Posted by 1x1 with Calmari

jikhari (#68511)

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Posted on
2016-07-24 08:58:34
assassin x princess rp!!

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Calmari (#94289)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2016-08-03 06:20:44
Lilith rolled her eyes, "id only do that if you deserved it. So don't do anything dumb. K?" She grinned slightly

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jikhari (#68511)

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Posted on
2016-08-03 06:27:22
Leon nodded. "Got it. So, if it rained, no tripping you in the mud, or just, locking you out, I'm assuming?" He asked, quite jokingly.

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Calmari (#94289)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2016-08-04 00:03:48
Lilith playfully pushed him alittle, "Only Im allowed to trip you in the mud." A sweet smile came to her lips as she began to walk on. Later onto the trip, there was a biting feeling in her gut, she had just witnessed her fiancé being murdered and he she was smiling as if nothing was wrong. No. She had just helped someone murder someone else for her own desire of owning a house, to raise the kid of another while her hand was still pledged to someone else. All her dirty deeds began swarming in her brain as she felt light headed, "Leon.." She said weakly as she leaned agasint a tree. "What am I doing?"

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jikhari (#68511)

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Posted on
2016-08-04 00:14:18
Leon laughed softly when she pushed him, in response, walking along with her. He gave her a rather concerned look, when she spoke again, and leaned against a tree, moving to stand by her, the concerned look still on his face. "What do you mean?" He asked her gently.

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Calmari (#94289)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2016-08-04 00:19:14
Lilith looked down at the ground, her head buzzing with not so friendly things about herself, "I just helped kill a man, I stole from my family, I had made love to another man while still pledged to another. I losing myself.. This isn't me, Im not suppose to be like this at all.." She growled softly as she looked up at him with eyes full of fear and grief. "Im choosing to raise a kid who's father is a assassin, who's mother in also a murderer and stealer. This isn't how I pictured my life going.."

(Sorry about not responding yesterday, I had writers block but I slowly came up with a idea ^ XD)

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jikhari (#68511)

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Posted on
2016-08-04 00:39:55
Leon looked at her, almost worriedly, nodding slowly as she spoke. "Well, life doesn't always go as planned, things change, people, too." He said. "You took from a family, that practically cast you out, just because they think you killed a few guards, and you're wanted, because of that. I know that's my fault, and I'm sorry for that." Leon sighed a bit, as he spoke. "You're not a murderer, though. You didn't kill Ashton, you didn't kill the guards. That was me. If anyone's a murderer, it's me." He reached out, to gently place a hand on her stomach. "Everything's gonna change again, because of this kid, too.." Leon said softly, with a small, almost hopeful smile.

(its fine! and the idea is to just, make them sad and stuff, yeah? yay ;D)

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Calmari (#94289)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2016-08-07 03:25:23
Lillit looked down at the hand that was placed on her stomach. A huge form of regret lodged itself in her throat so it got harder to breath. She wanted this kid, she wanted to raise it, she wanted to love it, but not like this.. she was sure he'd make a good dad, but for the kids sake, she didn't want her child to be raised in a world like this.. how many enemy's did Leon have? How far would they go to get back at him? She was royal blood practically with who knows how many people searching for her. What if they found the boy and decided to raise him as a royal or kill him for being half. She let out a sigh as questions attacked her brain, she pushed away from the tree and moving away from Leons hand. She looked at him, the hopeful smile stabbing her in the gut. She blinked a few times before nodding her head, "okay.." her voice was very low and she began walking again.

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jikhari (#68511)

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Posted on
2016-08-07 03:37:50
(no but lilith leon has no enemies they're all dead or they don't know about him ;0)

Leon's hand dropped back to his side, as he watched her walk off again, feeling a bit worried for her, really, as he followed after her. He knew that she was worried, and concerned, for the child, and probably the two of them, too, and Leon was as well, but he didn't totally understand the regret and guilt that Lilith felt. He'd stopped regretting, and feeling guilty about killing, assassin's work, years ago. He sighed softly, willing himself to try and understand how she felt, but he said nothing more about it, not wanting to upset her more, or something.

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Calmari (#94289)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2016-08-07 03:48:46
(Oh okay XD we're going to have to come up with a conflict here soon c: And you should look up the sound track for Nerve, it's amazing :) )

Lilith walked in silence, her own thoughts pushed her into a quick pace. She ran her fingers through her hair and crossed them over her chest. They had reached their tent by early morning. She felt exhausted and quickly unlatched the cloak and tossed it to the side of the tent with a huff. She flopped onto the bed roll gingerly and stared at the ceiling, still obviously caught up in her own thoughts

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jikhari (#68511)

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Posted on
2016-08-07 03:58:49
(also are we gonna skip a bit, maybe to when they've got the house and all that and lilith is a lot closer to the baby being born? because like rping several months in the rp is gonna get boring after a while aha. and i might ;0)

When they got to the tent, Leon took off his cloak and armor as well, and laid down, on his stomach, resting his arms under his head. He wanted to go and collect the money for the assassination right now, but he knew he should probably sleep, as much as he wanted to get it over with. He sighed slightly, and shut his eyes, eventually drifting off to sleep.

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Calmari (#94289)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2016-08-07 04:01:55
(Sounds good! How far along? Like 8 or 9 months? Or less?)

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jikhari (#68511)

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Posted on
2016-08-07 04:02:50
(she's already like two months, right? so maybe like 5 or 6, so she's pretty close to giving birth?)

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Calmari (#94289)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2016-08-07 09:09:51
Lilith woke up early in the morning from slight back pains, she sat up with a huff and examined their new house. There room was towards the back, it wasn't too big but it would do. There was a small room for the baby across the hall. With her new job at the Inn she had managed to get a crib and some baby things. She was 6 months pregnant, close to 7. Each day felt like another burden to choke down. She still was doubtful even though Leon was hopeful about the child. She bit her lip as she stood up and walked down the hall, the kitchen was to the left, to the right was a small table and fire place and a couch like thing for relaxing. She combed her hair slightly and went to start a fire while awkwardly crouching beside it.

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jikhari (#68511)

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Posted on
2016-08-07 09:26:10
Leon, over the the months, hadn't done too much, all things considered. He'd only taken a couple of assassination jobs, just for the extra money, but none of them were anything incredibly violent, the people not too important. As well, he seemed to have grown a bit more anxious, with the baby, since they were so close to it being born. Worried about it, really. He was already up, before her, setting up a few things in the baby's room, newer things they'd gotten. Leon faintly heard her walking, since the house was quite quiet, and went to go and see her, crouching down by her when he found her. "Hey, let me make the fire. Please." He said.

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Calmari (#94289)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2016-08-07 09:33:02
Lilith snorted quietly before standing up with a small struggle. The stomach was quite awful to have, it was getting a bit larger and she missed seeing her toes. "Fine fine," she said as she walked over to the couch and flopped down onto gingerly. She would be having work here soon, but really, she hated going to the Inn. Some girls gave her nasty looks since she was pregnant without a ring. Some times she would get men shooing her off and requesting a girl that wasn't pregnant. She didn't care too much though. The past months have been the almost same cycle, get up, say goodbye, leave, come back, kiss, sleep, repeat. It was getting quite bland to Lilith, she missed being able to ride her horses, or paint, or play with her ladies in waiting. She just missed her old life slightly. She hasn't told Leon anything about it, she didn't plan on it either. She kept her thoughts to herself for the most part.

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