Posted by Trade Center Tab Problems

Otohime (#133183)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2020-01-01 15:30:44
What gameplay feature is this bug affecting?
Trade Center

What's the issue? Please include any error messages you receive and as much detail as possible.
There seem to be multiple issues in TC currently pertaining to the search tabs. I am confined to mobile browser, on android Firefox. I've cleared cache but it hasn't helped. I have the latest updates of the browser as well. The issues include:

1. The tabs aren't filtering what they should. There are still items in the "Lions" tab and lions in the "Items" tab. So if I click on "Lions" or "Items", it still lists like the "Basic" tab.

2. The Trading Center is showing results outside of what has been searched for. For example, I did a keyword search for something and got results which did not have the keyword in the title.

3. The Drop-Down bar search interface has stopped working for items. So the "Items" tab requires something to be typed in reguardless of weither the alternate interface is on or off. There is no longer a down bar to scroll through and select an item to search. Typing in a search has never worked on mobile for me so the disappearance of this function makes it impossible to search items.

4. The alternate interface gets stuck on "Lions" if you don't switch to "Basic" for the changes. So if you try to disable the alternate interface while in the "Lions" tab it seems to just get stuck, without changing. The "Lions" tab also becomes stuck in place, unable to switch to a different tab like "Basic" until rollover. (Sometimes not even then.)

5. This is more a quality of life issue, but the alternate interface is not synced between tabs. So when there are drop-down bars on the "Lions" tab, the "Items" tab is the opposite, requiring something typed into the field- and vice versa. It would be helpful if they were synced up so they both display either the drop-down style or type-in simultaneously. Currently the alternate interface must be changed before the use of either tab on mobile, to be useable.

Any links relating to this bug? For example, if a particular lion is bugging, what is the link to that lion?

Any screenshots you can provide us with?
Unable to post screenshots at this time.

Please provide us with step by step explanation how this bug happened so we can attempt to replicate it. If it's complex, please include screenshots where possible:
Simply switching between tabs in TC on mobile, I noticed the things listed did not change from what was in "Basic".

Changing between interfaces, I realized the Items search was not giving a drop-down bar to search items for either interface. (So weither the alternate interface was enabled or disabled, the drop-down isn't showing for me.) I tried switching the tab back to "Basics" and changing the interface, then going back to "Items" but it still didn't work. It said it was changed but never appeared to have.

Unable to search items, I tried a keyword search both of a single word and multiple words. There were listings under both which did not match the keywords.

Disabling the alternate interface while under the "Lions" tab caused the page to get stuck, with the interface not changing, and being unable to switch between tabs. Sometimes it fixes itself on rollover, sometimes it's stuck for a couple of days.

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{side} (#57113)

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Posted on
2020-01-16 11:57:58
Android chrome with very similar issues. I believe its already pretty well known that LD mobile needs work, personally I think theres too much going on for the tiny phone cpu to manage. I have issues loading a few tabs, particularly beetle sales and item sales for some reason, and filling out the lion searches tends to be a chore if i need to type in a marking or base/mane. anything with a little drop down works fine.

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Enjolras (#189510)

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Posted on
2020-01-24 16:39:31
My issue: Item sales. Aren't searchable, at all. Also on mobile device. I had to ask another user to search for an item I needed. I have tried clearing cache but nope it did not solve it. Can search for lions just fine.

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{side} (#57113)

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Posted on
2020-01-24 17:04:45
The autofill is very buggy on mobile i found, both with the requirement in item searching (both trade center and branch sales) and with the wardrobe in regards to both items and markings.

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