Posted by Shadeclan • RP Thread

Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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2017-04-17 03:27:56



A Warriors Roleplay
Mods: InserCleverNameHere and Potato Lord

For centuries, three clans of big cats have dominated these lands: Solclan, full of powerful and highly dominant lions; Shadeclan, the secretive clan of tigers; Roseclan, a collection of leopards, jaguars, and cats of similar stature. Without human influence, the three clans have grown to large sizes and thrived, learning to coexist within their own borders and, by extension, becoming more social than their non-clan cousins. But they are not alone. For nearly as long as the cats have survived here, they have shared the island with a group of canines¹. Having been proven the weakest and by far the least dominant, the canines were driven into "The Mud," a small swamp on the far-east coast.



A close-knit group of tigers led by [NAME], [DESC]. Their territory consists of dense jungle, several small islands, and a maze of rivers. Although tigers are usually solitary cats, the stealthy Shadeclan cats are much more social, though sometimes need their own space. Deer, monkeys, apes, hogs, and boar are often found in the trees and on the islands, but some large fish in the ocean and rivers.



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Edited on 07/05/17 @ 08:15:40 by InsertCleverNameHere (#36227)

tz☣{WCU} (#83026)

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Posted on
2017-05-07 17:57:35
DawnWhisper ~ Female ~ Forest ~ Warrior ~ 6Y ~ Mentions: None

DawnWhisper dropped off the dead monkey, licking her jaws from the little bits of blood on her lips. She padded over to a flat rock she could sit on, near RedTooth. She sat wrapping her tail neatly around her paws. The rock was warm, he sun beaming on it. Her pelt glowed a little orange, but it was dull. She wasn't that bothered by being a little dirty, but she grooms often. DawnWhisper sighed, shaking her head. She licked her paw pads, cleaning it from the dirt that was clogged in between her toes. Finishing with the final lick on the chest, she lay on her side. Sunbathing.
Her legs ached with the chase she had with the monkey, so she wold be resting for a while.
The clan tigers haven't woken yet. So the three tigers that woke up first were to be of course DawnWhisper, RedTooth, and EchoSky.
DawnWhisper enjoyed her time alone. Her eyes darted from every tree to every rock, watching everything. 2 leaves fell of a tree, dancing in the air freely. As a cub she enjoyed catching falling leaves. When the wind blows its the funnest, because you chase after the leaves lie its prey. The rock made her feel warm as if she was snuggling with her mother an' sibs, so close, but as the clouded vision of her mother, HoneyWish, and her brother faded, she let out a painful sigh, scraping her claws against the rock to make a sound like nails on achalk board. Her pale green eyes opened, watching he birds in the sky.
DawnWhisper wonders how it feels like to fly. Birds fly with much confidence, they don't even have the single thought if they fall. Not that she wants to fly anyway. A tiger with wings sounds pretty stupid.

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⍟ chennie 🏜️
g5 olive nrlc (#84624)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2017-05-09 04:41:03
Dappleheart||Female||Clan Camp||Mentions: None

Dappleheart awoke to the sunlight pouring in, and she walked out the den, her amber eyes glowing like honey in the sun. Her beautiful pelt stood in a strange stance, as she defied all logic and jumped onto a near cliff. Laughing eyes watched the camp around her awake, the low cliff giving her small view of her homeland.

(Guys. I gotta go to school. Sorry it's short. I'll edit it when I get home. Byeee!)

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Vespering [MAIN] (#33076)

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Posted on
2017-05-12 06:39:22

| Scorchstar |
Male • 96 Moons • Amur x Bengal Tiger (Golden Tabby Morph) | Leader
Location: River • Mentions: None [Open]

Large paws cut through the soft current with surprising grace, maneuvering the massive body of their owner leisurely over gentle waves. The water around him was bathed golden-orange, early morning sunlight reflecting his bright pelt across the river’s surface as he headed out to sea. Hunting was not Scorchstar’s objective at the moment, fish slipping beneath him unnoticed and ignored for the time being. Right now he simply needed a moment of peace. An escape from the realities of life. The river was the only thing that could offer him such solace. The only refuge he had now, since Spottedcloud had died so many years ago.

Sadness threatened to overwhelm and he viciously pushed his grief aside, unwilling to feel its cruel touch. There would be time for that later, when he returned to his nest alone as he did every night and was left with only his memories to lull him to sleep. He had never taken another mate. What was the point? No tigress could compare to her. None of them understood him as she had, he doubted they could handle his darkness. Some had tried to catch his attention and only been met with rejection, though it would be a lie to say he had never been tempted. Oh, what Spottedcloud must think of him for that. Perhaps it was his destiny to have only one mate. Considering his cursed blood, maybe it was for the best.

Finally he abandoned his course, breaking for the shore. Pulling himself back onto solid ground, he shook out his thick pelt, sending droplets of chilled water flying everywhere, no stone or blade of grass left untouched by the onslaught.


| Firestorm |
Female • 72 Moons • Indochinese Tiger • Warrior
Location: Camp • Mentions: {Indirectly} Redtooth, Darkpaw, Lightpaw

Dawn light filtered into the warriors den, waking the slumbering tigress as it flashed across her closed eyelids. Coppery orbs peeked open sluggishly as a tired yawn stretched her jaws and she rolled onto her paws, leaving her nest behind to prepare for the day ahead. As she exited the den she paused just outside the entrance, stretching out each stiff limb before moving toward the prey pile. Her tired gaze flickered over Redtooth grooming his paws as she passed and she nodded to him in greeting before choosing the reminder of a monkey carcass.

Padding near the edge of the clearing, Firestorm settled on her belly and waited with crossed paws for Lightpaw and Darkpaw to appear from the apprentice’s den. Not a scrap of meat was taken from the carcass, as it had been selected solely to feed her children. Firestorm never took for herself without providing first and would not have a single morsel until she brought something back to replace it, but she held no such restrictions for her cubs, and StarClan help any tiger who attempted to deny them their right to feed.

Her thoughts drifted to her offspring's father and she pondered whether he might regret his abandonment, leaving her to raise their cubs on her own before they were even born while he followed his dreams of life as a loner. She would never understand what had motivated Flamefoot to leave, but she convinced herself she didn’t miss him.

Prey Taken: Monkey (20%)(I’m really bad at this so let me know if that’s too much for what I’m aiming to do here.)


| Spiderfang |
Male • 60 Moons • Sumatran Tiger • Warrior
Location: Camp • Mentions: {Directly} Beetlecub / {Indirectly} Feathercloud, Darkwood

Pale eyes watched the cub curled against his belly fondly, warmth spreading from toes to tail-tip as she nestled deeper into his fur. Spiderfang wasn’t sure he had ever adored another living creature as much as Beetlecub, his heart filled to the brim with more love than he could ever have thought possible. From the moment he had set sights on her striped pelt the young warrior had known things would be different. It was rare for a father to sleep within the nursery’s walls, but considering Feathercloud had been the Clan’s only mother in moons there was more than enough room for both of them to share a nest with their beloved daughter.

Spiderfang had awoken to find his mate gone, her side of the nest cold, and unease crept under his pelt. Feathercloud was proving distant lately and worry nagged at him like a persistent flea. He had heard, at times, mothers felt an unexplainable sadness after birth. A sorrow that would heal with time, but meant they lacked some of their maternal instincts. Tail twitching, he made a mental note to ask Darkwood about it later. As Beetlecub squirmed beside him Spiderfang frowned, preparing to wake her before her dreams seemed to sort themselves out and she woke on her own moments later with a jubilant “Dad”! He smiled down at the youngster warmly. “Good morning my dear. Did you sleep well?”

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Edited on 12/05/17 @ 06:45:04 by Potato Lord [MAIN] (#33076)

MoeMoe (#65000)

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Posted on
2017-05-13 09:30:13

|| Patcheart ||
| Female | 6Yrs (72Mns) | Siberian Tiger | Deputy |
| Location: Inner Jungle > Camp | MD: Dawnwhisper |
| MI: Redtooth, Firestorm, Echosky, Darkwood, Snakepaw, Honeypaw, Sunpaw |

The onyx banded feline padded from shadow to shadow, her shaggy paws making no sound as they were placed softly upon the ground. In her mouth, Patcheart held a particularly stunning black rock, striped with silver, which she had found during her morning swim. Though the female's mahogany and onyx fur was still slightly damp from her morning bath, it still had a mind of its own and stuck out in random directions as if it was trying to emulate flame. As the deputy walked into the camp, her pale yellow gaze darted back and forth in search of any of her children, or perhaps her brother. Seeing hide nor hair of either, the tigress silently ducked through a curtain of moss ,entering her personal den and placing her prize in a pile of similarly stunning rocks she had discovered out in the jungle.

Exiting her den, Patcheart stretched out her front paws and lowered the front of her body in a long luxuriant stretch, before padding quickly into the center of camp nodding to Firestorm, Redtooth, and Echosky before she sat next to Dawnwhisper and joined the tigress in bird-watching.

"Sometimes, as ridiculous as it sounds, I envy birds for their ability of flight."

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tz☣{WCU} (#83026)

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Posted on
2017-05-13 09:40:27
DawnWhisper ~ Female ~ Forest ~ Warrior ~ 6Y ~ Mentions: PatchHeart

DawnWhiser saw the deputy approaching, so she moved to the side a little so PatchHeart could have room. She caught sight of a small brownish red bird with tanner breast, before PatchHeart spoke.
"Why is that so?" DawnWhisper asked, tilting her head to have a better view of the bird's strokes. They were quick, and it would glide a few times before flying higher into the sky.
She has to say they are unique. She saw a few parrots fly in loops, like they were trying to show a trick. She doubted that. Birds are almost scared of everything bigger than them. They have an advatage of flight. DawnWhisper thought, her mind set only on birds and flight.
They can fly off swiftly if a predator preys on them. She added in her thoughts, glancing at PatchHeart.

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Edited on 13/05/17 @ 10:15:57 by ☪Skazzle Dazzle☣☣ (#83026)

Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2017-05-14 08:00:16

"I don't stop when I'm tired, I stop when I'm done."

Male | 23 moons | Apprentice | Siberian Tiger | Location: Camp | Mentions: [Directly] Patcheart [Indirectly] Honeypaw, Sunpaw


With a grunt, the large apprentice stumbled into camp, tail lashing behind him. Thorns were stuck in his body everywhere, a few claw marks lay on his shoulders as well, which stung just a bit. He licked his lips before standing up straight, not wanting anybody to question where he had been, and why he was all scratched up. The young male had ventured out into the forest alone, and had encountered many a thorn and also a few animals, those who had angrily scratched him as he, being intrigued and curious, bugged them by lumbering through their home. He had also found an incredibly large tree and had climbed very high in it, finding he could see very far. The view had been incredible. Looking down at his scratched paw, Snakepaw lifted it up and licked it, cleaning it from blood. Putting his oddly large paw on the ground, he looked around for any of his family, or maybe even friends. He couldn't see any of his siblings, neither Honeypaw nor Sunpaw, and felt disappointed. He wanted to tell them everything he did!

Left ear flicking, Snakepaw looked around and soon spotted his mother. He definitely didn't want her seeing him. Especially not till he had got cleaned up. She would just scold him and ask what he did. Trying to be as sneaky as possible, the large apprentice moved to the edge and began slinking towards the apprentice den and, although he was confident that he was unnoticed, his deputy mother would no doubt notice his large, stocky body and bright orange pelt as it attempted to slink around the edges of camp.

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Century Salvation
☪ INACTIVE (#77658)

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Posted on
2017-05-14 21:11:29


Redtooth | Male | Camp | Warrior | 88 Moons | Mentions: Patcheart, Dappleheart, Firestorm, Snakepaw [Minor]

Eventually, the tom had successfully managed to lick away the bits and crumbs of his meal and he set his broad head to lay atop his large paws. Gradually, he could sense the camp becoming more lively. Among his striped comrades, simple chatter could be heard, nothing interesting enough that he felt inclined to invite himself into one of the conversations. A dark-hued ear flicked as a fly buzzed close, attracted to the scent of blood and flesh on his tongue. Redtooth's eyes, which had previously been in a half-mast, relaxed state widened ever so slightly so the male could get another thorough glimpse around camp. Ah, there was the deputy Patcheart returning. And there -- Firestorm with a kill at her paws. On the opposite side of the camp, he could detect Dappleheart settling herself on a rocky perch. And creeping along his peripherals, sly, was the apprentice Snakepaw. Aureate irises dancing with amusement, the hessian's eyes took note of the young male's disheveled state yet, as if he saw nothing, Redtooth looked away. His white-tipped tail tapped the ground underneath his behemoth physique faintly, and with a roll of his hips, the virile male shifted his position, stretching his strong hind legs off to the side. He watched the camp more actively now, waiting for more clan-mates to make themselves known.

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Edited on 19/05/17 @ 17:18:55 by Century Salvation ☪ (#77658)

Arcan (#97595)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-05-19 17:16:48
Winterflame- Female Siberian Tiger- Warrior- 2 years (24 Moons)
The soft golden light filtering in through the canopy dappled the fiery coat that rippled beneath it. Jet black stripes, bold and intriguing, moved with the lean muscles propelling the female forward. Large paws, broad and equipped with dangerous claws, dug into the ground, kicking up dirt with each step. Piercing golden eyes studied the area, and rounded ears were perked excitedly, listening for any sign of prey. So far, nothing. A soft snort left her muzzle, her breath rising into a small cloud of mist in front of her nostrils before quickly dissipating. Even though her mouth was full of fish, one large one in particular, there could never be enough food. Which was why she was on the lookout. The clan needed fresh kill to survive. Despite her alertness, no scents or sights caught her attention, and so she simply trudged on towards home.

It wasn't long before Winterflame reached camp. Other tigers were coming back from hunting as well, some with more catches than her, some with less. Flicking her ears, the young tigress dropped her acquisition onto the pile, studying everyone else as they passed. She had only just become a warrior, so getting to know some of the older members of the clan was her first priority. Winterflame stood, her large frame an intimidating sight to any enemy. Her size was odd for a female of her species, and she knew that males were rather perturbed by it. Perhaps that was why none approached her romantically. The thought didn't surprise her, as she was used to it, after all, she didn't have many friends either. But that was alright, at least for now. Tigers could be antisocial creatures.

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Doe (#62827)

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Posted on
2017-05-19 18:21:13

Female| 23 moons | Apprentice | Siberian Tiger | Location: Camp | Mentions: [Directly] Snakepaw [Indirectly] Patcheart

Honeypaw slid into the spot next to her brother easily watching around them as her tail flicked around lazily almost in an agitated manner "You went out without me" she growled lazily as her eyes flashed towards where their mother stood "I can't help you lie to Ma right now, she just saw me leave the den, so don't use me as an excuse for the cut" she muttered "Unless you wanna go at it right now and act like it was some stupid sibling fight" the female spoke her eyes flashing with playfulness as she batted at her brother before she walked off her large paws making a soft noise over the leaves she stepped on, she chuffed quietly as she walked through a patch of sunlight before settling down right there her body stretching out as she closed her eyes

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MoeMoe (#65000)

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Posted on
2017-05-19 23:43:37

|| Patcheart ||
| Female | 6Yrs (72Mns) | Siberian Tiger | Deputy |
| Location: Camp | MD: Dawnwhisper, Snakepaw |
| MI: Honeypaw, Sunpaw, Others|

"Their ability to travel. They are not hindered by jungle, mountains, or even oceans...and though we may be the rulers of the jungle. Birds rule the air. All in all....I think they have the better deal."

Lifting up a large paw, Patcheart thoroughly removed the debris that had stuck to her paw-pads after her swim. Enjoying the gentle breeze that whispered down from the treetops to dart through the feline's onyx and mahogany fur the tigress idly watched a vulture as it circled above the camp, eyeing the food pile with black eyes. She would have to draw the attention of those who where within the camp and organize a few patrols. This morning had started out slow, a rarity as the days until the The Roaring Call decreased in number with an inevitable rhythm....but it was unwise to let things linger for long. It had been almost a week since she had sent out a patrol to the outer islands that shared no border with the other clans...the borders that Shadeclan shared with Solclan and Roseclan had become the deputy's priority. Whispers of sabotage, murder, and betrayal where murmured in conversations during breakfast, lunch, and dinner...and as much as she tried, Patcheart had not been able to stop the growing sense of unease that had made its home within Shadeclan's camp.

She could only hope that the Roaring Call would not give fuel to the dark rumors.

Glancing at Dawnwhisper as the tigress stared up at the circling birds, Patcheart made a mental note to give the warrior one of the brilliant feathers the Deputy had collected during one of her walks...the clanmate seemed to have a particular interest in the clan's avian neighbors and she might enjoy the gift. That would have to wait for a later time though...for now it was time to get things moving.

"Dawnwhisper, I need you hunt down the tigers within the camp and inform them to start getting ready for mourning patrol designations. Whoever is ready is to wait by the sunning-boulder. Tigers who are not there when I return from my conversation with my son will have to endure an afternoon patrol...make sure to mention that I don't believe that the sun will be forgiving today. I enjoyed our conversation as short-lived as it was...I apologize that I have to take my leave so soon, but I need to catch Snakepaw before he successfully finds cover."

That last sentence was stated with a certain amount of irony, a hint of amusement and frustration glinting within Patcheart's eyes as she nodded a respectful farewell to Dawnwhisper. No, she had not missed her son 'sneaking' into camp, nor had she missed Honeypaw as she quickly trotted up to Snakepaw for a brief chat before making a quick retreat towards a patch of sunlight. Sometimes Patcheart marveled at those two particular siblings....tigers that she had raised for 23 moons, where under the impression that they could keep their little adventures under lock and key. A shadowed look passed over Patcheart's pale irises...perhaps it was getting around time to set down some ground would only be a few more weeks until her children became warriors.

Pausing for a second to shake off the sudden weight of foreboding that had cloaked her pelt with that thought, Patcheart made her way towards her son until she was standing between him and his apparent destination.

"And what have you been up to this morning, Snakepaw?"

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(Hellfire) Moonblace (#16261)

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Posted on
2017-05-20 05:18:27
Sunpaw I Male I 23 moons I Medicine Cat Apprentice I Mentions: /(Indirectly): Honeypaw, Beetlecub, Patcheart, Snakepaw

Sunpaw was sorting herbs. The big green ones here, the small weird smelling ones over there. He'd woken up hours ago, but at some point during the night something, or someone, had messed up the herbs. The apprentice made a face, if he found out Beetlecub had been in here the cub was in big trouble. Finally, he was done. His paws smelled horrible, bitter and weird. Sunpaw's ear flicked with annoyance, at least he could go eat something now. He got up and stretched, arching his back and yawning. The young tiger walked out of the medicine den looking around, trying to find a family member to go eat with.

The first one he saw was his sister lying in a patch of sunlight. Was it worth the risk of her being grumpy if he disturbed her? Probably not. Then he spotted Snakepaw. With injuries. Sunpaw's eyes narrowed dangerously. Snakepaw was supposed to go straight to the medicine den with injuries but no! why would he! Of course it was a better idea to wait for the injuries to get infected! Sunpaw was about to go over and give his brother a piece of his mind when he saw his mother walk up to Snakepaw. She didn't look all that happy and Sunpaw wasn't about to interfere if she was gonna scold the idiot. Instead, he sat down, ready to enjoy the show.

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Edited on 20/05/17 @ 05:19:38 by (Hellfire) Moonblace (#16261)

Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2017-05-20 06:35:43


"I used to be better. I used to be better. I used to be better."

Otterleap • Male • 50 moons • Warrior • Camp • Mentions: Patchheart and co. (Indirect); Redtooth; Scorchstar (Indirect)

Replete and satisfied, Otterleap stood, observing the numbers of tigers that had awoken from their slumber and were making themselves known. Across the way, the Deputy Patchheart spoke to Dawnwhisper, sending her off, and turned her attention to her son, who was himself dirty, unkempt, and clawed across his shoulders. Perhaps it was a hunt gone awry? Or a dawn spar? Who knew but the apprentice and whatever scraped his fur. He chuckled internally, but did not allow a smile to cross his ever-serious face. Another glance around did not reveal the ginger form of the clan's leader, prompting a wrinkle to form above the tiger's eyes. Scorchstar's absence always worried the male, though he was sure no harm had come to the odd-coloured beast. Yet, it wouldn't hurt to speak with some of his fellow warriors about the issue. A few yards away, the large brute that was Redtooth lounged in silence, no doubt observing the clan like Otterleap had been doing moments before. Such was the way of males, always watching and never speaking. "Redtooth," he chuffed, coming to a halt and lowering himself to his haunches, "Have you, by any chance, seen Scorchstar?"



"It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men."

Beetlecub • Female • 3 moons • Cub • Nursery • Mentions: Spiderfang

Gleeful steps carried Beetlecub's tiny frame from the warmth of her father's stomach towards the friendly shadow of his face upon the ground. With odd, clumsy movements, the cub scrambled over his large paws and muscular legs, scaling them as if they were miniature mountains. Emulating the friendly gesture seen demonstrated between friendly cats, her head stretched up and bonked the adult's chin in a move perhaps rougher than it should have been. With her small stature, however, it was sure to be painless. A second later though, her face fell and her brow furrowed as Spiderfang's question registered. The young tigress's face betrayed a degree of confusion and she remained unusually silent until she slowly began to speak. "I dunno. Kind of," the cub murmured, tilting her head and punctually setting her rump down, "There was this... Dog. It was big. And spotty. That's... that's all I 'member." She looked up at her father with a slight look of apology, as if the male would be angry with her for not remembering correctly.

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Century Salvation
☪ INACTIVE (#77658)

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Posted on
2017-05-20 09:01:33


Redtooth | Male | Camp | Warrior | 88 Moons | Mentions: Scorchstar [Minor] Otterleap [Direct]

Upon his name being called, the brujo would pivot his thick skull and watch through molten gold irises as the bulk of Otterleap approached. "Aye?" The Siberian hessian's round, dark ears strained to attention as he ignored all other happenings and gave his fellow warrior his undivided attention. At the mention of their leader, Redtooth found his eyes roaming slowly over the gathered felidaes in search of the distinct feline, yet he saw nothing. Whiskers would twitch at this realization, the only hint that the virile would even a little worried. But as his gaze shifted to Otterleap once more, there as an easy-going expression on his complexion. "Can't say I have," Came his deep reply, low and rumbling in a baritone of a voice. His head tipped faintly to the side, striped tail shifting. "Though, I imagine he's not gone far, if you're searching for him." Some of the tigers seemed to be returning from hunts if not just rousing from their comfortable nests, many were lounging in the open sun, chatting among themselves while others daydreamed or swiped some prey from the pile. No one seemed too overly worried that their leader was missing, if they noticed at all. Scorchstar's scent may still be on the breeze if they were active in looking for him should something go awry and they still had Patcheart if the clan needed order. Aye, there was little to worry about.

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tz☣{WCU} (#83026)

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Posted on
2017-05-20 10:06:43
DawnWhisper ~ Female ~ Forest ~ Warrior ~ 6Y ~ Mentions: PatchHeart, OtterLeap, RedTooth, WinterFlame, SpiderFang, BeetleCub, DappleHeart, FireStorm, EchoSky

DawnWhisper nodded as she spoke slowly, silently agreeing with the deputy. DawnWhidper straighteed her back when PatchHeart gave her some orders, watching her pad to her son, SnakePaw. He was all scratched up and thorns stuck to his pelt; wonder what his excuse will be.
Pushing herself to her paws, she leaped off the roc, landing quietly on the ground. Quickly she padded over to OtterLeap,noddingat RedTooth.
"G'morning, you two." She said, suddenly cringing inside because of how she sounded. But she didn't show it.
"PatchHeart ordered me to tell you that you need to get ready for a mourning patrol before she finishes talking to her son. Wait at the Sunning-Rock if your ready. If you don't you have to endure a evening patrol." She said quietly, flickering her ears. Flicking her tail as a fairwell, she padded off, looking around.

Her pale blue egreen eyes landed on a golden pelt, recognizing the tigress. Its WinterFlame. She padded over, slowly, so she doesn't seem so suspicious. Who would like a tiger running towards you?
With a huff she said, "Hello WinterFlame. I need you to prepare for a mouring patrol ordered by PatchHeart. Oce ready, wait at the Sunning-Rock." She nodded towards the Sunning-Rocks, flicking her tail.
"Oh, if you aren't ready when PatchHeart returns from her son, you have to endure an evening patrol." She added. She didn't want to sound snarky so she said it softly. She flicked her tail, walking off to hunt down some other tigers. She spotted SpiderFang speaking to his kin, purring. BeetleCub was so tiny. Sometime she wishes she could have cubs some day. She padded over, poking her head through, purring at BeetleCub to show who she was.
"Sorry If I bothered you, sir, but, are you ready for a mourning patrol? Is FeatherCloud here? She can watch BeetleCub." She purred, staying where she was. Tigers were protective of their cubs. She didn't want to provoke him. "But if you can't be ready, and Patchheart dosn't see you when she is finished talking to SnakePaw, you have to endure an evening patrol. Hello BeetleCub," SHe mewed, her last sentence ending with a purr. She enjoyed cubs. She slid out, waiting for a response for a few seconds before padding off.

SHe padded around before she saw a shadow over her. She glanced at a tigress sitting on a small cliff. She tilted her head,scratching the earth with her long claws. She strained to remember who the tigress was, before the name popped up in her mind. DappleHeart. She readied herself to leap, eyes locked onto the cliff edge. She jumped, holding on to the edge where she pushed herself up, sghing. "DappleHeart, I need you to get ready for a mourning patrol. once ready, wait at the Sunnig-Rock. If PatchHeart doesn't see you after she talks to her son, you have to endure an evening patrol." She purred, touching noses with DappleHeart in greeting. SHe padded off, looking for EchoSKy, the tigress she hunted with early that morning. She spoke the same thing to EchoSKy, before shaking her pelt, watcging BettelCub and SpiderFang.

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Fuzy (#95092)

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Posted on
2017-05-20 10:16:20
є¢нσѕку • ƒємαℓє • ¢ℓαη ¢αмρ • ωαяяισя • 34 мσσηѕ • мєηтισηѕ: ∂αωηωнιѕρєя (ιη∂ιяє¢тℓу: вєєтℓє¢υв αη∂ ѕρι∂єяƒαηg)

Echosky got up and quickly groomed herself so she looked somewhat good for the morning patrol, when she finished she padded to Dawnwhisper and sat down next to her "Good morning, how's the prey running for you?" she asked happily. Echosky turned to Spiderfang and Beetlecub as well "Beetlecub will be a fine warrior some day, don't you agree?" she turned back to Dawnwhisper.

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