Posted by 1x1 Human RP

Death Queen (#53434)

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Posted on
2016-07-08 07:23:53
Rp between me and Icestar0413

.:My Form:.
Name: Ash Michelle
Gender: Female
Looks: Dark skinned, short woman with fire like dyed hair and piercing blue eyes
Personality: Sweet, quiet, and the typical good girl. She has a rebellious flare though, and is more likely to do things her way rather than the safe or "normal" way.
Bio: Ash was born into a rich family, but one mistake landed her in a torn up, old house in the middle of No where. Ash lived the happy cliché rich, preppy girl, until she was dared to break into someone's house at the age of 20. She was ultimately caught, and was put into jail for a month or two before her family bailed her out, and then kicked her out, disowning her for "ruining" their reputation. She left her town, and moved into the cheapest piece of crap she could find, and lived there, finding a poor fox kit in a bear trap. She rescued the creature and raised it as a pet, as it wouldn't survive in the wild. Ash, to make a living works as a mechanic and sings random shows all over the nearest towns.
Pet?: A 3 legged fennec fox.
Family: She's disowned and not considered a part of her past family.
Other: Nope

:.Icestar's Form:.
Name: Daniel Sky
Gender: Male
Looks: 5821068.jpg
Personality: Cold, can be a bit hostile, can be kind. Once he gets to know the person, he is kind-hearted and loving, caring, protective.
Bio: He had always been a biker, ever since he could get his motorcycle licence he had been riding around. He got into a bad accident one time and a few scars resulted but he was mostly fine.. he had a few dressings on his cuts and then he was fine. He had been born a shape shifter and no one knew but his parents and his best friend, Jason Fallen. He now lives in a house that is big enough for a family but, he lives alone and he has a great job. He looks like a bad guy but, he is actually very great when he gets to know and trust the person he just met.
Pet?: Krom. He is a white wolf German Shepherd mix with a blue spike collar and unusually blue eyes.
Family: all are dead
Other: shape shifter (can only change into a large black wolf that is as tall as a person)

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Edited on 08/07/16 @ 15:13:30 by Alex (#53434)

Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-07-08 12:30:39
Daniel stood there surprised at her yelling at them.. wow.. that was a little weird to him.. he thought about it, "I'm OK... I can work on it.. thanks.." He took one more look around at the people still looking and one even talked back asking why she was talking to him and he tried to keep himself under control.. no shifting here.. it would be a disaster.. he looked at Krom as he heard the yelp and Krom had rushed closer, picking the little thing up and setting it down so it was standing up. He sniffed at the fox to make sure it was OK... Daniel smiled down at Krom, Krom's spike collar rattled as the tape hit the spikes that could actually be sharp. Daniel was a little angry with the world at this point.. but he had to go before they provoked him again... the last time didn't end well.. he started to walk away towards his car and Krom seemed to know when he was leaving and licked the top of the fox's head before rushing off after him. Daniel looked around once more before disappearing into the parking lot and got into his car, the motorcycle parts could wait..

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Death Queen (#53434)

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Posted on
2016-07-08 12:35:41
"because he's most likely the only sane person in the useless town!" She snapped back, her hands balling up into fists before she looked over at Daniel leaving huffing out angrily before she started to walk away, throwing up both hands to flip off the on lookers, snatching up May May, she hurried off towards the mechanics shop, grumbling about how everyone in the town were morons, ripping open the door, she yelled out, "get me a god dang car NOW!" She then slammed the door behind her, glaring at her fellow employees who grinned, use to her outbursts even though she's only been here for a week or more.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-07-08 12:45:44
Daniel looked at her silhouette go into some store before putting the car into drive and pulling out of the driveway, then driving out towards his house. After about a half hour of driving, he finally reached his house. It was pretty big.. it was meant for a family but, he used up the space quite well.. one of the spare rooms is for whoever sleeps over which didn't happen much.. the other spare room is used for his art, he drew designs of what he could make his motorcycle look like and such. The basement is his fitness room, lots of equipment... he worked out every day but, today was his resting day and he didn't mind. He went to the kitchen with his two bags of jerky and put them in the cupboard, he then pulled a water bottle out of the fridge, opened it and drank it. He filled Krom's bowl with water as well and they both drank some more water after that.

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Death Queen (#53434)

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Posted on
2016-07-08 12:53:29
Ash got to work, diving under the car she was fixing up, huffing softly. This was an old piece of junk, but because she found the piece of junk in the junkyard, it was hers to fix up and use. She continued to work under the car, May May ran through the mechanics store, darting around and getting up on the highest of place, perching to watch the business. Ash soon got out form under the car, her clothes and face covered in ink and other things that came fro the car. She wiped her forehead before yelling, "may May, let get home..." She waited for the fox to get into the book bag, and headed out, knowing she had to hurry before it got dark.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-07-08 12:57:39
(Here comes the surprise for the poor girl XD)
Daniel shifted later, he had gotten that angry at what had happened before and his body just shifted.. he ran off and after a while he ended up near the grocery store he was earlier.. it was getting Dark and he knew he had less chances of getting caught but.. he saw the girl from earlier.. he just stood there, hoping she wouldn't look his way.. this time he had got himself stuck in his wolf form.. he guessed he had been that angry that his emotions got him stuck.. oh well.. he had left Krom at home so he could rest.

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Death Queen (#53434)

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Posted on
2016-07-08 13:01:32
Ash continued limping, but her slumped shoulders tensed and she stiffened. Something felt wrong, as if someone were watching her. She glanced around frantically, her bright blue eyes wide as she looked around, turning, she hurried up the hill, tripping slightly. She stumbled, but pushed herself to go faster, wincing at her sore muscles from her tumble down the same hill she was now trying so quickly climb up. She glanced back again, fear shining in her eyes at the darkness that was starting to appear. "'s too dark...ill never find my way out of the woo-" A loud squawk from a bird or owl had her shutting up and scrambling up the remainder of the hill, her breathing picking up.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-07-08 13:05:52
Daniel he realized how bad of a condition she was in and dashed after her, in no time flat he had already caught up and had appeared behind her in the night, his black pelt was basically invisible except for his bluish green eyes that shone in the Moonlight and the few scars he had glistened when the Moonlight hit it at a certain angle. He looked at her, he didn't get too close.. frankly he didn't want to.. he just stood there, looking at her.

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Death Queen (#53434)

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Posted on
2016-07-08 13:11:39
May May spotted him, letting out a low growl, her head poking further out of the book bag, Ash whipped around, her eyes widening at blue-green eyes that stared back at her form the darkness. She let out a blood curdling scream, jumping back only to stumble and fall down on her rump. May let out another loud snarl, the playful happy, friendly fox was no longer there, but a wild animal. She leaped out of the book bag, standing in front of ash, baring her sharp canines. Ash kept her gaze locked on the strange eyes, crawling back away from them.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-07-08 13:17:36
Daniel looked at the tiny thing and huffed, dismissively. He sat down and licked his paw, basically not moving in any threatening way. He was just there so she didn't hurt herself on the way home... but that fox was getting on his nerves... he brought his powerful paw down to the ground with a large thump and a low growl at the fox, he wasn't going to take anything from anyone, not even a small fox that looked extremely small to him at the size he was.. he was a little taller than Ash but, he was still very tall for a wolf..

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Death Queen (#53434)

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Posted on
2016-07-08 13:21:19
Ash's eyes grew wider at the growl, and hissed out, "i have the worst luck...ever...." May May stood her ground, staggering slightly, but growled right back, snapping it's jaws at the insanely larger wolf. Ash watched the wolf carefully, slowly moving to a crouching position.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-07-08 13:29:27
Daniel's eyes went from the not so threatening fox to Ash. His eyes locked on hers, he was getting a little impatient.. he was going to make sure she got home ok buy, he couldn't speak to her like this or she would freak out even more and that wouldn't be good.. it would be a pain.. he heard Krom coming and he soon reached them. Krom had come with a flash of white and stood right beside Daniel. Krom's fur was standing up as far as it was possible and Daniel looked at him, Krom sat down and just stared then.

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Death Queen (#53434)

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Posted on
2016-07-08 13:32:48
Ash stared at Krom relaxing slightly at the familiar canine, but then her eyebrows scrunch in confusion, "what...are you doing here...?" She murmured, glancing up at Daniel before Krom. "May May...come...." She kept her voice gentle and calm, and may may instantly turned, hobbling over to ash, who scooped her up into the bag. Ash stood up, nervously watching Daniel as she started to expertly walk backwards, as that's what she'd learn a lot, was to never turn your back to some one untrustworthy, and she took that to heart.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-07-08 13:43:52
Daniel stood up, finally they were moving.. Krom walked up happily and looked at the bag, he wanted to see the fox. He wasn't interested in Ash what's so ever, just wanted to see the fox.. Daniel yawned, she didn't appear to be moving very fast and he was getting impatient and just spoke without thinking.. "What are you staring at?? I came to see if you were ok and see if I could get you part of the way home in this dark... is it that hard to see?" He huffed and realized what he had just done.. great... he blew it.. it was all over.. he was going to get shot! No one was supposed to know but, he blew it... just great!

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Death Queen (#53434)

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Posted on
2016-07-08 13:48:06
Ash, not realizing at first who spoke, snapped back, "im staring at some ugly idiot!" Her narrowed eyes suddenly widened once and her jaw dropped open. "did...DID YOU JUST SPEAK?" She through her hands up in the air, turned around and walked off, "this is it! I've finally gone nutz! They all freaking saw the stupid future!" She started to ramble, still walking away, with her hands still up.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2016-07-08 13:53:08
Daniel looked at Krom who looked at him and they both looked at Ash, "who is crazy..? I do speak you know! Actually.. I am not ugly.. thank you very much.." he wasn't exactly very happy to be here, talking to some girl he didn't know that now knew his secret.. plus now he was insulted.. "I think I look ok thank you.. I can be a bit hard on the eyes but I am not ugly.." He was never full of himself.. he just reached the point where he was the look he wanted and he loved it. The human part of him though.. not this one.. this one looked dangerous and frankly it was if he wanted it to be but, he didn't right now.. so, he stood there looking at her, he had felt so insulted that it showed in his eyes.

(I'm off to bed.. good night :) we will continue tomorrow)

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Edited on 08/07/16 @ 20:55:17 by Icestar0413 (#72469)

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