are suffering. We must fight them and destroy them; if we do not, everything we have will be lost.

-My limit on characters at the moment is four.
-No becoming your own mate.
-This RP is set in the 1600's, so please no modern stuff involved.
-Werewolves cannot reveal their identity outright unless you PM me first and ask permission.
-Werewolves cannot change unless it is the full moon.
-Aim to hit. Don't force hit.
-No Mary or Gary Sues.
-Fade to black when mating.
-No becoming your own mate.
-You must post at least five sentences in each post. Unless you use a shit ton of commas.
-Put your favorite werewolf movie in Other.

The Werewolves
(7/10, 1 Reserved)
Artair Croft-PotatoLord
Dawn Petrova-FerociousFlamingo
Kole Goffe-Oliveflower
Chenoa (Dove) Acorn-ChristiCat15
Amity Clark-Rogue
James Morcott-Robert(side)
The werewolves in this town are like the ones you see in true werewolf movies, not Twilight. They cannot turn into true wolves. They can only shift on full moons, and are much more powerful during this time. They can form packs, but you must ask me permission first. For now, all werewolves are loners. They can be killed by things other than silver bullets, but they must be powerful weapons.

Werewolf forms:

Human appearance:
Werewolf appearance:
History (how they were changed):

The Hunters
(5/10, 5 reserved)
Tobias Weston-Rogue
Maris Royce-Moonfeather
The hunters are men and women who dedicate themselves to finding and eradicating werewolves. Most of the time nobody will know who is a hunter, as they normally keep their existence a secret. They are very skilled in combat, and aren't afraid to show it.

Hunter forms:

Family (optional):

The Villagers
Mackenzie Catalana-TheChesireDame
Winona Fergusson-Oliveflower
Ellen Morcott-Robert(side)
The villagers can be any age. They are often witnesses of victims - whether it be to death or a bite. They are often rather innocent people with barely any money, preferring to stay on the sidelines rather than take part with the hunt.

Villager Forms:


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Edited on 23/01/16 @ 19:34:02 by Calla N.<<Legolas's Girl (#76766)

Oliveflower (#59469)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-01-21 10:36:54
Aahh fraternal twins, I haven't seen many in roleplays lately! :D Both sound awesome, Robert!

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FerociousFlamingo (#82061)

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Posted on
2016-01-22 02:22:07
So, uh. Sorry guys, I'm not going to be able to post for a day or two. I had a recent family death, currently dealing with that.

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Lady Calla N. Of
Winterfell (#76766)

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Posted on
2016-01-22 12:43:43
Alright guys; I'm making the roleplay thread now. It should go up tomorrow morning or afternoon. Depends on when I leave, as I have to go to a science competition tomorrow.

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Vespering [SIDE] (#33365)

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Posted on
2016-01-22 14:21:04
As a heads up, I'm dealing with a blizzard over here. The possibility of losing power is something that could happen so if you make the RP thread and don't hear from me that's why.

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Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2016-01-22 14:28:45
I am so excited to RP!!!
YAAAAAAAY!!! -squeals in delight- :DD
Ha... Hehehe... Yeah, I'm excited. lmao

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Lady Calla N. Of
Winterfell (#76766)

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Posted on
2016-01-22 19:02:52 Here is the roleplay thread. You guys can start, it'll take me a bit. I have to remake all three of my forms tonight before I start roleplaying, because my damned computer crashed. My word documents, which had my forms on them, were erased. Yippee.

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Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2016-01-23 00:35:12
Whoo! I am so excited!
Of course, I won't post first- I suck at that, but I still can't wait! :D

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Moonfeather (#6369)

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Posted on
2016-01-23 02:15:00
Here is my hunter! I'll get my wolf up in a little while.

Name: Maris Royce
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Appearance: Maris stands at an astonishing five feet. Not being very tall, its only fitting that Maris has a petite build. Her skin is fair and covered in freckles. Thick eyelashes line her dark green eyes. Maris's wavy hair is blonde and falls just to the small of her back. Her hairstyles change from day to day, though usually she just has it kept in an over the shoulder braid. Her attire normally consists of a cream colored chemise and a floor length simple brown skirt. Over top, a matching brown corset style vest with silver and cream embroidery. This attire is swapped for a pair of brown breeches and a cream color tunic while she is hunting.
Personality: Maris is a rather serious girl, and she isn't fond of conversing with people politely if they don't get along normally, which leads to many sarcastic or cynical comments. She tends to act rather indifferently around everyone, not quite caring what anyone else could possibly think of her. Maris tends to be blunt with her speech, never afraid to tell it how it is. She is quite good at hiding the fact that she is a hunter, and is proud of her skills. She enjoys reading and helping run her grandmothers bookstore.
History: When she was little, both of Maris's parents were killed by the werewolves. This angered and upset the young girl, who decided she wanted to hunt them. Her uncle noticed this, and taught her how to hunt them without getting herself killed. This uncle took her in and raised her, but was eventually killed off by the wolves during one of his hunts. After this, Maris was sent to live with her grandmother, and elderly woman running a bookstore. She was quickly pulled in as a helper, and can often be found at the bookstore working.
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Family (optional): Her Grandmother Isabella Royce (A bookstore owner)
Weapons: A bow with silver tipped arrows, twin hunting knives lined with silver and finally a hand gun with silver bullets in case of emergency
Strengths: Archery, Cooking, Agile
Weaknesses: Close Combat, Lack of Friends, Sweets (She adores sweets)
Other: She works at her grandmother's bookstore while not hunting and I don't really have a favorite werewolf movie.

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Lady Calla N. Of
Winterfell (#76766)

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Posted on
2016-01-23 12:33:32
Alright, your hunter is accepted! You guys can start roleplaying whenever you like. I don't care who starts. I still have to finish my forms I lost. Yippee.

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Vespering [SIDE] (#33365)

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Posted on
2016-01-23 14:14:05
I'm not sure I can post without waiting for you since your hunter or villager is my werewolf's 'frienemy' and I know nothing about them yet. :')

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Moonfeather (#6369)

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Posted on
2016-01-24 05:34:25
Name: Luvenia Lupin
Gender: female
Age: 25
Human appearance: Luvenia is a robust young woman with long and wild golden brown hair. This unruly hair of hers is never pulled back in a bun, ponytail, or braid. It is always left wild and untamed. Her almond shaped eyes are amber in color and Luvenia's soft skin is lightly tanned. A scar crosses the bridge of her nose, practically cutting her face in half horizontally. Luvenia's normal attire consists of a white chemise underneath a maroon vest. With this she wears brown breeches and black boots.
Werewolf appearance: As a werewolf, Luvenia becomes a slightly hunched over beast with wild golden brown fur. Her amber eyes go from a copper tone of amber to golden yellow. Despite being a beast, Luvenia retains a somewhat femine form, appearing more lithe than her male counterparts.
Personality: Overly sensitive, Luvenia will react to just about anything. Rude comments, gestures or actions will set Luvenia off in a fit of rage. When not raging, Luvenia will be overly snippy and often times looks down on those she things are beneath her ability wise. Luvenia is very confident in her own abilities, making her seem cocky at times. Rage and egotistical seem to pretty much be her only two moods, unless by the off chance she is caught in one of her weaker moments. Luvenia loves cute things especially puppies. She has been known to pick up strays on the basis that they were cute.
History: It all happened close to Luvenia’s 10th birthday. She and her family were moving from their home town. They were enroute to their new home when their traveling group was attacked by thieves. Luvenia’s parents and little brother were injured, and she received the scar across her face. Being the only one fit for travel, Luvenia was sent to get help from the town ahead. She had to cross through a small section of woodland to get there. It was within those woods that Luvenia was once more attacked. But this time she wasn’t attacked by thieves, instead it was a beast the likes of which she had never seen before. Terrified, she fled through the woods, only for the beast to catch her. She was bitten twice and scratched several more times. Somehow, she managed to make it to town. When she and the doctors she fetched reached her family, they were all dead. Luvenia was taken in by the doctors. At the full moon every month, she claims to be going out with friends, but instead is doing something a bit different.
Sexuality: Bisexual
Strengths: Swift, Agile, Knows a bit about medicine, strong
Weaknesses: Her strength isn’t like that of other bulkier wolves, overly emotional, short temper, ego
Other: She learned medicine from the doctors who took her in.

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Lady Calla N. Of
Winterfell (#76766)

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Posted on
2016-01-25 00:42:08

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Robert 💤 (#5365)

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Posted on
2016-01-31 13:21:54
I am ready to begin whenever you guys are. (I'd have started it myself if I were more confident, haha.) Also, so it's known, I'm kind of away for most of the day during the week and I'm only able to actively sign on in the evenings. So when it does get going, I won't be able to check in until around 8PM Lioden Time. Still, I am looking forward to it. :)

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Lady Calla N. Of
Winterfell (#76766)

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Posted on
2016-01-31 13:23:53
Haha, I might just have to post first myself. Unfortunately for me, however, I am stacked to the ceiling with roleplays I have to deal with, so it will take hours to even begin typing up a post. *sigh* I have a roleplay addiction.

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Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2016-02-01 11:07:38
@Calla + Everyone

Hello, my people! :D No, its fine Calla. I too am 'stacked to the ceiling with roleplays', but I think I can type a starting post. I know what is happening when we start and, even though I strictly HATE starting roleplays, I think I can type up a pretty good, or decent at least, post for the start of this roleplay. You do your stuff for your other roleplays, Calla, and I can work on this one... It is also mine as well, so I should do it. :D

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