Posted by Goddess Fertility Usefulness 185+ support!
sky [20 bo 2k g2
ferus] (#137655)

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Posted on
2018-08-01 17:57:30

I'm a huge fan of goddess fertility lionesses, and have always though that they should be worth more than they currently are. Sure, it's nice to have girls that will get bred on the first try no matter what, but when you're breeding for mutations and need VLFs it's difficult to find the motivation to keep goddess girls.

So, I'm here to bring a few ideas for increasing the usefulness of goddess fertility ladies to the table! Thanks to everyone who threw ideas into chat <3 any one of these ideas would make goddess girls so much more useful + interesting to buy!


I strongly suggest that Goddess fertility girls could have a higher chance of passing special bases! even if their fertility is common, perhaps they could have a tiny chance of passing on special bases? (even when bred to a common base)

1. Goddess fertility girls should always have 2+ cubs
2. They could have a rare chance at a 5th cub!
//Decrease chances of 1 cub litters and correspondingly increase 4 cub litter chances
3. Have a higher chance at breeding special bases, even if not special themselves
4. Be able to throw any fertility percentage randomly
5. Breeding to goddesses could result in no loss of energy/a reduced loss in energy!
6. Throw higher stat cubs (#650)

(Sorry I forget who exactly suggested #s 2 and 3 so if you want credit, let me know below!)

Since these (esp 1 and 2) could potentially cause some economy issues, I also suggest that
1. Chasteberries should only bring a lion's fertility to 99% at most
2. Goddess breeding should be nerfed. the chances of getting a goddess, even from another goddess girl, should be severely decreased.
3. Maybe goddesses lose fertility even faster than other girls?

These would all increase the usefulness and the demand for goddess lionesses, something I think is totally lacking in the game right now :')

I'm totally open to criticism, so please comment with whatever concerns you have! just 'no supporting' and leaving doesn't help :/
besides i like debating
also feel free to comment more suggestions! i'll add them in <3


This suggestion has 197 supports and 17 NO supports.

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Edited on 02/09/18 @ 22:58:00 by skyfalls wants dp kings (#137655)

🥀 (#12402)

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Posted on
2018-08-01 17:59:46
since fertility drops that makes goddess rarer. so they should definately have little temporary advantage
Support :D

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[HibiDapX3Ros6k] (#121464)

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Posted on
2018-08-02 00:44:56
I agree. Goddess fert are basically no dif at this rate and its sadening. Even 1% give a boost for muties, so I'd LOVE to see Goddess ferts with the garenteed 2+ cubs bit.

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MORTALI. (#111475)

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Posted on
2018-08-02 01:51:31
Yeah I have two goddess fertile girls and there really is no use for them.. Support!

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ASHRI (#119458)

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Posted on
2018-08-02 12:23:48
I absolutely do not like this idea.
Reasons for this:
They do have a use, it only takes like 0 tries to breed them. It's a feature, yay. Why would they be worth more? If you hate "wasting" energy on breeding more than once (and it isn't that big of a deal), then get yourself a Goddess fertility.

I question this...
3. Have a higher chance at breeding special bases

Why? That would make no sense.

I don't like the 5 cub idea, since now there's a Double-Uterus Mutation...

1. Goddess fertility girls should always have 2+ cubs
That would make Grains of Paradise and other things worth a lot less, and make a lot of breeding items a lot less.

The entire economy would go through extreme changes such as "goddess fertilities being worth more" (they're just a lion, seriously.)
We already have double uterus lionesses, we don't need another something in the game that guarantees 2+ cubs.
Okay, believe it or not, I don't think the goddess fertility would be worth more at all, but bring the other lionesses down (again, economy issue)

If you want 2+ cubs, buy a breeding item.

Special bases should have nothing to do with fertility.

"rare chance at a 5th cub" you're not happy with a rare chance of a 4th cub?

there. There is my criticism.

Enjoy, sorry, not supported by me because when you add a feature that makes one type of lion worth more over others. Not a lot of people care about fertility unless it's under 10%, and then just use a black stallion.

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sky [20 bo 2k g2
ferus] (#137655)

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Posted on
2018-08-02 15:05:05
thanks for the crit, ashri! but again, the whole economy is based on the fact that some lions are worth more than others :')
wld you mind explaining how higher chances of breeding special bases doesn't make sense? obviously i have no idea of the exact coding, but i'd see it as a simple raise of chance for birthing a special base. pretty useful for combo breeding, etc, since atm there's no item i know of that raises this chance!

to address your 'goddess fertility is already a feature' point: pretty much all high fertilities are bred within 1 (if you're unlucky, 2) tries. at this moment, goddess fertility has absolutely no impact on the game. have you ever failed at breeding a high %er? if you have, that's surprising - in my experience it's super rare. any high percenter is pretty much a goddess. i dont see any reason why goddess girls shouldn't get some other buff ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

also i don't think youve taken into consideration the fact that fertility drops pretty heavily. a goddess girl will only be a goddess for one or two breedings. then all her buffs would disappear and she'd be a regular lion. also, if breeding goddess's was nerfed, she could possibly never have a goddess cub. not only would it be hard to breed goddesses, it would be hard to keep them as well.

this fertility drop also keeps them from bringing down DU's in terms of usefulness. 2+ cubs or a chance at a 5th cub is similar to what a double uterus gives, but since DU's are MORE useful and stay more useful for their entire life, it wouldn't take away from them. like i said, goddesses only stay goddesses for a short amount of time.

also i've added a new idea, feel free to check that one out!

i'm sorry that you don't like my suggestions, but thanks for the criticism! i hope i've addressed your points well <3 i'm really sleepy right now so i may have messed up some grammar but try to ignore that pls lol

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ASHRI (#119458)

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Posted on
2018-08-02 15:11:12
^^ yeah.
I did take it into consideration.

So, honestly.. it'd be a lot of coding just for 1 or 2 breedings per lioness?

Fertility addresses how often they get pregnant/how many cubs they have.
if it affected special bases it wouldn't make sense because those are genetics, not fertility.

The reason I don't like the 5 cub idea is because if they had a guarantee 2+ cub to 5 chance...
then perhaps anything under Goddess would be lowered to have less of a chance.. like when they make updates they dont single one type of fertility/lion out
they edit everything else to match it
so if Goddess had a SPECIAL PERK then they'd edit everything (possibly) and I don't like the thought of VLFs guaranteeing only 1-2 cubs, you know?

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sky [20 bo 2k g2
ferus] (#137655)

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Posted on
2018-08-02 15:15:47
that's fair, but at the same time i'm sure a lil coding isn't too much to ask for a neat perk :p

and your same logic means that it shouldn't be tied to mutations either, lol. mutations are definitely genetics, haha. & since lower fertility=greater chance at muties, why not flip the coin?

and i'm not suggesting all of these ideas go!! i'm suggesting that maybe one of them would work with the game & could be implemented. i'm not that greedy, lol. besides 2-5 cubs is ridiculous, only one of those (or neither, another one of the ideas) would be implemented.
and i doubt making vlfs only have 1-2 cubs would happen, people would RIOT. i would be one of them!

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Edited on 02/08/18 @ 15:18:31 by skyfalls (#137655)

ASHRI (#119458)

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Posted on
2018-08-02 15:19:16
& since lower fertility=greater chance at muties, why not flip the coin?
Isn't that an unproven myth?

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sky [20 bo 2k g2
ferus] (#137655)

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Posted on
2018-08-02 15:20:10
no! it's true, 1%ers have a greater chance at muties.

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ASHRI (#119458)

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Posted on
2018-08-02 15:20:56
okay... did an admin verify?

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[HibiDapX3Ros6k] (#121464)

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Posted on
2018-08-02 15:22:32
It is true indeed. 1% fert Lionesses have a higher chance of producing mutated cubs. i cant remember, but I think it raises the lethality chance too. Might be the cotton root bark im thinking ofthough for the lethality.

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ASHRI (#119458)

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Posted on
2018-08-02 15:24:32
dang, might explain why I had a like 6 primals bred in 8 day span.. all the extremely low (1-20% lionesses) of mine go to heat around that time they were born lmao

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[HibiDapX3Ros6k] (#121464)

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Posted on
2018-08-02 15:25:22
Pulled Straight from the Lioden Wiki. :)

Mutations randomly occur when breeding a lioness. Although lower fertility levels are more likely to produce a mutation, they can appear at any fertility level. Even then, some mutations are more debilitating than others and others are more common.

And Yeah, all my super super low fert girls give me a lot of muties.

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Edited on 02/08/18 @ 15:28:59 by MiahAG (#121464)

Kraft (#738)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2018-08-02 15:27:02
Just confirming: the lower the fertility, the higher the chance for a mutation.
This chance is still slim, even in a 1%.

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sleepy storage (#112106)

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Posted on
2018-08-02 15:32:46
Now don’t get me wrong, I usually support threads and ideas, even if I particularly like them. But this? Can’t support, so I will be no supporting on it. Reasoning?

1. Goddess fertility girls should always have 2+ cubs

We already have a DU mutation, which guarantees at least two cubs, so a Goddess Fertility with no mutation is basically a DU’s one cub only litter.

That being said, if the goddess Fertility also had a mutation it would just increase the chances of getting more mutations because of the passing rate from the mom (and possibly the dad, if he has a mutation) which would hurt the economy because there would be more mutations being born than before.

Not only will it lower prices of DUs, other mutations, and things like that, but also items that help with breeding such as a Grain Of Paradise, which guarantees at least two cubs. Basically, your goddess Fertility lioness is basically a living knockoff of the Grain Of Paradise.

2. They could have a rare chance at a 5th cub!

Now let’s move on to a fifth cub. Four cubs are already very rare, so you’re saying that a fifth cub should add to this? I completely disagree with this because you should be happy with four cubs alone in one litter, with the mom not being a DU.

Again, this would lower prices for DUs, and players spend hard earned GB to pay for funds that DUs cost, such as but not limited to: Buddy and lion balls, zebra hearts, instant birth feathers, etc. so it’s unfair for DU breeders to lose profit that they try to earn over a lioness with a FERTILITY difference.

3. Have a higher chance at breeding special bases

Special bases have NOTHING to do with breeding Fertility. If a lioness had a special base, and it was bred to another special base, then there would be a chance that there would be a special based cub in the litter. That’s genetics.

Having a lioness with goddess Fertility and a common base such as lemon, being bred to another common base, such as Dun, already has a VERY LOW chance of producing a special, if any chance. It doesn’t make sense to me why lionesses with one kind of Fertility being able to have higher perks such as breeding higher bases than other Fertility lionesses, such as an “Average” Fertility lioness.

4. be able to breed any level of fertility randomly
What does this even mean? A goddess is already fertility level, the highest. I find this particular idea not the smartest, considering I can’t even break it down to see what this really means.

5. maybe breeding to goddess girls causes no loss of energy?

Breeding to your own goddess Fertility lionesses only costs 5% energy. Breeding to another lioness with goddess Fertility is only 10%. You can get a bone marrow, eat it, get the same amount of energy, and some more. You can go to the gorilla enclave and get 60% energy if you do a hard quest (which really isn’t that hard)

Breeding on the first try should be enough for you! They’re only a lioness. What’s next, Very Low Fertility lionesses have a higher chance at lethal cubs Suggestion? Sorry, but it’s just my criticism. Don’t take it personally, but I’m not supporting this.

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