-LOCKED - Coding Update: Lion Page, Conservation and more!
Posted on 2018-08-17 07:56:40

Coding Update!

Lion Page Optimisations
* Lion name and information at the header of the page has been condensed so that it doesn't take up half of the initial page.
* The lion's image now fits fully in the window no matter what size your device's screen is. If you are a mobile user, you should no longer need to scroll sideways to see the full lion image.
* Feed, Play and Breed/AutoBreed have been moved to the top, just underneath the image for ease of access. Play now incorporates the old Interact menu, and is automatically selected before any amusement toys are selected.


* Social Media buttons have found a new home on the top of the Currents table.
* EXP bar (or cub training bar) and level have been merged with the Lion Stats table.
* Revealing a lioness' fertility has been moved to the fertility Snake - you can now use that tool to reveal the fertility of different lionesses at the same time instead of having to navigate your way through your pride.
* Update Lion section is now collapsible.
* A lion's biography will not show on the page if it is empty, saving some valuable page space.
* Broodmother has now been incorporated into the lion's "Role" alongside Hunter and can be updated when you update your Lion's details.
* You can now also secure your lion from the Update Lion section.


* Chase, Kill and Send to Nature Reserve have been condensed (with a collapsible description of all the options). The buttons have also been color coded; orange is neutral, red is negative karma, green is positive karma.



Other Updates
* The Nesting page has been switched around a little to have the nesting function at the top and the list of lionesses at the bottom.
* Mysterious Stranger's appearance chances have been increased.
* Admins can now make a response to a forum post which is displayed in a styled box and gives you a notification - for instance, if you ask a question on the news post, we can now reply in your forum post and you will know about it right away!


Conservation Efforts
We've proudly donated to charity as part of our March anti-poaching event and now we have implemented a permanent page called "Conservation Efforts". This page is linked at the bottom of the game with our Terms and Code of Conduct, so that now you can investigate the charities we have donated to in the past along with some other information about conservation efforts around the globe.

Conservation Efforts


Hotfixes this week:
* Fixed broken encounters in explore

Also, the quota bar for maneater studs has been lowered - last year you guys fought all together for specific shops daily, now it seems to be more relaxed due to personal bars, so we adapted :)

Next week will feature the last unique Art Update (content - decors, etc). After that, we've noticed the last Friday of August is actually the *last day* of August and next day you'd get Event news. We've decided that August 31st will become the first community update without the coding update, so that we can give you more fun content for August Event.
Remember that starting September, aside from monthly Event news, every second Friday of the month will be the official update day, containing both art and coding news. The other Fridays will be Community Fridays and will contain raffles, comics, hotfix information and other similar small stuff.


Raffle Lioness

Congrats Olyndicus (#7313)! You have won the last raffle lady!
New lady with the Lake Malawi BG up for impressing in Special Lioness area in Crossroads or in NEWS section under News Post List!

Polls and Dev Notes
Thanks for your input on what fixed slot the next hybrid tigery stripes marking should be at. Based on Leopon's fixed slot experience and fitting leopard-like rosette we thought you guys can estimate what your designs revolve around at. Slot 10 has the most votes with Slot 1 following it. It surprised us a little bit as we thought you guys would enjoy putting some light, underbelly markings over the stripes for more natural look perhaps. We'll give it some thought and try to adapt while making you guys satisfied. Thanks for your thoughts!

LINK - New poll! Should AutoBreed become a monthly subscription similar to Feed All Play All?


Next Update: Art Content update! Decors, Markings, etc!

Friday goofy doodle comic:


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Edited on 17/08/18 @ 08:38:04 by Xylax (#4)

Lait (#150723)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2018-08-17 08:30:22
Just noticed as well...

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Lolyder (#65274)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2018-08-17 08:30:58
Neat, thank you for the updates :)

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pyxis (#148250)

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Posted on
2018-08-17 08:31:05
Oh my gosh yes! So much easier to take care of my pride! :D

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Emi Wolvesbane
(Side) (#112541)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2018-08-17 08:31:41
I do really want the Reveal Fertility button back on the lion's page though. It wasn't really taking up any extra space and it could be easily placed in the top right corner of the breeding info tab. My project ladies are all named the same thing so I have to rename something different then go and reveal fertility.. kinda annoying tbh

Admin Response:
We'll see what we can do about it!

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Posted on
2018-08-17 08:36:26
thank you <3

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noRawr (#146245)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2018-08-17 08:37:52
Looks more sorted! Thanks Lioden!

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Mooneater (#142050)

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Posted on
2018-08-17 08:38:34
Wow that is a huge update

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mythh [fiery is
best] (#49771)

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Posted on
2018-08-17 08:39:35
so is the problem of the du’s gonna be talked about in a dev meeting or something?

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Myriad (#76)

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Posted on
2018-08-17 08:40:19
I really like the convenience of the lion page changes, and thanks for listening to feedback!

Personally I’m very much not a fan of having moved the reveal fertility button away from the lionesses' individual pages though. It’s a much bigger hassle to me the way it is now :(

I would also second whoever it was above who mentioned the brown bar at the top for interactions etc looking really odd on Night layout, which I would imagine is an easy enough fix.

Only other small thing I noticed so far - and this may be because of the smaller screen size of my iPad?? - is that the exp bar number placement is a little messed up:

Admin Response:
Experience issue should be fixed!
Night layout is in the works!
Fertility - We'll see what we can do about it!

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Phantom StarsX 2nd
account (#93619)

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Posted on
2018-08-17 08:40:43
Hopefully something gets said about the DU :/

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Spyraoverlord (#9881)

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Posted on
2018-08-17 08:40:46
Looks fantastic!!!

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Desmond (#122133)

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Posted on
2018-08-17 08:42:06
ashfjasdblfiuv that comic is so funny xD

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Pointydointy (#102605)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2018-08-17 08:42:54
It's already Friday? Where'd the week go?
Where'd summer go ;-;

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~PiebaldLover~[Soul] (#7301)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-08-17 08:44:33
Looking good :)

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eggwoos |
interstellar (#51069)

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Posted on
2018-08-17 08:46:50
yay! new lion page!!

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