Posted by Feline Migration (Roleplay Thread)

Moonblinked (#68250)

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Posted on
2016-05-05 09:13:04
So, the group right now is in a desert. Won't give which desert because well, they wouldn't know.
This is the desert they are in at the moment
Remember the rules, and have fun!

(And sorry if my posts are a little short. Haven't roleplayed for a while.)

Shere Khan || Male || Siberian Tiger || 6 years 9 months || Open for Interaction ||

The hefty tiger slowly opened one eye once he saw that the sun was slowly beginning to creep over the horizon, the sky slightly illuminating with light. He let out a long grunt as he lifted his bulky body, stretching his forepaws out in front of him. His muscles were just barely visible under all the fat and fluff on his frame. The group had made its way to the desert, with nothing but cactuses, rocks, and the burning ground. The cats with the heavier coats would have a hard time with this place, Shere Khan being one of them. His coat was necessarily heavy, he just had a lot of fluff on him. He'd also have a hard time lugging all his weight around, especially in the deep sand.

He shook out his coat, and looked over the rest of the group that was still sleeping, or some that were just awakening. He'd wait for them before beginning to march out. He would be at the front. He'd always be at the front, no matter what. He let out another long grunt as he sat back down again, joints popping. He looked over the direction they would be going, blinking slowly.


Remedy || Female || 2 years 11 months || Ocelot || Open for Interaction ||

The small feline opened her maw and yawned silently once the feeling of morning came upon her. She rose up and stretched out most of her body, feeling very much satisfied with how she felt. She sat on the rock that she slept on all night. To her relief, it was a lot cooler than when she first laid down on it last night. She curled her tail around her paws and began to groom her shoulders.

Licking her lips, she jumped down off the rock and onto the ground. It was slightly less hot than it usually would be since it was still dark out. But as the day progressed, it would get a lot hotter. She began to jump on each and every member of the group, not giving a second glance to any of them. She got to the other side of the group and sat down, wondering if any of them would come after her. Now that would be interesting.

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Edited on 05/05/16 @ 23:33:31 by CapeSoul (#68250)

Saber.Driift (#61198)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2016-05-08 05:37:26
Xemas// mentions: raven and sparrow

Xemas nodded slowly at Ravens sugguestion "good idea.". He stood up slowly, his dull grey pelt sparkling in the blazing sun. He approached her, dipping his head in greeting and sitting down a couple feet infront of her "Hello."

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Pumpkin (#77192)

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Posted on
2016-05-08 05:54:08
Sparrow // Female // 2 years // Transvaal Lion // Mentions: Xemas //

Sparrow jerked her head up. She spotted a male lion talking to her and she dipped her head. "Hi." She whispered. "I'm Sparrow. What's your name?" She asked, pushing her shyness to the back of her mind. After all it was only one lion.

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Moonblinked (#68250)

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Posted on
2016-05-08 13:13:02

Shere Khan || Male || Siberian Tiger || 6 years 9 months || Mentions: Shadi ||

Shere Khan blinked slowly, as he often does. He looked over the group again before standing up, tensing up a little at the sound of Loki's voice. He turned to look at the dark feline. He hesitated for a few moments before speaking, narrowing his eyes just a little, "There's an oasis. We're going to it. Now!" He paused a little before the last sentence, his low-toned voice turning into a loud roar that the entire group could hear, signaling that they would get on the move now. He didn't care if the ones still hunting weren't back in time. He'd leave them to rot in the dust, to be picked at alive by the buzzards.

The large tiger lashed his tail before trudging off in the selected direction. The journey to the oasis would definitely be brutal, given the heat of the day and the lack of water. He minded the heat, as it weighed down on his large coat. But he did fear something that would be waiting for them-- two things in fact-- sinking sand and scorpions. Not just any scorpions. Deadly ones.


Remedy || Female || 2 years 11 months || Ocelot || Mentions: Loki, Shere Khan ||

The small feline let out another yawn and an exasperated sigh. She really wished she could've done some other stuff before they got on the move. Remedy stood up and slithered out of Loki's grasp to curve around behind him, climbing up his back. She dug her claws into the scruff of his neck, knowing that sinking her claws anywhere else would hurt. She waited for him to stand up before she'd lay down on his back.

Being a smaller cat, the ocelot got a lot of free rides. Only from Loki though. He was the only cat in the group that she trusted. She felt like the lucky one, having a strong jaguar to protect her. She even felt especially special because Loki wasn't the type of feline to warm up to others that easily.

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Edited on 08/05/16 @ 22:41:17 by CapeSoul (#68250)

Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2016-05-08 13:32:45

Loki | Male | 4 years, 2 months | Jaguar
Location: Desert; Temporary Camp - With Group | Mentions: Remedy, Chenoa, Vidar / Group in General

Feeling paws batting at his long tail, he rolled his eyes and looked back, seeing the small Chenoa, swatting his tail at her to get her to stop with her pestering. His eyes soon met with Shere Khan's and he narrowed his yellow orbs, keeping a steady, intimidating gaze with the tiger. Seeing his eyes, his mouth, and hearing his words, Loki knew he had gotten to the brute slightly and felt a tiny bit of satisfaction in his chest, not flinching at all as Shere Khan yelled. He still didn't understand; who made him leader? Sure, he 'founded' the group, but still... Argh. Waiting for Remedy to climb onto his back, their usual thing, he looked around, watching as the others got ready to go.

Once Loki knew his small companion was safely on his back, the black jaguar stood up, and would let her lay down before walking towards the familiar tiger, walking just a paw length behind him. The tiger felt the need to be in the lead.. all the time. If he didn't have a friend on his back, Loki'd resist Shere Khan's urges to be leader, but he had a cat to protect, and wouldn't risk her safety for his own pride. With an annoyed sigh, the muscular jaguar continued walking, hoping Shere Khan was right about the so-called 'oasis'. Loki had heard stories of the heat making cats see things, making them see oasis', so he just hoped the tiger knew it was there. If not, oh, he'd be upset.

Ooc: Sorry its so bad, was in a rush. Its heating up tho - metaphorically cx

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Shy (#51494)

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Posted on
2016-05-08 14:40:51
Safi | Female | 3 years old| Amur Leopard | Location: Desert | Mentions: Shere Khan, Group

The tigers roar caught her attention as he called for the group to follow. She wasn't sure where they were headed, but it didn't matter to Safi. After all its not like there was anywhere else for her to go. Quietly she fell in line behind Loki, who was carrying the smaller ocelot Remedy. "Did he say where we were headed to?" she spoke quietly as not to have Shere Khan hear her thinking he might be upset if he knew she hadn't been listening to where he said they were headed.

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85forthewin (#87266)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2016-05-08 14:56:44
Shadi nodded her head. She was ready for the trip to the oasis, knowing that it would all be worth it. She got up and padded behind Loki. Shadi noted that he always seemed to be very protective over Remedy. She huffed, feeling the hot sand between the pads of her paws. Her legs were starting to ache from the long walk, but she had to stay strong. She had heard from some of the others in the group that the desert was full of scorpions. Her eyes looked around cautiously. She had never dealt with scorpions before and wasn't exactly looking forward to it.

Catching only one scrawny little mouse, Khari's hunt wasn't very successful. He was still pretty hungry. Panting he trotted to rejoin the group of cats. When he joined back up with the group, Shere Khan was saying something about an oasis. Peaking Khari's interest, he walked over to Safi and whispered excitedly, "Did he just say that we're going to an oasis?".

ooc: sorry it has taken me so long to be active. I was at a concert/festival for 3 days. will definitely be more active from now on

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Legolas (#81091)

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Posted on
2016-05-09 02:10:44

Manyare | Female | 2 Years, 8 Months old | African Leopard
Location: Desert; With the group | Mentions: Loki, Vidar, Remedy, Shere Khan, Open for interaction

Manyare had to bite her tongue, observing with slight amusement the scene; She found adorable the way that Loki protected the female, Remedy, in every way. That was a true friendship, she supossed. Who was she to say so, if she have never had such a thing?. Her big, piecing eyes landed on Vidar, who was less than a tail-lenght away. With a smile and a small bow, she returned the greet to the lion, ignoring his apparently short temper on the early morning. Hopefully, Manyare would manage to abstain herself for the rest of the day, on the other side. If not, two -Perhaps three- annoyed big cats would be a bad combination. She glanced a Shere Khan over her shoulder, her round ears perking at the loud roar. A deep sigh escaped from her chest, noticing that it was time to move on. She knew that many would fall on the way, but that only a few would stand up and continue the journey. The female was not planning to be abandoned; She knew that the group would not stop for any reason.

Manyare began to walk, following the large tiger's direction. Her steps were still feminine and swift, since the heat has not affected her, so far, as much as to other felines. Her entire pelage was thin, with the exception of her neck and chest, were the mottled fur becomes more fluffy. Her eyes had caught sight of a couple individuals returning from a hunt. She frowned, returning her gaze to the front. Her stomach was demanding for food, but she knew that the best was save her energies until they arrived... Whatever the destination was. Even in such an open space, not even an Oryx could be seen in the distance. The air was impregnated with the smell of dirt and sand; It would be almost impossible to arrange a hunt in this environment.

OOC: Sorry for late reply :C

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Edited on 09/05/16 @ 09:13:27 by Legolas (#81091)

AngelsHeaven (#84180)

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Posted on
2016-05-09 07:32:04
Tigress heard the others starting to move on so she got up to follow them. She had one rat left but she would give it away. After catching up to manyare, Tigress looked up holding the rat out where manyare could take it. It would be a snack but at least it would be something.

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tz☣{WCU} (#83026)

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Posted on
2016-05-09 08:06:59

The ocelot stopped messing with his tail, and shook her head to get her mind back together. "Why now!?" She mewled quietly. She trotted, only inches away from Loki. She couldn't resist by try to pounce on it once or twice. She used to play with her mother like this. Her belly was comfortably full, this might not be bad until she gets hungry, or overheats. "What's an oasis?" She asked to herself, trying to think.

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Pumpkin (#77192)

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Posted on
2016-05-09 09:49:09
Raven // Female // 4 years and 7 months // Black Panther // Mentions: Xemas, Sparrow, Group //

Raven walked away from Shere Khan, seeing that he was on the move. Instead she walked over to Xemas and Sparrow. "Xemas, you can walk with us if you like. We're heading to an oasis." She told the male lion. Turning to Sparrow she added, "We'll walk in the back, but if we get a little behind, I'll lead to catch up." She waited for them to respond before she set off after the group.

Sparrow // Female // 2 years // Transvaal Lion // Mentions: Xemas, Raven //

Sparrow looked at Raven. "Okay." She turned to Xemas. "Please join us." She said, leaning in to whisper, "It gets boring with just me and Raven."

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Moonblinked (#68250)

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Posted on
2016-05-10 08:09:13

Shere Khan || Male || Siberian Tiger || 6 years 9 months || Mentions: Group in General ||

He picked up the pace to a quick trot, expecting the rest of the group to follow with his lead. He honestly wanted to get there quick. His throat felt like someone had just poured a gallon of sand down it, and his could feel the heat on his skin under his fur. He occasionally glanced back, somewhat expecting a few stragglers to be laying down way in the back, and somewhat expecting some not to. He preferred the second choice.

He turned back and looked on ahead of him, the sky piercing right into his face. The tiger squinted his eyes a little, not exactly paying attention to where he was going-- since he couldn't that well in the first place.


Remedy || Female || 2 years 11 months || Ocelot || Mentions: Loki, Chenoa ||

She tucked her forepaws under her chest her, looking ahead between Loki's ears. She licked her muzzle when she glanced down at Chenoa. She was getting too friendly with Loki-- Remedy didn't like that. She narrowed her eyes at the smaller feline, her tail lashing to and fro behind her. In her mind, she was saying, Loki's mine. Back off. She didn't want to say it out loud. She may be a stubborn cat, but she wasn't a rude one-- well, she wasn't that rude.

The ocelot continued to look at the one walking on the ground, desperately wanted to jump down and push her away. She let out a small grunt as she unknowingly dug her claws into Loki's scruff. Chenoa may have been younger than Remedy, but that gave her no right to be this close to her best friend.

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Edited on 10/05/16 @ 15:09:29 by CapeSoul (#68250)

Flinttwine (#75059)

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Posted on
2016-05-10 08:22:51
(( Hey guys... Im really sorry, But I cant continue... I dont have my Tablet (Which is what I rped on) and my computer is too slow. I was SO interested hh ;; Im sorry. Feel free to keep or erase my chars, and thank you. You can always call me a follower tho <3 ♥))

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AngelsHeaven (#84180)

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Posted on
2016-05-10 09:45:02
Tigress walked close to chenoa. "Is it me or is he moving faster that before?" Tigress looked up at remedy with a slight smile. "Remedy you look comfortable up there."

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tz☣{WCU} (#83026)

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Posted on
2016-05-10 12:23:12

Chenoa looked at Remedy glaring at her, and backed off a bit. She stayed back a bit until she was behind Tigress. "I think he is moving faster," she mewled slightly, she kept her head low. She could just tell her to stop. She played with Tigresses tail instead. She batted at it with her paw, until she tripped on a random rock and slammed into Tigresses leg. "Sorry!" She yowled licking dirt off her wet nose. She jumped on Tigresses back and put one paw on her neck and looked the way that they were traveling. More Desert. She jumped back down, almost missing her step. "Where are we going? There's just more stupid sand! And desert!" She grunted, looking up at Tigress.

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Saber.Driift (#61198)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2016-05-10 14:19:40
Xemas // mentions: Sparrow

Xemas smiled softly "I'd love too, thank you." He dipped his head, shaking out his fluffy mane as he stood up. He wanted to get too know the lioness, "Are you and Raven siblings?" He then realized how stupid of a question it was "I- I mean like.. were you raised together.. not.. actual siblings.."

(sorry ive been AFK, ive been busy and had a date today)

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Edited on 10/05/16 @ 21:20:27 by Harley ~ God of the stars (#61198)

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