Posted by Genosses: Character Sheet

Soltero [G2 Cinn
Pie] (#9059)

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Posted on
2016-12-08 02:03:24

Main Roleplay Thread


This is for accepted characters only.

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Edited on 08/12/16 @ 10:33:46 by Soltero (#9059)

Soltero [G2 Cinn
Pie] (#9059)

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Posted on
2016-12-08 02:10:36

"It is better to die honorably than live dishonorably."

Name: Romanus (Roman)
From the Late Latin name Romanus which meant "Roman".
Gender: Male - XY
Minestone: Five Years
Breed: Great Plains Wolf (100%)
Height/Weight: 32 At Shoulder - 115 Lbs
Strengths & Weaknesses:
+ Level Headed, Collected
+ Good sport, very honorable.
+ Skilled in the art of Combat
~ Perhaps a bit 'too' bold. You'll see.
~ Lives for fighting. Perhaps too serious and stern on others.
~ Women can be a weakness.

Rank: Alpha Male
Family: (To be determined, seeking plot fill.)

Personality: Although a seemingly beautiful specimen upon observing him from afar, this boisterous male's appearance became more and more rough the closer one approached. His Earth-slathered proportions were tattered and torn from the earlier battles of his youth, many'a lengthy wounds and imperfections sown into his hide, the underlying flesh reinforced by scar tissue. No doubt that these scars told stories of the male's experience, but also suggested that Roman favored involving himself in any and all physical disputes available for joining. He lived for the fight, and seemed to enjoy both obtaining and dishing out new wounds. As far as ranks came, this chocolaty Caesar always carried an authoritative air about himself. There were barely moments found that Roman's tail was not erect and displaying dominance; unless of course, it was serving as a balance-keeping rutter during his physical affairs.

Physical Description:
- Extensive neck fluff. Helps when receiving bites to the nape.
- NUMEROUS scars all throughout his body. Most likely, there is not a single appendage lacking an old wound. Even his muzzle sported some small scraps.
- A single ear (Left) is a bit tattered at its bottom. Possibly from canine teeth.
- A stare that seemed to bore into your very soul. Great for plays of intimidation.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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RoosterChick (#46649)

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Posted on
2016-12-08 02:11:48


Name: Brooke
Gender: Female
Age: Four Years Old
Breed: Northern Rocky Mountain Wolf (5%-Distant ancestors) Great Plains Wolf (95%)
Height/weight: 31" shoulder / 103 lbs
Strengths and weaknesses:
+ Very Caring
+ Obedient
- Has No Fighting Skills
- Has A Hard Time Taking Insults

Rank: Submissive Female/Broodmother
History: Brooke was born and raised in the same pack as (Soltero's wolf) and (Smoke's wolf). She grew up destined to be a broodmother, to have pups and stay at the dens caring for them. Over the course of her life, Brooke has become fond of Roman and when him and (Smoke's wolf) decided to leave the pack she had once loved. She had yet to bear her first litter when they left. Brooke came along with the other wolves, knowing she'd gladly take on Roman's pups for many years.

Personality: Just as her rank suggest, Brooke is very quiet and obedient to almost all wolves, ranked lower or higher. When she isn't have to keep her mouth shut or take orders, she can be talkative and she loves having fun.
Any physical description:
+Tail is longer than what is expected of her breed(s) (Contrary to photo)

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Shy (#51494)

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Posted on
2016-12-08 02:12:50


Female: XX

Five years old

Great Plains Wolf(100%)

29 inch at shoulder / 105 lbs

Strengths and weeknesses:
+ Nurturing, caring for young and others
+ Strongwilled
+ Fighting
- Likes being pampered
- Hot headed


Roman (Brother)
Vlad (Brother)

Growing up with two brothers was never an easy task. Their rough and tumble ways rubbing off on the silver coated fae. Even their brutish ways of displaying dominance can be seen with how she carries herself. It is this dominate way that can leave her in a fiery hot tempered mood when it is challenged or disrespected, which is never taken to lightly. It is more often then not that she speaks her mind, she is most certainly not afraid of commanding others. However Mercy does a soft side. Seen as the mother or wife of the pack, she has a caring and nurturing urge that extends to the whole pack regardless of age. But with all the work she puts into the pack, this queen enjoys herself a little pampering which comes in the form of her brother(s)

Any physcical description:
-White silver fur adorns this fae, certain sections including, forehead, nose snip, a small section of her back and under jaw are a blue sliver tone.

-Various scars line her face, most noted ones include a over her left eye, small wide scar just above her nose, and a nip in a section of her right ear.

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Edited on 09/12/16 @ 15:20:28 by Shy**BSS** (#51494)

Kuma ™ | Semi
Frozen (#16165)

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Posted on
2016-12-08 02:54:58




4 years, 3 months

Grey Wolf

32", 110 lbs

Strengths & Weaknesses
+ Strong
+ Proud and brave
+ Experienced fighter
- Slower than other wolves because of her weight
- Allows her relationships to distract her
- Dominant personality despite her rank
- Doesn't like to lose


Mother: Eclipse (NPC)
Father: Mud (NPC)
Siblings: Unknown
Mate(s): Vladimir
Offspring: Quake (F)

Having grown up in a top pack with high-strung parents, Silk has always been brought up with proper mannerisms and skills that have been passed on from generations. Her fighting skills are generic yet quite effective, using pure muscle and weight to attack the enemy and then using her wide-set jaws to bring painful bites and blows. The 'shaman' in her old pack looked at Silk as a burden, or a curse, because of her dark fur and large stature, especially for a female. Despite her mother's plea, Silk was banished from the pack and was out-casted at the tender age of 2. Clearly, she has been able to fend for herself until she came across this pack, who generously took her in.

Silk is a flirtatious, yet fierce female who only wants the best for herself. Considered vain and narcissistic at times, Silk is a wolf who you would always want on your side; for battling reasons, and for friend reasons. She tends to be quite caring yet possessive, always looking out for the better of others. With a brave personality and proudness to her, Silk struts with a dance in her step and a spark in her eyes, always having a loud presence and dominant demeanor. She finds that her piercing yellow eyes are a good intimidation tactic, looking into the eyes of her enemy and distracting them with her hypnotizing gaze before striking a fatal bite. However, behind all of Silk's games and playfulness, she has a soft heart and succumbs to the flirtatiousness of males. She oh so enjoys the attention.

Any Physical Description
Silk has an unusually soft, fluffy tail, hence the name 'Silk'. Her fur seems to always be soft and delicate, making her look like a pretty female rather than a muscular fighting machine. Her eyes are a bright yellow with golden flecks around the iris, and she has a long, thin scar along her stomach from an encounter with a buck, but the scar is not immediately visible. Along her black pelt are small patches of grey fur, specifically near her inner hips and elbows, as well as underneath her cheeks.

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Edited on 10/01/17 @ 20:38:07 by Kuma (#16165)

warrior lions (#78597)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2016-12-08 03:56:22
Image: Source
Name: Nightsky (Night for short)
Gender: female
Age: 2 years
Breed: Gray wolf (100%)
Height/weight: 32 inch at shoulder / 98 lbs
Strengths and weaknesses:
+ her dark fur (good in stalking in shadows)
+big body (Easly squishes enemies)
- Heavy (slow, can't jump high)
- blind in one eye

Rank: trainee
Family: Unknown (father, dead), Bloom (mother, unknown), Raven, strike, Oak, Storm (brothers)
History: Her mother was kicked out of a pack when a new alpha male got the lead, She used to be a Beta. But nowolf knew that she was pregnant. Some time later she gave birth to a big litter of five pups, four boys, one girl. Night had to learn how to fight and stand up for herself against her brothers. Once they were too old to need milk, their mother left them alone in search of another pack. Night stayed with her brothers until they stumbled upon this pack. Her brother ran away, scared of the alpha, but Night stayed and fought, but lost. But she got to join anyway.

Personality: Defensive, clumsy, hotheaded
Any physical description: short furred Black and brown coat, green eyes, a scar over her left eye

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Sumria Claus🎁💩
Sumriaias (#32475)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2016-12-08 04:28:18
"If they so much as utter a word against me... they will suffer."

Name: Aes (prounounced Ace it means brass, bronze, or some other dark metal)
Gender: Male
Age: 5
Breed: British Columbia Wolf
Height/weight: 32 inch at shoulder / 125 lbs
Strengths and weeknesses:
+ Strong, Aes is incredibly strong both in will and in muscular strength.
+ He knows Roman quite well, and is extremely loyal.
- Bold, some times too bold. His muzzle is scarred up because of his past problems with being too bold.
- Dominant, Aes is always on the look out for ways to assert himself as a leader in the pack. Sometimes he is a little brutish.

Rank: Warrior
Father: Former Alpha of Stranger Pack: Deceased (Not from Roman's former pack)
Mother: Former Alpha of Stranger Pack: Also deceased (also not from Roman's former pack)
Siblings: Two brothers, both he killed when they were younger
History: Aes knows Roman quite well, coming from the same pack as him in the past. When he left, it was partly because his loyalty to the brute but the idea of rising up a rank was too good to pass up.
He was born in a stranger pack far away, but after he killed his younger siblings the dominant pup was banished. Taken in by another pack the brute grew stronger, using his dominance and fighting skills to get high in the ranks. When Roman decided to start his own pack, Aes was quickly at his side. He sees it as an opportunity to get higher and also be apart of the new pack.
His brutality was not viewed favorably by the old pack, and since Roman was a little more on the violent side himself Aes knew he would be more accepted there rather than anywhere else.

Personality: Aes is brutal and cold. He loves to brawl, and promote the rising of ranks, as that means he will get to act as a "moderator" in a fight. The brute could be described as cold blooded, he doesn't care much about others unless it promotes himself. Occasionally he may find one wolf he may show some affection too, but he has never been known to love, or even like another wolf.
He is extremely loyal to Roman, and will do anything the alpha asks. Be it kill a wolf, or a suicide mission. This could almost be considered a fault, but loyal wolves like Aes aren't all that easy to come by. He could be considered "brawn rather than brain" but he has his share of smarts. He is quite smart and will happily sit back letting others think him stupid.

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Edited on 09/12/16 @ 15:30:28 by Sumria Claus🎁💩 Sumriaias (#32475)

Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2016-12-08 09:56:34




Three Years

Mexican Wolf

30 inches At Shoulder - 64 Lbs

Strengths & Weaknesses:
+ Charismatic and Persuasive
+ Skilled Hunter
+ Good Tracker
~ Poor Fighter
~ Lost if her strategies don't work
~ Impatient

Lead Caretaker

Mother - Epiphany [NPC]
Father - Ember [NPC]
Brother - Kangee [Raven (Sioux)] [NPC]
Brother - Odysseus [Deceased]

Calypso is a seductive, coquettish she-wolf who uses her beauty and lithe tongue as a weapon instead of fighting. She lacks much fighting skill, but instead opts to use deception and persuasion to either calm or trick an opponent as well as her incredible flair for lying. She's quite skilled at hunting, tracking, and chasing down prey. To those in her pack (the only ones she refuses to use her 'powers' on), she is harmlessly flirtatious and extremely social. Do not let her social aptitude fool you, however, the she is far from conventionally kind with her blunt and sarcastic attitude.

Calypso was born to two pack wolves: Ember, an amber-furred male, and Epiphany, a silver-furred female. She was the last cub of the litter, preceded by two brothers, Odysseus and Kangee. As a cub she hated playing with her siblings unless they were playing Wolf-and-Prey, a game similar to Hide-and-Find. At six months, Odysseus (who had a penchant for wandering off) was snatched up by a mother grizzly when found too near to her cubs. When she became a trainee, she was mentored by an older female (Raini), who harbored a similar disdain for combat and a talent for deception. While Kangee learned battle techniques, she learned persuasion, deceit, and how to lie. Calypso graduated in the winter of her second year, her ceremony being the last thing Raini saw before succumbing to sickness and old age.

Physical Description:
Calypso is well-proportioned and graceful, with lightly mottled fur and white ventral markings. Her white belly fur creeps up to the bottom half of her ribs, some points higher than others but all one unit. Her chest and the underside of her neck, her throat and whole muzzle and foreface are all white as well. Her hips are her tools of seduction, swaying rhythmically in an almost-hypnotic way.



[Raven (Sioux); Kahn - gee (as in geese)]


Three Years

Mexican Wolf

30.5 inches At Shoulder - 70 Lbs

Strengths & Weaknesses:
+ Charismatic
+ Good in Combat
+ Agile
~ Poor Hunter
~ Slow (Speed)
~ Distracted Easily

Eventual Brawler

Mother - Epiphany [NPC]
Father - Ember [NPC]
Sister - Calypso
Sister - OPEN (when the time is right)
Brother - Odysseus [Deceased]

Kangee is usually a happy-go-lucky, fun-loving guy with a penchant for making friends. He loves to converse with his packmates and make jokes, mostly at his own expense, though to the wolves who don't know him well enough, he can come off as arrogant or irresponsible. Despite a habit of getting distracted, Kangee is always eager to learn something new, especially concerning the art of combat. He is extremely protective of his family, sometimes turning on a dime, and will do anything to ensure their safety, even if that means sacrificing his own life.

Kangee was born to two pack wolves: Ember, an amber-furred male, and Epiphany, a silver-furred female. He was the first cub of the litter, followed by two siblings, Odysseus and Calypso. As a cub he loved tussling with nearly everyone, older or younger. At six months, Odysseus (who had a penchant for wandering off) was snatched up by a mother grizzly when found too near to her cubs. While Calypso was taken under a Caretaker's wing and trained in verbal combat, Kangee was taught how to fight with strength and prowess. [Possibly WIP]

Physical Description:
Kangee possesses a handsomely muscular physique, with a straight posture and a juvenile, boyish face. His coat is creamy tan with fur marked with thick, alternating black and white stripe-like marks making up his shoulder fur. His neck is marked in gray and black, as is the crown of his head. His eyes are a dark, chocolate brown.

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Edited on 10/01/17 @ 21:50:37 by InsertCleverNameHere (#36227)

MoeMoe (#65000)

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Posted on
2016-12-08 13:50:58


"People sometimes tell me that good men have too many rules...that is not true. Good men do not need any is not the day to find out why I have so many."

4 Yrs, 8mths
Gray Wolf
Height/weight: 32 inch / 130 lbs
Strengths and Weaknesses:
+Balance of Agility & Strength
-Females~He Has a Lack of Judgement When it Comes to Them+Will not attack them first.
-Manipulative~~~Perhaps too Manipulative if others do not like it especially higher ranks.
-Fierce---Rajat is not one to make rash decisions or have rash emotions but when he does make up his mind or develops an emotion connected to another his focus is very hard to break...this can be a weakness as it can impair his judgement especially in the areas of lust, love, and hate.

Rank: Loner~> Rank Determined in RP
~Father~Bord~NPC~Location Unknown
~Mother~Viam~NPC~Location Unknown
Born to two parents who planned to start a pack of their own, Rajat was the only surviver of their first litter. The silvery grey wolf pup had a difficult life, practically always underweight due to malnourishment and abuse. A quiet determination, and good genetic material tipped the balance of nature in the young wolf's favor and he was able to live to adulthood. Unfortunately relations devolved between father and son very quickly as the male started to rival his father in both height and weight....which would have been fine if the frosted gray wolf were of the submissive type. It quickly became obvious that Rajat would have to leave his father territory, and soon. Much of Rajat's life from the age of two years to that of four years was spent alone hunting and scavenging for food. Though Rajat is not nearly as well fed as a pack member, he is remarkably filled out for his status and has developed impressive fighting skills in his competition with other predators for a tasty meal each night. It was at the age of four years that Rajat met a compatible female and produced offspring...four offspring two of which had to be killed for lack of the sources to feed the pups. Nature seemed to be paying Rajat back for his survival when a desperate predator attacked the mother and pups while the silver beast was gone. The female was able to successfully fend of the creature...but was terribly maimed in the process and had to be put out of her misery or suffer upon Rajat's arrival. With no mate, and the inability to provide for the two remaining young pups Rajat was forced to end their suffering as well...and is no better for his experiences.
Gifted with a silver tongue and a charming personality when he so desires Rajat can be a very convincing diplomat when he chooses to speak his mind. Despite this most of the silver beast's time is spent listening quietly in order to gain as much information as possible. Do not mistake this reserve for submission though, as this male is not only cunning, manipulative, and deceiving...he is also very dominant and will respond to any challenge to his person with violence or, if you are lucky, biting words. Ra' is very good at pretending to be something he is not and as a result he is often underestimated by others and is not easily trusted. If an individual manage's to gain this beast's respect or submission, they will undoubtedly have a loyal ally...but it is much like having a pet snake or a beautiful but poisonous plant...caution and respect must be returned.
Any physical description: (optional)
Slate gray fur tipped with silver gives this beast a very striking look which is only added upon with the addition of light grey, almost white, eyes. Lean muscle is prone to rippling under the fur, which is remarkably soft to the touch. The addition to a missing left ear tip, a scared muzzle, and a distinctively ruffled mane of fur around his neck caused by scar tissue, only adds to the intimidation factor.

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Edited on 11/12/16 @ 10:41:33 by MoeMoe (#65000)

Kelshand (#19565)

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Posted on
2016-12-09 03:49:53

Name: Vladimir, typically known as Vlad
Gender: Male
Age: Five
Breed: 100% Plains Wolf
Height/weight: 32 inch at shoulder / 115 lbs
Strengths and weaknesses:
+ Intelligent
+ Physically strong
+ Highly Observant
~ Can be harsh/blunt
~ Explosive temper

Rank: Beta
Roman > Brother
Mercy > Sister
Daughters > Quake, Elizaveta

History: update soon

Personality: Vlad is loyal to his two siblings first and foremost, trusted others second if they exist, and considers insubordination and mutiny absolutely unforgivable. He is level-headed on most days, typically thinking everything through before acting out. His stubborn headedness and explosive temper gets him into many predicaments with varying consequences. Failure is not an option for Vlad, and he will push himself mentally even when his physical body seems to be wearing down. Those that know him personally know that he can be very blunt and abrasive during interactions.  He is highly observant even when he appears to be bored or idle. Though a formidable opponent against his brother Roman, he still remains respectful of his brother and will only to this day answer to his lead. Vladimir is very protective of his sister, even knowing she can hold her own, and will go out of his way to make her life better.

Any physical description:
~ noticeable scar on right side of muzzle that reveals teeth more visibly when talking on that side

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Edited on 15/01/17 @ 17:08:48 by Kelshand (#19565)

LOff!!! (#83166)

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Posted on
2016-12-10 20:27:30



The question isn't who is going to let me,
it's; who is going to stop me....


Gender: Female
Age: 3 - 3 (1/2) years
Breed: Mexican Wolf X Tundra Wolf
Height/weight: 31 1/2 inch at shoulder / 125 lbs
Strengths and weaknesses:
+ Is a strong, independent, and experienced fighter
+ Is an adept hunter, as well as carer of the pack
+ Is and independent mindset, meaning that she prefers to weigh a situation and explore it herself, rather than just take another’s word for it
- Is very dominant, and easily aggravated when her rank is disrespected or ignored
- Is conflicted when given the decision to fight, or stay and protect the pack.
- Is very guarded when dealing with other females, although she does have an unusual affinity with young pups; she believes the instinct to reproduce clouds their minds, and fights it the best she can herself to be the best warrior she can be.

Rank: Worthy (Undefeated Champion of previous pack, but has yet to prove herself as a Champion in the Genosses pack)
Father- Status: Deceased ( Killed by Aedeian when he tried to murder her mother and newborn siblings)
Mother- Status: Unknown (Hasn’t been seen since Aedeian helped her escape)
Brother- Status: Unknown (Hasn’t been seen since sister’s revolt)
Sister- Status: Unknown (Hasn’t been seen since sister’s revolt)

Born to the Alphas of a strong, powerful pack, Aedeian and her brother Acen were the first pups of the winter, an occurrence that they had never heard of before the tiny pups came into the world. Acen was a spitting image of his mother, but Aedeian, no. She was different. Both of her parents could see it. From the moment of her birth, she was destined to be an Alpha like no other.
Aedeian was the next rightful Alpha to the pack, being the first born, and showed all the qualities needed to fill such a position; authority to all members of the pack, the ability to appropriately discipline those who challenged her rank, and compassion to those who deserved it. She proved, time and time again as she grew, that she could make the right decisions for the pack, could and would fight for her pack, and had already formed alliances with their surrounding packs.
She had grown into a seasoned warrior, an undefeated Champion among older, seemingly stronger and wiser wolves. Acen’s darkness however, continued inward to twist his heart.

Infuriated that his sister would have Alpha Rank, he grew into a sour animal, lashing out and showing unrivalled aggression towards his sister, to which she ignored or dealt with the best she could. But she was not unfazed by it.

No matter how much her sister and mother tried to dissuade her, Aedeian found herself becoming angrier and angrier at his greedy antics. Until one day, she made a decision.

When he next rose up against her, it was when she was about to lead a hunting group out to the farthest reaches of their territory (as food was scarce). This time, it wasn’t verbal abuse; he went for throat, aiming for a quick kill. But unlike her conceited brother, Aedeian had filled her days with training; brawling, hunting, tracking, anything that would build on her growing skills, while he had skulked around, turning her pack against her. He has whispered lies in the dark of the night, created sinister stories of her planning to betray her pack, until no-one trusted her. So even though she physically beat him into the ground for stepping out of rank, he was able to threaten their mother and siblings lives if she didn’t hand the Alpha title over to him, and no-one believed her.

She felt hopeless, because she knew her decision would be to protect her mother and the newborn pups, no matter what. But she still went to her father after she helped her mother transport her pups to a safe place out of Acen’s firing line., as she knew he would trust her.

Although, to her grief-stricken terror, all she found was his dead corpse, Acen’s maw stained with his blood.
Enraged, Aedeian cannot remember how she killed her brother; all she knows is that the ground lay thick with blood that night, one innocent, the other as guilty as the crows that fly at night. She remembered standing there, bloodied and emotionless, as her pack tried to join her, to surround their new Alpha in the heat of the fight, to worship their saviour and protector.

But she refused. They had not trusted her in her time of need, when she had never once lied to them or put them in danger, and as such, her father was dead.
So she left. She left, and found herself in a position that was what she deserved as an individual- a Champion, to the Alpha Romanus. She was finally where she was supposed to be, although the scars from the events of her past would never leave her.

She was born an Alpha, earned the title, and eventually walked away from it voluntarily.

Feisty and undeterrable, Aedeian earned her rank as Champion. Head-strong, stubborn, determined, and at times extremely frustrating, she is her own wolf, who follows her own rules. She obeys Alpha Roman to an extent; she obeys his rules, restrictions and punishments, and respects his position as Alpha, but still she is an Alpha at heart, who likes to remind other wolves as to who is boss. She is unusually reserved for a female, even in her estrus or heat; only a worthy male may get the privilege of experiencing her. ;)
As a valuable fighter, she has never been severely punished, and has never stepped out of line to the extent worthy of a serious punishment. Her fighting and warrior characteristics aside, she has a soft, kind side that she has only ever showed to her immediate family, and she has no desire to show it to anyone else. Ever.

Any Physical Descriptions:
Her eyes are mismatched; one fiery, golden brown, and the other a dark, almost black chocolate brown. Her muzzle is lightly dusted with scars, some deep, some only a scratch, but the rest of her body is the same, a particularly large one tracing the curve of the underside of her right hind leg.
The largest scar, though, lies underneath the base of her jaw, at the junction where her throat meets the underside of her head. It is thick, twisted and raw, only visible when she chooses it to be – a reminder of the fight that had earned her the Alpha rank, the same one she had walked away from.


- Smoke X

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Edited on 10/01/17 @ 00:41:14 by SmokeOnTheWater (#83166)

Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-12-25 15:22:51
THIS IS MY CHARACTER! More pics/info
Name: Tyrael
Gender: Male
Minestone: Three Years
Breed: Mackenzie Valley Wolf
Height/Weight: Weighing in around 146 lbs and standing 33 in at the shoulder.

Strengths & Weaknesses:
+ Speed (He is quick, in all aspects XD)
+ Fighter, he is awesome at what he does!
+ Smart, he knows how to get it done!
~ Brute strength, despite his training, he is still quite lithe and can't 'throw his weight around'
~ Pups, can't have the future of the pack damaged!
~ Camoflague, damn pelt!!!

Rank: Brawler (Was CLOSE to becoming a worthy... Predisscussed)

Family: TBD, OPEN

Personality: Tyrael, not your typical wolf, he is one raised among the trees and grass. Feeling at home within their shadowy depths, this male is an outstanding fighter and it shows through everything he does. He LOVES hunting, using it to 'show off' is techniques to the ladies (";)"). This male isn't one to trifle with, get on his bad side and your sure to get your ass whipped, unless of course you're a higher up, then he's submitting to the best of his ability. Despite his ways, he can be social but half the time he's watching the workings of camp off to the side away from everyone, once you get past his cold exterior you'll meet a completely different wolf. One that shows his thrill for the fight and that his world revolves around it. He gets along, kind of, well with others though his heart is made of ice!

Physical Description:
-He has slightly overgrown teeth that protrude just barely past his lip. He sports two mutations actually, one of overgrown teeth/claws and another of chimera. One half of his face is pure white with a bright blue eye, the other is black and brown with a green eye. His body is a mix of these three colors as well, he has medium length silky fur and is a hefty male weighing in around 94Lbs and 2.3ft at the shoulder. His tail is slightly longer then average.

Bio: Ty was born into a pack on a island, the day of his birth however there was massive flooding and a forest fire spreading across it. Everyone in the pack died, to his knowledge, except him and his mom who had just barely managed to live while his other siblings passed. In the next two years of life, his mom was growing weaker but unrelenting in his training on hunting and fighting to defend and feed himself. He became known as 'justice' to the packs around him as he jumped in and saved wolves from hunts and raids from rogues and other packs. Not one knew his true name and he bears a signature scar from his left ear to his nose. On his second birthday his mom finally passed away and he immediately changed, only jumping in to help every so often. If at all. He found Roman's old pack at the age of 2, left with him at 3. (If thats aight)

Name: Lucifer
Gender: Female
Age: 3
Breed: Red Wolf
Height/weight: 27 inch at shoulder / 80 lbs
Length- 4.8 feet long
Strengths and weaknesses:
+ Her Bite/Bark, both are very bad.
+ SWIFT/AGILE o.o, "Red wolves make contact with the ground with only their toes, and have their heels elevated. The elbows of a red wolf are also turned slightly inward, and their chests are narrow. This allows them to be quick and agile."
- Contact/non-sociable, HATES contact unless you are close to her. Shy in another word.
- Strength, shes not a strong wolf.

Rank: Loner ----> care taker?
Older brother, age of 4, pm me :D
Her and (insert bro's name here) were born in a pure red wolf pack and upon her turning 11 months were kicked out. Both being sent out into nature to fend for themselves and were actually doing quite well. Though a few months ago, she was in heat and her brother was out hunting and a rogue overpowered her. Being the submissive she, that she is, couldn't really fight back very well. Upon her brothers return he was so livid he hunted the male down, the results of said hunting down were unknown. She never asked.
Now, they travel together, her single born (insert female pup here) with them.

Personality: A slightly aggressive fae, one to not like contact other then the pups or her brothers. Any other wolf is reacted to very negatively. Sometimes getting deep gouges in the skin. Otherwise she is very keen to pups, them being her weakness, especially her own. Willing to take on any that were abandoned or the mom decided she needs to do other things some of the time.
Any physical description:
Lithe female, though muscle resides under her red pelt. A mutation in her genes caused her to have very very pale green eyes, looking white in certain lighting.

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Edited on 16/01/17 @ 11:55:47 by Wolflord (PM me for Work days) (#17200)

Soy (#6036)

Total Chad
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-01-06 16:55:35


Name: Kao [kay-o]
Gender: Male
Age: Unborn
Breed: Great Plains Wolf [97.5%] / Northern Rocky Mountain Wolf [2.5%]
Height/weight: Thirty Two Inches / One Hundred Ten Pounds
Strengths and Weaknesses:
• Obedient, he's attentive and follows the orders of his parents and their siblings
• Agility, he's both physically and mentally agile able to move in a quick and graceful manner and divide his attention while maintaining composure
• Strategic, he's level headed and thinks within the moment allowing him to consider his options and choose what he thinks would be the most effective and enact his decision in a timely manner
○ Sensitive, he doesn't take well to criticism and tends to get bummed out by it
○ Serious, he's a bit of a stiff and takes everything too seriously from rules, to fighting, to even simple joking
○ Needy, as a pup he's a living ankle bracelet whose attached himself to his father and seeks confirmation for his actions

Rank: Infant
Family: Roman [father] / Brooke [mother] / Kanti [sister] / Tillian [brother] / Vladimir [uncle] Mercy [aunt]
History: None yet

Personality: As a pup he sticks close to his parents, often times found stuck in the space between their fore legs, and can be rather dependent. He requires plenty of attention and praise, being more of a positive encouragement type although he tries to do his best regardless. Towards the pack members he seems to be aware that while they won't kill him they are free to maim and otherwise injure him and his siblings and displays signs of suspicion towards those he doesn't know very well. He's simultaneously protective of his siblings and rather aggressive towards them, wishing to assert himself as the leader of the group, but still feeling the bond between kin that makes him wish to keep them safe, despite being the same age.
Any physical description:
• Eyes, his pale eyes stand out against his dark fur.
• Scruff, he's inherited his father's thick neck fur, albeit to a lesser extent.
• Tail, his tail is just a tad longer than it should be, resembling his mother's.
• Fur, he inherited his pelt coloration from his grandparents on his father's side and thus resembles his uncle Vlad color wise
Pup Appearance

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Edited on 07/01/17 @ 13:12:22 by prince (#6036)

Jalesi (#99503)

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Posted on
2017-01-07 02:53:09


I take it to the edge
I do it til it bleeds
I push it to the limit
I ain't never gonna sleep
I'm dying for a fight
I'm living on the run
Cause it's hard to see the light down the barrel of a gun

Name: Kanti
Gender: Female
Age: 3 weeks
Subspecies: Great Plains Wolf [97.5%] x Northern Rocky Mountain Wolf [2.5%]
Size: 30 inches 100 lbs

Rank: Infant
Parents - Roman x Brooke
Siblings - Kao, Tillian
Other - Vladimir (Uncle), Mercy (Aunt)
History: She hasn't even been born yet! hold your horses!

+ Ambitious
+ Independent
- Quick Tempered
- Hates submitting

Personality: Kanti is a very ambitious young wolf. She wants to rise in the ranks and wants to do so quickly. She also desperately seeks her father's approval and feels jealous of Kao being so close to their father. She will quickly realize Tillian is weak and submissive and will try to distance herself from him, when she's not picking on him that is. When Kanti gets old enough, she will realize how much she looks like her mother but will see this as detrimental. She will strive to distance herself from her mother and prove that she wants much more then to just pump out litters for the pack. When not seeking her father's approval, she can be found wandering the nearby woods by herself and investigating every little thing.
Any physical description:
- Inherited a little bit of a ruff from Roman. Not nearly as much so as Kao.
- Longer tail then average, similar proportional length to Brooke's
- Looks almost exactly like a slightly smaller, more muscular Brooke

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Edited on 09/01/17 @ 09:38:10 by Jalesi (#99503)

Dipper (#28104)

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Posted on
2017-01-07 13:17:08
Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Age:Not yet born
Breed:Great Plains Wolf-97.5%/ Northern Rocky Mountain Wolf-2.5%
Size:26 inches, 80 lbs
Family: Siblings: Kanti, Kao. Parents: Roman, Brooke. Aunt: Mercy, Uncle: Vladimir
Tillian is the runt of the litter. Smaller than his siblings, he always had to try harder than them in an attempt to prove himself to the pack. However, being as weak as he is, he often goes unnoticed by the wolves he tries to impress. So, knowing he won't ever be as strong as his siblings, Tillian prefers his own company to that of other wolves. Though he would like to be surrounded by a pack, he knows they only see him as a runt, and he feels less important than his siblings. He reacts with aggression to stranger wolves and tries to stand his ground instead of run in the face of a threat, even when he knows it could cost him his life, since he wants to be as brave and strong as the other wolves.
Running; being so small and thin, Tillian can run faster than most wolves. He can also keep calm in the face of adversary easier than others.
Being the runt, he is physically much weaker than his siblings, and not as skilled as them in most things. He also tends to act too quickly, without thinking things through, and pays the price for his hasty decisions.
Tillian is a noticeably small, slightly skinny wolf, who is a pale colour all over, and walks quickly, usually with his head and tail down.

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Edited on 08/01/17 @ 02:01:03 by Samba (#28104)

Crow (#39390)

Deathlord of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-01-10 07:34:04


(If the pic won't show, it's just the one from the application sheet! I'm not good with code :/)

Name: Tlaloc
Gender: Male
Age: Unborn
Breed: Great Plains Wolf/Grey Wolf
Size: 31.5 inches, 123 lbs
Mother - Mercy
Father - Rajat
Uncles - Vlad and Roman
Personality: When he was younger, Tlaloc was content to be quiet and preferred sitting still to rough housing with other pups. Unless he was hungry or angry. If the pup was hungry, he would scream until he was fed -- his bad habit was broken just before he was weaned, mostly due to a smack from another pup or even scolding from his mother. When he was threatened or just generally in a bad mood, he would lash out at the tiniest things.
Around adolescence, he decided that he would be he most dominant pup. He was always a good fighter, and he bullied others relentlessly. However, he held a certain respect for those who were too weak to fight, but still did. To him, bravery, even to the point of stupidity, was admirable. This was also the age he revealed himself as a little Casanova.
When he was grown, he flirted relentlessly with the pack's females (and occasionally the males!). He could hold his own well, and considered himself one of the better fighters even if he wasn't. It was next to impossible to knock him off his feet, and he would fight anyone you asked him to if it was to impress a she wolf. Sometimes he would pick fights just to pick fights, but after all of his many antics were said and done, he would find himself walking the outskirts of the territory. He liked his quiet.
+ Balance
+ Fighting
+ Flirting
+ Intelligence
- Hunting
- Temper
- Doesn't know when to quit
- Arrogant
Looks: WIP

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