Posted by The Forest Pack (Dog RP sign ups)

Jadefeather (#27167)

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Posted on
2016-06-10 05:48:47

◄The Forest Pack►
The dogs that have been up for adoption have broken out of their cages, the dogs that have been treated badly have ran away from that home, the dogs that have no home has left the city. All these dogs have decided to move into the jungle, away from the humans. They can live the life they want to live now, they have plenty of food and water and shelter. These dogs don't have to worry about humans again. But they do face problem in the forest as well.

⋘The Ranks⋙
Alpha Male-
The alpha of the pack is the leader. He is the main one in control and sets the laws of his pack. They are not required to hunt with the pack, but most normally do. They demand respect and are in the position to exile, banish, or even kill those who do not show it. Though it is rare, this position can be challenged and if the challenger wins the fight than the challenger, being the new alpha, can do what he/she pleases with the previous leaders. This does not normally happen because it would result in a huge change within the pack.
Beta Male-
The Beta is the second in command and enforces the law when the current alpha is not present. If both of the alpha die than the beta(s) take the alpha position and lead the pack, unless the alpha has said otherwise. This position cannot be challenged without the alpha approval.
Beta Female-
The Beta is the second in command and enforces the law when the current alpha is not present. If both of the alpha die than the beta(s) take the alpha position and lead the pack, unless the alpha has said otherwise. This position cannot be challenged without the alpha approval.
The elders of the pack are seven years and older. They are filled with wisdom and renowned strength. They are the ones that the alphas normally go to for advice. If they are wise, the elders are the only ones to whom the alphas may submit themselves to. The are respected as much as the alphas by the entire pack.
The healer of the pack.
Lead Warrior-
The lead warrior takes his/her orders directly from the alpha, and sometimes the beta. They are the main leader, general, or captain of the warriors in the pack. There is only one.
The amount of warriors depends on the size of the pack. For a small pack there can be up to 5 and for a much larger pack there can be up 15. They are the guardians and protectors of the pack. The warriors will roam the pack lands ensuring it's safety. They are the ones that will keep watch at night. The warriors must be quick to think and remain calm in any given situation.
Lead Hunter-
The lead hunter is the one who leads the hunts. There is only one lead hunter. Whoever becomes a hunter must be quick to think as well.
Like the warriors the amount of hunters depend on the size of the pack. Every member of the pack hunts, but these are the main hunters.
Pup Watchers-
These are the pup sitters of the pack. They will keep watch over the pups when the others may be out hunting or at battle. Don't be fooled into thinking that they are weak and soft. On the contrary the pup watchers can be the most vicious members of the pack, as long as you don't mess with their pups. They only watch pups up until the age of nine months. There is only up to about three pup watchers in a pack regardless of the size.
The omegas are the lowest of low in the pack, lower than the subordinates. Don't be surprised if they don't receive much respect if any at all. They are only placed in this position if they've done anything to disrespect the alpha. Sometimes a new member may be placed with this rank if the alpha is a bit mistrustful of them.
Pups- The pups of the pack.

Brief History:

Sign Up Rules
- Follow all Lioden Rules
- Use sources
- You can have wolf mix
- realistic, so no neon dogs
- you can't have your own characters be mates
-I will add more rules as I think of them


RP thread

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Edited on 13/06/16 @ 10:24:10 by JadeFeather (#27167)

Jadefeather (#27167)

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Posted on
2016-06-10 05:50:32
The Pack

ALPHA (1/1)
Acer (#48057)

BETA (2/2)
Male: Haruki (#89661)
Female: Carameli (#27478)

ELDERS (1/6)
Grizel (#91466)

SHAMAN (1/1)
Hazel (#27167)

Avisa (#92214)

Alkaia (#41009)
Mirza (#60460)
Killian (#16165)

Lenore (#91466)

HUNTER (2/6)
Lenna (#13883)
Elise (#89661)

Olive (#27167)

OMEGA (0/4)

PUPS (1/6)
Sparrow (#35201)

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Edited on 18/06/16 @ 23:01:58 by JadeFeather (#27167)

Jadefeather (#27167)

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Posted on
2016-06-10 05:50:40

Name/Id: Hazel (Hazey) (#27167)
Gender: Female
Age: 6 Years Old
Breed: Australian Shepard
Rank: Shaman
Personality: Hazey is a sweet girl, she is outgoing and fun to be around. She can be shy, but rarely is. She loves to make others laugh and make they feel good. She is witty and sarcastic and very smart and loves to tease everyone. She always puts others first and makes sure they are always safe and protected. When Hazel is stressed she often is snappy and hot headed, but she always feels bad for barking at others. But She isn't afraid to do whats right, even hurting others.
Orientation: Heterosexual
Appearance/looks: [x]
Crush/relationship: None at the moment
Brief History: Hazel was bought as a puppy and taken into an abusive home. They beat and yelled at her, making her scared of loud noises and fast motions towards her. She was left outside one day, so she ran away as fast as she could into the forest. She found the Forest Pack and wanted to help other and care for them so they didn't feel the way she had before.
Other: Source:

Name/Id: Olive (Ollie) (#27167)
Gender: Female
Age: 4 Years Old
Breed: Doberman x Great Dane
Rank: Pup Watcher
Personality: Olive is a very protective dog. She is always looking out for the pack and herself. She always seems in a grumpy mood, which she is. You can never get a smile out of her, maybe a small smirk. But besides that she is stubborn and snappy and will bark at whoever she wants if they get on her nerves, even the Alpha. She doesn't get scared anymore. She can be loving and kind to those she truly loves like her own pups and mate.
Orientation: Heterosexual
Appearance/looks: Admin removed image due to lack of source.
Crush/relationship: None at the moment
Brief History: Olive was used in the fighting arenas, fighting other dogs and always winning due to her massive size and strong muscles. If she didn't win a fight her owners would take it out on her, by the end of the night she was laying in her own blood. She broke out of the house one day and made it as far as she could away from her house. She found the Forest Pack and joined and became a pup watcher.
Other: Source: Improper source.

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Edited on 10/08/16 @ 17:40:31 by Katze (#20064)

Spiderx (#89661)

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Posted on
2016-06-10 11:44:56
May I reserve the Beta Male rank while I work on my form?

Edit : Forgot to put "Male"

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Edited on 10/06/16 @ 18:47:13 by Chicken (#89661)

Takoyaki☆ (#48057)

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Posted on
2016-06-10 13:39:06
May I reserve alpha?

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Edited on 10/06/16 @ 23:36:33 by ~Baka~ (#48057)

Jadefeather (#27167)

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Posted on
2016-06-10 15:15:26
Yes you may both do that :)

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Spiderx (#89661)

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Posted on
2016-06-10 15:22:36
Thank you, I'll be making my forms later tomorrow maybe.

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tiinyember (#13883)

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Posted on
2016-06-10 16:00:47
ID: (#13883)
Name: Lenna
Gender: Female
Age: Three years old.
Breed: Long-haired Australian Koolie Dog
Rank: Hunter
Personality: Lenna is an decisive, compasionate and loyal dog. She can be quite charming and be quite the flirt towards both genders but mostly keeps to herself. She is sensitive when it comes to talking about her past and will likely shut the other dog down if he/she asks a question that hits too close to home. She can be a bit too quick to judge another dog, which can cause problems among the pack.
Orientation: Bisexual
Appearance/looks: Clickie!
Crush/relationship: None.
Brief History: Lenna was born in a puppy mill along with her brother. Her mother was slaughtered when the puppies were off milk and her brother soon died from illness. Lenna grew up in a cramped, filthy cage. Until one day, she was sold to a farmer. He beat her, barely fed her and kept her locked inside the barn. At two years old, she ran away and never looked back.
Other: I found the picture on Google. If it does not work for you, please message me and I'll try to fix it.

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Edited on 11/06/16 @ 09:19:56 by Grounder Princess (#13883)

Jadefeather (#27167)

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Posted on
2016-06-10 16:05:34

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Spiderx (#89661)

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Posted on
2016-06-10 16:24:40

border-collie-672727_960_720.jpgImage Source

Name :

Gender :

Age :
3 Years, 10 Months

Breed :
Border Collie

Rank :
Beta Male

Personality :
Haruki is a remarkably intelligent and cunning dog with a somewhat energetic and quick-witted personality, though other times, he is serious and concentrated. He has a moderately tolerant and easygoing personality, despite his outgoing attitude. He is very protective and slightly aggressive, but prefers to use his sharp tongue rather than his strength. Though, he will not hesitate at all to give his opponent a furious bite mark on the shoulder or a few bruises on the snout. He is a loyal and trustworthy dog, but cannot be easy fooled. Haruki also enjoys teasing others sometimes to amuse himself.

Orientation :

Appearance :
Haruki is an average-looking Border Collie, with his common black-and-white markings, long-haired coat, and quick, agile paws. He also has small, faded spots on and around his muzzle and legs, which are covered with long white fur. He has a muscular build above his tall, strong legs. He has sharp black ears that are normally bent down above his round green eyes. He is slightly taller than most other Border Collies, reaching at 2'1" in shoulder height and weighing to a total of 60 pounds, though most of it is hard bone and muscle. He has a long, fox-like tail with feathery ends.

Crush / Relationship :
/ Carameli [ Played by BlazeRed <3Loki's Gal<3 (#27478) ]

Brief History :
Haruki was given birth to in a litter of 4 other pups and was the first one to come out of his mother. When Haruki was only about two months old, his owners were then offered a home in a nearby farm just across their neighborhood, who wanted a strong, healthy dog to replace his older one, who had slightly lost his ability to hear, and then later developed a minor brain problem. Haruki was trained to herd the farmers' cattle and sheep in and out of their pens and feeding areas. He was hardworking and was very obedient to his owners.

Though, later on, a tornado struck the neighborhood, forcing the cattle and sheep to flee from danger. The farmers struggled through the strong, windy gusts of fast wind as they search for Haruki, who they thought, was scared and went hiding. After nearly half an hour of searching for the dog, the owners gave up, then facing the fact that they'd just lost their beloved pet. The last voice they'd ever heard from him was a loud howl of distress which faded away quickly as the tornado rammed itself through the farm. Though, nothing much had happened to Haruki, for he had just ran to a safer area. He spent several hours seeking for his owners and coming back to the farm, looking for them.

Before he knew it, he was held by the chest and then lifted as a couple of humans place him in a vehicle. He was not wearing a collar, since he kept convincing his owners to stop strapping the itchy collar around his neck. He protested angrily at the strangers before getting shut up by a dog muzzle. Fortunately, he kicked himself out of the grip from the humans and escaped safely before discovering the "Forest Pack," which he found after traveling a very far distance from home.

Other : N/a

Edit : Fixed "Crush / Relationship"

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Edited on 12/06/16 @ 09:50:36 by Chicken (#89661)

Takoyaki☆ (#48057)

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Posted on
2016-06-10 16:36:43
Name/Id:Acer (#48057)


Age:5 Years Old

Breed:Great Dane


Personality:Acer is a lazy but sometimes serious male. He may look like a goofball but he is an intelligent male, but he just doesn't want to use his brain so much on normal days. He's also a flirt to females and likes to tease them as much as he can before they run of or do anything else. But, he is very protective about his pack so he will not hesitate to furiously wound a trespasser with his large teeth that would wound the dog badly. -might add more while rping-


Appearance/looks: AF57C50D4.jpg Source

Crush/relationship:None at the moment

Brief History:Back in the day Acer was known to be a rouge that used to always wander and hunt in the forest pack territory. But one day, he scented a group of other dogs in this territory he decided to try to take the position of becoming a alpha. After a fight with an old alpha male, he easily won the battle and became the alpha of the forest pack from now on.

Other:A don't mind anybody's character have his pups or be his pups c:

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Edited on 12/06/16 @ 15:46:57 by ~Baka~ (#48057)

。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2016-06-10 21:32:32
May I reserve Beta Female? Or does she have to be the Beta Male's mate?

If I can't reserve Beta Female, could I have the Lead Hunter position instead, please?

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Jadefeather (#27167)

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Posted on
2016-06-11 01:10:42
Everyone accepted :)!

BlazeRed, PM Chicken and see if that's okay, if he doesn't then yes you can have lead Hunter.

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Spiderx (#89661)

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Posted on
2016-06-11 01:49:23
I'm alright with that, but if you'd rather be a Lead Hunter, then that's okay too.

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tiinyember (#13883)

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Posted on
2016-06-11 02:20:59
Okay! I actually put effort into my form and edited so you got a description, personality and a more detailed history.

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Takoyaki☆ (#48057)

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Posted on
2016-06-11 06:15:07
When will we start rping?

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