Posted by ~Die Trying~ Sign ups {OPEN}Zombie Apoc RP

Crowteeth {RLC
1.6.23 } (#39277)

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Posted on
2016-02-25 03:55:01
Give it All or Die Trying
Mankind has been mostly wiped out. A serve disease eating through the population so quickly that no one could have seen it come, but the strange thing was that anyone under the age of sixteen wasn’t touched by the sickness. But those older than sixteen and the adults were turned into something else, a monster, a thing that ate children and worked in groups with little intelligence. They were some strange mash of a zombie with the mindset of a wolf. Most often they were faster, stronger, and tended to work in groups with pack like dynamics that they used to hunt. So the kids thrown into this world head first had to get smarter, had to become just as ruthless as the cannibals hunting them around every corner, they have to give it their all in everything they do or die trying. And in a crumbling Venice, Italy any miss step can send you plunging into the waters below where you may not come out from. Some areas of the city have even begun to fall into the deep buildings that mark the original city, and it’s in these dark areas that adults could be hiding. The only hope for the kids from Saint Valentine’s Academy is to get to the other side of the island, get a boat, and pray that not everywhere was effected and help could be found on the Murano.

.:The Rules:.
• All LioDen rules apply. Make sure you follow them.
• No powerplaying, godmodding, etc. You don’t need to ask for permission before starting a fight, but you cannot automatically defeat or kill your opponent without the other player’s permission. Let’s keep fights fair. Also remember that every action has a consequence. And one wrong move may very well end with a death.
• Fade to black when necessary (18+ content, excessive gore/violence, and birthing).
• This roleplay will have some dark/mature overtones. Keep that in mind before joining.
• This is a semi-literate to advanced roleplay. You will be required to post at least one paragraph (five sentences) and use proper grammar.
• Please try to be active. If you need to go on a hiatus let me know.
• Slots for this roleplay will be limited, but I may open more slots after more schools are discovered.
• Do not use someone's artwork for your character unless it was specifically made for you (and in that case I'll need proof).
• Put ‘Cabbage’ In the other if you read the rules!
• Up too four characters per person to start with, If I see you can handle them then you may request another character.
• Saint Valentine’s Academy was a middleschool mixed with a highschool. SO most of the kids will be eleven to sixteen year olds, but there will be a small amount of slots open to have a kid younger then that but they must be with an older student to act as a protector.

.:Rules of the Kids:.
• It is not known if being bitten, or coming into contact with the saliva or blood of an ‘adult’ or stranger is contagious as most of those who have come close enough don’t tend to make it out.
• The adults or teens over sixteen are often referred to as strangers or hounds.
• There are a few other schools in the area such as Morrison’s Highschool and Elementary, and Rose’s Academy for Young Women. But it is unknown if there is anyone still surviving there.
• Food is scarce, most of the places where it is found is guarded or used as traps by strangers.
• There are dogs on the island, most of them are feral or rabid and are to be treated as a threat.
• Anything can be a weapon, so use it.
• Sometimes there are kids who weren’t going to any of the schools and are often tourists children. Some are dangerous and Some aren’t. Both are to be treated as a threat until it is found out if they mean any harm.
• It is currently unknown if turning seventeen will cause the start of the disease in your body.
• Any kid under the age of ten will have to be guarded from attacks.
• It is not known if any adult were immune to the disease….

.:The Sign Up Form:.
Please delete anything in []!!
Sexuality:[All accepted, but let’s try to have a diverse group]
School:[Only Saint Valentine’s Academy is currently open. I will open the others as the kids go explore there.]
Appearance:[Can be a picture or a description]
Relationships:[Family, Kin, Crushes, Friends]
History:[Keep it brief please]
Theme Song:[Optional]
Likes and Dislikes:[Optional]

Saint Valentine’s Academy
.:Chosen Leader:.(0/1)
Rius Marlow|Male|15
Felix Nelson|Female|15
Astian Spiros|Male|15
Brynjar Holtzclaw|Male|14
Paweł Klimek|Male|11
.:Kids Younger Than Nine:.(0/2)

.:Tourist Kids:.(1/4)
Tiana Cryders|Female|16

Roleplay; OPEN
Chat Thread

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Edited on 07/03/16 @ 08:10:03 by Headless (#39277)

Giantslayer (#28129)

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Posted on
2016-02-26 08:39:04
Brynjar Holtzclaw
Bry, Talon
14 years old
Demisexual, Panromantic
Saint Valentine's Academy
8th Grade
General Appearance ((Made by me))
Brynjar is very skinny, and not as bulky as he would want himself to be. He's 5'4'', weighs only 103 lbs, and his skin has a dark shade. His features are relatively blunt, with medium-sized cheeks, round eyes with fuzzy eyebrows, and a square jaw. His dark, metallic chartreuse eyes, often seemingly absent, appear dark yellow when flashed against the sun, and are continously accompanied by a tired gaze. They are sometimes covered by his dry brown hair, which seems to have a few burnt locks, specially on the back. It's always been messy and fluffy, although it's vibrant brown colour and lighter undertones, as well as its soft texture have been dying down, slowly.

He is generally selfless and attempts to be kind. Still, he's very anxious, and can't stay calm for long when he feels in danger. Whether it's looking by around curiously, playing/pulling at his hair, or walking around quietly, he “needs” to keep in movement while staying quiet, and jumps at every loud noise. In an environment he feels comfortable in, the nervous attitude fades a bit. The fidgeting continues, but he's much more cheerful and open for conversation. After all, he became a great listener. He hates being interrupted or contradicted when he does talk, but he'd rather stay quiet and glare than call people out. It's his way of avoiding direct confrontation, as he won't call out people unless there are over-the-top insults, topics he feels strongly about, and/or injustices.

Alexandria Holtzclaw - Mother - Deceased
Nito Holtzclaw - Older Brother - Hound
Will be updated

Previous to arriving at Saint Valentine's, Brynjar lived a very simple life with his family in Quintana Roo, Mexico, despite most of his family living in Norway. His mother was a recognizable technician, and gained enough money for him and his brother to live comfortably, so there were barely any economic problems in the household. Because of this, his life was calm, some would say shorter than perfect. After talking to his mom about wanting to try out school in another country for a few months, he was sent overseas to Saint Valentine's at the age of 12.

Theme Song
From Now On We're Enemies by Fall Out Boy
Likes and Dislikes
+ Music
+ Plants
+ Spicy Food
+ Small animals, like lizards
+ Doing things without being pressured
- Seeing people hurt
- Loud noises
- Sleeping, "It's a massive waste of time"
-The scratches and cuts on his face are old wounds, but he keeps scratching them anxiously and re-opening them. They weren't initially made by himself, however, and come from tripping, going through small spaces, and other incidents he doesn't talk about.
-He gave himself the nickname 'Talon', because it 'sounds cool', and he always related his last name with Hawk.
-Doesn't have any proper weapon except for most of an old bat, which breaks a bit after each use. He hasn't found anything good before someone else took it except for it.
-Is great at sneaking, but he doesn't stand out at running. His stamina is above average, which gives him an advantage still.

(( I hope this is okay! I'm not a native speaker, so there might be a few errors here and there. ; ; ))

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Trash Panda (#69500)

Love Muffin
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Posted on
2016-02-26 09:59:17
And Felix stays the only girl Cx

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Crowteeth {RLC
1.6.23 } (#39277)

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Posted on
2016-02-26 10:02:00
Shhhh, i'm making two more characters

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Trash Panda (#69500)

Love Muffin
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Posted on
2016-02-26 10:12:56
xD Awesome~

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Ichigo (#8268)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-02-26 11:04:04
Haha well she is more tomboy than girlygirl, so she will fit in with the guys just as easily as girls hopefully XD Lol and I love lizards!! I personally have a green iguana myself named Salazar XD

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Trash Panda (#69500)

Love Muffin
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Posted on
2016-02-26 11:09:10
Salazar. Sounds amazingly like a dragon.

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Ichigo (#8268)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-02-26 11:14:48
Lol now that you mention it it does! xD He was named after Salazar Slytherin and my dog after Draco Malfoy, anyone see a theme? ;)

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Trash Panda (#69500)

Love Muffin
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Posted on
2016-02-26 11:20:39
Your nerdiness is now like my favorite thing ever. cB

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Ichigo (#8268)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-02-26 11:26:12
The fact you know exactly what I mean totally makes my day XD You are awesome!!

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Trash Panda (#69500)

Love Muffin
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Posted on
2016-02-26 11:50:55
xD Yes I am indeed
No jk, but yey <3

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Trash Panda (#69500)

Love Muffin
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Posted on
2016-02-26 12:15:14
I hope we get to rp soon, though. ;v; I know we'll probably need more people than this before we do but I'm excited <3

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Giantslayer (#28129)

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Posted on
2016-02-26 13:47:46
I was going to make a female character, but I started writing Brynjar before I knew it. xD
Also, is that Alfred F. Jones/America for your avatar, Teddy? :o

my internet was trash i'm sorry i didn't answer earlier

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Junkyard Punk (#5292)

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Posted on
2016-02-26 14:16:32
frick i really wanna join but i haven't roleplayed in literal years i'd probably be all rusty and slow :'I

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Trash Panda (#69500)

Love Muffin
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Posted on
2016-02-27 01:53:42
Yes it is indeed, Arkkael. Yes it is indeed. xD In a bear suit~

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Pembroke (#717)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-02-27 16:04:02
{I've been lurking on this thread for a little now. I decided I had to make a character. xD}

Paweł Klimek

His only nickname is "Paul" as it's a little easier on the tongue for most others.

11 years -> June 21st



Saint Valentine's Academy

6th Grade

I dunno, man. Maybe Gatherer?

Paul stands at height of 4"8 and weighs in at 84 pounds, making him quite average for his age. He has a head of chestnut brown hair with very subtle undertones of red that are seen only when the light hits it just right. His hair has a slight wave to it, but is not curly. Paul's are large and very dark brown, best described as "puppy dog eyes". His cheeks are dusted with freckles over his light, but not overly so complexion. Naturally, being a kid and being outside often, and coupled with the fact he is a bit accident prone, Paul has little scratches, scrapes, and bruises all over him.

Paul has essentially lived his whole life looking up to his older brother, Andrzej for just about everything. Naturally, he is quite the follower and doesn't really mind being told around and he does not wish to be placed in a leader position. As far as 11 year olds go, he is relatively laid-back, but still has the boundless, childish energy. He's rather gentle and kind and if something is bothering him, he's likely to try and avoid confronting it. He can be little emotional at times and too much going on all at once has the tendency to stress him out.

Alina Klimek | Mother | Unknown; presumed dead
Dariusz Klimek | Father | Unknown; presumed dead
Andrzej Klimek | Brother | Hound

There is nothing of much significance in Paweł's backstory other than a normal upbringing in Poland. He was always looking up to his brother and when Andrzej complained about not getting to see the world and take pictures of interesting things, he applied for a scholarship to Saint Valentine's. Of course, Paul immediately wanted to go. After all, it was his brother's last year of high school and he definitely wanted to be there too. With reluctance, Paul was allowed to attend and he was absolutely ecstatic about the idea of staying somewhere new for a whole school year. And he had absolutely nothing to fear, because if anything bad happened, his brother would be right by his side. At least that's what he thought.

Likes and Dislikes:
+ His brother
+ Playing outside
+ Having someone to look up to
+ Rainy weather
+ Food; Paul is not picky. At all
- The Hounds; they scare him. A lot.
- Being alone
- Fighting; he loves peace and hated it when others are fighting, even if he's not involved.
- Being put under a lot of pressure

- Paul's strongest suit is in speed. He lacks agility, and that much is obviously by the little scratches on his body. He tends to be very good at hiding too, except for when he had to be stealthy on the move- then he's about as quiet as a bull in a china shop.

- His brother's love for photography rubbed off a little on him and in his backpack, Paul has a cheap disposable camera. Before the apocalypse struck, he could be seen taking pictures of his newly made friends at the academy with it.

- Paul has a picture of his brother with his German Shepherd that he keeps in a pocket in his backpack.

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