Posted by 1x1 With Angel

G4 Ferus (#66355)

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Posted on
2016-07-05 13:01:27
Halos and Bat Wings

Evil Forces are beginning to show themselves. With a new grouping of lions they may create a pride of saviour or a pride willing to take down any enemy possibly even each other. It is up to the Lions and their future offspring on what may happen to the future of the new land.

Rules, Must Read:
- Follow lioden rules
- Fade when breeding and birthing
- Ask for permission before killing or breeding
- I decide the weather and time of day
-The Queen is the main decision maker along with the king. The sub-queen is the kings true mate, she has less work to do to mainly watching over the cubs and lead breeder.
- The king may breed with any breeder female
- The Queen may only be bred with the king. (UNLESS. You really want that drama. *Wink. WINK*)
- Subs must consult with the king before breeding
- Put @ next to your lions name if in heat
- All females can be bred with by the king, unless they're mates with a sub at some point. Hunters and healers have a choice.
-Sexuality is an option; If gay or other put in Other
-Pregnancy last 3 Days, and nursing last 6.
- Be respectful
- At least 3 sentences per post
- Be literate
- No powers or god modding
- Cussing is allowed but no offensive words please
- You are not allowed to be your own mate.
- Please try to use lioden wardrobe for your lions looks but if you have a piece of fanart you are just dying to use, you may use that. No real lions.
-Please Be active

Character Form:
Look: Link (use coding if you know how.)
Personality: RP'ed out (Optional)
Desired rank:

The Pride: Chosen with Members

King: Kwazulu

Heir: None Picked

Queen: Suisei

- Aisu

- Muntz

- Enkou


- Endle

- KiroShi- 8Mths.
-SuiSei: P2-
- Jua- 2 Mths.

In-Heat Females:

Post format: lion name - pride and rank - in heat or not/wounded or not
Ex./ Iku-Tumble Pride- Breeder- @/NW

Watering Hole
Hunting Area

Heat= @
Wounded= W
Pregnancy= P1, P2, P3
Nursing= N1, N2, N3, N4, N5, N6
Cubs can be controled by player at 3mths but must not wonder away from mother until weaned at 7mths
Aging= Every 1Day is 1Mth. Is treated as a day.

Character Sheets

No thread generated. The original poster of this RP thread will be able to generate one for this feature.

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Edited on 25/08/16 @ 17:46:38 by Fraulein Elsa Mars! ❤ (#66355)

wolfnbites (#93794)

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Posted on
2016-08-08 03:55:48
Kwazulu │NoPrideName │Rank: King │Healthy│3yrs 3mths
Kijani~Unclaimed│No rank│Healthy│1yr 2mths
Miamba ~ Unclaimed │No rank │Healthy│1yr 2mths
Matumai~Unclaimed│No rank│Healthy│@│3yrs 1mth
Jua~Unclaimed│No rank│Healthy│2mths
Matumai smiled. Finally, a home. A chance to start a family. A chance to finally live in peace. "Thank you, I am sure that my life here will be a great one." She picked up Jua, who gave her a confused look. "We are going home, Jua." The cubs confused look slowly faded away into joy. "Yay!" Jua let the word out of her happiness. Matumai turned back towards the two males. "I will follow you both to where I must go."

Kwazulu nodded his head. He turned to Aisu. "Shall we go home then?" It would be best to bring the females to a safe den before exploring furthermore, if they were to. Glancing back towards the dens, it wouldn't be much of a long walk home. Smiling, he turned back towards Matumai. "Our home is in the caves, not the most comfortable place, but it shall do.."

Miambas looked at Kijani "Kijani, what does gay m-" Kijani put his paw over her mouth again. "Did you not hear what I just told you?!" Miamba grumbled and shut her mouth. Catching up to Endle, she asked him; "Why must no one know about you? You are a great leopon!" She hopped up and down. Then again, that is a good question... he is a very mysterious one..

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G4 Ferus (#66355)

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Posted on
2016-08-19 12:58:50
Suisei-Claimed|NoPrideName-Queen|P2|3Yrs 1Mth.
Words of Wisdom: "Silence is best used to gather information. To trick your opponent. Don't mess up the silence with a useless voice. Save your voice for the harsh times."
Muntz-Testing the Prides stability|Will Hunt for time being-|Healthy|3yrs 7mths
Words of Wisdom: "Everyone has strength, be it physical or mental. Every WORTHY lion knows this."
Enkou-Claimed|NoPrideName- Wishes to become broodmother|@-InHeat|2Yrs. 7mths
Words of Wisdom: "Fate is a difficult and dirty path. Each step is filled with pain and may tare you down, but if you can just imagine what is at the end of that path, it may just build you back up."
Aisu-Claimed|NoPrideName-Rank: Sub|Healthy|3yrs 9mths
Words of Wisdom: "Every second is a piece of string tieing itself tighter. Think of yourself as that string and as you get tighter, you are closer to breaking. Your time is up the moment you break. Take the time you have and use it wisely before it's too late-"
Cub KiroShi-Claimed|NoPrideName|Goal: Prove he can be usefull|Healthy|8mths
Words of Wisdom: "As long as I have eye's, whether they work or not. I will always be able to see. The beauty and soul of every living thing."
Kyogi-Not Claimed|No Pride|Healthy|1 Year 10 Months
Words of Wisdom: "Desertion hurts. Even if your the one leaving. Saying it's for the best is never really the best. Be a Lion not a Hyena and fight for what is yours."
Risai-Not Claimed|No Pride|Healthy|1 Year 10 Months
Words of Wisdom: "Fighting is part of life. You don't fight you lose. You do fight you have a chance to win."
Kakki-Not Claimed|No Pride|Healthy|1 Year 10 Months
Words of Wisdom: "Just bow down to other males. Later on they may just bow down to you."
Endle-Outcast|None Claimed|Steals food-Forces mating-Planning downfall of rising pride.|3yrs 1mth
Words of Wisdom: "Ignorance is not stupidity. Ignorance is purity. Stupidity is knowing and using that knowledge against yourself or its purpose."
Aisu Laughed at the female cub. They must have been wandering for the gods know how long. He purred and looked to Kwazulu.
"I am ready to go when you are." He looked down to Kiroshi and smiled. Kiro was facing the wrong way, so in a quick motion Aisu decided he would just carry his son home. He waited for his king to walk first and lead.
He listened to his kings words and managed to mumble out a reply.
"Nest are easily made with materials around. It'll help soften the cave floor."

Suisei and Muntz made it home safely and easily. They had caught two Zebra, very goood for their growing pride. They had taken there share and were just laying around the den when Enkou came in. Her heat as string as when she had left. "I've decided to wait." She layed near Muntz and stared at Suisei.
"I may not become queen but I wish to mate with the king, I'll show how devoted I am to this pride." She smilled and rolled over. Staring at the kill, and slowly rolled back over ready to walk over and eat.
Suisei watched and smiled. She and Enkou hadn't gotten on very nice at first but was glad she was opening up. Muntz stared and rolled her eyes.
"This is your first heat. This king is not yet worthy in my eyes. No offense ti you Suisei, but when my heat comes. I will mate with another pride king or rouge outcast." She began licking her paw. Thinking about her daughter. She stopped licking her paws. Her child is a year and five months now. She laughed. A child that would be queen one day. She knew she had to breed a cub that would only do just as good Her heat would kick in any day now. She had been avoiding her heats until she could find a home, and since Suisei has convinced her to stay it may be the best time to do so.

Endle laughed and turned his head. Why did he want no one to know of him?
"You two are the only ones I care to know about me. Leopons in the minds of others are not so great. I am an insult to lion kind. Young beauty, you are inoccent. Kijani You are a leader. I am an outcast. Let's leave it as that." He winked to the girl and slighty bowed his head to the boy.
Behind them remained the older three adolescents. The female chose to spoke a bit annoyed.
"If we are gonna be in the same pride and you can't even speak to us you two aren't gonna get very far. Come on we don't bite. Your not our prey." She snikered moving closer to them. The two males follwoed close behind her.

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wolfnbites (#93794)

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Posted on
2016-08-20 01:56:24
Kwazulu │NoPrideName │Rank: King │Healthy│3yrs 3mths│NoPrideName
Kijani~Unclaimed│No rank│Healthy│1yr 2mths│NoPrideName
Miamba ~ Unclaimed │No rank │Healthy│1yr 2mths│NoPrideName
Matumai~Claimed│No rank decided│Healthy│@│3yrs 1mth│NoPrideName
Jua~Claimed│No rank│Healthy│2mths│NoPrideName
"Very well." He led the way back to the camp. As they got closer, he could smell the scent of a fresh kill. Our lionesses must have finished hunting. Zebra? Interesting. Haven't had one of those since I was an adolescent. What a good meal for this small pride. He laughed softly to himself. He glanced at Matumai and Jua. Hopefully our lionesses can accept one adult and a little one.. surely they can. Kwazulu was so deep in thought that he didn't notice a tree infront of him.

Matumai followed her new king, carrying Jua. "Tree. Kwazulu stopped at what she said, inches from banging into the tree. "Oh. He said, walking around the tree. Matumai rolled her eyes playfully and continued to follow her king around the small tree. Eventually, they reached the camp. Jua tried to struggle out of her sister's grip, but she didn't have nearly enough strength to do so.

Miamba looked at the larger adolescent. She shared a glance with Kijani. "Well...I guess we do have to talk eventually.. She looked at her cousin, hoping for any guidance. His expression was unreadable. Come on Kijani, introduce us!

Kijani knew what Miamba was thinking. "Hi, I am Kijani. This is my cousin, Miamba. He nodded over to his cousin. "I guess we are just not really... used to larger adolescents. He made a very cheesy smile.

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Edited on 21/08/16 @ 16:49:31 by Angelkat567 (#93794)

G4 Ferus (#66355)

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Posted on
2016-08-23 13:31:12
Suisei-Claimed|NoPrideName-Queen|P2|3Yrs 1Mth.
Words of Wisdom: "Silence is best used to gather information. To trick your opponent. Don't mess up the silence with a useless voice. Save your voice for the harsh times."

Muntz-Testing the Prides stability|Will Hunt for time being-|Healthy|3yrs 7mths
Words of Wisdom: "Everyone has strength, be it physical or mental. Every WORTHY lion knows this."

Enkou-Claimed|NoPrideName- Wishes to become broodmother|@-InHeat|2Yrs. 7mths
Words of Wisdom: "Fate is a difficult and dirty path. Each step is filled with pain and may tare you down, but if you can just imagine what is at the end of that path, it may just build you back up."

Aisu-Claimed|NoPrideName-Rank: Sub|Healthy|3yrs 9mths
Words of Wisdom: "Every second is a piece of string tieing itself tighter. Think of yourself as that string and as you get tighter, you are closer to breaking. Your time is up the moment you break. Take the time you have and use it wisely before it's too late-"

Cub KiroShi-Claimed|NoPrideName|Goal: Prove he can be usefull|Healthy|8mths
Words of Wisdom: "As long as I have eye's, whether they work or not. I will always be able to see. The beauty and soul of every living thing."

Kyogi-Not Claimed|No Pride|Healthy|1 Year 10 Months
Words of Wisdom: "Desertion hurts. Even if your the one leaving. Saying it's for the best is never really the best. Be a Lion not a Hyena and fight for what is yours."
Risai-Not Claimed|No Pride|Healthy|1 Year 10 Months
Words of Wisdom: "Fighting is part of life. You don't fight you lose. You do fight you have a chance to win."
Kakki-Not Claimed|No Pride|Healthy|1 Year 10 Months
Words of Wisdom: "Just bow down to other males. Later on they may just bow down to you."
Endle-Outcast|None Claimed|Steals food-Forces mating-Planning downfall of rising pride.|3yrs 1mth
Words of Wisdom: "Ignorance is not stupidity. Ignorance is lack pf knowledge. Stupidity is knowing and using that knowledge against yourself or its purpose."
Muntz was the first to smell the males approach with other strange lion scents. She nodder her head to Suisei and made sure her friend got up alright. Watching the pregnant lioness stretch. Both females stared at the still eating i. heat. This was her chance and she hadn't even smelled them yet. Enkou was a bit brainless at times, they waited only a few seconds before Enkou's senses finally kicked in. She smiled and turned. Watching them approach, behind them was a young female cub in mouth. She smiled, she was quite beautiful hopefully she would become a good friend. They were both in heat so maybe they cubs would become close as well.

Aisu peered at the female every now and than. Trying to absorb what her personality may hold. He felt his son slowly purr, knowing Kiroshi, he was slowly falling asleep. He stared and saw his fellow pride mate's the smell of zebra made his tail shake. He placed Kiroshi down and licked him to wake him.
"Go eat." He directed his son and knew his son would follow the scent. Hardly even a few feet away.

Kakki smiled and turned to Kyogi.
"Well don't think to much about it. We aren't agressive. I mean not in any real way. I may get rough with what I love, and Miamba I am getting into your spirit. Kijani your charm seems to lay more in the way you think, your actions." He winked and moved onwards, Kakki laughed and took his place.
"He has a point. Your gonna get large as well. It just proves nothing can turn into something."

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G4 Ferus (#66355)

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Posted on
2016-08-23 13:32:14
((Heh. My power had gone out cause of a Tornado, than I just had to work after so I had forgotten to reply when I got it back!)

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wolfnbites (#93794)

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Posted on
2016-08-27 03:04:02
((Yikes a tornado! Hope everyone is OK!))
Kwazulu │NoPrideName │Rank: King │Healthy│3yrs 3mths│NoPrideName
Kijani~Unclaimed│No rank│Healthy│1yr 2mths│NoPrideName
Miamba ~ Unclaimed │No rank │Healthy│1yr 2mths│NoPrideName
Matumai~Claimed│No rank decided│Healthy│@│3yrs 1mth│NoPrideName
Jua~Claimed│No rank│Healthy│2mths│NoPrideName
Kwazulu walked to the lionesses. "Greetings, I have someone I would like to introduce to you." He nodded over towards Matumai and Jua. "These lionesses will be part of this pride, treat them with respect as you would for anyone else here." He whispered to Matumai; "You may speak if you wish."

Matumai nodded and looked at the lionesses. She dropped Jua carefully infront of her. "Hello, my name is Matumai. This is my sister, Jua." She gestured towards the cub below her. "I protect her with my life as any of you would for your own cub." She smiled, glancing at Kiroshi.

Kijani looked up at the other adolescents. "Really? T-Thanks!" He looked over at Miamba, who's eyes were full with hope. Kijani thought about what the older adolescent had said as they walked. It seemed that Miamba was also thinking about what she had been told. He looked at his cousin. "Do you really think they mean it?"

Miamba looked over at Kijani and nodded. "Of course! Why would they lie about a compliment?"
She gave him the Come-On-Kijani-I Know-You-Are-Smarter-Than-That look. Kijani rolled his eyes playfully and looked back in front of him.

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wolfnbites (#93794)

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Posted on
2016-08-27 09:26:54
((I just wanted to update Kwazulu's appearance since I didn't like how the old one looked ^^))

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G4 Ferus (#66355)

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Posted on
2016-08-27 10:02:41
((Ahhhh Super Hott!!! I'm not home so I'll reply when I am!!))

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wolfnbites (#93794)

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Posted on
2016-08-28 01:26:37
((LOL thanks! I'll be waiting till then ^-^))

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G4 Ferus (#66355)

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Posted on
2016-08-28 02:28:48
Suisei-Claimed|NoPrideName-Queen|P2|3Yrs 1Mth.
Words of Wisdom: "Silence is best used to gather information. To trick your opponent. Don't mess up the silence with a useless voice. Save your voice for the harsh times."

Muntz-Testing the Prides stability|Will Hunt for time being-|Healthy|3yrs 7mths
Words of Wisdom: "Everyone has strength, be it physical or mental. Every WORTHY lion knows this."

Enkou-Claimed|NoPrideName- Wishes to become broodmother|@-InHeat|2Yrs. 7mths
Words of Wisdom: "Fate is a difficult and dirty path. Each step is filled with pain and may tare you down, but if you can just imagine what is at the end of that path, it may just build you back up."

Aisu-Claimed|NoPrideName-Rank: Sub|Healthy|3yrs 9mths
Words of Wisdom: "Every second is a piece of string tieing itself tighter. Think of yourself as that string and as you get tighter, you are closer to breaking. Your time is up the moment you break. Take the time you have and use it wisely before it's too late-"

Cub KiroShi-Claimed|NoPrideName|Goal: Prove he can be usefull|Healthy|8mths
Words of Wisdom: "As long as I have eye's, whether they work or not. I will always be able to see. The beauty and soul of every living thing."

Kyogi-Not Claimed|No Pride|Healthy|1 Year 10 Months
Words of Wisdom: "Desertion hurts. Even if your the one leaving. Saying it's for the best is never really the best. Be a Lion not a Hyena and fight for what is yours."
Risai-Not Claimed|No Pride|Healthy|1 Year 10 Months
Words of Wisdom: "Fighting is part of life. You don't fight you lose. You do fight you have a chance to win."
Kakki-Not Claimed|No Pride|Healthy|1 Year 10 Months
Words of Wisdom: "Just bow down to other males. Later on they may just bow down to you."
Endle-Outcast|None Claimed|Steals food-Forces mating-Planning downfall of rising pride.|3yrs 1mth
Words of Wisdom: "Ignorance is not stupidity. Ignorance is lack of knowledge. Stupidity is knowing and using that knowledge against yourself or its purpose."
Suisei smiled and nodded her head. She was excited.
"Trust me, cubs are in every way welcome. No matter where from. Welcome to our pride Matumai." The pregnant female moved to her mate and began to nuzzle him. She whispered into his ear.
"Good Find."

The submale watched the new female, than looked at his son who was sniffing his way to Jua. He watched as Kiroshi moved carefully sniffing his way to thr young female. Stoping only a few inches away. He looked up and sniffed harder. Smelling an adult lioness.
"Matumai?" He than sniffed forward. "Eh. Jua!" He smiled and stared blankly. Aisu took this as a chance, he moved towards his son and took a seat near Matumai.
"Sorry about Kiroshi. He hasn't ever met another cub, not since he was born and that was short lived." He stared at his son and smiled glad to have him.

Muntz and Enkou watched Aisu speak and moved in, Enkou smiled as usual.
"I'm Enkou." Muntz moved forward and examined the female in front of her and the cub below.
"I am Muntz. This Jua, She has a spark. If she ever needs extra training when she's older. I'd love to help out." She smiled and nodded her head.
Then backed away next to Enkou.

Risai laughed at the cousins.
"So What do you know about him." By him she refered to the hybrid, which she hoped they understood. She did not trust him. His looks may be awe striking and alluring but he gave her a sick feeling.
Endle ignored all sounds and began talking to Kakki and Kyogi about the past and there plans, all three giving minimal responses, of you can even call Endle's reply a true response.

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Edited on 28/08/16 @ 09:29:11 by Fraulein Elsa Mars! ❤ (#66355)

wolfnbites (#93794)

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Posted on
2016-08-28 08:41:06
Kwazulu │NoPrideName │Rank: King │Healthy│3yrs 3mths│NoPrideName
Kijani~Unclaimed│No rank│Healthy│1yr 2mths│NoPrideName
Miamba ~ Unclaimed │No rank │Healthy│1yr 2mths│NoPrideName
Matumai~Claimed│No rank decided│Healthy│@│3yrs 1mth│NoPrideName
Jua~Claimed│No rank│Healthy│2mths│NoPrideName
Kwazulu nuzzled Suisei back. "Not as good as you though." He said, smiling. "Her sister, the cub, seems very young. Hopefully she would make a good hunter one day." He looked at her belly. "I bet our's will be amazing too.."

Jua looked at Kiroshi. "Hi me Is Jua! Who is you?" She hopped up and down excitedly but it didn't seem that he saw her. I wonder why he no see me? She sat down in front of the cub, and tilted her head to one side. She didn't see anything wrong with him so she looked back upwards again.

Matumai looked at Aisu. "You have a beautiful cub, you know." She smiled, watching Jua look around Kiroshi curiously. "I bet they will become great friends." She turned back to the male. "I'm proud to join this pride, it might be small, but it is becoming a great one." Matumai felt the warm sun on her back, which made her fur shine slightly. She heard one of the other lionesses speak, and looked at Muntz. "I would love you to train her, you seem like an excellent mentor for her. But for now, we must wait till she gets a little older."

Kijani gave a confused look at Risai. "Oh, you mean Endle? He's really kind, at least to us! I've never met a leopon before." He looked at Miamba. "I believe we both enjoy his presence, it's not like he wants to kill anyone.."

Miamba nodded. "I agree, Endle has been SUPER kind to us!" She looked at the expression on Risai's face. "Don't you like him too? I know you might not know him much, but he seems like a great guy to me!" She smiled at the older adolescent female.

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G4 Ferus (#66355)

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Posted on
2016-08-28 11:56:18
Suisei-Claimed|NoPrideName-Queen|P2|3Yrs 1Mth.
Words of Wisdom: "Silence is best used to gather information. To trick your opponent. Don't mess up the silence with a useless voice. Save your voice for the harsh times."

Muntz- Claimed|NoPrideName-Huntress|Healthy|3yrs 7mths
Words of Wisdom: "Everyone has strength, be it physical or mental. Every WORTHY lion knows this."

Enkou-Claimed|NoPrideName- Wishes to become broodmother|@-InHeat|2Yrs. 7mths
Words of Wisdom: "Fate is a difficult and dirty path. Each step is filled with pain and may tare you down, but if you can just imagine what is at the end of that path, it may just build you back up."

Aisu-Claimed|NoPrideName-Rank: Sub|Healthy|3yrs 9mths
Words of Wisdom: "Every second is a piece of string tieing itself tighter. Think of yourself as that string and as you get tighter, you are closer to breaking. Your time is up the moment you break. Take the time you have and use it wisely before it's too late-"

Cub KiroShi-Claimed|NoPrideName|Goal: Prove he can be usefull|Healthy|8mths
Words of Wisdom: "As long as I have eye's, whether they work or not. I will always be able to see. The beauty and soul of every living thing."

Kyogi-Not Claimed|No Pride|Healthy|1 Year 10 Months
Words of Wisdom: "Desertion hurts. Even if your the one leaving. Saying it's for the best is never really the best. Be a Lion not a Hyena and fight for what is yours."
Risai-Not Claimed|No Pride|Healthy|1 Year 10 Months
Words of Wisdom: "Fighting is part of life. You don't fight you lose. You do fight you have a chance to win."
Kakki-Not Claimed|No Pride|Healthy|1 Year 10 Months
Words of Wisdom: "Just bow down to other males. Later on they may just bow down to you."
Endle-Outcast|None Claimed|Steals food-Forces mating-Planning downfall of rising pride-He doesn't know it yet but a sucker for the cousin's|3yrs 1mth
Words of Wisdom: "Ignorance is not stupidity. Ignorance is lack of knowledge. Stupidity is knowing and using that knowledge against yourself or its purpose."

Suisei felt red all over. Her nose got warm and she had trouble looking up at him. "I... I. Know they will my king." She purred and nuzzled his fur more rough. "You are after all a good king and an even better mate." The words were still very foreign to her mouth yet she wanted to ahout them over again. This was something she never expected. A real pride, a growing family. To be a queen with a loving mate. They would be here before they knew it.

Kiroshi stared blankly blinking. Feeling some moment of air but not knowinf what was going on, not knowing she could not figure out his mutation. He just smiled at her words. "Jua.. I am Kiroshi." His words were proper and he would not speak if he did not know how to properly word it. He was told his mom was from a forgien land, pure bred from royalty. Only his father had interrupted that chain. He sniffed the air to attempt to properly face her.
"I Kiroshi am at your service." He chuckled at his perfect word play. His first time meeting another cub, that he could remember. He wanted to do it right.

Muntz Laughed and nodded. "Of course, of course. I am happy to have you. Maybe you will breed more champions, you will aurely help the pride prosper." Enkou smiled at her friend but a question nagged her. "So Matumai What do you plan to become? Your rank I mean. Muntz is a Huntress. I'm gonna become a Broodmother when more cubs are born, but really a Breeder at the moment. As you can see by the fawning, Suisei is queen and Aisu is a single submale." She laughed looking at the giant male.
Aisu only rolled his eyes. "Thank you by the way. Kiroshi has his moments. He is a lucky one that is true. I bet they will be great friends he won't let her get away. This pride is building up, not only members but strength."

Endle's ears perked at the words. Kill anyone. How innocent, ignorance is bliss.
He stopped and looked, beyond them was a gathered pride. Two cubs. Five females, one pregnant, two in heat. Two males, both large.
He waited, and listened, not only to the pride but the adolescents. Miamba...
He turned and sat coughing to catch their attention.
"My sweet Miamba and mighty Kijani. Now is the time. Your new pride lurks beyond this brushal and tall grass. I have never said this to anyone but I hope we meet again and that you enjoy your life. He nodded his head and looked to the group if three adolescents. shaking his head for them to go on.
They obeyed and ran out. Risai waiting just beyond the brush for the other two, knowing they would wait to say something to Endle.

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wolfnbites (#93794)

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Posted on
2016-09-01 09:48:19
Kwazulu │NoPrideName │Rank: King │Healthy│3yrs 3mths│NoPrideName
Kijani~Unclaimed│No rank│Healthy│1yr 2mths│NoPrideName
Miamba ~ Unclaimed │No rank │Healthy│1yr 2mths│NoPrideName
Matumai~Claimed│No rank decided│Healthy│@│3yrs 1mth│NoPrideName
Jua~Claimed│No rank│Healthy│2mths│NoPrideName
Kwazulu smiled at his mate. "Thank you Suisei, there are more days to come as today is only our second." The scent of the zebra carcass wafted to him. "Once all of us are ready, we should eat. I believe everyone is exhausted from hunting and exploring. When everyone is settled in, I will ask everyone to share the zebras. I understand that you and Muntz have already taken your shares of the meal, but if you still want a small share, you are allowed to eat upon the zebra."

Matumai nodded. "I agree with you, Aisu." She smiled at the beautiful male lion. She heard Muntz ask her question. "Preferably a breeder, i'm not great at hunting, that's for sure!" She laughed, and suddenly it felt that all her worries were lifted away. No more pain.. No more Slavery.. No more torture.. This is finally great again. I hope..

Jua looked at Kiroshi curiously. "Hi Kiroshi! Does you want to play with me? I am very fun!" She was confused that Kiroshi's eyes weren't following her motions. "No no, I am not queen. You no have to serve me!" She giggled. "Me just love making new friends! You is a new friend now, sir Kiroshi!"
*Note, this is how Jua talks for now.*

Kijani felt like crying. He didn't know what to say. He ran into Endle, and tryed to hug him the best he could. Miamba came racing behind him and hugged the giant leopon as well. "We will miss you so much Endle.." He managed to choke out from his tears. Miamba seemed as though she couldn't speak. Kijani teared away from Endle's warm fur. Miamba stayed there for a moment, then backed away with him. "Goodbye Endle, we will miss you.." He walked over to Risai.

Miamba looked at Endle one last time. "Thank you for taking care of us... I never thought I would see a male who wouldn't kill us. Now I have. And that's you. You didn't hurt us, and now we will always be by your side, Endle. It's time for us to depart. Thank you. So much.." She backed away and ran over to Kijani and Risai.

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