Posted by ~Die Trying~ Sign ups {OPEN}Zombie Apoc RP

Crowteeth {RLC
1.6.23 } (#39277)

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Posted on
2016-02-25 03:55:01
Give it All or Die Trying
Mankind has been mostly wiped out. A serve disease eating through the population so quickly that no one could have seen it come, but the strange thing was that anyone under the age of sixteen wasn’t touched by the sickness. But those older than sixteen and the adults were turned into something else, a monster, a thing that ate children and worked in groups with little intelligence. They were some strange mash of a zombie with the mindset of a wolf. Most often they were faster, stronger, and tended to work in groups with pack like dynamics that they used to hunt. So the kids thrown into this world head first had to get smarter, had to become just as ruthless as the cannibals hunting them around every corner, they have to give it their all in everything they do or die trying. And in a crumbling Venice, Italy any miss step can send you plunging into the waters below where you may not come out from. Some areas of the city have even begun to fall into the deep buildings that mark the original city, and it’s in these dark areas that adults could be hiding. The only hope for the kids from Saint Valentine’s Academy is to get to the other side of the island, get a boat, and pray that not everywhere was effected and help could be found on the Murano.

.:The Rules:.
• All LioDen rules apply. Make sure you follow them.
• No powerplaying, godmodding, etc. You don’t need to ask for permission before starting a fight, but you cannot automatically defeat or kill your opponent without the other player’s permission. Let’s keep fights fair. Also remember that every action has a consequence. And one wrong move may very well end with a death.
• Fade to black when necessary (18+ content, excessive gore/violence, and birthing).
• This roleplay will have some dark/mature overtones. Keep that in mind before joining.
• This is a semi-literate to advanced roleplay. You will be required to post at least one paragraph (five sentences) and use proper grammar.
• Please try to be active. If you need to go on a hiatus let me know.
• Slots for this roleplay will be limited, but I may open more slots after more schools are discovered.
• Do not use someone's artwork for your character unless it was specifically made for you (and in that case I'll need proof).
• Put ‘Cabbage’ In the other if you read the rules!
• Up too four characters per person to start with, If I see you can handle them then you may request another character.
• Saint Valentine’s Academy was a middleschool mixed with a highschool. SO most of the kids will be eleven to sixteen year olds, but there will be a small amount of slots open to have a kid younger then that but they must be with an older student to act as a protector.

.:Rules of the Kids:.
• It is not known if being bitten, or coming into contact with the saliva or blood of an ‘adult’ or stranger is contagious as most of those who have come close enough don’t tend to make it out.
• The adults or teens over sixteen are often referred to as strangers or hounds.
• There are a few other schools in the area such as Morrison’s Highschool and Elementary, and Rose’s Academy for Young Women. But it is unknown if there is anyone still surviving there.
• Food is scarce, most of the places where it is found is guarded or used as traps by strangers.
• There are dogs on the island, most of them are feral or rabid and are to be treated as a threat.
• Anything can be a weapon, so use it.
• Sometimes there are kids who weren’t going to any of the schools and are often tourists children. Some are dangerous and Some aren’t. Both are to be treated as a threat until it is found out if they mean any harm.
• It is currently unknown if turning seventeen will cause the start of the disease in your body.
• Any kid under the age of ten will have to be guarded from attacks.
• It is not known if any adult were immune to the disease….

.:The Sign Up Form:.
Please delete anything in []!!
Sexuality:[All accepted, but let’s try to have a diverse group]
School:[Only Saint Valentine’s Academy is currently open. I will open the others as the kids go explore there.]
Appearance:[Can be a picture or a description]
Relationships:[Family, Kin, Crushes, Friends]
History:[Keep it brief please]
Theme Song:[Optional]
Likes and Dislikes:[Optional]

Saint Valentine’s Academy
.:Chosen Leader:.(0/1)
Rius Marlow|Male|15
Felix Nelson|Female|15
Astian Spiros|Male|15
Brynjar Holtzclaw|Male|14
Paweł Klimek|Male|11
.:Kids Younger Than Nine:.(0/2)

.:Tourist Kids:.(1/4)
Tiana Cryders|Female|16

Roleplay; OPEN
Chat Thread

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Edited on 07/03/16 @ 08:10:03 by Headless (#39277)

Crowteeth {RLC
1.6.23 } (#39277)

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Posted on
2016-02-25 03:58:01
Rius Marlow
Ri, Mar, Lo, and Fluff (Call him fluff to his face and he’s likely hit you with something)
Homosexual + Homoromantic
Saint Valentine’s Academy
Ninth Grader
Mar is a stocky male, only 5’2 and weighing in at 152 lbs with some very slight chub on him. His skin has a very slight olive tone to it which is common considering his mixed American-Italian heritage. His hair is normally kept neat in an undercut but has let it grow out for the past few month, and because of this it’s easy to see how fluffy and soft it actually is without being styled or cut. Mar’s hair is a true black color that seems to have other colors mixed in it like hints of brown. His eyes are a dark green color that is a trait he shares with his father and brother.
Mar is normally a sweetheart towards others and cares a good deal about those he makes friends with, a sweetheart with a mischievous nature and a love for pulling pranks or telling jokes that is. But make no mistake, he is a fighter at heart. He can become highly protective of those he’s close to, he is very, very hot tempered and can be standoffish towards those he perceives as a threat to his group. He is not above fighting dirty and often carries a switch blade on his belt as well as the building pipe with a chunk of concrete on the end that he uses as a spear-melee weapon. Mar is rather family orientated and is more likely to stand up for those he sees as family than he is for those he sees as friends, and because of that he would die for them. Though any homophobic comment is likely to set off either his temper or his snarky sarcastic side no matter who it came from.
Gracia Marlow[Mother][Deceased]
Kent Marlow[Father][Deceased]
Blaze Marlow[Younger Brother][Open]
Mar was sent to the academy after one to many fights in his old school of Morrison Middle and High School. His mother was upset by the choice but his father hadn’t really cared and chose to instead turn his attention to Rius’s younger brother Blaze to inform the younger child that that’s why he should listen to adults. Mar spent his eighth and ninth grade years living in the dorms at Saint Val’s with periodic visits from his mother and younger brother.
Theme Song:
Your Gonna Go Far Kid by The Offspring
Likes and Dislikes:
+Joking around or playing pranks on others.
+Tagging and spray painting walls.
+He seems to have a nose for finding candy…
+His younger brother and mother
-When things get too serious
-Being ordered to do something he doesn’t want to.

Tiana Cryders
Mountain, Titan, Ti and Giant
Genderfluid (Prefers female pronouns)
Pansexual + Panromantic
Tourist’s Kid
Tenth Grader
Tourist’s Kid
Ti gets her nicknames for a reason and is a true giant standing tall at 6’3 and weighs in at a heavy 230 lbs, though she doesn’t really look it at all. She isn’t hefty but he isn’t thin either, she is more along the middle grounds between both. She is very capable of lifting someone half of his own weight with little struggle. Her skin is a darker tan color and she actually keeps both sides of her head shaved, even during this ‘apocalypse’. Her skin is covered in small scars and cuts from getting into trouble back in America, the biggest stretching across her shoulder from getting caught in some barbed wire. Ti’s hair is a dark brown color with blonde and black highlights and lowlights mixed into it giving it a tri-colored look. It’s hard to tell what her biological gender is exactly due to her androgynous facial features, though she blatantly knows it’s female no matter what. Her nose is a little crooked from one to many lucky hits and her heritage is completely unknown.
Ti is a naturally silent person, she doesn’t ever feel like talking unless she extremely comfortable with you but even then she’s a better listener then a speaker. But just because she’s a listener doesn’t make her a follower. Though she’s not a leader either, she prefers to be by herself more often than naught. If she becomes friends with you then you should feel special, she rarely feels the need to make friends with anyone. But she can become fiercely protective of those younger then her and in which case, what ever is the threat is now faced with a mama bear who has no problem raising hell for those she loves. Ti craves the fight and enjoys fighting, be it with other teens or Hounds and won’t turn down a sparring match ever. She loves reading but will often disappear when she feels like reading, and you won’t see her till she’s done.
Tabitha Cryders[Mother][Hound][Deceased]
Murry Cryders[Father][Hound]
Ti was born and raised in Miami, Arizona and lived her entire life in the small town. The only problem with living in such a small town was that if you got bullied by one person then others would start in, so you either got tough or got out. In Ti’s case, she got tough and got tough fast. She took nothing from anyone and would jump head first into fights without looking back and that normally got her into a ton of trouble with her parents and parents of other students. It was after a major fight with a senior in her local highschool, and her having been shoved into a barbed wire fence and getting stuck, that her parents decided a trip to visit family in Venice would be a good trip for the teen. Little did they know how long this trip would last, and after her mother got sick and became a hound, Tiana being the one to kill her, did they realize how long it would be. Her father ran but she has seen him wandering the streets as a Hound sadly.
Theme Song:
Jekyll and Hyde by Five Finger Death Punch
Likes and Dislikes:
+Being left well enough alone.
+Reading, though you’d never catch her doing it.
+Helping out those younger or smaller then her.
-Being forced to travel in a group.
-Idiots who don’t learn to shut up.
-Trying to fit in small spaces.
-….waking up early….
-Her weapon is an old Louisiana slugger with nails and bits of metal embedded into it.

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Edited on 29/02/16 @ 10:36:42 by Headless (#39277)

Trash Panda (#69500)

Love Muffin
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Posted on
2016-02-25 07:20:37

((Eeee I've been looking for a decent apocalyptic rp and this one sounds awesome! <3 Thanks for putting this up~))



Astian Spiros

Ash, Astie, Ross

15 years old // Born December 19


Bisexual // Panromantic
Far too focused on his studies for romantic relations.

Saint Valentine's Academy

Sophomore // 10th grade

Medic ((if that's alright ^-^))

Astian is a 5'8" male weighing roughly 134 pounds. He is of Greek ethnicity, and has light-olive skin and pale hazel eyes, a trait he gained from his mother. He has strong facial features, with a smooth, straight nose and an oval-ish jawline. He is not incredibly muscular, and his body in and of itself looks somewhat lanky due to his height. His hair is dark brown - almost black - in color, and curls slightly at the tips. It is usually cut at about the nape of the neck, but has grown since the disease spread throughout the city. He has bad eyesight, and gets very upset when people steal his glasses.
Picture is NOT mine; all credit goes to Pinterest.

Astian is a bit of a weirdo, incredibly talkative and full of various types of knowledge. Though he does know when to shut up, especially in times of crisis, his way of coping revolves around finding the logic in things, so it's hard to get him to be entirely silent. He seems to have an answer for everything, and with his generally bubbly personality, he has many connections but few real, honest-to-goodness friends.

Roman Spiros | Father | Hound
Xena Spiros | Mother | Deceased
TBA as the rp goes on

Prior to the outbreak, Astian lived in Greece for a long while, before finally moving to Venice at the age of 8 for long forgotten reasons decided by his parents. He enrolled in a local private school, which was later shut down due to a lack of proper funding. When he reached high school, he transferred over to Saint Valentine's Academy to focus his studies in medicine and bioengineering, a topic he'd had a long-lasting passion for.

Theme Song
The Future is Now - Starset

Science and Mathematics
Generally just topics revolving around medical care
Sweet things (though you'll never hear him say it)

The very sight of the Hounds
Creative / Fiction literature
Being proved wrong or told he is doing something the wrong way

Hehas a dream of one day curing the disease that destroyed Italy, and though he subconsciously knows it's a stupid fantasy, it helps him stay positive and focus on getting to safety.

He has an embarrassing hobby that involves collecting and admiring various interesting objects. He can often be found picking random things up and stuffing them in his pack, which he is usually teased about.

He carries with him his school bag, filled with various medical supplies stolen from the nurse's office back at the academy. Though the small bag only fits the necessities, such as pain killers, cold medicines, bandages, and a few sutures, he hopes to one day get a bigger pack so he can stock up and make use of himself.

He lacks much physical strength or endurance, and his only real strength is putting to use his medicines. He sometimes wishes he could be of more use to the other kids, not that you'd ever hear him admit it.

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Edited on 28/02/16 @ 14:29:02 by Teddy (#69500)

Crowteeth {RLC
1.6.23 } (#39277)

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Posted on
2016-02-25 09:32:34
Your welcome, plus i liked the idea myself and hope this one won't die out or get no interest ^^

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Trash Panda (#69500)

Love Muffin
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Posted on
2016-02-25 09:36:29
cx I'm sure it will. Apocalyptic scenarios have been popular lately, and since your's isn't one of the typical, main-stream 'zombies-eat-people' thing, that just adds to the flare. ^-^

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Crowteeth {RLC
1.6.23 } (#39277)

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Posted on
2016-02-25 09:39:24
Thanks! I feel like Mar and Ash are going to be the ones that after something bad happens just sit there and then Mar tells a joke and Ash has to explain why that can't happen honestly

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Trash Panda (#69500)

Love Muffin
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Posted on
2016-02-25 09:49:10
Omg that's perfect! xD

Mar: Hey...what did the buffalo say when his kid went off to college?
Ash: What?
Mar: ...Bison! :D
Ash: Actually that's not correct because the word "buffalo" is a misnomer for bison. They're in fact completely different animals and are confused for the same simply because they look so much alike and blah blah blah...
Mar:'s just a joke, man.

//coughs I'm not even sorry.

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Crowteeth {RLC
1.6.23 } (#39277)

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Posted on
2016-02-25 09:50:12
There is no regrets, these two are gonna end up friends

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Trash Panda (#69500)

Love Muffin
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Posted on
2016-02-25 09:51:49
<3 All of the friendships. A little lovable fighter and a nerd with too much time on his hands.

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Crowteeth {RLC
1.6.23 } (#39277)

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Posted on
2016-02-25 09:56:01
Short fighter, tall medic

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Trash Panda (#69500)

Love Muffin
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Posted on
2016-02-25 09:57:54
The greatest combination. If not counter-intuitive.

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Ichigo (#8268)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-02-25 15:25:14
Name: Felix Nelson
Nicknames: Lex
Age: 15 -- June 12
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual, Panromantic
School: Saint Valentine’s Academy
Grade: Grade 10
Rank: Fighter
Appearance: Long ebony hair reaches just past the small of her back in layers, mostly strait except for the slight natural wave, barely noticable but still there. Her bangs are long enough to fall into her eyes and frame her face, and when standing in direct sunlight, brown highlights tint her ebony locks. She stands at 5'5 and weighs approximately 113 lbs. Her body is slim but athletically toned from baseball and horseback riding which she has been fond of ever since she was a young girl. Almond shaped eyes are a startling emerald green, occationly appearing to darken when enraged, complimenting her delicate features and high cheekbones nicely. Her ansestry is unkown but she is definitely caucasian considering her creamy plae skin that refuses to tan no matter how exposed to sunlight.
Personality: Felix is a kind and caring individual, she never likes seeing others in distress and will offer support in any way she is able to, making her quite well known within her classmates. Despite this she has few close friends in Saint Valentine's Academy, as she is reluctant to allow people close to her due to personal reasons, only ever having one true friend throughout her life who ended up attending Rose's Academy. She absolutely adores animals though, having been presented with a horse at age 10 she knows her way around the saddle. She is usually able to keep a level head in stressful situations and constantly carries around a calm demenure, reliable to the core and very intellectual.
Jamey Nelson - Father - (deseased)
Lori Nelson - Mother - (deseased)
Robin Nelon - Aunt - (Hound)
Jessica Paige - Best Friend - (Unknown)
Will update as needed...
History: Felix grew up in Leduc, Alberta with her parents on a cattle ranch, they were by no means rich and worked hard for the money they earned. She had a beautiful black gelding named Kiba and cherished him to no end, her parents always able to find her in his stall or paddock. Her best friend Jessica lived next to her, and the two of them loved trail riding on the back trails through the surrounding land, easily be out for hours as they often lost track of time. Everything changed when her parents died in a robbery, and Felix was shipped off to live with her aunt in Italy who was unable to take care of her properly so enrolled her in Saint Valentine's Academy. Jessica applied to Rose's Academy in order to be close to Felix.
Theme Song: Radioactive by Imagine Dragons
Likes and Dislikes:
+ Animals
+ Jokes and mischeif in general/ Making people laugh
+ Math, Chemistry, Biology, English
+ Baseball and Horseback Riding
+ Art and Reading
- Questions about her past
- People in distress
- Being ordered around (Though you would never know it)
- Hounds
- She would find it difficult if she ever had to raise a weapon against an animal, Strangers no problem but just the thought of killing a once innocent animal causes her stomach to tighten in disgust.
- She carries around a real sharpened replica of Bilbo Baggins sword, as she is a major Hobbit and Harry Potter nerd, along with a baseball bat.
- Cabbage

((Sorry if it is too long, I can shorten it if needed! :3 I am just really excited about this!!))

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Edited on 26/02/16 @ 05:12:20 by Ichigo (#8268)

Trash Panda (#69500)

Love Muffin
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Posted on
2016-02-25 21:11:08
A Bilbo Baggins sword... I love her already.

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Ichigo (#8268)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-02-25 22:09:31
Lol I could't resist XD This is quite the group, and I absolutely adore the plot line along with Astian and Rius, Felix will probably end up laughing her butt off if she listens to Rius attempt to joke with Astian :'D

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Crowteeth {RLC
1.6.23 } (#39277)

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Posted on
2016-02-25 22:44:30
Poor Rius, forever the shortest and heaviest so far. The fun part is going to be when he starts telling the really crappy jokes to Ash and Felix

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Trash Panda (#69500)

Love Muffin
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Posted on
2016-02-25 23:06:29
Poor Fluff c': Ash is the tallest so far, huehuehue. It's gonna suck when he has to hide from Hounds.

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