Posted by Flavors {A Character Sheet}

Shamelessly Insane (#115908)

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Posted on
2020-03-16 20:00:12

Main Roleplay Thread


Student Form

Flavor & Food:

Teacher Form

Age: (21+)
Flavor & Food:

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Edited on 16/03/20 @ 20:41:44 by Insanity Bringer {#ChaoticEvil (#115908)

Shamelessly Insane (#115908)

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Posted on
2020-03-16 20:35:38
Name: Evelyn Bee

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual

Flavor & Food: Sweet & Honey

Appearance: Evelyn is from Barbados, with striking blue eyes and tanned skin. Her hair is very long and curly. Her face is adorned in freckles. She has a perfect smile, white, symmetrical teeth. She has some curves, she is a C cup and is actually a little fit for a Sweet. She has some defined abs, and a small waist with a bit of hips. She is a little above average height, standing at 5'6. Her thighs are a little chonky doe. She can be regularly seen in a textured tight yellow blouse, which is tucked into some ripped dark blue jeans. She usually wears yellow Filas.

Personality: Like honey, Evelyn is very sweet. She never gets angry at anybody. She loves nature, and actually has quite the green thumb. For the most part, she's very fun to be around with. But, don't ever piss her off, because she will kill you. Like eating too much honey, she can be so sickly sweet that she makes you her pawn. Just like a bee, content until messed with.

Other: She's fucking gay m a n

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Edited on 17/03/20 @ 10:55:46 by Insanity Bringer {#ChaoticEvil (#115908)

Shamelessly Insane (#115908)

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Posted on
2020-03-16 20:45:09
Name: Viper Scurr

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Closeted Bisexual (leans toward guys)

Flavor & Food: Spicy & Ghost Pepper

Appearance: Viper is a tall white boy, standing at 6'2. He has bright blue eyes and black hair with red tips. (Literally all the e-boy haircuts.) He mostly wears a maroon crop hoodie that shows off his defined six pack, and low-waisted black ripped jeans. He wears dark red sneakers. On his right ear, he wears a small chili pepper earring. He literally always smells like spicy food.

Personality: Like most Spices, Viper always has room to be snarky. He is the best at comebacks. He likes meeting other Spices to hang out with. He isn't a bully, though. He won't take it that far. He is very flirtatious, though, and as soon as he sees someone even remotely pretty he will flirt with them. But, once he's in a relationship, he never flirts with anyone other than his partner. He's freaking loyal and will kill for his friends or partner.

Other: Spicy food is his life

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Edited on 20/03/20 @ 22:07:14 by Insanity Bringer {#ChaoticEvil (#115908)

Shamelessly Insane (#115908)

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Posted on
2020-03-16 20:48:56
Name: Toffee Cérda

Age: 17

Gender: Transgender (ftm) (he/him)

Sexuality: Gay

Flavor & Food: Bitter & Coffee

Appearance: Toffee is a little short for a guy, standing at 5'7. He's also a little feminine, so people call him a girl a lot. He isn't that fit, but he isn't fat either. He has a little tan, more like a light olive color. He has dark brown hair, with a few strands of caramel color mixed in there. He can be seen wearing an oversized black hoodie and unripped dark blue jeans. He usually just wears black sneakers.

Personality: Toffee is basically when you wake up in the morning on a Monday. He's always falling asleep somewhere, whether it be in class, on the floor, in a tree, etc. The only time he tries to be happy is when one of his friends come around, and that's basically when you drink coffee. Little bursts of energy for an hour or two, then he needs to sleep.

Other: He's a little gay bean and I love him so much.

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Edited on 17/03/20 @ 15:02:06 by Insanity Bringer {#ChaoticEvil (#115908)

Bluestar Moon (#156177)

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Posted on
2020-03-17 07:01:08
Name: Luna 'Gabriela' Bluestar
Age: 18
Gender: female
Sexuality: Pansexual I think
Flavor & Food: sweet ; New York style cheesecake
Appearance: FD5378-E2-AA65-493-C-996-E-B0-F0-B1-FD8859.png art drawn by me
Personality: sweetest person you’ll ever meet. Huggable, Kind, loving and caring. She can put up a smile where ever she goes. And when you need comfort, she’ll be with you until you feel better.
Other: “come up, give me a hug.” She said with a smile.

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Edited on 22/03/20 @ 12:26:55 by Bluestar Moon (#156177)

Fernhawk (#172889)

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Posted on
2020-03-17 09:25:51
Name: Elliot Barns

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Homosexual

Flavor & Food: Bitter/ Dark chocolate

Appearance: Elliot is a tall but rather skinny teen. His hair is a rich dark brown that hangs in his face at times. His skin is a light tan with dark freckles. His eyes are practically just black with a hint of brown

Personality: He is not a friendly person at first. It will take a while to break the shell he hides behind. Like most bitter people he’s sarcastic and doesn’t show much emotion beside anger and hate. He holds grudges against anyone who wrongs him. Deep down though he really just wants a little bit of love and attention despite never liking the attention to be fully on him

Other: May add a few details as the rp goes on

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Bluestar Moon (#156177)

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Posted on
2020-03-17 10:20:47
Name: Luca Su
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Sexuality: bisexual
Flavor & Food: sweet and sour ; sweet and sour chicken with sauce on top
Appearance: Chinese - American looking with pale skin and green eyes. His hair colored is brownish type as it has a nice clean cut to it.
Personality: he can be sweet and sour sometimes when it’s come to the people he’s with or his mood.

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Edited on 17/03/20 @ 17:29:26 by Bluestar Moon (#156177)

Bluestar Moon (#156177)

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Posted on
2020-03-17 14:13:49
Name: Scarlet Burns
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Sexuality: bi
Flavor & Food: spicy ; taki
Appearance: a red colored hair as she is light tan girl with the height of 5’5. Her eyes are hazel colored. As She wears sweatpants and a sleeveless top.
Personality: hot head about everything and one of the baddest temper tantrum ever. She never liked anyone to get in her way. If they did she’ll fight them. She even doesn’t care about the rules.
Other: “leave me alone and get out of my way.” She growls.

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Edited on 17/03/20 @ 17:29:51 by Bluestar Moon (#156177)

Shamelessly Insane (#115908)

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Posted on
2020-03-17 15:01:29
Name: Cheryl Buck

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual

Flavor & Food: Sweet & Caramel

Class: English

Appearance: Cheryl is quite classy. She wears knee length dresses, and are usually natural , warm tones such as brown, tan, etc. She usually wears simple black heels. She's a little skinny, but she's still very pretty. She's about a D cup [ Moderator Edit ]. She is 5'6.

Personality: Cheryl is very sweet and kind. She has a soft spot for animals and small children. She can be rude though, so don't try her.

Other: Weeeeeeeee

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Edited on 25/03/20 @ 12:33:11 by a Moderator

Flurry (#184361)

Nice Guy
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Posted on
2020-03-17 16:00:30
I hope it's okay, but I'm making 6 characters, all of which are siblings. In order by age, it is: Jackson (18), Lilith (18, younger than Jackson by 3 minutes-2.5 seconds), Quinn (17), Elliot (17, older than Quinn by 4 hours-32 minutes-1.5 seconds), Cassie (16), and Alazne (16, younger than Cassie by a day & a half). Jackson and Lilith are fraternal twins, as are Elliot & Quinn. But Cassie & Alazne are identical twins; although they have some features that can be used to tell them apart. Hope this is't too much. Eheheh ^^'


Name:Quinn Thomas
Flavor & Food:Sweet ; Chocolate mousse cake
Appearance:Chocolate brown hair in a pixie cut with honey colored highlights, blue-gray eyes, and pale skin with a bunch of freckles on her cheeks and nose. Usually found wearing blue skinny jeans, white socks with black sneakers, white t-shirt, and a black leather jacket. Stands around 5'5 1/2 in height.
Personality:Quinn is a cheerful, sweet girl who always has a smile for everyone. She's very stubborn, and will most likely not back down from something once her mind is set on it. She's also fairly patient and gentle, seeing as she has three younger siblings to deal with. But she's also a bit lonely, and is often alone when she isn't with her siblings. Otherwise, she's pretty protective and a fiercely loyal friend; though she isn't really the type to "forgive and forget."
Other:She's a talented singer, but due to some self doubt she doesn't think she's very good.


Name:Jackson Thomas
Sexuality:Bisexual (leans more towards girls)
Flavor & Food: Bitter sweet ; dark chocolate
Appearance:Dark brown hair in a Justin Bieber style haircut with lighter brown highlights, dark blue eyes, lightly tanned skin, and a very small amount of freckles on his nose. Usually found wearing all black clothing, aside from his socks and shirts. Stands around 5'8 in height.
Personality:He comes off as cold and bitter when you first meet him. He's usually one to shut others out, and not talk to anyone aside from his family. Once you start to warm up to him though, he can be quite sweet, and is a bit short tempered at times. But if you manage to break down his cold exterior wall, you'll find yourself friends with a kind, gentle, and fairly charismatic guy. He also likes dark chocolate, and has a secret soft side.
Other:He has a soft spot for baby animals such as puppies and kittens x3


Name:Lilith Thomas
Sexuality:Bisexual (leans more towards guys)
Flavor & Food:Hot ; Fireball candy (looks kinda like a red gumball, but really hot)
Appearance:Fiery red hair that's wavy and around shoulder length, pale green eyes, tan skin, and a terrific body. Usually found wearing shorts or skirts (normally black), crop tops, and occasionally a necklace and earrings. Stands at 5'7 and 3 quarters in height.
Persoanlity:Lilith is like hell on wheels, her mood swings giving you emotional whiplash. She can nice to you one minute, and the next minute she pissed off and yelling at you for literally no reason. If nothing about you strikes her fancy, than she'll most likely ignore you. But she's also secretly insecure, and has this nervous habit of twisting her hair with her fingertip. She loves romance movies.
Other:She absolutely DESPISES bugs, spiders, and snakes.


Name:Elliot Thomas
Sexuality:Gay boi x3
Flavor & Food:Sweet ; Strawberry cheesecake
Appearance:Light brown curly hair with strawberry blond highlights, light amber eyes, and lightly tanned skin with smooth, toned muscles. Usually found wearing average clothing like jeans and a t-shirt, short white socks with grey sneakers, and a navy blue pokemon themed baseball-like cap. Stands around 5'6 in height.
Personality:Elliot is a kind, sweet, and gentle guy who likes taking care of animals. He's often a bit emotional, and can sometimes have his feelings hurt easily, but won't let it show on his face. He's also a bit stubborn, though not as much as his twin sister, Quinn. However he's also a bit easy to take advantage of, making him vulnerable to bullying. But, he's a very caring guy, and a very loyal friend.
Other:He can be a bit of a yandere sometimes, so if he likes someone.. you might want to be careful about what you say or do to said person.


Name:Cassie Thomas
Flavor & Food:Sweet and Sour ; sour patch kids candy xD
Appearance:Honey blonde hair around elbow length with white sort of highlights, blue-gray eyes, and pale skin. Usually found wearing knee length jean shorts, normal looking t-shirts, and long white socks with black leather boots. Stands around 5'4 and 3 quarters in height.
Personality:Cassie is a smart, intellectual girl who loves to read books. She's basically what you would call a nerd, and a bookworm. She can be a bit blunt with her facts, and is sometimes a bit sour if she's in a bad mood. If you do manage to get on her good side, she's very kind, though is unsure of how to deal with people most of the time. Otherwise she's quite pleasant to hang out with.
Other:Her favorite kind of books are Fantasy books, with things like dragons and gryphons and unicorns and phoenixes and.. well, you get my drift.


Name:Alazne Thomas
Flavor & Food:Sweet ; cinnamon rolls
Appearance:Same hair as her sister. Her eyes are heterochromatic, the left being a light hazel and the right being a pale yellow color. Skin tone is a bit more tanned than her sister Cassie. She has an odd scar on her face, starting at her left eyebrow, going down over her left eye, diagonally across her nose, than zigzags over her right cheek, before stopping near her bottom right jawline. Her eyes are also wide and sad, giving her the look of an injured deer that knows it's going to die. Stands at around 5'3 1/2 in height.
Personality:She's a very quiet, shy girl who's normally afraid of people. She's very sweet and gentle, and can easily get worked up. She's also very emotional, and even the smallest of insults will bring her to tears. However, if you even think of messing with her family or friends, you'll find yourself dealing with hell on wheels. She's also secretly depressed, but hasn't told anyone yet, and doesn't plan to for awhile, despite knowing it might crush her emotionally.
Other:She, like her sister Quinn, is a very talented singer, but has a lot of self doubt keeping her from admitting that she's good.


((Are these guys good?))

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Edited on 19/03/20 @ 15:29:10 by Flurry (#184361)

Bluestar Moon (#156177)

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Posted on
2020-03-17 16:55:58
Name: John Reese
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Flavor & Food: sweet I think ; Tea
Class: Math
Appearance: 518384-CA-5-A97-4-AAD-A16-D-0-FC4797-CD622.png” art drawn by me
Personality: John is a kind well mannered man. He can quietly disappears when it is his tea time so nobody won’t bother him. He help anyone who need help of any kind. And etc because he British man.
Other: “ Madame Please, you should relax and drink some tea.” He suggested with a smile.

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Edited on 22/03/20 @ 12:27:13 by Bluestar Moon (#156177)

Mickey(0/12gb) (#128112)

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Posted on
2020-03-17 18:43:45
Name: Honey Cornwells
Age: 17
Gender: female
Sexuality: straight and looking
Flavor & Food: Honeybuns very sweet
Appearance: Standing at only 5´1 we are proud to introduce Honey Cornwells, this girl has a very sweet look to her, Her long ombre hair with dark brown at the top with copper towards the bottom which makes her light chocolate skin look bright and glowing. Honey's eyes are a light hazel that looks like a honeycomb that makes her white smile brighter than ever. Now her clothes are always a white crop with some ripped overall jeans that hug her curves nicely and she always has some white air forces on along with some donut earrings and some honeybun rings.
Personality: Honey is a very sweet girl and is always happy, but don't let that fool you she will snap if you insult her friends well unless shes head or heels in love with you. She is very is easy to use and to take advantage of which is an easy way to hurt her feelings.
Other: open for a bf

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Mickey(0/12gb) (#128112)

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Posted on
2020-03-17 18:48:22
Teacher Form

Name: Amber
Age: (21+) 22
Gender: female
Sexuality: straught
Flavor & Food: Sweet and salty Chocolate and popcorn
Class: Flavor mixes
Appearance: A very tall woman who has dark Cocco brown skin with white popcorn eyes, her long different colored hair stands out from other teachers. She is always seen wearing black leggings with a formal white top. Her nails are painted to look like a thing of chocolate covered popcorn
Personality: Very sweet but can be pretty salty

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Mickey(0/12gb) (#128112)

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Posted on
2020-03-18 12:31:13
Name: Skyler
Age: 16
Gender: female
Sexuality: straight
Flavor & Food: spicy Carolina Reaper
Appearance: A very short girl with green eyes and light brown skin, her hair is a rather calming red. Her makeup always has a pepper under her eyes and her eye shadow is red as well with her cat eyeliner. She also is always wearing a red crop top with ripped jeans. She does have a Carolina reaper tattoo on her right wrist.
Personality:If you ever meet a girl who is just rude and snappy you have meet Skyler. She is mean and hates being around anyone but she does have a soft spot for some sweets but mainly spicy people.
Other: open

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sinister (#112820)

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Posted on
2020-03-18 18:39:06






Flavor & Food
Sweet | Peach

Peach is around 5'4 with fair skin and slight freckling. He has long, pastel-pink hair that is pulled up into a messy bun. His eyes are dark enough to be mistaken for black. Peach will most commonly wear loose-fitting pink sweaters or crop-top hoodies and dark sweatpants, with little peaches hanging from his ears.

Peach is a very kind, soft-hearted individual. His top favorite snack are peaches, and will almost always be seen carrying a bag full of peaches no matter what anyone says. He very much enjoys watching the sun rise, and will sneak out to watch it. Peach is a very open person and is willing to help anyone in need.

soft bab

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Bluestar Moon (#156177)

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Posted on
2020-03-21 18:46:34
Name: Jack Scurr
Age: 43
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Flavor & Food: Spicy ; Trinidad Moruga Scorpion Pepper
Class: P.E.
Appearance: Jack is tall about 6’3, sturdily-built man with a very muscular physique. He has short crimson hair which he wears spiked up around his head, and sharp turquoise eyes. He wears a gym t-shirt and sweatpants. Around his neck, he wears a sliver whistle.
Personality: jack isn’t the person to talk to when he get mad as he is much meaner then a bull. And etc ( I cant think about his personality. I’ll edit when I get the idea)
Other: Father of Viper Scurr

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Edited on 21/03/20 @ 18:55:37 by Bluestar Moon (#156177)

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