Posted by Broken City: North Pack

Arcan (#97595)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-01-29 15:05:27
The North Pack>

Alpha Male: Iron
Alpha Female: Applications open!
Beta Male: Hades
Beta Female: Ririe
Healer (2/2)-
Elder Healer (Is the main healer and master. Does not have to be old)- Kio
• Areum
Warriors/Guards (4/4)-
Lead Warrior- Moon
• Kaya
• Egesa
• Koi
Hunters/Scouts (5/6)-
Lead Hunter- Satina
• Daemon
• Nikita
• Jessie
• Reserved for Reanna (Currently a loner)
Omegas (Take care of pups and elders 1/4)-
• Owen
Elders (0/2)-

The City Ground>
The dogs of the North Pack have learned how to survive here. They can expertly navigate the rough terrain and harsh territory.

NPC's will pop up randomly here. A dice roll will determine if you defeat them or not, and if you gain something from the encounter. They are as follows:
Cat (70%)- The most common. Will always run away from you. But they might leave something behind!
Lone Dog (50%)- They are often found roaming the streets, scrounging for any type of food. You can choose to attack, chase them away, or ignore them.
Deer (30%)- Deer rarely leave the forest. If defeated, you will gain food.
Human (5%)- Extremely rare. Does not often leave the sewers. Very hard to defeat.
Coyote (10%)- Also rare, they stick to the forest as well. Will attack on sight.

The Junkyard (Den)>

This is where the pack resides. It is the safest place in the city for them.

The Forest>
This is where the coyote pack resides. It is a great hunting ground, but very dangerous. NPC's will randomly pop up here. They are as follows:
Bear (10%)- Usually mind their own business, but very hard to defeat if they attack.
Deer(90%)- Deer live here in huge herds. If defeated you will gain food.
Rabbit (60%)- A small source of food, but hard to catch.
Wolf (40%)- The wolf packs have an unspoken truce with the dogs. However will attack if provoked.
Coyote (50%)- This is where the coyotes live. Will attack on sight.

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Img 3- Source

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Edited on 29/01/17 @ 22:11:11 by Arcan (#97595)

Arcan (#97595)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-01-29 15:08:12
Iron| Alpha Male| Male| The Junkyard|Mentions: All

Large paws carried a muscular body across the cracked asphalt, long claws scraping at the hard ground as they moved. Thick grey fur rippled as the lean muscles beneath it worked to move the sturdy frame of the massive male forward. Broad shoulders ducked slightly as the brute made to squeeze beneath a fallen street sign. Huge and gaping metal monsters lined the sides of this path, holding with it quickly fading scents of leather and the smell of decay. Some held skeletons of the humans that had so long ago roamed the earth, their bodies a grim reminder of what had transpired. Up ahead, a sink hole had all but swallowed a towering building now crumbling under its own weight. Shards of glass littered the dirt around it, creating a solemn mirror of the darkening sky above. Growling under his breath, the male continued forward cautiously, for one wrong step would have him tumbling into the abyss. Bones were visible above the loose dirt, all that still remained of the poor animals that had fallen to their doom. It was an uneasy sight. Piercing ice blue eyes moved their intense gaze away from the hole and focused on a smaller side path that had become overgrown with small trees. Grass peaked out from between the cracks in the concrete, waving gently in the slight breeze that blew through the city.

Veering onto this path, Iron hurried onward, familiar scents now tickling his nose. The den was not too far away, and he wanted to get back as soon as possible. The alpha male had left his pack well before daybreak, as their food pile had become scarce. He had also needed to check the borders before he sent out any of his pack members. Now he was in a rush to get back. Hades would keep everything under control for awhile, but Iron needed to be there to give out orders and organize hunting and city patrol. Flicking his ears, Iron gave a small sigh of relief when the den came into sight. An old and rusting metal fence surrounded the perimeter, keeping them safe and enemies out. Towers of dilapidated cars rose high into the sky, some breaking free of the canopy of trees that grew in thick groves around them. A small wooden shack that had begun to lean to one side stood sentry, facing the largest part of the city and allowing the pack to watch from its cracked windows whatever approached.

Once close enough, the huge male raised his muzzle and let out a long, deep howl. It was a powerful sound, one that reverberated through the trees and echoed off of nearby buildings. Filled with authority, it left no room to be challenged, even though it was simply to let the pack know that he had returned. Lowering his head, Iron bounded onto a large pile of smashed cars, the top one giving him access to their home. Jumping over the small gap between it and the fence, large paws landed easily on the dirt resting on the other side. Looking around, the handsome brute could see that the pack had started to awaken. Good, it was time to start the day.

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🐳 Majestic Crab
(Maj) (#101021)

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Posted on
2017-01-29 15:22:41
Samoyed Pup photo Samoyed Pup_zpsutxzogvr.png

Areum | Female | Medic | Small White Samyoed | 2 years and 1 month | Mentions - open

Areum sighed, staring at the herbs, refreshing her memory on the name and what it did. (Ok, so I read Warriors [💗 that series tho] and Im just gonna use the herbs from their..) "Poppy seeds, sleep. Thyme, calm." She quietly mumbled, startled when she heard Iron's loud dominant howl, causing her to jump and accidentally hitting her head against he roof of he car, creating a loud BANG sound that echoed across the camp.

Areum frowned, rubbing her head with her paw, her head pounding from hitting her head, still dazed and her focus scattered. She closed her eyes for a few heartbeats, finally stepping out of the car and into the Campgrounds. She sighed, as she walked, she leaned against the car, her head hurting.

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The Joker Wolf (#93618)

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Posted on
2017-01-29 20:56:23

| Nikita | 3 Years & 5 Months | Hunter | Female | The Junkyard | Mentions: Iron (indirectly) (Open) |

The orange pelt female had awoken fairly early today. Though she decided she would lay around until she had something better to do, or be assigned for hunting partol later on. Currently she was basking on top of the hood of a car, which had been a nice sunning spot for most. She gave a slight yawn of boredom as well as tiredness. These past few weeks had tired her out since food had been scarce which made her have to work extra to find food. Given with how early it was, she wasn't surprised on how most had already been up. She saw how some were still dozing off, while others had already been awake like Iron. She had heard his low dominant howl. Which had made her ears perk up at the sound a few moments earlier. She thought of greeting him, but then conviced herself to stay put since she was to confortable in the spot she was now. She gave a light huff as she stretched while she was on her side.


| Kio | 4 Years & 2 Months | Elder Healer | Male | The Junkyard | Mentions: Areum (Open) |

His ear twitched at the sudden noise of a bang. He slowly opened one of his eyes to see what had awoken him. It wasn't to a suprise that it was Areum, one of the medics and one of the closest canine he has similar duties to. He was a medic himself, but had been deamed the title elder healer. He gave a slight yawn, lifting himself up and began to strech out his haunches since they felt stiff after sleeping on the ground. He turned his attention back onto Areum, slowly making his way over to her. "Are you ok Areum?" he spoke with a calm voice. The one thing you must not do in a situation that involves injuries is to not panic. He sat beside her, making sure she doesn't fall over or faint because of a possible head trauma.

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。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2017-01-29 21:16:32

2 Years, 4 Months | Loner | Female
Location: The City | Mentions: None [Open]

Nails clicked on the concrete sidewalk as Reanna strolled down the street, her ears pricked up and swiveling towards even the lightest of sounds. She knew that a pack of dogs often patrolled around this area, so she was always on alert. She didn't know much about these other dogs, but had heard that they were the fiercer of the two packs inhabiting the city, so she wasn't going to take her chances with them. Spotting an open trashcan in an alleyway, she decided to go see if there was anything soft enough in it to use as bedding; but as she reached it, a cat dashed out from behind it, running straight past her and out onto the street. Scared by the sudden movement, she let out a loud yelp and staggered backwards, slamming into the trashcan and hitting her head. The trashcan itself tipped over and crashed into the ground with a deafening bang that echoed down the dark alleyway.

"Nice job, Reanna. Real discreet." She mumbled quietly to herself, her voice dripping with sarcasm. She sat down, giving herself a moment to rest in hopes to get her head to stop throbbing. As soon as she had recovered she'd have to get going, because if there were any pack dogs in the city, they certainly knew her location now.

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Edited on 30/01/17 @ 04:19:28 by BlazeRed (#27478)

Doe (#62827)

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Posted on
2017-01-30 07:48:07

| Satina | 4 Years and 7 Months | Lead Hunter | Female | The Junkyard | Mentions:Hades and Ririe (Indirectly) Iron (Directly)
Satina's ears perked at hearing Iron's howl, she twitched her left ear looking around for Hades or Ririe since Iron was out, she was wanting to take the other hunters out for a hunt, they were starting to run low on food for the whole pack and Satina tried to make sure that the omega's even had enough to eat, she sighed and stood up from her resting position stretching out, she let out an odd noise and glanced around to see if anyone heard it before she shook her coat out causing fur to fly, she watched as Iron jumped on the cars and walked his way, she sat down when she got to the car he was on and sat down looking up at him "Would I be able to take a hunting party out till sundown?" the female asked as she glanced around for the other hunters in the pack

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🐳 Majestic Crab
(Maj) (#101021)

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Posted on
2017-01-30 08:38:21
Samoyed Pup photo Samoyed Pup_zpsutxzogvr.png

Areum | Female | Medic | Small White Samyoed | 2 years and 1 month | Mentions - Kio (open)

Areum nodded, closing her eyes, the pounding fading away, but still there.
"Y-Yea.. I think so." Areum slowed opened her eyes, a headache settling in.
"Yea, I'm good." She gave a forced smile, sighing."I'm just gonna go ask Iron if I want go collect some herbs, were running low on herbs..."

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The Joker Wolf (#93618)

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Posted on
2017-01-30 09:18:20

| Kio | 4 Years & 2 Months | Elder Healer | Male | The Junkyard | Mentions: Areum (Open) |

He tilted his head slight. He began to give her a quick check with only his eyes. She seems ok. Maybe she needs to rest for a bit he quickly thought. He stood up, intersecting her and the enterance in a flash. "Maybe you should rest for a while. I can ask Iron if I can go collect herbs if we are running low." he spoke with good intention. He then realized he had been tense, he let his body loose it's tense. He gave a heavy sigh as he sat down in front of her now. " You may hurt yourself further if you venture out into the forest. If anything I should come along to help." he said as he looked at her. When ever someone gets hurt he tends to be a bit over reacting, but it's only because he cares for everyone.

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Edited on 30/01/17 @ 16:19:07 by The Joker Wolf (#93618)

🐳 Majestic Crab
(Maj) (#101021)

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Posted on
2017-01-30 09:45:30
Samoyed Pup photo Samoyed Pup_zpsutxzogvr.png

Areum | Female | Medic | Small White Samyoed | 2 years and 1 month | Mentions - Kio (open)

Areum sighed, trying to ignore the increasing pounding in her head "OK, I won't go herb hunting.. I'll go back to sleep and try to shake off this headache"
She sighed, padding back into the car she slept, in curling into a small white ball.

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The Joker Wolf (#93618)

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Posted on
2017-01-30 09:58:29

| Kio | 4 Years & 2 Months | Elder Healer | Male | The Junkyard | Mentions: Areum (Open) |

He shook his head with a slight chuckle. " I'm sorry if it sound like I'm keeping you in, but we don't need anyone to get seriously injured, specially since we are low on stuff. Would you like me to bring you a herb to help with the headache or sleep?" he said with concern. He stood up, his paws nervously moving around. He felt like he had upseted Areum now because of how he acted.

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Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2017-01-30 11:22:50


Male | 2 years, 6 months | Doberman Pinscher (Also part Great Dane & Gray Wolf) | Beta Male | Location: The City | Mentions: Reanna / Open for interaction

A massive doberman brute padded in the ruins of the city, planning with determination to catch a more than decent meal for some canine in his dog pack. Sure, he was the beta and it was morning, but that didn't technically mean he couldn't hunt in the morning before others awoke. Besides, when was hunting a bad or unfortunate thing? Food was always needed, and extra food was especially good. He normally didn't eat anything bigger than a frail mouse, as to let the elders and other dogs in need of food have some and eat his plump catch when he caught it - he was determined it would be plump. Plus, he had woken up earlier than most, as was a normal thing for the doberman-dane-wolf mix, and he had decided to go hunting, as was also normal. It was typically his daily routine, and pretty much every dog in the pack knew he did this. The sun hadn't fully risen yet, so he still had some time to hunt before he began to head back and fully start the day. The wind gently ruffling his fur, Hades padded across the stone floor, in the part of the city where the pack most typically hunted. And sniffing and observing the ground all in front of him, a good sized rabbit hopping along the dusty and slightly grassy ground caught his eye and he immediately crouched to the ground, moving forward slowly with his tail hovering above the ground as to avoid making noise. Stalking the female rabbit, he got as close as he could, stopping when he couldn't go farther as to avoid being seen, and he ran, biting. Pouncing, his claws dug into the soft, fleshy back of his prey to trap the rodent before his teeth latched onto its neck, biting incredibly hard. In a matter of moments, the massive canine had killed the weaker animal with his powerful bite.

Seeing the sun get higher in the sky, Hades grabbed his kill before starting to trot back to camp, knowing it would be wise to be there when the morning fully began. As he was just heading back towards camp, still in the part of the city that his pack owned, the beta heard a large, banging noise sounding alike that of a trashcan when hit or knocked over. Narrowing his eyes, he went to investigate, not wanting any unwanted animal on his pack's territory. Especially not if its a dog. Especially not if its a South Pack dog. Standing at his massive height of thirty-four inches, the doberman entered the ally and caught sight of a female dog, probably a loner. She was rather pretty, actually, with a beautiful shade of golden as her fur color and a retriever-like look. She was probably a type of retriever.. She had a rather attractive white stripe down her face that gave her a cute look. Wait! What was he saying? Hades himself knew he shouldn't get attached to anyone, especially not a loner. But why was this female was so captivating to him? There were plenty of pretty dogs in his pack, but none seemed to captivate him like she did. He shook his head, forcing himself into a more stern, hostile, and less-captivated look. Approaching to where he was at least five feet away from her, the handsome doberman stood tall, looking down at her with stern, yet captivating, brown eyes. He then asked her the usual question, with a voice loud, masculine, and intimidating yet, in some odd way, attractive. "Who are you?"

OOC: I don't know, okay? I'm kinda blocked right now... >,

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。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2017-01-30 12:37:24

2 Years, 4 Months | Loner | Female
Location: The City | Mentions: Hades

Reanna slowly pushed herself up to her paws, her head still aching slightly. She would've preferred to rest a little while longer, but she needed to get going. As she started to take a few steps forward, a huge doberman turned around the corner, and she froze in her tracks. He was much larger than her, and she had no hopes of winning in a fight against him while her head was still pounding. 'Well, at least he's rather handsome.' She thought, looking him over. Catching herself staring, she forced herself to snap out of it, trying to focus on how to get out of this situation. 'I'll just play the whole innocent and scared part, then dash away when he's not paying attention, like I always do.' She decided. She took a step back when he approached her, lowering her head as if she was afraid, and she made herself flinch slightly when he spoke.

She looked up at him, making sure the sunlight hit her at just the right angle so that little flecks of golden appeared in her amber eyes. "My name's Reanna. I'm just a loner, I don't mean any harm." She said in her soft, silky voice, watching him carefully for any changes in his demeanour. She'd just have to hope that this male would fall for the 'scared, pretty she-dog' act.

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Edited on 30/01/17 @ 19:43:09 by BlazeRed (#27478)

🐳 Majestic Crab
(Maj) (#101021)

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Posted on
2017-01-30 15:20:49
Samoyed Pup photo Samoyed Pup_zpsutxzogvr.png

Areum | Female | Medic | Small White Samyoed | 2 years and 1 month | Mentions - Iron (Open)

Areum sighed, waking up from her short slumber, blinking rapidly trying to drive the sleepiness away. She waited a few seconds, smiling when she noticed that her head didn't pound or anything. "Finally~" Areum muttered, carefully getting out of the car and padding towards Iron's den, where she guessed he would be, sleeping over the debris, trying to not slip and fall... Again.

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The Joker Wolf (#93618)

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Posted on
2017-01-30 20:49:39
(@Majestic, hey did u see my post earlier??)

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🐳 Majestic Crab
(Maj) (#101021)

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Posted on
2017-01-31 07:42:43
(I only saw the one where Kio felt bad since he haughty he had upsetted Areum..)

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The Joker Wolf (#93618)

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Posted on
2017-01-31 07:48:39
@Majestic, there is another post. He asked her a question. Go have a look

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