Posted by Shadeclan • Bios

Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2017-04-17 03:27:56

Main Roleplay Thread



What are they called?

How old are they?

•Gender & Sex•
All gender identities are accepted.

All sexual/romantic orientations are accepted.

What rank are they?

Ex: Sumatran Tiger, Snow Leopard, Spotted Hyena, Black-Backed Jackal, etc.

Picture optional, paragraph or more of description needed.

•Positives and Negatives•
+ Advantages?
+ Advantages?
+ Advantages?
- Disadvantages?
- Disadvantages?

One paragraph or more

One paragraph or more

Family members, deceased or not

•Other Relationships•
Friends, enemies, crushes, etc.

•Theme Song•

What else?

•Security Questions•
What is one of the things that Rat introduced into Mudclan? ____________

Name the Leader and Deputy of Shadeclan. ____________

If someone asks a question that is not directly stated in any text, who do you direct them to? ____________

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Edited on 09/07/17 @ 22:11:12 by InsertCleverNameHere (#36227)

Fuzy (#95092)

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Posted on
2017-05-04 09:14:21
animal+photo+of+an+endangered+siberian+t"Life is an adventure! I'm going to explore it!"

(Source: /


25 moons

•Gender & Sex•



Sumatran Tiger

Animal+pictures+of+Siberian+Tiger+Wallpa Orangenose is a brightly colored male tiger, he has the same patterns all tigers have and very strong and bulky muscles, which is probably from him running and jumping all the time.

(Source: /

•Positives and Negatives•
+ Very friendly
+ Loves to hunt
+ Very active
- A bit noisy
- Can't climb well

Orangenose is an active tiger, he loves young cubs and playing with things. Orangenose can be normally found whilst playing with things or hunting by himself or with other tiger(esse)s.

Orangenose was born as a small cub in his cozy den, he's always been a sucker for action and adventure, his mom always had to keep a careful eye on him as well.

Mother: Barkfang - Queen - 43 moons - Alive
Father: Aldertail - Warrior - 44 moons - Alive

•Other Relationships•
Friends: Open
Enemies: Open
Mate: Open

•Theme Song•


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Edited on 04/05/17 @ 16:20:07 by 🐾Hoka🐾 (#95092)

Arcan (#97595)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-05-14 11:27:42


2 Years

•Gender & Sex•



Siberian Tiger

Such a beauty is rarely seen. Eyes the color of molten gold will stare into your soul, with glimpses of the sky hidden in their depths. A dark ring of black fur fringes them, and only intensifies their vivid color. Her fur is akin to that of the golden sun, with rippling muscles that move easily beneath the smooth coat. With a lithe yet muscular body, Winterflame moves with grace, even though her steps are fraught with power. She has long, thick legs, perfect for the long jumps tigers are known for. Her stripes, jet black in color and intriguing to look at, are the only thing besides her soft white underfur that breaks the fiery tinge of her pelt. Thick tufts of fur grow along the side of her face, making it full, and taper down to her chest, where they fade gently away. Standing at 3.5 feet tall, and weighing in at 500 pounds, Winterflame is large for a female, and could easily take on a male of her species. Her total length is 8 feet 3 inches, including her tail. And she has a chest girth of 35 inches.

•Positives and Negatives•
+ Powerful
+ Fast
+ Large
- Stamina
- Temper

Never one to back down from a fight, no matter how impossible it may seem, Winterflame often charges off into battle without thinking of a game plan. She has a fiery temper, and lashes out at others if they get on her nerves for too long (though she immediately feels awful and tries to make it up to them however she can). Her protective instincts are powerful, and she would defend her home and her friends with her life without a second thought. Loyal to a fault, Winterflame will stick by someone's side no matter what, but her loyalty and trust is hard to earn. She is a cautious female, and pays attention to everything around her. Very few are able to break down her defenses and get to know the kind and gentle side that is rarely seen. With a soft spot for cubs, Winterflame visits the nursery as much as she can.

Born into Shadeclan to two brave warriors, Winterflame was brought up as a fighter, and over the years grew a hard shell over her heart. Her parents, though loving, were slightly distant, and as the only cub the little female had few friends. The lack of social interaction made her cautious and weary of everyone and everything. She accompanied her parents to many training sessions, quickly learning moves that some apprentices didn't even learn until they were much older. Despite this, she progressed slowly in her own training, as she was arrogant and bold. An intrepid young thing, she would often get into trouble, which gained her the chagrin of her elders and disdain of her family. They grew tired of her antics. The betrayal stung, but she learned to live without them, instead giving her loyalty to those that deserved it. When her parents died in battle, she mourned them, but got past the grief quickly.

Hawkfang- Father- Deceased
Fireflower- Mother- Deceased

•Other Relationships•
Friends: Open!
Crush: Open! Just PM me :)
Enemies: The dogs, obviously.
Open! Just PM me

•Theme Song•
Little Bombay- Tha Trickaz


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Edited on 14/05/17 @ 11:47:52 by Arcan (#97595)

LilLeo (#101751)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2017-05-20 12:16:45

2 years

•Gender & Sex•

Homosexual 🌈


Siberian Tiger


•Positives and Negatives•
+ Smart
+ social
+ Eager to learn
- Lazy
- gets bored easily
- has funks that last for days ( bad moods )

Birdpaw is fun loving and an extrovert he strives for everyone's attention and affection. Birdpaw is a great learner and takes his training seriously but if it isn't interesting for him he is stubborn and lazy to the point of ignorance. He is smart and loyal and has lots of strong opinions that he likes to voice. He has a heart of gold and enjoys helping anyone that is in trouble or needs his help. He has a tendency to get up in personal in everyone's space when he's excited and in the mood to play or share what's going on. When he's ignored, yelled at, or put down he gets quiet and depressed because he either thinks he isn't good enough and not wanted. He gets out of these moods slowly but learns from his mistakes and strives to do better next time.

His father Braveheart is strict almost to the point of controlling but let's him have freedom. His mother however is soft spoken and submissive, she follows what everyone else dose and isn't a independent thinker, but for all her flaws she is a good mother and spontaneously can give good advice and life lessons to her son. Birdpaws father yells and pushes his son to be grate and shows little affection to either him or his mother but its not too rare to here an encouraging word or two from him. Birdpaws grandfather on his fathers side is a lazy pushover with no backbone and left his mate to raise his cubs on her own. She taught Braveheart to work hard and take care of others and he wants to be a better father than his own and teaches Birdpaw the same things his mother taught him.

Braveheart: father/alive. Is a dark colored tiger with green eyes, he is bulky and has muscular legs.
Cloudfoot: mother/alive. Is a lighter orange color and has dark stripes. She is petiet and slender with honey corlored eyes.

•Other Relationships•
Friends: open
Crushes: open

•Theme Song•
Blame it on the pop- DJ earworm

•Other• He speaks in a Russian accent and so does his parents.
Credit for image 1:

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Edited on 17/08/17 @ 12:19:55 by LilLeo (#101751)

King Dice (#82222)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2017-05-21 00:05:45

48 moons (4 years) {Can edit if need be}

•Gender & Sex•

Heteroromantic Demisexual

Queen (currently)~Warrior (Formerly)

Sumatran Tiger

Large image

•Positives and Negatives•
+ Kindhearted
+ Loyal
+ Caring
- Strongwilled
- Bold

She loves her clan, and cares for everyone in it as friends. However when it comes to her family she will fight for them even if the ones she has to fight are her own clan mates. She loves Beetlecub and hopes that her daughter will grow up one day and make not only her and Spiderfang proud but the entire clan.

Born into the clan, a common story. There isn't much to her, and considering I'm adopting this character I don't want to make a story or something that can conflict with the ideals of the one that first created her.

Spiderfang-Mate Beetlecub-Daughter

•Other Relationships•
Open to friends and enemies

•Theme Song•

No, don't think so e.e

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Celtic (#97854)

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Posted on
2017-05-21 20:26:14

image removed by staff


3 Years

•Gender & Sex•



Bengal Tiger X Siberian Tiger

Silvershade is a massive brute, with a weight of 700 pounds and a height of 6 feet. His body is all muscle from years of rigorous battle training and sparring. His thick fur is snow white, with long, jet black stripes that are in stark contrast to his pale fur. Sturdy legs hold him up easily, attached to gigantic paws. Silvershade's eyes are a slightly darker blue than the sky, giving him a rather different look than the other tigers. He has a barrel chest, with a thick mane that rises all the way to his cheeks. Though he is scarred, Silvershade is still extremely handsome.

•Positives and Negatives•
+ Strength
+ Wit
+ Toughness
- Speed
- Stamina

A tough and somewhat gruff personality is what graces Silvershade. He is bold and voices his opinions openly, not caring what anyone else has to say. Fiercely protective of his entire clan and everyone he knows, whether it be an acquaintance or a close friend, the massive male is known for his loyalty. Though his nature graduates towards the colder side, he has a warm charisma to him that draws others in. Not one to brag, Silvershade keeps his life private, and isn't used to praise. Some would call him a little socially awkward, and it's true, small talk isn't one of his strong suits. Despite this, he loves simply being involved in a group, even if he isn't speaking. At his center, Silvershade is kind and surprisingly gentle, especially towards cubs and females, whom he thinks need to be protected and respected. Authority isn't an issue for this male. Every order is carried out without a second thought, if it falls within his set of moral standards.

The jungle was his home for his entire cubhood. The young snow white tiger knew nothing of boundaries or rules. It revolved around simply surviving. His mugger, a rogue Bengal tiger, bore his same colored coat. Every day she struggled to provide for her starving cubs, her light pelt making it difficult if not impossible to blend in to the lush greenery the forest provided. Prey would spot her from miles away, and be gone before she arrived. Soon, her entire family was dying, and it became her solemn duty to give them up. Her snowy son was given to his father, a mighty warrior of Shadeclan, to be cared for until he could survive on his own. The others remained with her, learning to hunt at an early age. Their flaming fur and dark stripes were normal, and so they simply parted ways. The youngling was dubbed Silvercub, because of his difference, and he was hauled off to the clan's camp, where a kindly queen took him in. His father was harsh, forcing him to endure training in which he learned how to deal with the terrain he was born in. Fleeing to the mountains wasn't an option. And so Silvercub ingrained his sire's words into every instinct he had.

Russetfur|Father|Shadeclan Warrior|Deceased (Disease)

•Other Relationships•
Crush~ Open! PM me!
Best Friend~ Open! PM me!
Enemies~ Mudclan, Open!

•Theme Song•
Radioactive (Imagine Dragons)


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Edited on 29/05/17 @ 06:49:12 by Lordfell (#67724)

Vespering [MAIN] (#33076)

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Posted on
2017-05-24 01:35:26


{ Image Credits ~ Flickr / Tambako The Jaguar }

"We grew up so very close.
A parasite needs a host.
I’m only trying to do what is best for us.
Well, I never asked for this, I never wanted this."

Thorn - Thornbite

48 moons (4 years) old.

•Gender & Sex•

Heterosexual - Demiromantic.


White Bengal Tiger.

A handsome white tiger with distinctive striping that varies from dark brown to black on different areas of his body and round, glassy blue eyes. His nose is a very light pink, dappled by darker, almost brownish freckles. Larger than the average male Bengal Tiger weighing 500 pounds and reaching 11 feet long in length from tail-tip to nose, he isn't necessarily as massive as he is long and tall, moderately muscled while still retaining a decent amount of grace and agility. His eyesight isn't the best, especially in very bright sunlight, but he makes do.


•Positives and Negatives•
+ Perceptive.
+ Witty.
+ Diligent.
- Distant.
- Neglectful.
- Poor Eyesight.

While hardworking and clearly dedicated to his new role as a warrior, this tiger holds many dark secrets. Known for his stoic expressions and sharp tongue, Thornbite is entirely unconcerned with making lasting bonds with his Clanmates and appears to only stay for the safety and shelter Shadeclan offers. He does his part to earn his place and keep it, never allowing anyone to complain about his performance, but overall Thornbite is an enigma. Little is known about his past, with even his cub Moonpaw being left in the dark. He treats Moonpaw with notable distance, enough to the point where many might accuse him of being a neglectful father and be correct about that statement.

*Warning; non-graphic mentions of incest and child abuse.

A history tainted by the darkest of sins. His cubhood was filled with the terror his father brought whenever he came near and his mother's twisted mind games. Who he feared more one couldn't say. His father's blows caused physical pain and yet his mother's manipulations and conniving nature dug so much deeper. Ice taught him to maim and kill his enemies while Lily showed him how to use those he called friends to his own benefit. He took no pleasure in such deeds, growing up experiencing not an ounce of love for his parents, the only tiger he could count on being his sister Glory. Even this once pure relationship would soon be tarnished when a brother was forced to take his sister as a mate. Two cubs were born from the unwanted union, Moon and Stardust. The siblings sought to escape their circumstance with their young cubs, but Stardust was taken from them as they fled and they could not risk returning for her. Not long after, they came across Shadeclan and joined them, giving away nothing of where they had come from or their relation to one another.

Ice [Father - Deceased].
Lily [Mother - Deceased].
Moonpaw [Son - Alive - British Ace - Page 1].
Stardust [Daughter - Status Unknown / Assumed Deceased].
Gloryheart [Litter Sister - Alive].

•Other Relationships•
None yet. Open.

•Theme Song•
Evelyn Evelyn - Evelyn Evelyn.

Yes, the song title and artist are the same.


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Edited on 30/05/17 @ 19:00:56 by Potato Lord [MAIN] (#33076)

⍟ chennie 🏜️
g5 olive nrlc (#84624)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2017-05-26 18:27:38


50 Moons

•Gender & Sex•

Heterosexual - Asexual



•Positives and Negatives•
+ Swimmer
+ Fighting
+ Strength
- Speed
- Agility
- Climbing

While Junglescar may not be the best climber, or speed-racer, her personality is worse. She acts as if nothing can phase her, for example, say a tigeress had a miscarriage. Junglescar would just nod and walk away, to be out of the way. She's known to express her emotions at the worst times, like giggling at the talk of death, and roaring in anger when she hears of a battle won by those from another clan. Speaking of this thought, she is a war-hungry female, taking her anger out on the battlefield.

Though she may seem intimidating at first, she rarely opens up, but when she does, her loyalty and respect toward you is overwhelming at times. She would die for you, if she got the chance. When you're trusted, her once cold personality is erased, and replaced with a jokester, laughing at the more awkward times, especially when her jokes fail. But if you get the chance to betray her, you'll be granted with sweet revenge, from painful night terrors to waking up in the middle of the night to find her watching you while you sleep. This behavior may be a psychotic trait, but it's to show her past respect toward you.

Warning - Abuse, violence

Junglescar was the daughter of an abusive father and an afraid mother. They were rogues, and were hated by Shadeclan, because of her mother's plans to steal food from the fresh-pile of carcasses. After moons of trying, they succeeded, but were met with a problem: a new cub had been born. Junglescar's father was angry, raging like a forest fire. He yanked her up, and prepared to drop her into the river nearby. But her mother, Greysky, jumped in front of his aim at the correct time. Her father, Goldenfur smacked Greysky in a furious fit of rage. Greysky had had enough of this abuse and tears. She toppled on top of Goldenfur, but the male was much to strong. He beat her easily, and said, "You are mine. You will never leave my eyesight, and that cub will stay." Greysky was pleased, but scared. Moons of abuse came. Junglescar became a blood-thirsty young cub, seen playing with grasshoppers at the edge of Shadeclan's borders. Until the day came, when Greysky tried running into Shadeclan, to escape the evil influence of Goldenfur. She was found, but the warrior's only wanted to keep Junglescar. So Greysky had to leave, and was beat by her mate, until the word of a rogue male was found, mutilated, and impaled on the edge of a tree branch. Junglescar knew that her mother did this. She has yet to find her beloved mother, and save her crumbling life, of abuse, and secrecy.
Goldenscar - Hate - [Deceased - Killed by Greysky]
Greysky - Love/Hate - [Alive - Open]

•Other Relationships•
None, open, PM me!
(I'd like for an older guard to be her enemy, because they'd be the one who turned away her mother.)
Open, PM me!
Open, PM me!
•Theme Song•
Martina McBride - Concrete Angel

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Edited on 30/05/17 @ 20:46:13 by Ouhsha [0/15 GB] (#84624)

Fuzy (#95092)

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Posted on
2017-05-26 20:02:03
"Sometimes, the littlest words are the biggest ones"
(Image source =


14 moons

•Gender & Sex•



Strawberry Tiger

the_cat_walk_by_cognition3-d7owjex.jpg Flamepaw is an unnaturally colored pelt, her fur has a golden crisp to it. Her eyes are an Olive color and she has skinny legs and a plump torso.

(Image source =

•Positives and Negatives•
+ Social
+ Accepting
+ Trusting
- Brightly colored pelt
- Short attention span

Flamepaw is like that one friend who you can always talk to about your feelings, she will listen. Flamepaw is a very bubbly and active tigress, she is loving and understanding. Sometimes people dislike her because she doesn't
always listen, none the less she is very playful!

Her mom was a Strawberry Tiger that had escaped from a local zoo, they never caught her and she had a family. One day when Flamepaw was a little cub she was wandering from her mother, when she noticed she was too far her mother had already left her. The squealing cub had wandered far when a waft of tigers hit her nose, she followed it and found ShadeClan who took her in, she even got her own adoptive family!

Sire: Thorn - 38 moons - Status unknown
Dam: Rose -34 moons - Status unknown
Siblings: Bear and Willow - 1 moon - Status unknown
Adoptive parents: Open
Adoptive siblings: Open

•Other Relationships•
Friends: Open
Enemies: Open (If you want)
Crush: Open
Mentor: Winterflame

•Theme Song•


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Edited on 27/05/17 @ 17:41:07 by 🐾Hoka🐾 (Profile breaker) (#95092)

tz☣{WCU} (#83026)

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Posted on
2017-05-27 16:01:45
Image result for unusual colored tiger

SnowCub, [SnowPaw], SnowStorm

1 year, 4 months

•Gender & Sex•

Shes Unsure, about it, but she believes she is more heterosexual


Siberian Tiger(I love my siberians)

Image result for white tiger flickr

A tall, good built tigress with a white coat. She has pale, ice blue eyes, with black fur riged around them, enhancing their beauty. Her posture gives out unusual strength. Her vision, however, is blurry, nd she has to blink a few times when opening her blue eyes. She has a big, rectangular shaped body, and a long tail.
She has big paws, withlong claws forslicing t prey. Her stripes are dark brown, with small spots between them.
She has one sar on her muzzle from sparring. She also has trouble hearing.

•Positives and Negatives•
+ Speed
+ Swimming
+ Combat
- Paying attention
- Hearing/Vision

To start off with, SnowPaw hates her ears and vision, she thinks shes useless, and gets imbarrassed when called out for not listening, or doing something wrong. She is somewhat bipolar, happy and joyful to moody and snarky. She is very social, and would talk about ANYTHING. She'll even talk about air, or maybe ants.
SHe is annoying, and gets depressed when rejected. But when shes angered, she is very disrespectful, and her words sting like thorns. She is loyal, though, and submissive.
But, she won't do anything she knows is wrong and she doesn't want to do it. SnowPaw can get very stubborn and determined, and won't stop until she gets what she or anyone else deserves. SnowPaw gets bored easily, and would get into trouble, sometimes.
Her lightly colored coat also helps her, as she doesn't get overheated from the hot weather that much,

Warning: Incest Alert
SnowPaw's parents were siblings. They 'didn't know at first that they were related,' but theres not much proof that they didn't know, because they didn't expain how they even discovered their relations. SnowPaw was bullied because of this, but her mother, or aunt-mother, always protected her. Before she was an apprentice, her mother, DoeGaze, ate a diseased fresh kill and sadly died. However, this was mistaken as she actually was a coma, and she suffacated underground.
Her father, however,left moons before that. He ran off when tigers kept mumbling about how he mated with his own sister, but he is alive somewhere, SnowPaw just doesn't care. Who cares about that abandoning monster anyway.

(No Name!!) ~ Father ~ Rogue ~ Adoptable
DoeGaze ~ Mother ~ Deceased

•Other Relationships•
Crush: MoonPaw, Why? SnowPaw feels more close to MoonPaw, because both SnowPaw and MoonPaw were sibligs, so she feels more closer to the slightly older cub.

•Theme Song•


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Edited on 31/05/17 @ 15:16:43 by ☪Skazzle Dazzle☣☣ (#83026)

🌵 | zoinked (#88158)

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Posted on
2017-05-28 20:47:31


-image removed by a moderator-

182 Moons

•Gender & Sex•

Demisexual | Heteroromantic


Bengal Tiger

3.4 In | 328 Lbs.

Sunstep is a beauty to behold, white fur and dark brown stripes mesmerizing as they are her eyes, a liquid gold. A bit on the heavier side for a female tigress, this only shows she's well fed and would likely produce an abundance of milk for any cubs she bears. Her fur is sleek and smooth, well taken care of with a kind face, round and flat which only adds to her allure. Large paws are always kept free of dirt and mud, and claws never unsheathed, the fur between her toes protrudes from the large digits, making her steps silent and graceful.

She carries herself as such, and always makes direct eye contact to show her confidence, this usually providing her with the respect of her clan mates as she's been a loyal warrior most of her years. Her ears are small and round, one imperfection of hers being the loss of hearing in her left one, due to a birth defect caused by her bloodlines. This does little to sway her in her elegant light.

•Positives and Negatives•
+ Caring
+ Precise
+ Determined
- Bright Coat
- Hearing Loss Left Ear

A kind and quiet tigress, she keeps to herself though knows when speaking out is needed, and usually has something to say when it comes to the fate of the clan. Like how she thinks fighting the canines could be dangerous and lead to more death. As intelligent as she is beautiful, she never tries to hide this or cower in the light of others, despite her fears. Though few can see through her confidence, and can even feel a heavy sadness surrounding her, which can lead to others doubting her ability to provide for the clan, as she seems lost in worry and unease when not hiding behind her soft smiles and loving chuffs towards her clan mates.

She has a fondness for cubs, and likes to be around them and care for them like they're her own, partially due to her near infertility that makes it almost impossible for her to bear any cubs. At least that's what she tells everyone. And not quick to act violent, in fact believing violence isn't the correct way to deal with anything, she wouldn't hesitate to protect a cub even if taking a life, or giving her own is required.

Born to Shadeclan in a litter of three, her strange white coat caught the attention of the clan, being the one of few cubs to be born with the strange colors. She grew quickly alongside her siblings, and was put into the good paws of Clifftail, who taught her well enough to prove herself durning the next battle between clans, where she was given the name step to show her quick thinking in the storm of screeching felines, and graceful skill amongst the battle grounds. Her mentor was proud of her, and she was devastated to learn he'd died on patrol by falling victim to a vicious snake bite which wasted no time in taking his life. Her parents had already been carried to StarClan long before this, her mother in her sleep from a sickness that couldn't be cured, and her father in the battle before. She let little stop her in her fight to become a well respected warrior, and still fights for the leader and her clan with determination to this day.

Of course not all are perfect, and though no other know of this yet she feels a great weight on her shoulders from this treacherous act. Having met plenty a males as a young warrior, she has only ever bore cubs with one, in fact a single cub one of both lion and tiger bloodlines. The male lion she'd met at The Roaring Call had been manipulative enough to convince her to wander from the other clans. It had happened so fast, she had barley remembered his face, and when she'd found out she was pregnant with his litter she had trouble seeking him out during the next gathering.

He'd demanded she get rid of the cubs, and when she'd finally given birth outside her borders to hide from her clan the terrible secret, she was heart broken and in tears when she'd abandoned the single cub at the borders of RoseClan. The male was found out either way, and ashamed of his actions as well as disgusted, he'd exiled himself, and she never saw him again.

This took a great toll on her, and after the incident she'd found it hard to focus on her clan and their needs in front of her own. The cub was always at the back of her mind, and as she watched him grow, the more she felt she needed to say something. Still, she's failed to let the cub know his true origins, and dares not open her mouth for fear of being a disgrace towards her clan after all her hard work as a warrior towards them.

Mother | Elkfeather | Deceased
Father | Webchaser | Deceased
Siblings | Cloudfang - Goldenstream | Open/Deceased

•Other Relationships•
N/A - Open

•Theme Song•
My Sunshine - Elizabeth Mitchell


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Edited on 02/06/17 @ 14:12:46 by Shad (#16848)

Arcan (#97595)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-06-02 14:37:00






7 Moons

•Gender & Sex•







Malayan Tiger


Adult Looks:



Large for his age, it is obvious that when full grown, Fallenpaw will be quite large. The young male has big, round paws, and short sturdy legs that easily carry around all 90 pounds of him. His fur is a dark, blazing red, fraught with jet black stripes. Like the other tigers in camp, he has a pale, creamy underbelly that gives his pelt contrast. With a broad face and a short, full muzzle, the little tyke uses his cuteness to his advantage. Standing at only 1 foot tall, he can easily weave through the legs of the grown warriors in his clan. His tail is long and rounded at the tip, with mostly white fur overtaking the fiery hairs that grow on the rest of his form.

•Positives and Negatives•

+ Intelligent
+ Kind
+ Brave
- Size
- Strength


Fallenpaw is a kind-hearted, gentle soul. Despite the pain in his short life, he treats everyone with respect and a loving nature, always one to lend a helping hand should someone need it. Wise for his age, the young male acts like it, often finding himself giving good advice to some of the older warriors in the clan. He is rather stone-faced compared to some of the other apprentices, perhaps because of his past, but he is almost always calm. Not to say that he doesn't know how to have fun. Fallenpaw can often be found tussling with his friends, and laughs easily, a happy sound that will ring through camp and make others smile. Bravery is not something Fallenpaw lacks. He will stand up for weaker members of the clan without a second thought, no matter who it is that's bullying them. Be it a rogue or a much larger enemy, they will see no fear in his eyes. Even though the intrepid youngster won't hesitate to stand up for others, he doesn't have much bite to back up his bark. But he is trying every day to get stronger and better, to grow up to be just as big as the warriors that pad around camp, the ones he looks up to.


Fallenpaw's story is a tragic one. His mother, a beautiful and brave tigress, fell in love with a charismatic rogue male. The two saw each other secretly for moons, hiding their relationship from everyone. They met under every full moon, and with each time she saw him, Poppyfang fell deeper under his spell. Soon, she fell pregnant with cubs. Always one to want a family, she took the news to her lover with excitement in her eyes. But he was not as happy as she thought he'd be. He told her to get rid of the cubs, to kill them before they were born. Perhaps he wasn't as in love with her as she'd thought. After that night, Poppyfang pondered the deal, give birth to the cubs and lose the only male she'd ever gotten close to, or get rid of her soon-to-be family. She chose her lover. After deciding, the warrior ate poisonous plants to induce miscarriage, but it made her weak instead and didn't work. She became extremely sick, staying alive only due to the diligence and care of the medicine cat. However, birthing the cubs was too hard and arduous. Only one cub was alive from the beginning, and the rest were born dead. Poppyfang passed soon after. The little male was left an orphan, with an unknown father and a fallen mother. And so he was dubbed Fallencub and was given to his aunt, who was heavy with cubs at the time.


Poppyfang| Mother| Deceased
Thorn| Father| Unknown
Raventail| Adopted Mother| Alive- Played by Murmuration
Skypaw [Skystripes]| Adopted Sibling| Alive- Played by Ouhsha

•Other Relationships•

Crush: Open! PM me
Mate: N/A
Friends: Open!
Enemies: No one
Mentor: In need!

•Theme Song•




•Security Questions•

What is one of the things that Rat introduced into Mudclan? Warrior Names

Name the Leader and Deputy of Shadeclan. Scorchstar, Patchheart

If someone asks a question that is not directly stated in any text, who do you direct them to? Insert or PotatoLord

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Edited on 03/06/17 @ 11:37:06 by Arcan (#97595)

⍟ chennie 🏜️
g5 olive nrlc (#84624)

Lone Wanderer
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-06-02 17:07:04

7-8 Moons

•Gender & Sex•



??? Depends on what Dawnface's species is.

A tall, lanky figure that resembles the trees that mark the edge of Shadeclan's territory, Skypaw has aqua green eyes that dance alongside her playful spirit. Her tail is a taunting paint brush, forever painting over the air as she walks, and her paws are the bearers of it. She is much taller than most apprentices, making her feel more superior to them. Her stripes are not in a shaky pattern unlike her clanmates. Instead, they are straight, and look like scars on her, instead of a beautiful canvas.

•Positives and Negatives•
+ Tall
+ Speed
+ Quick learner
- Afraid of snakes
- Strength
- Grudge holder

Skypaw, like her mother, is a consistent grudge holder. Few of the cubs that did her wrong are left unnoticed. She hopes and dreams of the day when she has a father, and watches those with fathers in envy. She's a very playful, competitive apprentice, and loves to wrestle with the male cubs and apprentices. She's deathly afraid of snakes, and will not tolerate a snake being 5 feet away from her. She is a family oriented tiger, and loves her family. Even if he's a little on the hard side.

When Skypaw was born, she had no father, but didn't understand the fact. She thought everyone only had one parent. She was pointed at, but she just thought that was because she was just so beautiful, and perfect. She thought that until the day came when a kit said, "Where's your dad?" His mother quickly slapped his muzzle, but Skypaw took consideration in this. Where was her father. Why did he not come and tell her about his patrol? Skykit finally snapped. She lunged at the tormenting kits, attacking with such ferocity, such anger, so much emotion. She quickly jumped away, in fear of herself. Of course, the kits only had two scratches, but Skykit thought she had killed the kit, because there he lay, motionless. But he turned around, obviously winded. He ran, crying.

At this point in her life, Skykit knew her power. She loved the adrenaline of a fight, and to this day swears that she will never back down a tussle.

Raventail - Mother - Love [Played by Murmuration]
Fallenpaw - Brother - Love [Played by Arcan]

•Other Relationships•

•Theme Song•
Might add this later.


•Security Questions•
What is one of the things that Rat introduced into Mudclan?

Name the Leader and Deputy of Shadeclan.
Scorchstar & Patchheart

If someone asks a question that is not directly stated in any text, who do you direct them to?
Insert or Potato!

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Edited on 03/06/17 @ 21:07:10 by Ouhsha [0/15 GB] (#84624)

WARREN [g1 ticked] (#88005)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-06-03 11:20:27

Image Source


73 moons (~ 6yrs.)


Heterosexual & Heteroromantic

Birthmother (Former Warrior)

Malayan Tiger

Raventail is a smaller than average Malayan Tigress with a dense red coat littered in sporadic stripes. Her base coat is a fiery red that often reminds others of an ember that has yet to burn out. Her stomach is a lighter snowy color that fades up into the red. The stripes that cover her flanks are a deep ebony shade, they densely cover her face and begin to disperse more as they reach her tail. There is even some strokes of white on her tail, accentuating its length.

Positives and Negatives
+ Motherly instincts.
+ Well-tuned intuition.
+ Advanced physical stealth.
- Past Hip Injury lowers stamina.
- Holds grudges & prejudice.

Raventail is a mother through and through. From birth she'd tried to care for other kits and then apprentices and then fellow warriors. She's fiercely protective of those that she deems family, which generally includes the entirety of ShadeClan. To harm her family is to get on her bad side, an undesirable option. Thankfully, as both a warrior and a birthmother she has a knack for sensing when others are in need and can aid whenever possible. She may not have medical training, but she can offer moral support. Unless, the one in need is not a tiger. Due to past grudges she holds a strong disdain for both SolClan and RoseClan cats, often calling the lions, "blank flanks," or, "empty stripes." Usually she calls the RoseClan felines, "broken stripes," in reference to their spots.

Born as Ravencub, she was raised in ShadeClan among the stereotypical warrior family. The Malayan tigress aspired to be strong and respected like her parents, so she worked endlessly in order to achieve this. However... in her 'paw days she began to develop a strange pain in her hips. In true headstrong warrior fashion the prideful apprentice attempted to ignore the pain. Life went smoothly for a while with that temporary solution. She would occasionally nibble on poppy seeds for the pain, but a few moons into her warrior career the hip discomfort became too much to bear. Combined with her sneaking suspicion that she may be pregnant by a male, whom she refused to name, Raventail conceded and visited her Medicine Cat. It was revealed that she had developed a chronic condition— Hip Dysplasia, which was basically forcing the ball-and-socket joints of her hips to rub violently against each other rather than moving smoothly. Combined with her now heavily pregnant state, the future wasn’t looking bright for Raventail… there was a possibility she may even lose her cubs if her body failed to be capable of enduring the strain caused by kitting. Her mood was further dampened by the news of her sister, Poppyfang’s, death. However, by the grace of StarClan Raventail gave birth to healthy daughter who she called Skycub, as she was a gift from the heavens with clean beautiful stripes that any tiger would be proud of. Although Skycub was an only cub Raventail had adopted Fallencub, her own nephew, into the slowly growing family. The psuedo-siblings got along nicely despite their lack of a true blood relation. Nothing had made Raventail happier than to see the two grow and mature into ‘paws. While they did so, Raventail remained in the nursery, now incapable of returning to her warrior duties. Yet, she was content there, caring for miscellaneous cubs and fostering the future of ShadeClan.

Unnamed Male - OPEN
Poppyfang - Sister - Deceased
Fallenpaw [Fallenblaze] - Adopted Son/ Nephew - Alive, Played by Arcan
Skypaw [Skystripes] - Daughter - Alive, Played by Ouhsha

Theme Song
Clean Bandit - Rockabye ft. Sean Paul & Anne-Marie


Security Questions
What is one of the things that Rat introduced into Mudclan?
The Warrior naming system
Name the Leader and Deputy of Shadeclan.
Scorchstar & Patchheart
If someone asks a question that is not directly stated in any text, who do you direct them to?
Insert or Potato Lord

(Edit: Fixed Image's Source)

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Edited on 03/06/17 @ 11:43:50 by Murmuration (#88005)

shadowqueen (#77712)

Deathlord of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-06-04 23:21:07

This member has left the roleplay

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Edited on 29/06/17 @ 16:22:01 by Shadow King (#77712)

🌻roseistance🌻 (#58710)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-06-08 00:21:42

"What you allow is what will continue."


✦ Darkkit ✦ Darkpaw ✦ Darkflower ✦


15 Moons.

•Gender & Sex•







Indochinese Tiger.



This feline has a more skiddish looking build to her, having an equal amount of little fat or muscle, and could perhaps be mistaken as a rather smaller species than she is. Of course, it is undeniable that she's clearly a tiger due to her traditional orange pelt covered with black stripes. Little white is visible on her belly, face, legs and tails. Her most prominent feature are her bright yellow orbs, easily making her appearance more soft yet defined.

•Positives and Negatives•
+ Has a rather out of the ordinary hearing that is easily more tuned than others.
+ Being rather small, she has the advantage of escaping bigger opponents and being able to fit in smaller spaces.
+ Rather than being bulky, she is more lean which gives her a running pace that can easily help her outrun others or catch up to easy prey.
- She isn't all too strong, which gives her a limited amount of defense options that she will have to master, rather than multiple different selections of combat.
- She is rather skiddish, not only in appearance, but also in personality, making her not always the bravest when it comes to battles, missions, patrols, etc.


Darkpaw is known to be more mute than others, usually found being hushed with her words. When in conversation, she is discreet and attentive with what she says around others. It is only when she is found with the ones she's closest with that she fearlessly speaks without much of a filter, and it is not until this point others may learn she has a bit of a darker humor but is actually very laid back and easy-going when comfortable. This behavior is due to her trust barrier being more closed off, clan-mates really having to be dedicated to any sort of relationship with her. She's very polite and soft with others, and has a a very tolerable demeanor.


Darkpaw was born into Shadeclan, being the cub to Firestorm and sired by Flamefoot, a tom that she never came to meet as he fled the Clan before she was born. Being born as an only cub, she never found interest in growing close to others. Dark's mother being the only one she ever found comfort with, she never stepped too outside the box to meet and socialize with others, giving her a more closed off reputation as she grew older. Most of her days were spent with either Firestorm or in the trees of the jungles they lived in, which helped play a part to the side of her that truly only feels at peace alone in nature. When she reached the age of 6 Moons, being mentored seemed more like pure torture. She seemed to always fumble in her moves, and would have trouble getting a hang of things. After a few months, she would find that she wasn't all too terrible at these things, and has been sharpening her skills everyday and will continue until she reaches two years.


{Mother - Alive - Potatolord}

{Father - Unknown - Missing}

•Other Relationships•


•Theme Song•

To be added.



•Security Questions•
What is one of the things that Rat introduced into Mudclan? Warrior names

Name the Leader and Deputy of Shadeclan. Leader: Scorchstar, Deputy: Patcheart

If someone asks a question that is not directly stated in any text, who do you direct them to? Insert or Potatolord

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Edited on 08/06/17 @ 00:35:25 by 🌻roseistance🌻 (#58710)

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