Posted by Shadeclan • Bios

Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2017-04-17 03:27:56

Main Roleplay Thread



What are they called?

How old are they?

•Gender & Sex•
All gender identities are accepted.

All sexual/romantic orientations are accepted.

What rank are they?

Ex: Sumatran Tiger, Snow Leopard, Spotted Hyena, Black-Backed Jackal, etc.

Picture optional, paragraph or more of description needed.

•Positives and Negatives•
+ Advantages?
+ Advantages?
+ Advantages?
- Disadvantages?
- Disadvantages?

One paragraph or more

One paragraph or more

Family members, deceased or not

•Other Relationships•
Friends, enemies, crushes, etc.

•Theme Song•

What else?

•Security Questions•
What is one of the things that Rat introduced into Mudclan? ____________

Name the Leader and Deputy of Shadeclan. ____________

If someone asks a question that is not directly stated in any text, who do you direct them to? ____________

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Edited on 09/07/17 @ 22:11:12 by InsertCleverNameHere (#36227)

Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-04-17 07:35:16



"I used to be better. I used to be better. I used to be better."

Ottercub • Otterpaw • [Otterleap]

51 moons

•Gender & Sex•



indian Tiger



With a bright orange coat and bold black stripes, Otterleap is quite a sight to behold. He is muscular from his love of swimming and much combat training. His head exhibits close-set, fiery eyes that reflect his impatience and short temper. His white undersides are snow-like in their brightness and creep up the side of his face and cheeks, burning from behind his eyes like alabaster fire.

•Positives and Negatives•
+ Excellent Swimmer
+ Powerful
+ Intelligent
- Short Temper
- Loner

Otterleap is best described as determined and merciless. He has never taken kindly to strangers and often doesn't speak just for the sake of speaking; preferring to have a point more than continue interaction. He can come off as rather snappish, especially when greeted with "pointless" small talk. This serious tiger would rather get things done as efficiently as possible before sitting around doing nothing. Due to this, he is prone to bouts of annoyed pacing until he can manage to distract himself. He is a miserable hunter, but a skilled fighter and enjoys the satisfaction of combat. He feels that the dogs have stepped out of line, especially in light of current events.

Otterleap, given the name because of his skill in swimming, was born into the pack as an only cub to Rosefoot and Adderpelt, who were both rather strict and fast-paced, passing this trait down to their son. He knew from an early age that life wasn't fair and one couldn't always get their way and those ideals were only exemplified when Adderpelt, his father, was killed by a wild boar during a hunt. Otterpaw, then an apprentice, took training very seriously, refusing mischief proposed by other cubs. He passed with flying colors and undisputedly graduated to Otterleap.

Father - Adderpelt [D]
Mother - Rosefoot [NPC]

•Other Relationships•

•Theme Song•
Pierre - Dave Malloy, Ensemble (Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812)


:Significant Events:




"It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men."

[Beetlecub] • Beetlepaw • Beetleflight

4 moons

•Gender & Sex•



Sumatran Tiger



As a cub, Beetlecub possesses a short, stocky body, though she doesn't entirely realize her current height. Her fluffy paws are far too large for her body, sometimes causing her to trip over them. Her fur is a very dull, rusty orange marked by crooked, thin black stripes. Her large, round eyes are similarly dull in their transition from blue to orange.

•Positives and Negatives•
+ Charismatic
+ Good in Combat
+ Agile
- Slow
- Distracted Easily


Beetlecub is usually a happy-go-lucky, fun-loving gal with a penchant for making friends. She loves to converse with her clanmates and make jokes, mostly at his own expense, though to the cats who don't know her well enough, she can come off as arrogant or irresponsible. Despite a habit of getting distracted, Beetlecub is always eager to learn something new, especially concerning the art of combat. She is extremely protective of her family, sometimes turning on a dime, and will do anything to ensure their safety, even if that means sacrificing her own life.


Born to two young sweethearts, Spiderfang and Feathercloud, who love their daughter more than anything. They are both incredibly kind and gentle, especially to her.

Father - Spiderfang [NPC ~ Adoptable]
Mother - Feathercloud [NPC ~ Adoptable]

•Other Relationships•

•Theme Song•
Santa Evita - Maya Jade Frank, Isabella Moner, Evita Ensemble


:Significant Events:


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Edited on 15/06/17 @ 21:37:29 by InsertCleverNameHere (#36227)

Vespering [MAIN] (#33076)

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Posted on
2017-04-17 12:46:28


{ Image Credits ~ Flickr / Tambako The Jaguar }

"You look to me to find the truth and what I say is what you do, but everyone you look up to is really as f***** up as you."


96 moons (8 years) old.

•Gender & Sex•

Heterosexual - Heteroromantic.


Amur Tiger x Bengal Tiger (Golden Tabby Morph).

Scorchstar is a massive tiger, far out-sizing any normal Amur or Bengal. Heavy boned with a build made up of toned muscle, he can prove a rather imposing sight. His height and weight aren't the only traits that make him unusual, his coat contrasting from from the usual black striped orange and white pelt tigers are so well known for. His dense, thick coat is a pale golden color instead, marked by thick light orange stripes while creamy white fur covers the lower muzzle, cheeks, throat, chest, underbelly, tail and above the eyes. The light-furred tail is circled by thin deep golden-orange bands and his eyes are a light shade of yellow.


•Positives and Negatives•
+ Strong.
+ Persuasive.
+ Clever.
- Violent.
- Ruthless.
- Not the quickest.

Scorchstar is a powerful tiger with a taste for violence. Even in cubhood he had a rather strong inclination for brutality, but some of his rougher qualities were softened considerably by his best friend and later mate Spottedcloud. In a way she was the only conscience he ever had and he refrained from causing undue harm to other creatures if only because he knew it would cause her grief. With Spottedcloud now gone and a dark thirst for vengeance left to fester in him Scorchstar has reverted into a very dangerous cat, lusting for revenge against the canines and hyenas of the Mud.

When dealing with his Clanmates, Scorchstar has learned to suppress most of his violent tendencies, pushing a facade of normalcy. It is unlikely he would have been accepted as deputy let alone leader if he had not. Charming and charismatic, he exudes tranquility and security, remaining visibly unperturbed and kindly for as long as it will help him achieve his goals. Rather than flaring hot, Scorchstar's anger tends to be ice cold, but you can always tell when he's displeased by his tone of voice. He doesn't yell, he doesn't hit, but if his voice drops even the slightest from it's usual pleasantness it's cause for worry.

*Warning; non-graphic incest mention*.

Scorchstar's parents were outsiders, two oddly colored tigers who showed up at ShadeClan's border one morning. His mother was white as snow with onyx stripes while his father resembled himself. Intrigued by the strangers,, ShadeClan's former leader invited them back to camp. The newcomers revealed everyone from their former group looked like them, but offered no other explanation than that. The truth was unspeakable, that the leader of their former group believed in pure bloodlines. Every single tiger was related in some way, and in Snowflower and Goldenclaw's case, they were cousins.

Snowflower was already heavy with cubs when they were accepted into the Clan, ushered into the nursery while Goldenclaw received warrior training. Three cubs were born, but only one survived. They named him Scorchcub after his stunning golden-orange coat. Scorchcub wasn't the Clan's only oddity at the time. A tigress called Sunsetpelt bore offspring that were half tiger, half leopard; Spottedcub, Dapplecub and Specklecub. Scorchcub and Spottedcub soon developed a bond that would be broken only be death.

In his youth Scorchpaw was rather rough, often unnecessarily hostile and cruel to the other apprentices, but Spottedpaw would have none of it. He might be kind to her and her siblings, but Spottedpaw was not blind to her friend's behavior and would go on to do something his parents never cared to, correct him. As they grew older their relationship evolved from friendship to love and they agreed to become mates as young warriors. Scorchclaw found other outlets for his aggression that didn't involve harming his own Clanmates and came to be a highly respected warrior.

He and Spottedcloud never managed to have cubs, as every time they tried nothing resulted from their coupling, both silently wondering if something was wrong with them, but they didn't allow it to damage their love for one another. Cubs or not, they were meant to be. Scorchclaw was named deputy after the previous deputy Snaketail retired and promised Spottedcloud once he became leader she would be his second. Tragedy struck not long after that. A skirmish with a mixed gang of jackals and hyenas turned violent and Spottedcloud was killed in the chaos.

Though the gang was not from the Mud and rather a rogue group out to cause trouble, Scorchstar now has a deep-set hatred for all canine and hyena kind. Ever since that day he has urged the other leaders to help him eliminate the inhabitants of the Mud. "We should kill them all. It is only a matter of time before they betray us." The death of a young SolClan lion in recent times has only further solidified his convictions. All canines must die.

Snowflower [Deceased]
Mother - Status Unknown

Goldenclaw [Deceased]
Father - Status Unknown

•Other Relationships•
Spottedcloud [Deceased]
Mate - In StarClan

Dappleheart & Specklestream [Adoptable]
Friends/Siblings of Spottedcloud

•Theme Song•
Pain - Hollywood Undead.

Warning; song includes cursing.


Canines/hyenas bring out the worst in him. His calm facade fades into something less friendly in their presence and he wants nothing more than to destroy them, but will refrain from doing so until the time is right.



{ Image Credit ~ Wikimedia Commons / Lotse }

"You've had your say, now take your seat. I know my place, you don't know me."


72 moons (6 years) old.

•Gender & Sex•

Heterosexual - Biromantic.


Indochinese Tiger.

Smaller in stature than most tigers, what Firestorm lacks in height she makes up for with might. Her short pelt is a deep orange color extending over the majority of her body save for the white fur covering the lower half of her face, throat, chest, underbelly and the insides of her legs. The pattern of her stripes is unique to her subspecies, narrow and distinctively black. Her large, round eyes are light golden with coppery undertones and her nose is a vibrant pink. She is 235 centimeters long from muzzle to tail-tip and weighs an even 266 pounds. Firestorm retains the usual bulk and muscle commonly found in tigers while still striking a rather graceful figure. Her nose is split down the middle and her left ear is torn.

•Positives and Negatives•
+ Loyal.
+ Courageous.
+ Quick, agile and well balanced.
- Unforgiving.
- Short temper.

​Firestorm is a reserved tigress with a strong sense of moral justice. She would never turn down another cat in need, even going so far as to put her life at risk for the sake of someone else regardless of the consequences. Despite being more on the silent side, Firestorm is loving and amiable to those she holds close to her heart, but generally avoids becoming overly familiar with anyone outside of her own family, having a rather small social circle as a result. This isn't to say she is unfriendly however. Firestorm is a responsible warrior who takes her Clan duties very seriously and can work with her Clanmates just fine.

​Firestorm is not entirely against closer relationships, it just may take some time to gain her trust enough for her to consider you a friend. It's often hard to tell what exactly she's thinking as she masks her emotions well and isn't easy to read. Prone to holding grudges against those who do her wrong, she can prove a deadly enemy. Moons of harsh training under her mother Blackstripe’s tutelage have hardened her, and though she has not lost her compassion, her temper is often a short fuse that’s hard to control once lit. ​Should any cat get on her bad side it will take time and genuine remorse on their part to gain back her favor and forgiveness. ​

Life started out fairly normal for Firestorm. She was born into a small litter alongside her brother Redfur to first time parents Longclaw and Blackstripe. Their father was gentle and kindly, but Blackstripe demanded much from her cubs. She wanted them to become the best warriors their Clan had ever seen. This was all fine and dandy when it just related to training, though she often challenged them to sparring sessions against herself to improve their skills and could prove rough with them.

Things took a turn for the worst when an aggressive bull elephant wandered into the territory and the young siblings set out on the false assumption they could handle it on their own, encouraged by their foolhardy young mother who accompanied them. The incident left Redfur dead, but Firestorm was luckily uninjured save for a split nose and ripped ear. Inconsolable and torn apart by grief, Firestorm blamed her mother for her brother's demise. Their relationship continued to sour over the next few moons as Firestorm began noticing just now narcissistic and manipulative Blackstripe could be, perhaps for the first time in her life.

The drift between them eventually increased beyond repair. The first thing Firestorm did upon being named a fully fledged warrior was chase Blackstripe out of the Clan, believing her a danger to everyone she knew. Under the cover of night she pursued Blackstripe across territory borders with the threat that if she ever set paw on ShadeClan land again she would be met with merciless violence. As far as the Clan knows Blackstripe left of her own free will, unaware her own daughter ordered her to leave forever. Thus far Blackstripe appears to be taking her daughter’s warning seriously, but Firestorm can’t help feeling she hasn’t seen the last of her.

Blackstripe [Adoptable]
Mother - Status Unknown

Longclaw [Adoptable]
Father - Warrior

Redfur [Deceased]
Litter Brother - In StarClan

Darkpaw & Lightpaw
Cubs - Alive

•Other Relationships•
None yet. Open for one or two close friends and other relatives.

•Theme Song•
Up In Flames - Icon For Hire.



{ Image Credit ~ Wikimedia Commons / Nichollas Harrison }

"I want something just like this."

Spidercub - Spiderpaw - Spiderfang.

•Name Meaning•
Spider for his black stripes. Fang for decent fighting skills and above average hunting skills.

60 moons (5 years) old.

•Gender & Sex•

Bisexual - Biromantic.


Sumatran Tiger.

Average sized for his sub-species at 225 pounds, which is a bit small compared to most tigers, more on par with the size of larger leopards or jaguars. His base is a dark burnt orange color with narrow black stripes that dissolve into spots along the back, flanks and hind legs. A prominent ruff surrounds the neck and his underfur is barely paler than the rest of his body, whitest at the cheeks and belly. His eyes are a light yellow-green color and his nose is bright pink.

•Positives and Negatives•
+ Kind.
+ Patient.
+ Intelligent.
- Anxious.
- Passive-Aggressive.

Spiderfang is a gentle young tiger with a kind heart and compassionate nature. He shies away from violence and doesn't enjoy fighting though he's fairly decent at it, but is an excellent and skilled hunter. The thrill of the chase, as short-lived as it usually is, is always his favorite part. He can prove rather forgetful and clumsy, very easily distracted, but overall means well. He is easy-going and passive in demeanor, yet still willing to stand up for himself and others when he feels the need. More often than not however he will avoid confrontation if he can, usually fleeing a tense encounter with a sarcastic comment on the tip of his tongue. That aside, Spiderfang is a friendly and warm individual who always strives to do the right thing. All in all he's an amicable fellow who's easy to be around so long as you can accept his flaws. He tends to be a worrier, especially prone to fussing over his daughter.

A fairly average Clan backstory that isn't particularly exciting. He was a timid cub and apprentice. His mentor had a hard time getting him to practice battle moves, but his love of hunting ended up shining though, earning him his warrior name once the time came. He became a father fairly young, four-five years being around the age male tigers begin breeding. Spiderfang has always wanted a family and is more than happy sharing his life with Feathercloud and Beetlecub.

- Feathercloud [Alive - Mate - Queen/Warrior][Played by Auron].
- Beetlecub [Alive - Daughter - Cub][ Played by Insert].

•Other Relationships•
None yet. Open.

•Theme Song•
Something Just Like This - The Chainsmokers & Coldplay.

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Edited on 30/05/17 @ 18:59:44 by Potato Lord [MAIN] (#33076)

MoeMoe (#65000)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-04-17 18:33:37


"We all change, when you think about it, we're all different people; all through our lives, and that's okay, that's good, you've gotta keep moving, so long as you remember all the people that you used to be. I will not forget one line of this, not one day, I swear."


•Gender & Sex•



Siberian Tiger

Standing at a height of forty three inches, and weighing in at two hundred and ninety nine pounds, Patcheart is neither very large, nor very small for her species. Deep onyx stripes adorn Patcheart's lean frame getting thicker the farther back they travel, her orange fur deepening into a striking mahogany from her shoulders back. This tigress's muscled frame is embellished with a noticeably shaggy pelt that inherently sticks out in random directions, giving the feline a rakish air, and at times making her look even larger than she truly is. Patcheart's hooded gaze is a pale yellow in color, which at times takes on a alabaster shade in certain lighting.

•Positives and Negatives•
+Physically Well Balanced-ie Strength/Speed/Agility/endurance/
+Unbelievably Skilled At Sneaking
+/- Manipulative
- Stubborn/Opinionated
- Hoarder (Especially Shiny Stuff)

Sporadically cheerful, and thoughtful Patcheart is a tigeress who can switch between emotions quickly, and passionately, sometimes without any determinable reason. Though this shaggy feline is unpredictable, she is not easily prone to violence and will often seek time alone if she ever finds herself angry. However, though Patcheart is a peacemaker at heart, she has no qualms with self-defense or the defense of family, friends, or even strangers and is a very formidable opponent especially when she is able to sneak up upon her enemies.

Well spoken, and adept at arguing a particular point, Patcheart enjoys a duel of words almost as much as she enjoys a rain storm or a bath. This onyx striped feline is a very good listener, and is very observant allowing the predator to easily identify and solve possible issues that may arise within clan dynamics. Additionally, this feline is notably more independent than dependent, and will often take an issue into her own paws if she believes she can handle the situation. Unwilling to argue publicly with her superior, Scorchstar, Patcheart always does her best to seem completely united with the leader though she has been known to argue her views fiercely on certain topics in private, especially of late.

It must be noted that Patcheart very much dislikes being lied to, even by omission.

Patcheart was born into an ancient line of Shadeclan tigers, who could trace their ancestry back to the very first tigers to claim land on the home island. For much of her life Patcheart's only goal was to follow in her mother's footsteps and become a medicine cat for the clan. The female spent almost all of her youth in the clan medicine den asking questions and learning how to heal other individuals, even going so far as to become a medicine cat apprentice at her sixth month ceremony. Patcheart's father dearly wished for the female to take another path, one that would eventually lead her to becoming a deputy like himself as her ability to remain unnoticed and quiet was quite exceptional...but being the willful feline she had always been Patcheart did not give in to his silver-tongued pleas. Snaketail was injured halfway through Patcheart's second month as a medicine cat apprentice, a grievous injury of the hind leg that would leave him crippled for the rest of his life and required him to retire his rank as deputy. Patcheart's father was a proud,bombastic soul, and what happened next should have been no surprise to Patcheart herself as Snaketail increased his pressure on his daughter tenfold.

Only a few weeks after his grievous injury, Snaketail took his own life, unwilling or unable to accept the life of a cripple. Patcheart was heartbroken, and secretly blamed her mother for her inability to fix Snaketail's body, as well as his mind after his injury. A crevice between mother and daughter started to emerge, as Patcheart decided to become a warrior with the ultimate goal of achieving the rank of deputy. Eventually Patcheart's anger at her mother started to ebb, as it became obvious that the female was slowly wasting away from grief. Urged by her best-friend at the time, Russetheart, as well as her brother, Darkwood, who had taken her place as a medicine cat apprentice, to heal the rift between mother and daughter, Patcheart slowly spent more time with Cloverthorn. The bond between the two healed, leaving a stronger relationship in it's place, but the medicine cat continued to waste away to the point where Patcheart and her brother feared that the she-cat had some sort of malady previously unheard of. Cloverthorn was amused, and saddened, by their worry confiding in Patcheart that the malady she suffered from was well known, deadly, and The loss of her mate took it's toll on Cloverthorn, and the female passed away from heartbreak when Patcheart and her brother were three years old.


[ Cloverthorn ]-Mother-Deceased
[ Snaketail ]-Father-Deceased
[ Darkwood ]-Brother-Alive
[ ]-Offspring-Alive
[ ]-Offspring-Alive

•Other Relationships•
[ Russetheart ]-Former Lover/Bestfriend (Friends With Benefits)-Unknown


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Edited on 22/04/17 @ 13:52:15 by MoeMoe (#65000)

Doe (#62827)

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Posted on
2017-04-17 21:12:45

This was taken by Arthur Xanthopoulos

49 Moons [Four Years] Old

•Gender & Sex•



Siberian Tiger

This was taken by Arthur Xanthopoulos

Rustwing is a large male, He weighs around 720lbs, standing around Four feet in height. His eyes are a odd yellowish green color, his face holding sharp contrasting black lines, his body is stocky and large meant for fighting, his stripes stand out from his fur rather well seeing as he is a redish brown color instead of just being an orangish red. His back seems to have few stripes but he still has them, his tail seeming to hold most of his stripes. RustWing does have a few scars from past battles

•Positives and Negatives•
+ His height and weight Give him an advantage with lions and other tigers
+ He's good with cubs but doesn't hand around a lot
+ He has been in a few fights
- His height and weight give him a disadvantage with dogs.
- He's not a very good sneak attacker

Rustwing is a bit of a hard head, but most of the time he's a loveable giant. He loves to just lay on the ground and let the cubs try to 'attack him' his large size tends to have a few of them jumping on him. The large male is often seen under a tree's relaxing often staying in the same spot for hours at a time, well until he's told he has a job. Rustwing is rather protective and more than often not ready for battle despite his laziness.

Rustwing was the only cub born to his mother. Brindleheart, his father, Stone, was a rouge he grew up in the clan, always being a bit smaller than the other cubs but that quickly changed when he was about a year and a half, he almost dwarfed his mother by his second birthday. He's an accomplished warrior, he's been in a few battles resulting in scarring on his back leg and shoulders.

Mother- Brindleheart [Adoptable]
Father- Stone [Adoptable] [Rouge]

•Other Relationships•

N/A developing

N/A Need a Crush first

•Theme Song•
Nothing But Thieves - Honey Whiskey

Nope nopepety nope


You can find the photogropher under PicturebyPali on deviantart
Honeypaw ----> [Honeystem]

26 Moons [Two Years] Old

•Gender & Sex•



Sibiran tiger

You can find the photogropher under PicturebyPali on deviantart

Honeypaw Stands just under three feet in height, she weighs just under 200lbs, she's rather pretty, her fur seems to be a dark red when she's in the shade, but when she's in the sunlight her fur is lighter but still seems a bit dark. The white on her body is extremely noticeable no matter where she is, While she doesn't have her mom's wild fur all over, the fur on her cheeks seems to puff out a bit more than normal.

•Positives and Negatives•
+ Quick
+ Rather Good Swimmer
+ Good Hunter
- Not the best fighter
- Low stamina

Honeypaw is a bit of a rebel, she loves to sneak off at night and just adventure, she doesn't take her training as serious as she should, but most of her happiness is more or less a cover, she often is bored of life in the clan wanting to go off and adventure on her own, a trait that she seemed to have gained from her father, she loves the stories of adventure and wants to go on an epic one. She often changes her personality to match others.

Honeypaw was born to Patcheart and Russetheart, she was the second born in the litter of two, her name coming from the color of her eyes which were a honey like from the day she was born. From a young age she was always going out farther then she was supposed to, she loved the concept of adventure, going places others haven't, a trait she apparently gained from her father, as she got older she always traveled farther than she was supposed to, and when she became an apprentice, it was the greatest day of her life, she often went out farther then she was supposed to, claiming she got lost

Mother- Patcheart [MoeMoe]
Father- Russetheart [Adoptable, Contact MoeMoe (#65000) ]
Brother- Sunpaw [Moonbalance]

•Other Relationships•

N/A needs to develop

N/A Need a Crush first

•Theme Song•
Halsey - Young God

Nope nopepety nope

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Edited on 29/04/17 @ 19:36:06 by 🐭Minnie 🐭 (#62827)

ɴᴏʀᴛʜᴇʀɴ (#74490)

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Posted on
2017-04-19 09:51:48

{another serious wip lol forgive me}

6 Years Old.

•Gender & Sex•

Pansexual - Panromantic.

Medicine Cat.

Siberian Tiger.

Darkwood earns his name from both the darkness of his coat and his quirky habit of seemingly dissolving into the shadows. The majority of him is a rich, rustic reddish ginger that lightens subtly into a cream colour along his underbelly, paws, muzzle and throat. He has bright white lines beneath his eyes, seemingly emphasizing the concoction of sage green and sun yellow that make up the irises of his eyes. Thick onyx stripes smother the majority of the male's coat, swirling into a marbled pattern along his sides. Similar to his sister, his fur has habit of appearing rather unruly and shaggy, though the "bed head" look rather suits him. He is not very large in terms of bulk or brawn, but makes up for it with his impressive height and long-bodied structure. He is built for precision, flexibility, and speed, though he has rather large paws fastened to the ends of his long limbs.

•Positives and Negatives•
+ Confident in his trade
+ Fiercely clever
+ Kind-hearted
- Socially awkward and shy
- Brutally honest to the point of offense
- Can be pretty short-tempered and grumpy

One paragraph or more

One paragraph or more


•Other Relationships•
Friends, enemies, crushes, etc.

•Theme Song•

What else?

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Edited on 25/04/17 @ 10:32:26 by ̶b ̶l ̶u ̶e (#74490)

tz☣{WCU} (#83026)

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Posted on
2017-04-19 10:49:56
Image result for flickr siberian tigressSource:



•Gender & Sex•



Siberian Tiger

Image result for flickr siberian tigressSource:

Slightly small lioness with pale blue green eyes with an orange brown ring around her iris. Slender but muscular with soft fur and a long tail. She is slender, and can fit in small places, not too small but small places.

•Positives and Negatives•
+ Stamina
+ Swimming
+ Intelligent / Clever
- Speed
- Daydreams often
- Independent

She's a quiet tigress, but she is not a mute. She likes spending time alone but she often has small tak with others. She's cautious, and a quick thinker. Her heart stays with her clan, and she never betrays anyone. When angered shes no bark and no bite. She can get snarky at times when annoyed, but, she knows what her claws and teeth are good for in a quarrel. She tend to daze off as she thinks, and she likes to examine the world around her.
She's independent and stubborn. She wants to do things herself, but will coopoerat with others if needed to. She can be very kind and sweet to those she loves, and will protect them with every inch of her strength.

DawnWhisper was born in a litter of 3. She was the only one in her litter to survive so it hurts her and causes most of her personality. When her sister was 5 months she died, but no one in her family knows why. DawnWhisper carried the burden on her shoulders for a while, because her sister HoneyWish was the only one she usually communicated with besides her mother.
When she was only a year, her mother passed when she had an infected gash on her shoulder from a boar, leaving her mate grieving and full of mourn. His father, BoulderStrike, known for his size, wandered away, and no one knows whre he is.

HoneyWish- Sister - Deceased
WrenFeather - Mother - Deceased
BoulderStrike - Father - Deceased
*No name* - Brother - Deceased

•Other Relationships•
I don't know, Maybe RustWing is her crush??
PM me If you want DawnWhisper t be your chars mate

•Theme Song•

Everyone in her family is dead XD

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Edited on 22/04/17 @ 10:24:15 by ☪Skazzle Dazzle☣☣ (#83026)

BananaBoatshed (#101096)

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Posted on
2017-04-20 16:10:06
5883c86c4ca1f90bde0718fbace747fd?width=6Name: Rivertail
Gender: Female
Age: 35 moons
Sexuality: Straight
Rank: Warrior
Species: Sumatran Tiger
Rivertail is quite lean with mostly symmetrical stripes. Her eyes are light green and she has a fairly long tail.
Rivertail is rather serious, and does not like to mess around, but this doesn't mean that she is dull. She gets along with others extremely well, by listening to them and either matching their mood or matching the opposite.
Parents: Mother - Willowstripe [deceased], Father - Tornear [deceased]
Siblings: Open
+ A great swimmer
+ Can blend into shadows particularly well
- Not good at fighting
- She rarely gets time alone
Mate: Open
Best Friend/s: Open
Enemy/ies: Preferably none, but Open
Theme Song: WIP
Image Source:
Other: ((Death the Kid would appreciate Rivertail )) Nope

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Luxaeus [hiatus] (#78363)

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Posted on
2017-04-21 06:51:52

"Live fast, have fun, be a bit mischevious."
22 Moons [1 year, 10 months]

•Gender & Sex•

Bisexual + Biromantic

Warrior Apprentice

White Bengal Tiger

Moonpaw is a white tiger in Shadeclan. He is pureply white but with black stripes like others. He has light blue eyes. On some days, they may have a small amount of yellow in them. He has a stocky build for such a clumsy guy.

•Positives and Negatives•
+ Intelligent
+ Sneaky/Quiet
+ Great Listener
- Patially blind/cross-eyed
- Gets tired easily

Moonpaw is a mischievous little fella. He is always getting into things that he isn't suppose too. He loves to pull pranks on other cats. Moonpaw tends to be a loner due to being teased. Since his parents inbred little Moonpaw, he is cross-eyed/partially blind. He has a difficult time focusing on things or seeing objects far away. He also gets tired very easily so he can't hunt, run, or attack for long periods of time. Since he doesn't see well, his sense of smell and hearing have strengthen. He is quite clumsy at times when he is excited but can be pretty quiet when it comes to hunting. Moonpaw loves to listen to the elders. He is actually a great listener but rarely does what he is told.

{Warning: Incest is mentioned in these paragraphs}
His parents were brother and sister. Moonpaw was born in a litter of two, his sibling a white tiger as well. His parents were bred on purpose, only to produce a white tiger so the humans took Moonpaw's sibling and dumped him and his parents out in the wild. They joined the clan and some other cubs made fun of him due to his coloring, that he is not like everyone else. That is why Moonpaw tends to be alone and play pranks on the other cubs. He does try his best when hunting or when practicing attacks, he just can't do it that well.

Gloryheart - Mother - Alive - [Adoptable, but not entirely required]
Thornbite - Father - Alive - Potato Lord
Snowpaw - Sister - Skazzle Dazzle

•Other Relationships•
None yet

Source #1
Source #2



64 moons [5 year, 4 months]

•Gender & Sex•

Bisexual + Biromantic


Siberian Tiger


Sorrelfur is a dark orange, almost red looking, tiger with black stripes throughout his body. His eyes are a light Amber color. His hair on his hair sticks up on certain places despite grooming himself and using water.

•Positives and Negatives•
+ Strong
+ Knows his place
+ Quiet
- Not very agile
- Flirtatious

Sorrelfur is a Flirtatious tiger, flirting at any chance he gets. He mostly performs wild and reckless things because he believes that he should live life to the fullest. He is a big tiger that has quite a few muscles and yet, when hunting, Sorrelfur can be quiet as a mouse. He is not very agile when it comes to running or turns due to his size. He also knows his place in the clan, or a conversation and stops when he needs to be.

Sorrelfur's life isn't as adventure as others. He has two siblings, mother and a father. He loves Cubs because they remind him of when he was younger. He got his name by the Sorrel flower which is deep red and has petals that point upwards, sharply. His fur resembled that flower.

Rosefoot - Mother - Doesn't have to be adoptable
Clovertail - Father - Doesn't have to be adoptable
Ivynose - Sister - Doesn't have to be adoptable
Robinfang - Brother - Doesn't have to be adoptable

•Other Relationships•
I got no idea

Source #2
Source #1

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Edited on 07/06/17 @ 15:00:57 by BritishAce (#78363)

(Hellfire) Moonblace (#16261)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-04-23 02:33:22


23 Moons

•Gender & Sex•

Asexual Homoromantic

Medicine Cat Apprentice

Siberian Tiger


Sunpaw is slightly taller than three feet and weighs around 115lbs, he's still growing though. Most of his fur is short and soft, but the older he gets the more the fur on his neck grows and the wilder it gets, giving him a small mane. The color of his fur seems much lighter in the sun, less like a reddish-orange and more like a golden-yellow. His eyes are darker than his mothers, still yellow but bordering on brown.

•Positives and Negatives•
+ Strong
+ Can take a lot of hits
+ Good at sneaking/hiding
- Bad Fighter
- Not very independent

Sunpaw is a mama's boy. He always goes to Patcheart with any and every problem. Fights with clanmates, worries and fears, when he finds something, nightmares, guidance... Some people would call him a wimp and maybe that isn't entirely wrong. Sunpaw is a pacifist, he hates fighting (but he will do it if he needs to), killing ( even has trouble hunting) and other conflicts. If his family or a patient gets attacked, he'll fight. If he gets attacked he'll run, try to get out of it by talking or call for help. He only has a few strong views but he's very stubborn about them. If he does fight, he does so honorably. He doesn't use tricks, doesn't fight an outnumbered foe and never attacks those who can't defend themselves. He's very agreeable ( to avoid conflict) and confident enough to be proud of who he is even if not everyone agrees. When he sees his sister doing something he deems dangerous or stupid he'll try to stop her (he rarely manages to), if he gets attacked his siblings are the first ones he calls.

Sunpaw is the first born in the litter of two. He's always been more careful and rule abiding than his sister. He never left the cave as a kid unless his mother allowed it or he was chasing after his sister. As the older brother, he felt responsible for her and always tried to get her out of punishment by confirming that they (or she) had gotten lost, even if it was a lie. On the day they became apprentices he was actually given a warrior as a mentor but after letting his prey flee two times, saying they didn't deserve to die yet it was decided that medicine cat was likely a better role for him.

Mother- Patcheart [MoeMoe]
Father- Russetheart [Adoptable, Contact MoeMoe (#65000) ]
Sister - Honeypaw [Minnie]

•Other Relationships•
None so far

•Theme Song•
Why by Lily Allen
Weak by AJR


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Edited on 16/05/17 @ 22:34:17 by (Hellfire) Moonblace (#16261)

Century Salvation
☪ INACTIVE (#77658)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-04-24 13:08:09

"Fee fi fo fum, better run and hide."


Redcub | Redpaw | Redtooth

88 Moons




Amur (Siberian) Tiger



Redtooth is a burly, sinewy male Amur tiger weighing around 160-190 kg. His coat is a healthy, long, thick light orange and due to Siberian breedings, harbors a more richer hue than most and the color becomes more prominent during the winter months. The shade is overlapped by thick black stripes along his build, tail, legs and complexion. Because his subspecies derived from colder climates, he has he has a thick 'mane' around his neck and extra fur on his paws, a great protection against the cold. His whiskers are also longer, his shoulders broader and his great broad head is set with slightly slanted golden yellow eyes. His tail comes to a slight angle along it's length, this is due to it being crushed and healing incorrectly and he walks with a slight and barely noticeable limp from previous injury at cubhood. Neither deters his ability to protect and defend his clan.

Perhaps at first glance, you might find Redtooth to be rather large and intimidating. He is large and broad, tail at an unnatural angle, and he struts with a confident air. However, in time you will find that he's a rather lighthearted male, always willing to exchange jests and socialize. Even so, when the weather calls for it, he'll be most likely basking in the rays of the sun or napping on the strong limb of a tree. While he is friend to everyone within his clan -- unless you give him reason not to be -- Redtooth can be quite cold and curt to others, though he tries his best to be more involved during The Roaring Call. Without a doubt, Redtooth would do anything to provide and defend his clan-mates, even those who he is not particularly fond of and this strong sense of loyalty makes him a great asset to any clan.

Weaknesses and Strengths:
→ Strategic
→ Powerful (strength-wise)
→ Bold

→ Cunning
→ Mischievous

Rowantail: ✤ Male ✤ ?? Moons ✤ Warrior ✤ Deceased

Junglebrook: ✤ Female ✤ ?? Moons ✤ Elder ✤ Deceased

Male Siblings:
Tumblecub ✤ Male ✤ 0 Moons ✤ Cub ✤ Deceased

Female Siblings:
Gorsebreeze ✤ Female ✤ 88 Moons ✤ Warrior ✤ Alive ✤ Adoptable

Other Blood Relationships:


Offspring: (0x)

Born into a litter of three by the beautiful queen Junglebrook and the warrior Rowantail, Redtooth's fate as a future warrior was quite melded in stone, he was groomed at an early age to believe it was important that he guarded his clan with tooth and claw, to do anything necessary to ensure the group of striped felidaes survived and triumphed. The stillborn death of his younger sibling, Tumblecub, had been an awful event for his mother, especially as she had previously lost a full litter. Due to this, the tigress spent the remainder of her living cub's childhood and early adolescence in grief. Often overlooked, Redtooth attempted on numerous occasion to become the target of Junglebrook's attention, however nothing he did seemed to entice any sort of heartfelt praise or smile and after a while, he stopped searching for something that wasn't there. Junglebrook's distancing from her family not only created a rift between her and her remaining cubs, but her relationship with her mate drifted further and further apart as well until they were practically strangers to one another. It wasn't until Rowantail died of a sudden sickness did his mother start taking interest in his progress as a warrior, often lingering to start a small conversations and requesting to join him and his mentor on hunts and patrols. It was the little things, after all. By the time they were named warriors Redtooth, Gorsebreeze and Junglebrook were linked lightly as a family unit; each were still a little distant, but they were much more familiar with each's presence and welcomed even the smallest tidbit of talk. It remained as such, until the day Junglebrook grew too old to rise from her den. That day, when the morning sun rose at a glorious apex, reaching here and there with beautiful wings of oranges and reds, they were a family. Blood, bond and all. After she left the living world, Redtooth learned a lesson. It was good to grieve for ones you lost, but over-grieving and lingering on what could have been will not bring the dead back to the living.

4/24/17 Form created


"I have loved, I have lost, I have broken, I have fixed, and it was all so very glorious. I have lived."


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Edited on 28/05/17 @ 21:11:55 by Century Salvation ☪ (#77658)

Dev (#112107)

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Posted on
2017-04-29 16:59:33

Lightkit | Lightpaw | Lightclaw

10 Moons

•Gender & Sex•


Warrior Apprentice (Mentor: Echosky)

Sumatran / Indochinese


Lightpaw has a very slim build, with long legs and a sleek toned body. He looks a bit like he’s going through his “awkward stage” at the moment, but when he grows older he will very much look like a runner rather than a fighter. He has a lot of fluff on his cheeks and neck, but his fur on his body tends to be shorter. He has green eyes, and his tail is slightly shorter than average. But his whiskers are very long, and he has slightly small feet. What he lacks in muscle, he makes up with how tall he is.

•Positives and Negatives•
+ Fast runner
+ Good climber
+ is good at catching small, quick prey
- Isn’t very strong
- Shorter tail makes him lose his balance a lot, so he has to focus more when climbing

Confident and very ambitious, Lightpaw is completely determined to become a good warrior. He never slacks on any task, and takes his apprentice duties very seriously. He tries his very best in everything he does, but he often fails in anything particularly strength-related. Though he does receive a bit of teasing from other young tigers for his lack of strength,he doesn’t let that stop him. When fighting, he’s usually quicker, so he has to outsmart his opponent. Obviously this doesn’t work 100% of the time, but he tries. Curious by nature, Lightpaw tends to get distracted a lot, but a small warning from an adult usually sets him back on track. Socially, Lightpaw is friendly, but slightly mysterious. He never discloses too much information about himself, and he knows how to slyly gauge information from others. But with cats older than him, he is very respectful, almost like he’s trying to impress them.

Born to Firestorm and [ ], Lightpaw had a nice life to begin with. He was a happy, healthy kit, but was very clumsy. Thanks to his lanky limbs and shorter tail. He quickly grew into his body though, and learned how to use it to his advantage. Unbelievably excited, Lightpaw finally became an apprentice at 6 moons. It completely lived up to his expectations, and he still enjoys his apprenticeship greatly. He enjoys hunting training and swimming training, but dislikes battle training. But his mentor is trying to push him a little more.

Mother - Firestorm (Potato Lord)
Father - Left the clan
Sister - Darkpaw (Chopped Hollow)

[ If any user wants to be related to Lightpaw in any way, feel free! Just message me so I can add it here =) ]

•Other Relationships•
Echosky is his mentor.

Needs developing. Just PM me if you want an existing relationship with Lightpaw and i will add it. =)

•Theme Song•


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Edited on 03/05/17 @ 21:22:18 by Dev (#112107)

mbat🦇 (#110701)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-05-01 03:09:28

Firestar and winterfrost

Both cubs

•Gender & Sex•
Boy and girl

Both straight


Sumatran Tiger,and snow tiger

Both firestar Andy firesun:

image has been removed by staff

•Positives and Negatives•
+ Advantages?: climbing
+ Advantages?:runnning
+ Advantages?:stalked
- Disadvantages?:older tigers
- Disadvantages?:cold

One paragraph or more:
Firestar is a outgoing,overexcited,loving,funny cool tiger cub he is alone with his sister but he loves to have fun and likes to play trick on animals he is a great climber and runner but he dislikes cold weather of any kind, winterstar: is the opposite of her brother she likes to be by herself and doesn't not like company but she know that animals will still bother her she loves to sit in quiet areas

There mom and dad were killed in a war of two clans if there mom would not have told them to run they would be dead with them sometimes they think they would be better off with there parents but they know that they would want them to keep going and to live to there fullest places

Family members, deceased or not: deceased

•Other Relationships
They are both brother and they have a friend that is a eagle his name was nick

•Theme Song•
Optional: none

What else?: they are both Irish cuz there parents were shipped to the wild from Ireland from a couple that lived there

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Edited on 04/05/17 @ 19:48:35 by Lordfell (#67724)

Fuzy (#95092)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-05-01 13:51:43
"You only have one shot at life, so make it your best"



34 moons

•Gender & Sex•


Warrior (Apprenice, Lightpaw)

Sumatran Tiger

•Appearance• __hold_my_attention___by_lsouthern-db93d7g.jpg Echosky is a beautiful young tigress with bright orange fur, many black stripes, and a white underbelly, like most tigers, she has a long tail and bony legs. If you're at the right angle you can see every detail of her leg muscles.


+ Can pounce greatly
+ Silent hunter
+ Great with training young cats
- Awkward tree climber
- Wants to have cubs but can't seem to find her perfect mate

Echosky is calm and patient when training cats, she loves to talk to others and make friends. Echosky is humble and kind, she understands when cats need space and is hard to anger.

Echosky was a healthy cub when she was born, she played with her siblings and was eating when told to. Her father went missing when hunting with a hunting patrol one day, they said it was foggy and when they tried to find him. Her dad was just, gone.. No trace at all, some say he died and others say he got lost, but Echosky is still haunted by it to this day..

Mother: Cleartail - Elder - 66 moons - Deceased
Father: Hawkeye - Warrior - ?? moons - Unknown
Siblings: Open, PM me! Echosky has 1 sister and 1 brother

•Other Relationships•
Echosky is friends with most cats, but if you do something so horrid she might hate your guts forever.

Friends: Open!
Enemies: Currently none

•Theme Song•


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Edited on 31/05/17 @ 17:16:57 by 🐾Hoka🐾 (Profile breaker) (#95092)

chopped hollow (#109683)

Dreamboat of Ladies
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-05-02 10:12:01

6 moons

•Gender & Sex•



Sumatran Tiger

•Appearance• Darkpaw has a thin build that makes her a very fast runner and swimmer. With long legs and long tail she has good balancing. Her paws are small for her body and does not have a lot of muscle, she is not great fighter but she can put her own with her quickness.

•Positives and Negatives•
+ Great swimmer.
+ Agile.
+ Pelt is darker color so can blend in better with shadows.
- Small.
- Cause of small build is not very strong.

Darkpaw is dynamic, over-thinker, and imaginative she would think outside the box on certain things. She can day dream about the future a lot which she loves to do while chilling in the water. Can be overprotective about those she loves but can learn to trust them to do the right thing. Often times she can be considered as too trustworthy and relaxed about everything when really she is observing everything as they unfold. Is more then a thinker then a doer, and with her day dreaming her friends can get frustrated at her for not responding to what they say. She is very respectful of everyone even those younger then herself, she views everyone the same no matter their position or age. She loves the water. Hates to see others fight and to participate in fighting.

Born to loving parents [] and [] she lived a happy cubhood. She was a very happy, healthy cub who loved to run around camp and see everything. Even though her body was smaller she grew into it along with her long legs and found out that it helped her swim. Daydreaming about her ceremony she was beyond excited when the day finally came. She loves to swim and hunt but does not really like to fight others.

Older brother-Lightpaw
(If anyone wants to be related to them Pm me!)

•Other Relationships•
Nothing at the moment!~~ PM me if you want a relationship with her.

•Theme Song•

What else?

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Edited on 02/05/17 @ 17:21:20 by chopped hollow (#109683)

Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2017-05-04 05:33:02

"I don't stop when I'm tired, I stop when I'm done."



•Name Meaning•


23 moons old (1 year, 11 months)

•Gender & Sex•



Heterosexual + Heteroromantic




Siberian Tiger


Snakepaw is a rather large, stocky creature with broad, powerful shoulders and long legs. His musculature is clear from his hefty build, as he towers above many other tigers his age. His face is a bit wide, though average, with a long muzzle and large ears. His fur is thick, making it stick out wildly in places along his neck and back, much like a mane, flowing coarsely over his muscled spine. His eyes and teeth are wild, much like his adopted father, containing inside them ferocity that few would dare stare into for long, as his stubborn, bright orange gaze will stare into any opponents, no matter their strength. He appears almost rogue-like, as if on edge, with large lumbering paws and a sort of haunting gaze.

Snakepaw, is a larger tiger, and is the larger of both his siblings. He stands as tall as 3.8 feet (at the shoulder), though he will grow to be 4 feet tall, and weighs a slightly bulkier-than-normal 500 pounds. His legs take up a good bit of his height, but these pillars are thick and supple. His bulk is lean and toned from training and trips of exploration, hunting parties, and border patrols. As his bright cub fur grows out, the 23 moon old grows more and more handsome. Strong fur markings distinguish him from those around him. His belly is pure white, surrounded by a sea of orange. As you climb his flanks, his coloring grows only more dignified. The rest of his fur is a alluring orange, white just marking his cheeks, above eyes, underfur, paws, and a few more places.

He knows he is easy on the eyes and he carries himself as such. Cool, collected, and confident, the young male seems to float, regardless of his thick trunks for legs. His natural expression, a rested look. His face is usually not serious, the only sign of the un-complex thoughts the pretty head holds. With how large he is the brute must have a durable, strong and worthy physical form. His large form is covered with powerful muscles that easily hold up his weight, he is overall built sound. Rarely any scars cover his body, though he will most likely gain some as time grows on. His voice is deep, in terms of young tigers like him, though it also has a bit of young, adolescence to it. Overall, it is bold, it is powerful, and it is charming.

•Positives and Negatives•

+ Physically Powerful
+ Fast
+ Courageous
+ Chivalrous

- Not Agile
- Bad Swimmer
- Naive
- Stubborn


The word that most describes Snakepaw is adventurous. It's a trait he most likely got from his father, and a trait he shares with his sister, Honeypaw. The apprentice is constantly itching for adventure. He desperately wants to explore the world around him and see what great things there are to discover out there. He constantly feels his friends and family on his back, trying to keep him pinned down as they know, if they let him do what he wanted, he'd explore way past their own borders, way past the borders of any Clan. Another trait that goes hand-in-hand with this adventurous spirit is that he works hard and doesn't give up. He is determined, stubborn, ambitious, and competitive. Snakepaw loves a good challenge. When other cats believe that he can't do something, he loves to prove them wrong. He understands that the only way for the clan, and the forest, to accept and respect him was to be the best warrior that he could be. He was determined to prove others wrong, got into his fair share of trouble. Once he receives a challenge, however, Snakepaw will not back down- even if it means risking his life. Although he is not stupid, he has more pride than brains. and he will not take anything that will damage his self esteem and his pride. Despite the fact that the tom is not familiar with danger, he is quite brave. The reason for this is because he is simply carefree and curious. When a challenge arises, the cat will merely narrow his eyes and take it on with barely a second thought.

Due to the tom's youthful age of 23 moons, the cat tends to be very naive. Snakepaw often shows a certain ignorance or simplicity when thinking about a problem. This is due to lack of experience, information, and proper ability to make judgments. And his stubbornness and competitive nature just make his naivety worse. Though being naive is sometimes a good thing, it can also have its downfalls. Since Snakepaw has such a lack of worldly experience, he tends to believe what others say without questioning it. He's rather gullible, and it would be very easy to trick this cat...

Snakepaw is loud, open, and talkative. The tom is a social butterfly. He enjoys making friends of all ages (though sometimes he can be a bit too much for the elders), and loves getting to know new acquaintances. He just downright likes to interact with others. He knows how to keep a conversation going, even if it is just him rambling about the strangest of things! Snakepaw isn't afraid to speak his mind, though he has trouble thinking before he speaks, and sometimes his mouth gets him into trouble. Going hand-in-hand with his talkativeness, Snakepaw is brutally honest. This can be either a good or bad trait, depending on how you look at it. He sometimes says things about others that may offend them or upset them, but she wont lie to you. However, if she discovers he has crossed the line with his words, he will apologize or stop talking altogether.

There is nothing weighing down the shoulders of this apprentice, not that there could be much to worry about at Snakepaw age to begin with. He is completely carefree and worry free.

He cannot handle downtime. The apprentice always has to be doing something, whether it's rolling back and forth in the grass or kneading his claws into the ground. The tom is always running around the camp, exerting his abundance of energy. He simply can't sit still! This becomes a problem during anything Clan-related, such as meetings in camp, hunting/battle training, and gatherings (if he were to attend one). Boredom sweeps over him quickly, and Snakepaw doesn't have enough self-control to ignore his need for fun. Of course, if a topic is serious enough or of importance to the apprentice himself, he can pay attention for as long as needed.

When playing, Snakepaw often gets too caught up in the moment. The excitement overtakes his body and suddenly the make-believe game he's playing becomes real! He sometimes gets out of hand and becomes very rough in his play-fighting, not knowing where the line is drawn.

Love is like second nature to this ShadeClan tramp. While he sometimes has a tendency to show his love in strange ways, there is never a doubt that he does indeed love. He is loving and supportive of his family and friends and tries his hardest to help them when he can. With this, he is incredibly protective of loved ones. But he has a fear of love and has a tendency to run from any real sort of relationship in fear of betrayal or having his heart broken. Despite avoiding relationships in fear of getting hurt, Snakepaw is known by many of the she-cats in the forest to be kind of a flirt. He has a tendency to do it for some reason, and probably because he acts as if he thinks incredibly high of himself. Deep down, the apprentice is just a bit insecure, though others are unaware of this.

One of the most notable and likeable personality traits of this tom is his gallant nature. He has a tendency to be chivalrous and gentleman-like. It comes to him instinctively. Even if its a rogue or loner, if Snakepaw sees a female in danger, he will rush and spring right into action to save her. He would risk his own life to save a stranger.




Russetheart [Status Unknown]


Patchheart [Loves / Protects] [Alive] [ MoeMoe (#65000) ]


Honeypaw [Loves / Protects] [Alive] [ Minnie (#62827) ]

Sunpaw [Loves / Protects] [Alive] [ (Hellfire) Moonblace (#16261) ]


Darkwood [Uncle] [Alive] [ ̶b ̶l ̶u ̶e (#74490) ]

•Other Relationships•

Open for enemies, crush (also best friend, maybe?), friends, and whatever else you might want!


Currently he won't have a crush or mate at the start of the roleplay, but he's open for one :3





•Theme Song•

Eye Of The Tiger - Survivor

"Went the distance, now I'm not gonna stop, just a man and his will to survive. It's the eye of the tiger, it's the thrill of the fight. Rising up to the challenge of our rival."



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Edited on 12/05/17 @ 03:20:08 by Christicat15 (#54511)

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