Posted by Broken City: North Pack

Arcan (#97595)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-01-29 15:05:27
The North Pack>

Alpha Male: Iron
Alpha Female: Applications open!
Beta Male: Hades
Beta Female: Ririe
Healer (2/2)-
Elder Healer (Is the main healer and master. Does not have to be old)- Kio
• Areum
Warriors/Guards (4/4)-
Lead Warrior- Moon
• Kaya
• Egesa
• Koi
Hunters/Scouts (5/6)-
Lead Hunter- Satina
• Daemon
• Nikita
• Jessie
• Reserved for Reanna (Currently a loner)
Omegas (Take care of pups and elders 1/4)-
• Owen
Elders (0/2)-

The City Ground>
The dogs of the North Pack have learned how to survive here. They can expertly navigate the rough terrain and harsh territory.

NPC's will pop up randomly here. A dice roll will determine if you defeat them or not, and if you gain something from the encounter. They are as follows:
Cat (70%)- The most common. Will always run away from you. But they might leave something behind!
Lone Dog (50%)- They are often found roaming the streets, scrounging for any type of food. You can choose to attack, chase them away, or ignore them.
Deer (30%)- Deer rarely leave the forest. If defeated, you will gain food.
Human (5%)- Extremely rare. Does not often leave the sewers. Very hard to defeat.
Coyote (10%)- Also rare, they stick to the forest as well. Will attack on sight.

The Junkyard (Den)>

This is where the pack resides. It is the safest place in the city for them.

The Forest>
This is where the coyote pack resides. It is a great hunting ground, but very dangerous. NPC's will randomly pop up here. They are as follows:
Bear (10%)- Usually mind their own business, but very hard to defeat if they attack.
Deer(90%)- Deer live here in huge herds. If defeated you will gain food.
Rabbit (60%)- A small source of food, but hard to catch.
Wolf (40%)- The wolf packs have an unspoken truce with the dogs. However will attack if provoked.
Coyote (50%)- This is where the coyotes live. Will attack on sight.

Img 1- Source
Img 2- Source
Img 3- Source

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Edited on 29/01/17 @ 22:11:11 by Arcan (#97595)

🐳 Majestic Crab
(Maj) (#101021)

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Posted on
2017-01-31 07:49:41
(No here isn't.... I don't see it..)

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The Joker Wolf (#93618)

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Posted on
2017-01-31 07:54:54
Its right above Christicat's first post

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🐳 Majestic Crab
(Maj) (#101021)

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Posted on
2017-01-31 07:57:41
Oh, shoot, sorry, I accidentally skipped over that.. Um, Areum'll respond with "No.. It's fine, I'll sleep it off..."

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Edited on 31/01/17 @ 14:57:54 by 🐳 Majestic Crab (Maj) (#101021)

The Joker Wolf (#93618)

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Posted on
2017-01-31 07:59:21
Okie :)

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lily (#104300)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-01-31 08:09:15
Owen | M | 3 yo | Omega | @ The Den | Mentions: Iron (indirectly) ; Nikita

Owen awoke with a start, sleepily scrambling to his feet as he heard the howl of the pack leader. He sneezed and shook his coat free from dust, looking around. Everything seemed to be normal, no danger. Iron must be coming home. But when did he leave? Owen must've been asleep.

He yawned loudly, stretching his front legs, rump in the air. Oh well. No sleeping in this day; no lazing around. Being an omega, he didn't have many responsibilities. Taking care of pups, elders, and keeping an eye on the sick was his M.O, but those were few and far between, at least in this pack. Owen was generally too skiddish to hunt, and his stubbly legs didn't really allow for that anyway. He was stuck between a rock and a hard place. He wanted to help - to be seen as something more than a lowly omega- but it was hard when there just wasn't any opportunities available.
He'd stop letting it bother him long ago, so long as nobody really said much of anything, or threaten to chase him off. He'd be a sitting duck outside of the protective, rusty walls of the junkyard.

With one more yawn, the small dog went trotting to nowhere in particular, maybe just to see what everyone else was up to. He passed by a car with a drowsy looking dog perched atop it, her tail hanging over the side being the only indication as to her presence. This was Nikita, someone Owen wasn't very accustomed to, but he thought it'd be rude to pass by without so much as a hello.

" Mornin', Nikita!" he called, giving his tail a little wag. He had stopped to greet her, but wasn't necessarily looking for a reply.

// Finally getting back into RPing!

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Edited on 31/01/17 @ 15:09:42 by lily (#104300)

The Joker Wolf (#93618)

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Posted on
2017-01-31 08:30:06

| Nikita | 3 Years & 5 Months | Hunter | Female | The Junkyard | Mentions: Iron (indirectly), Owen (Directly) (Open) |

The she wolf lifted her head with slow movement. She look down from the hood she was perched upon. She had been greeted by the omega of the pack, Owen. She gave a faint wag, not really excited to see him but was trying not to be rude none the less. " Good morning Owen. " she said. Her expression had been unidentified. Once she had said her hello, her eyes met Iron. She gave a short glare at the big male, feeling as if she wanted to say something but didn't know what it was. She then looked back down at Owen, now having a question for the small canine. " Owen, do you know if Iron has started patrols already?" she spoke with curiosity as she continued to sneak a few looks back at Iron. Her orange tail wagging the dust and dirt off of the hood of the car as she awaited the answer of Owen.


| Kio | 4 Years & 2 Months | Elder Healer | Male | The Junkyard | Mentions: Areum (indirectly) Iron (Directly) (Open) |

Kio slowly walked out of the den, now assured that Areum had fallen asleep. Must get herbs. Areum said we were low on herbs.. he thought, remebering the voice of the white furred canine speaking of herbs. He padded over to Iron. His tail slowly wagged as it slightly tucked it's way between his hind legs. Obviously showing the alpha male respect was a must. " Good morning Iron. We seem to be running low on herbs. We need to stock up on some, may I go into the forest with one of the patrols to find some? Or had you assigned them already?" he spoke calmly, trying not to studder or anything.

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Edited on 31/01/17 @ 15:32:55 by The Joker Wolf (#93618)

Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2017-01-31 09:37:42


Male | 2 years, 6 months | Doberman Pinscher (Also part Great Dane & Gray Wolf) | Beta Male | Location: The City | Mentions: Reanna

Watching with narrowed, brown eyes, then large doberman saw as she froze when he approached around the corner of the alleyway and his ears perked. Before, he had set his hare down behind him, unrelated to the situation. He noticed a few things about her reactions. She crouched lower to the ground, lowered her head, and flinched when he had spoken. His eyes had opened by now, not narrowing anymore. Forcefully-looking too, the observant dog might add. Hades could be wrong, but it seemed like the flinching was forced, and he was a very intuitive dog. But still, he could be wrong. Seeing the pretty golden flecks in her brown eyes as she looked up at him, he forced himself to focus on the matter at hand and disregard the unmistakable beauty she held.

Narrowing his eyes once again as she spoke, he heard the supposed 'innocence' in her sweet voice and took a step forward, standing up tall and straight, his muscles bulking out as he did so. Hm.... Reanna.. That was a pretty name. Anyway... Head raised up high with his eyes looking down at her, his figure didn't change at all when she spoke. Instead, he just stood there, unmoving in a semi-scary way. Clearing his throat, he let his eyes un-narrow. Considering how many pretty she-dogs he had encountered in his life, he was used to this behavior, and was tricked by it countless times when he was younger and dumber. Some females who saw that they themselves would unable to beat a brute like him in a fight, had pulled the weak, pretty she-dog act and he was good at noticing it now. "Well, Reanna, what are you doing on my pack's territory." he asked, voice still deep, intimidating, yet smooth and attractive. His eyes carefully watched her, making sure she didn't bolt at any moment like any she-dog who played the act she was. Or at least, the act he thought she was playing.

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Edited on 01/02/17 @ 08:41:44 by Christicat15 (#54511)

。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2017-01-31 12:02:15

2 Years, 4 Months | Loner | Female
Location: The City | Mentions: Hades

Reanna had to stop herself from huffing with annoyance when she saw that the male didn't seem to be reacting to her act, and her ears flattened slightly. It looked like he was more observant than the other dogs she had met before. Though it seemed like he wasn't going to fall for her little trick, she would continue acting afraid for now, maybe if she kept it up it would work eventually. Her ears flattened slightly when he took another step towards her, and she got ready to jump aside if he decided to lunge at he. Her heart started racing when he got closer to her, but she had no idea why.

When he asked her what she was doing in his territory her mind began to race, thinking of an excuse. If she told him the truth - that she was staying here for all the prey - she'd certainly be kicked out for hunting on their territory, and since this pack was known to be 'fierce', she had to be careful with what she said. "I'm just passing through, I'm looking for a place to stay." She lied in a convincing tone. Having been a loner for such a long time and not being a very strong dog meant she often had to talk her way out of things, so she had become quite good at lying over the years. She pricked her ears up, acting as if she had just realized something. "Hey, do you think that maybe your leader would let me join your pack?" She asked him in a hopeful tone, wagging her tail slightly.

[Sorry for any typos, I'm on mobile.]

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Edited on 31/01/17 @ 19:33:17 by BlazeRed (#27478)

『Moon』 (#100696)

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Posted on
2017-02-01 01:33:22

white_shepherd_3_by_lakela-d5qew67.jpgMoon•||•Female•||•2 years•||•Lead warrior•||•Mentions:Iron(indirectly), Hades, Reanna(directly) •||•Locations:City grounds

The white female slowly got to her paws as the alpha started howling. She frowned as she's been woke up, soon getting to her paws and licking her muzzle. Her green orbs traveled around the area, fixing on the alpha. She headed towards the alpha and dipped her head, passing her and walking into the forest. She needed some time alone, she just felt like it. Her pupils turned to slits as she heard a dog's voice near by. Her ears leaned back, slowly approaching the dog. Her nose twitched as she noticed the beta of her pack besides an orangeish brown she-dog. She walked out of the bushes she was hiding behind at, her gaze locked on the female. The frown never left her face. She let out a small growl before stopping. "Let you join?" She was annoyed by the tone the female spoke with.

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Edited on 01/02/17 @ 10:19:08 by ➽ℳoo∩❍{Primal} (#100696)

Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2017-02-01 11:04:14


Male | 2 years, 6 months | Doberman Pinscher (Also part Great Dane & Gray Wolf) | Beta Male | Location: The City | Mentions: Reanna, Moon

Hearing the smaller dog's response to his question, he narrowed his eyes. Hm... Looking for a place to stay? Her voice was convincing, but he thought otherwise. Still, she could be telling the truth. Maybe. What was she getting at though? Did she want him to suggest she joined? Because, if so, it wasn't going to happen. And as if on cue, the female asked if his leader would let her join. Not if you keep acting like you can't do anything.. he thought, rolling his eyes with a light growl. Her tail was wagging and her tone seemed hopeful, but he still wasn't certain.

Just as he was about to reply, another feminine voice spoke out behind him, and he soon recognized it as Moon's, the lead warrior of his pack. He didn't want to take his eyes off of Reanna, as he knew she could bolt at anytime. He nodded to Moon, still looking at the loner. "What makes you think our leader would want to welcome in a she-dog like you that doesn't even try to defend herself?" he asked, clearly showing his annoyance at her scared, pretty, she-dog act with his deep voice. Standing tall, the muscular brute towered about both of the she-dogs, and his chest was out, broad shoulders standing with legs apart at a reasonable distance from each other. Narrowing his eyes, his left, slightly torn ear flicked, the light hitting his glossy, black fur just at the right angle, showing the certain attractiveness of his pelt, as well as the scars that dotted over it.

OOC: Sorry, I'm a tad blocked still >.

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LilLeo (#101751)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2017-02-01 11:17:16

Jessie stalked along the side of the street her eyes narrowed and looking for prey. She had spotted a loner earlier but saw Hades confronting the rogue and had moved on. Still searching for prey she wanderd the city searching behind trashcans and in alleyways moving closer to the forest as she did. Jessie stopped and lay down panting her heart beating furiously in her chest, moments before a cat had jumped out of a dumpster scaring Jessie. As she recovers Jessie spots that the cat dropped a large rat, grinning she picks it up and walks slowly down the road, plants taking over and cracking the ground as roots and plants shot out from underneath. Her pace brisk now she sees the tall rusty wall gleaming in the sun. She walks around to the front and hears Iron's deep howl as she rounds the corner. Quickly ducking her head at her alpha she trots over to the pitiful prey pile and lays the rat in it before turning to her alpha.

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LilLeo (#101751)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2017-02-01 11:17:26

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Edited on 05/02/17 @ 08:58:59 by LilLeo (#101751)

LilLeo (#101751)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2017-02-01 11:17:36

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Edited on 05/02/17 @ 08:59:27 by LilLeo (#101751)

LilLeo (#101751)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2017-02-01 11:17:45

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Edited on 05/02/17 @ 08:59:57 by LilLeo (#101751)

LilLeo (#101751)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2017-02-01 11:17:48

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Edited on 05/02/17 @ 09:00:26 by LilLeo (#101751)

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