Posted by The Great Ribbon Tree - EVENT

Catty (#142466)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-04-13 09:12:56

Welcome to the Great Ribbon Tree's event page. Every so often a new event will open up here for those who own a Dogweed. Want to participate but don’t have any Dogweeds in your garden?

Check out our main page to pick up a Dogweed of your own.

Our story has come to a close. Mar and her offspring have been taken care of and things are finally returning back to normal. Now it's time to celebrate and reward the victors who participated in this event.


Event Point Items

Light Dye
Cost: 1 EP
Description: Can be mixed into a batch of dye during a breeding to lighten the colors of a potential ribbon (lightens or adds white to the offspring if used before breeding.)

Dark Dye
Cost: 1 EP
Description: Can be mixed into a batch of dye during a breeding to darken the colors of a potential ribbon (darkens or adds black to the offspring if used before breeding.)

Tainted Dye
Cost: 1 EP
Description: Minorly increases the chance of a selected mutation passing (May boost a single mutation from either parent or increase the random mutation chance.)

Spoiled Dye
Cost: 2 EP
Description: Moderately increases the chance of a selected mutation passing (May boost a single mutation from either parent or increase the random mutation chance.)

Noxious Dye
Cost: 5 EP
Description: Majorly increases the chance of a selected mutation passing (May boost a single mutation from either parent or increase the random mutation chance.)

Tempered Bottle
Cost: 10 EP
Description: The only bottle strong enough to withhold the sap and dyes used for creating a new ribbon (required to breed Dogweeds. Limit 2 per person.)

Raffle Tickets
It looks like some of the salvaged Ribbons have become mutated from all the chaos! Two new mutations have surfaced. The minor mutation "Eyes of Mar" causes eyes to glow. The major mutation "Child of Mar" causes a Dogweed's tail to be replaced by a serpent. Both have a small chance to pass on to their offspring. NOTE: The "Child of Mar" mutation naturally causes darker offspring, and cannot be affected by light dye.

Description: Enters you into a raffle for a chance to win a Dogweed (each Dogweed has a separate raffle.) You may buy as many tickets as you like, though remember there is no guarantee you will win just because you purchased more tickets. Once you have won one raffle you will be removed from all other raffles in this event. All four of these Dogweeds are classified as "rare."

Raffle Ticket - The Eighteenth
Cost: 1 EP per ticket
Gender: Male.
Alterations: Eyes of Mar (Mutation - Minor)
Child of Mar (Mutation - Major)
Tickets purchased: Ianian (1), Takoyaki (1)

Raffle Ticket - The Nineteenth
Cost: 1 EP per ticket
Gender: Female.
Alterations: Eyes of Mar (Mutation - Minor)
Child of Mar (Mutation - Major)
Tickets purchased: Vega (4), Takoyaki (1)

Exclusive Saint Point Items
Items below are ONLY available for Saint Points
All EP items above can also be purchased for 1 saint point.

Tempered Bottle
Cost: 1 SP
Description: The only bottle strong enough to withhold the sap and dyes used for creating a new ribbon (required to breed Dogweeds.)
**Does NOT count towards your limit of 2 Tempered Bottles**

Raffle Ticket - Twentieth
Cost: 1 SP per ticket
Gender: Male.
Alterations: Eyes of Mar (Mutation - Minor)
Child of Mar (Mutation - Major)
Tickets purchased: Moonie (2), Vega (2).

Raffle Ticket - The Twenty-First
Cost: 1 SP per ticket
Gender: Female.
Alterations: Eyes of Mar (Mutation - Minor)
Child of Mar (Mutation - Major)
Tickets purchased: Moonie (3), Ianian (4), Crowcrow (1)

Not sure if you have a Dogweed or not? Check the Reference Book

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Edited on 24/04/18 @ 22:20:50 by Catty (#142466)

lynx [it/its] (#95875)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2018-04-19 15:38:26
Can I give one mint to Ajay, and then send her off to search? after yesterday fight with Mar, she decides that's better to search for something usefull for now.

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Dicti-tm (lol I'm
back) (#119041)

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Posted on
2018-04-19 15:48:46
Can I use my mint on tarul and fight?

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Catty (#142466)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-04-19 15:49:25

Item used
-1 cooling mint
+5 health (Ajay – 9/10)

Ajay heads towards the depths of the forest, wanting to be as far away from the battle as possible after her previous confusing encounter. Something out of the ordinary caught her attention, the scent of a human. Humans were banned from their woods during Mar’s invasion, yet this one had made its way all the way out to nearly the heart of the forest? In general the humans avoided the woods, sticking to the main road when they wished to visit the sacred tree.. yet this one had veered so severely off the path. Ajay didn’t know whether to be angry at the foolish human, or to pity it.

A.) Search for the human. Perhaps it is lost?
B.) Chase the human off, this is no place for it.
D.) Ignore the human entirely. Searching for goodies is her priority.

You have items stored in your inventory: Antivenom (1), Lemon (1), Mint (2.) You may use them at any time or store them for later.

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lend (#139333)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-04-19 15:52:24
all of my dogweeds will fight and ill use a mint on sunset prince

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Catty (#142466)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-04-19 16:17:25
Ianian, would you like to use any items before I roll for your battle?

This is what you have so far: Teething stick (3), Damage Booster (Crow), Mint (2), Antivenom (2), Rough bark (1.)

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lend (#139333)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-04-19 16:21:46
sunset will bite using teething stick

sierra will use sap

hallie will use sap

callie will hit with her tail using rough bark

and ill use my damage booster with hallie

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Edited on 19/04/18 @ 16:24:27 by ianian (#139333)

Catty (#142466)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-04-19 16:21:55

Item used
- Cooling mint
+ 5 Health (Tarul 10/10)

Tarul had heard the rumors, Mar was slinking away from battles lately. The scourge was nearly gone, the tree would be free once more. The serpent had hidden away, not a trace of her shadows showing through the Great Ribbon Tree’s thick foliage. He growled his intention, urging her to come down and face him for her actions. She didn’t budge.

He would have to think of how best to attack her, bring the fight to her this time.

A.) Use his caustic sap
B.) Fiercely bite
C.) Lash his tail

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Dicti-tm (lol I'm
back) (#119041)

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Posted on
2018-04-19 16:31:42
Can he lash his tail

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lynx [it/its] (#95875)

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Posted on
2018-04-19 16:41:42
Ajay will search for the human. Perhaps it is lost?

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Catty (#142466)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-04-19 17:14:42
Item used
-1 cooling mint
+5 health (Sunset Prince 10/10)
-Teething Stick
+2 Bite (Sunset Prince)
- 1 Rough Bark (Cassie)
+2 Thorn Sharpness
- 1 Damage Booster (Crow: +1-3 extra damage roll)
An entire garden of Dogweeds come up over the hill, Sunset Prince, Sierra, Hallie, and Cassie. The come to join Tarul in their attempt to chase off the demoness. Mar half heartedly lolls her head, too weak to do much more than slither off a branch. There is fear in her eyes. She calls out in anger, though her voice is too quiet with her energy sapped. The most they can make out from her is "We will not be chased from our home" and "Not again." Her children come down from the branches, an odd sight. Before Mar was the only one who left the safety of the branches to chase off the Dogweeds, she would not allow her young ones to be harmed.

Anger fuels the serpent, she finds the strength to lashes out wildly at anything that was close enough to reach. Before she can lunge at any of them the Crow-mother that Hallie once saved alights on her, clawing at her crimson eyes. The perfect distraction! The group moves forward, each having a role to play in this battle.

Sunset Prince
Damage done to Mar: 3 points
(1 rolled, 2 extra damage)
+2 event points

Your Dogweed has taken damage:
-2 point of health
7/10 total health (from 9/10)

Damage done to Mar: 2 points
+2 event points

Your Dogweed has taken damage:
-5 point of health
5/10 total health (from 10/10)

Damage done to Mar: 6 points
(4 rolled, 2 Crow)
+3 event points for damage above 5

Your Dogweed has taken damage:
-5 point of health
2/10 total health (from 7/10)
Status effect: Poisoned! Your dogweed will take 3 points of damage a day from the next rollover unless antivenom is used. If you do not have any you may request the help of another player.

Damage done to Mar: 6 points
(4 rolled, 2 extra damage)
+3 event points for damage above 5

Your Dogweed has taken damage:
-2 point of health
5/10 total health (from 7/10)

Items remaining: Teething stick (2), Mint (1), Antivenom (2).

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Moonie (#138561)

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Posted on
2018-04-19 17:16:33
Pegasus uses a mint to soothe his wounds from the day prior before heading out determined. Mar was weak, this had to end today! For the feral female that had died, for the feral male that got lulled into a false sense of security and nearly suffered the same fate, and for the garden tender and all the lost ribbons! Needless to say he decided to attack Mar directly and let his trusted feet carry him swiftly to his destination.

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lend (#139333)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-04-19 17:19:34
ill use a mint and antivenom on hallie

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Catty (#142466)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-04-19 17:46:21
Sorry I'm a still a bit slow! I'm working on figuring out some stuff for the item shop and tieing up some loose ends.

Dictisaurus, do you want to use up your rough bark before he does his attack?
Items: Teething stick (1), Antivenom (1), Sweet treat/bluberry pie (1), Rough Bark (1.)

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Dicti-tm (lol I'm
back) (#119041)

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Posted on
2018-04-19 17:50:43
Yes please!

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Catty (#142466)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-04-19 18:12:38
Tarul seemed surprised at Mar’s reaction. He wanted to know more, but before he could pry he was joined by a handeful of his kin. They each worked together and he felt the need to attack as well, though in reality he truly wished to talk to the serpent first. He lashed his tail at the beast, but her attacks in return were weak at best. He managed to dodge them all. When the others had taken off, Tarul climbed to the boughs as quietly as he could, trying to to find the serpent without startling her after the attack.

Mar turned her massive head to stare him down, she hesitated. Her wounds were still fresh, and none were healing nearly as quickly as they had before.

“Get out,” anger and disgust dripped from her fangs. Tarul could hear her young slithering for him. The first of the ferals tried to interrupt her, to explain he wanted to speak, but she was having none of it.

“You and your ilk are the reason—“ she began, only for her strikes to interrupt her own speech. She continued her sentence, but it was too fragmented to understand, “only place that’s safe now.”

Tarul could evade the attacks no longer. It was one of her children that got him, its teeth sinking into his back. He fell through the branches, each whipping tiny scratches in his pelt as he went down.

Damage done to Mar: 6 points
(4 rolled, 2 extra damage.)
+3 event points for damage above 5

Your Dogweed has taken damage:
-3 points of health
5/10 (from 8/10)
Status effect: Poisoned! Your dogweed will take 3 points of damage a day from the next rollover unless antivenom is used. If you do not have any you may request the help of another player.

Your dogweed recieved a minor scar in battle. You may choose to keep it, or if you prefer your Dogweed unharmed it can be healed (no item cost.) You may choose Which would you prefer?
- Torn Broadleaf (Scar: Minor)
- Punctured Back (Scar: Minor)
- Leg Cuts (Scar: Minor)
- None, I prefer scarless.

You have found the following items:
- Intel (2 event points)

Items: Teething stick (1), Antivenom (1), Sweet treat/bluberry pie (1).

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