Posted by "Offer" on Lion Pages (Read First Pls!)

[HibiDapX3Ros6k] (#121464)

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Posted on
2019-04-01 16:24:58

I don't know if this has been mentioned before. I looked through a lot of the posts first so I apologize if it is the wrong place or already suggested.

Please read FULLY


I am suggesting a button/form of sorts that others can see on your individual lions pages that allow them to make an offer on a lion you have not posted for sale already.


1. Alternitively, there could be an offer button that takes you to the Trade Center, adds the ID of the lion and allows the player to offer from there.
-Or just the ability to add the Lion or their ID themself from a new tab in the Trade Center as well as their offer for said lion.

2. A toggle for an entire cave. Giving the lions in that specific cave the Offer Button.

3. Designated Sales Den (similar to the Unsorted den) that is given to all players or purchasable like an extra cave. Players would be able to openly offer on any Lions in this cave without it being listed.
- There could be a new Tab in the Trade Center where these Sales Dens are listed.
- In addition they can have a toggle to activate your Sales Cave to list it in this new Tab when you feel it has enough lions to sell in it.
-Alternatively, there could be a soft limit. Say you can only list it in the new Trade Center tab when it holds 50+/100+ lions/cubs in it.

Other Users Suggestions:


1. Secured Lions have NO "Offer" button.

2. An opt-out option for players that don't want the button on their lions pages.(Maybe a toggle on your main profile page with the other toggles?)

3. Make it an opt-in option to start. You have to toggle it on before it's ever active in your caves.

I suggest this because many people mass breed or simply end up with a lot of cubs and don't have the time or patience to edit each cub/lion name or make a post for each one. I personally usually have around 100 cubs/lions in my sales den at a time. It is pretty time consuming to edit them all and post them in the Trade Center.

It would be very helpful to just advertise a whole "Sales Den" where people could look through all the lions and offer on what they want. I don't know how hard this would be to code, and I'm sorry if it would be a pain to do so. It is simply a nice feature that could help the mass breeders.

I'd love to hear others suggestions related to this sort of thing or your opinion on the matter. Please keep to constructive critisism. If you do not support, please explain why so I know why some may dislike this feature.

This suggestion has 50 supports and 10 NO supports.

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Edited on 17/05/19 @ 19:18:11 by MiahAG [FuschiaPri][M] (#121464)

Dyenasaur (#152741)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2019-04-01 16:28:56
I like this idea with a stipulation or two. Obviously someone is gonna find a way to do an abuse with this, offering silly things on lions that are clearly not for sale (Like a lion named 'my forever baby')

So perhaps make it so that any lion who is secured just straight up doesn't have this button available.

Alternatively, an opt-out feature so that people who just straight up don't want to get bothered can't be. Or make it opt in in the first place so it's only done for those 'selling all of B cave' moments.

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[HibiDapX3Ros6k] (#121464)

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Posted on
2019-04-01 16:30:18
I really like those thoughts! Would you mind if I add them to the original post with your name?

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Dyenasaur (#152741)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2019-04-01 16:32:20
Oh sure, go ahead. :3

I love the idea as a whole.

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[HibiDapX3Ros6k] (#121464)

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Posted on
2019-04-01 16:41:26
Thank you for your suggestion! :D You also gave me another idea for it. A toggle for individual caves, so that only the lions in that cave will have the offer option.

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SevenZee [Ice Ferus] (#161370)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2019-04-01 19:07:31
Support! Would be REALLY useful and interesting to have as a feature!

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[g1•T2] (#15939)

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Posted on
2019-04-01 19:13:01
this would be good with cave toggles i think. it is pretty annoying trying to individually list tons of lions in the tc. but regardless, there has to be some limitations. it would be even more annoying to constantly have people offering trash for lions you have no intention of parting with.

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[HibiDapX3Ros6k] (#121464)

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Posted on
2019-04-01 19:22:12
@quagga 2

I agree, I hadn't thought about that till Dyenasaur mentioned it. I think the "Per-Cave toggle" would be a good Idea. Set up a Sales Specific cave and toggle it only for that one or something.

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NeonGoddexx (#175253)

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Posted on
2019-05-17 19:39:36
I do not support this, my reasoning behind no support are as follows

1. I feel it would quickly be used to annoy people about a lion they have that they shouldn't *have* to secure, nor should they *have* to put in a separate cave to keep people from asking 'are they for sale'. Which, even if no one person intended for it to be annoying, I could see it quickly becoming that way. It puts the requirement on the owner of a lion to tell people to leave them alone about that lion, rather than having the responsibility to advertise 'this one is for sale/trade'.

2. I also feel no one requires any player to breed more cubs than they can afford the time to post. If there are really that many extra it should not be hard to make a bulk trade with a flat buy out for the ones that aren't anything you figure will sell high for, then sell the more special ones on a per diem basis.

3. There are a lot of ways already in this game to sell cubs, non the least of which is gathering the supplies to make a separate cave for your 'sales', put them there and then posting in the forums (in the appropriate area) that all lions in that cave are up for sale.

4. It is in the nature of people to feel they 'deserve' a response about something like asking about a particular lion that isn't shown for sale but they asked about. Be it because it's a mother with cubs that plan to be sold when they are old enough, but the mother is not, or some other reasoning. People have a tendency to become entitled, and this would offer them another avenue to be entitled about. 'Why didn't you respond to my request?' 'I offered the going rate in TC' and similar would probably become common messages to those that don't feel much need to tell people they aren't taking the offer, because they are busy with things in their own lives.

These are just some of the concerns I'd have about such a system, and while there are more, I cannot particularly define them well enough to explain, so I won't try to offer abiguous reasons such as 'it's a bad idea'.

All in all I feel there are already enough avenues to work out sales, and that shifting the responsibility away from a seller to sell, and making a buyer seek out sales is not a positive change.

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[HibiDapX3Ros6k] (#121464)

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Posted on
2019-05-17 20:33:23

I appreciate you going through the time and effort of explaining why you don't support. Thank you.

And I see where you are coming from for sure.

In my opinion using the feature should be completely optional from the start though. It wouldn't be something that everyone has to deal with. Which is why I suggested being able to have a toggle that one could turn on to allow the offer button or form or what have you show on specific lions/caves(such as a sales cave as you mentioned).

While I do understand how it would be annoying to have people messaging you about their offers or rejection of said offers, that kind of already happens(at least to me and a handful of friends). And if you chose to use the feature it would be something you'd have to deal with, just like when you get offers in the trade center that you don't accept/reject immediately.

Many of us have also had people message us about lions in our prides that they would like to buy that aren't posted for sale already. (Most of the time it is males we are raising as heirs or very special beans we never intended to sell.)

As for the large amount of cubs, some of us have large prides. We tend to breed for specific things so we end up not keeping a large majority of these cubs if they don't have what we wanted. I myself am breeding for interstellars, Ebony, Special Reds, and Primal Variants. Ebony, Onyx, Ferus and Special Reds being the only ones I keep. I sell the rest for future king projects. As it stands, I have 99 female adults on my fuchsia primal main and 50ish on my stellar primal alt. 153 Cubs on my main, 100 or so being in my sales cave. I generally abandon or chase any that are below 700 stats with less than 4 markings, as well as any I think are ugly. This narrows it down a little, however that rarely narrows it down enough to make much of a difference. Lol

Non the less, you bring some very valid points up. :) Though most of these things happen already, I can see them becoming worse with a feature like this as well, as you've stated. So I will take these things into consideration and try to think of some ways to maybe prevent some of it. ^-^ No guarantees though, as I don't claim to be very smart when it comes to mechanics like that in the least.

Thank you again for posting your concerns about my suggestion!

">.> And sorry for the story. Lol I just feel I should respond to all the concerns or comments.

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EntityofSilo | G4 (#107570)

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Posted on
2019-12-11 16:08:56
Ehh, I'm on the fence about this one. Before the ability to turn off PMs, weekly raffle lioness winners would be spammed constantly and without end asking to buy or even be given the raffle lioness of that week. This would just reenable those people to ask for others' lions.

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