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recreation project] (#260420)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2023-04-07 16:27:24

- - -

This thread is based off of Christicat15's thread that I found from years ago. :)

All characters that I have posted on Lioden will be posted here for future reference. Please do not copy, reference, plagarize, or steal any information about any character unless given direct permission.

- - -




Creation Date: April 7, 2023 | Origin

Creation Date: April 14, 2022 | Origin

Creation Date: April 12, 2022 | Origin

Creation Date: April 17, 2022 | Origin

Warrior Cats:
Creation Date: March 13, 2023 | Origin

Creation Date: March 14, 2023 | Origin

Creation Date: April 2, 2023 | Origin

Vidar Bǫlverkr Skógr
Creation Date: April 6, 2023 | Origin

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Edited on 07/04/23 @ 16:49:58 by adamant[rl recreation project] (#260420)

recreation project] (#260420)

Total Chad
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2023-04-07 16:29:43

“What lies behind you and what lies in front of you, pales in comparison to what lies inside of you.”


1 year, 8 months.




Royal Cub.

Rank Wanted
Adviser or Sub Male Secretly wants to be first male Broodmother.

Physical Description
wip, on image

• Devoted- "love, loyalty, or enthusiasm for a person, activity, or cause"
Loyalty is something Beryl holds very close to his heart. You won’t find this young male betraying you or anyone. He views loyalty to be the most important thing in a lion as well. However, loyalty doesn’t even begin to sum it up. If one were to describe Beryl, it wouldn’t be loyal, it would have to be devoted. He spends every hour of every day to make sure his pride is doing alright and to provide anything and everything he can to make sure they stay alright.

• Friendly- "kind and pleasant"
Despite having a sad past, Beryl doesn’t let it get the best of him. Others may have turned cold and aloof if they had gone through what Beryl had but it’s quite the opposite for the young male. Beryl is incredibly friendly and will welcome anyone into the pride with open paws. He believes that anyone can change with hard work and dedication and he would always be there for them if that was the case.

• Fatherly- "relating to, resembling, or characteristic of a father, especially in being protective and affectionate"
Fatherly is another good trait to describe Beryl as. No matter one’s age, Beryl will treat them like his own kin. He has a large heart which can contain unlimited love in. Soothing and comforting others is something that Beryl is very good at. After all, he may not say it often or show it but his history has really affected him and he knows how bad it can feel at first. Because of this, Beryl has learned to comfort others in the way that they need it. He’s a great listener and an even greater friend that will always be there for you when you need it.

• Hopeless Romantic- "a person who holds sentimental and idealistic views on love, especially in spite of experience, evidence, or exhortations otherwise."
This male, unfortunately for him, can view all the positives of a lion. If you asked him, he could name at least three attractive traits for both personality and appearance in another feline. Due to this, he seems to fall in love very easily. The idea of love to Beryl warms his entire body. The thought of potentially settling down with said lion, giving them everything in the world and said lion returning every wave of love back at you just seems to awestruck the young male.

• Insecure- "(of a person) not confident or assured; uncertain and anxious."
Beryl is incredibly insecure as well, something that affected him from his background. After all, his own parents don't even particularly like him and over all, it's affected him. Life alone was rough and he had to do things that he really didn’t want to do and now tries to make it up as much as he can. Due to this, Beryl doesn’t truly believe he’s worth much if nothing at all. If left alone for too long, these thoughts can only grow. Hence, it’s why Beryl is so keen on making as many friends as possible.

• Selfless- "concerned more with the needs and wishes of others than with one's own; unselfish"
Beryl is an incredibly selfless feline and actually finds himself caring more about others than himself. If someone is in danger, Beryl will happily give his own life for the life of that certain feline. If Beryl were put in a situation where either himself or an elder had to eat the last prey in the world, it would go to the elder no questions asked. After all, all their work deserves to be paid off and they deserve to have it all as they gave all of it up in order for there to be order.

• Gullible- "easily persuaded to believe something; credulous."
Despite being a few months away from adulthood in the Savannah Pride, Beryl is still, nonetheless, easily manipulated. When feelings come into play, it’s easy to grasp a hold on Beryl's. He would do anything and everything for those he loves. He takes everything one says seriously as well. A rumor to anyone else, in comparison, is the brutal and honest truth to Beryl.

• Pushover- "a person who is easy to overcome or influence"
Although he’s a nice male, he finds himself being a total pushover. If someone wants something, he’ll do anything in his power to provide them with that certain thing. This includes even risking himself. As long as he gets to see their reaction afterward, death is worth it. He may be a generous guy but he gives more than he takes and this can prove unhealthy, especially since at times he thinks himself unworthy of the good things in life.

• Workaholic- "a person who works excessively and compulsively and is unable to detach from work"
Another negative trait about Beryl is that he’s a total workaholic. When it comes to his health, he pushes it away and thinks of others way too much. Patrols can prove difficult at times for him as he can be completely exhausted but still force himself to get prey and food for his pride and loved ones. Beryl wants to prove himself as much and as often as possible to others as he doesn’t view himself as much of anything.

Beryl was born to the current king and queen of the infamous Savannah Pride in the Great Hunger. The Great Hunger was incredibly rough for those in the Savannah Pride. It was driving them mad. The already hot climate grew unbearable with the desperation of food. The queen, being driven by her maternal instincts, killed off a rogue male that lingered in their territory. Primal urges drove her to eat him out of desperation. That act of cannibalism and lack of nutrition is what caused young Beryl to be born with floppy ears and as a weak runt. He had two other brothers who unfortunately passed away due to heat strokes. Being the only cub remaining in the couple's first litter, Beryl was fiercely protected by both of his parents and spoiled relentlessly. He was incredibly loved and protected and cherished all around in the pride.

That was true until young Beryl snuck out of the Savannah Pride camp, eager to earn his keep and prove to his parents that he wasn't a mere weakling that needed to be protected constantly. On his journey for honor though, Beryl stumbled into a rival pride's territory that's now extinct. The king, who so happened to be patrolling, encountered the cub and wasted no time in trying to kill him off. Beryl turned to run but it was too late, the fearsome king had slashed his face. Luckily, it wasn't fatal as Beryl barely managed to move in time. Blood began to stain the savannah floor and Beryl knew he didn't have long. Fortunately for him though, his father appeared from the depths of long grass and attacked the other king. The two fought desperately and lots of blood was shed but eventually, the king of the Savannah Pride won the battle. After the fight was won, the king quickly checked his only son. He froze at the sight of the large scar and the shaking and crying cub. With disappointment in his eyes, he carried Beryl home.

Instead of the parental approval that Beryl yearned for, his parents were furious and slowly began giving up on the little prince. The scar was a reminder that Beryl would never amount to what his parent's expected. No longer was he loved and cherished as before. Now, he would be ignored and at times Beryl could catch a glance of sheer disappointment in his parent's eyes. The king and queen had an image to keep. They couldn't be seen loving on such a weak male. Eventually, he was ignored completely when he became a sweet and loving adolescent instead of the fierce son they hoped for. Beryl was like a ghost in the pride until his sister, Aloe, was born. Finally, something to look forward to in this wretched pride.

Every now and again, his parents check up on Beryl to make sure he isn't dead or on his way to death. They remind him that the hyena skirt on him must remain on him to cover up his rib cage that shows underneath his short fur. Their son can't be a complete joke in the pride. Starvation is a major problem in the pride but if the pride realized that the king and queen's own son couldn't even feed himself then the already sparkling flames of rebellion would grow much stronger.

● Mother: [Savannah Pride Queen] : [Living Status: Alive]

● Father: [Savannah Pride King] : [Living Status: Alive]

● Sibling(s): [Younger siblings (not littermates as they passed away) are open due to Beryl's parents being king and queen !]

● Littermate(s): [Sorted by Oldest to Youngest]
[Oak] | M | : [Living Status: Deceased]
[Sardine] | M | : [Living Status: Deceased]

● Mate: [Name] | M/F |: [Living Status: Alive/Deceased] | Reason: |

● Close Friend: [Name] | M/F |: [Living Status: Alive/Deceased] | Reason: |

● Like(s): [Name] | M/F |: [Living Status: Alive/Deceased] |Reason: |

● Dislike(s): [Name] | M/F |: [Living Status: Alive/Deceased] |Reason: |

● Hostile: [Name] | M/F |: [Living Status: Alive/Deceased] |Reason: |

● Offspring: [Name] | M/F |: [Living Status: Alive/Deceased] |Reason: |

Theme Song
Compass - The Neighbourhood.

Without Decor (aka healthy Beryl):

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recreation project] (#260420)

Total Chad
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2023-04-07 16:30:22

"Impossible is a word to be found only in the dictionary of fools."


3 years, 6 months.





Rank Wanted

Physical Description
wip, on image

Cold and quiet. That's what describes this young female at first glance. Rarely does she speak, finding beauty in silence. Due to her silence, she is often seen as cold and sometimes even sinister like. After all, know one knows what this female is truly thinking. She's reserved, keeping to herself instead of joining other felines. She believes that if you're going to do something, you may as well do it right. Even so, Arabella is an open-minded female and isn't against taking ideas from others. Another thing that may surprise others is that the female truly isn't cold, just distant. Like her brother, she may act as if though she doesn't care for anyone but herself. This isn't the case however, she just has other ways of showing her affection.

This female, surprisingly enough, has never killed before out on her days as a loner. Arabella believes that those who have to resort to killing are fools and idiots who deserve the same fate met to them. Therefore, Arabella prefers to talk things out funnily enough, considering, she doesn't really talk much. However, if need be, she will kill. If herself or those she cares about are threatened, she will have no problem ending their life. Arabella has her own morals and beliefs and will incorporate them into a pride if she ever decides to join one. Still, doesn't mean she won't respect or listen to others and their opinions though. She truly does believe that two heads work better than one.

Arabella, despite not talking, exudes pure confidence and mystery. She is rather the personification of those two traits. Although having low self-esteem, the female doesn't readily show it. She keeps her head raised and her tail raised higher, warm amber hues judging from afar. It is hard for this female to be vulnerable with anyone else, even herself. Due to her silent nature, it is hard to know what she's thinking and this can either intimidate or make someone suspicious of her. No one truly knows what her deal is and to some, that's scary. However, Arabella doesn't have bad intentions and never will. She is more of a lone wolf character and although she sticks to herself most of the time, doesn't mind chatting with those from prides or other loners. In fact, she actually enjoys it. Of course, she won't admit it.

wip, i wanna make her mysterious so it'll all be revealed in the rp or when i get a cool idea and write it down here :)

● Mother: [Unknown] : [Living Status: Deceased]

● Father: Unknown] : [Living Status: Deceased]

● Sibling(s): [Younger siblings are open !]

● Littermate(s): [Sorted by Oldest to Youngest]
[???] | M | : [Living Status: Alive (Will probably make him)]

● Mate: [Name] | M/F |: [Living Status: Alive/Deceased] | Reason: |

● Close Friend: [Name] | M/F |: [Living Status: Alive/Deceased] | Reason: |

● Like(s): [Name] | M/F |: [Living Status: Alive/Deceased] |Reason: |

● Dislike(s): [Name] | M/F |: [Living Status: Alive/Deceased] |Reason: |

● Hostile: [Name] | M/F |: [Living Status: Alive/Deceased] |Reason: |

● Offspring: [Name] | M/F |: [Living Status: Alive/Deceased] |Reason: |

Theme Song
Arabella - Arctic Monkeys.

Without Patches:

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recreation project] (#260420)

Total Chad
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2023-04-07 16:30:42

"History does not belong to us; we belong to it."


5 years.





Rank Wanted

Physical Description
wip, on image

• Intelligent- "having or showing intelligence, especially of a high level"
Hognose is a highly intellectual feline, though he doesn't always show this to anyone. He's not one for putting together sentences of high vocabulary. His intelligence is one of the things he keeps to himself for the most part, though it can be seen through his actions. He finds it amusing to be underestimated, and finds it keeps himself, and others, on their toes.

• Disloyal- "failing to be loyal to a person, country, or body to which one has obligations"
One should absolutely never trust Hognose. He has a mind of his own, an agenda of his own. He cares very little, if even at all, about the lives and daily-goings of others. His own satisfaction and survival is all the male truly cares about. He would just as easily say hello as he would watch you drown if it benefited him in some way or another... or even just for his own amusement. The only exception to this is his older brother, Coy Fish. He would do anything for his older brother and is completely devoted to the other male.

• Confident- "feeling or showing confidence in oneself; self-assured"
Though he struggled with this as a cub, Hognose has grown into his own. He's forced himself to be sure of everything he does. He acted confident and in turn became confident through trial and error. And over time, it worked. Besides, when acting confident, it makes others more sure of your actions as well, and though he may not truly care for others, the approval does tend to make life easier.

• Licentious- "promiscuous and unprincipled in sexual matters"
In the most brief of terms, Hognose is not very withheld in the sensual side of life. He's not very picky- male or female, tall or short, friends, and he'll even enjoy a roll with an enemy lion. Political alignment means little to him.

• Cynical- "believing that people are motivated by self-interest; distrustful of human sincerity or integrity"
Considering how this male was raised, his perception of the world is a bit less than surprising. He views fellow felines in either one of two categories; corrupted, or to-be corrupted. No one is exempt from this in his eyes. He knows which category he falls into, and is constantly suspicious of others. There isn't a soul he would trust, other than his brother, since everyone is out for themselves and their desires- including himself. If his mind works in such a way, why would anyone else's be any different?

• Decisive- "having or showing the ability to make decisions quickly and effectively"
Despite his tendency to keep his intelligence to himself, he's very capable of making quick decisions and executing them. Hognose is no philosopher, you'll never catch him sitting and pondering over something for very long. If a decision requires more than a few moments to think about he's not interested in the problem. If he actually wanted to, he could sit and think about the issue, but he doesn't like things that don't come easily (which he needs to work on).

• Sadistic- "deriving pleasure from inflicting pain, suffering, or humiliation on others"
This is definitely his most negative personality trait. Not only does he hold a low regard for others, but in truth, he enjoys to see others in pain. Mental, or physical, both bring him great joy. He wasn't born thinking this way, but his environment growing up wired his brain in a way that pain = praise. And well, everyone knows praise is good. Even if no one is praising him now, inflicting and observing painful encounters causes his brain to release dopamine, resulting in a vicious cycle of pain and pleasure.

• Meticulous- "showing great attention to detail; very careful and precise"
Hognose is a very keen observer of his environment. He picks up on the slight twitches of disdain and the wandering eyes of boredom. He's not one for gossip, and hardly ever bothers with manipulating his peers (though sometimes he may toy with them for fun), but he likes to simply know what's going on around him. With this in mind, he's meticulous in his own work as well, striving for perfection in most of what he does. Even if he doesn't care for the prides, they'll get some cooperation out of this feline.

• Cooperative- "willing to be of assistance"
He may view most lions around him with a cold, uncaring eye, but that doesn't mean he's incapable of working alongside others. He finds that cooperation makes certain tasks easier in the long run. Besides, just because he doesn't trust others, doesn't mean they're completely useless. He still doesn't care what happens to them in the long run, but he can live in the moment, and get a job done without conflict.

Hognose was born prideless to a rogue mother and father alongside his four siblings. Unfortunately for the litter, they were forced to care for themselves as soon as they were born. Their father was out of the picture as soon as he got news that he would be expecting cubs soon and their mother passed away a while after bringing them into the world. For the longest time, it was just him and his siblings in a giant and dangerous cold world. It was rough having no parents but Hognose was never truly alone. He had his siblings and the oldest of the five was a strong and mutated male, Coy Fish.

Coy Fish took charge of their little group. He didn't have much of a choice. All other four siblings listened to him, he was the head. Hognose greatly admired his older brother for this. Ever since Hognose was a cub, he felt the need to repay his eldest brother for never giving up on them and abandoning them like their father did. Hognose, being the second eldest and wanting to be just like his big brother, decided to also help around. He was mutated as well and was one of the strongest in the litter too.

On a cold and rainy day, Hognose offered to go search for food for the group of siblings. Coy Fish hesitantly agreed to let him go alone and Hognose set off to make his siblings proud, especially his eldest brother. Despite being a massive primal male, Hognose was still considered young and the already freezing climate was turned worse when the rain began to drench his ginger pelt. All of a sudden, thinking became hard. Drowsiness started to take over although Hognose pushed it aside in a determined manner. He would find prey, no matter what. Finally, his eyes landed on a striped creature. Hognose wasted no time in approaching it and absolutely killing it.

Adrenaline filled the young male. So much to the point where he finally realized his surroundings. Hognose had no clue as to where he was. The territories around him weren't familiar and the track of his siblings had faded away due to the rain. Lightning struck in the back. The winds blew harder. It was official, Hognose was all alone. Fear set in immediately, he had never been alone. What was he going to do ? Hognose's heart began racing rapidly. His vision began to grow blurry and his breath became short. The beginnings of a panic attack.

So distracted was Hognose that he didn't notice an approaching senior yet experienced male. A massive gray lion with an even more giant white mane. The king of the territory that Hognose had unluckily stumbled upon. The king attacked Hognose while his back was turned and his senses were flooded. A loud roar of pain filled Hognose and he immediately took off. Glancing behind him, he noticed the king had stopped pursuing him but took the zebra carcass. However, some lionesses took the king's place and chased Hognose out of the territory. After a few hours, Hognose was finally left alone to stumble into a cave where he rested all night and dried himself off.

After that encounter, no longer was he the same bubbly cub. Every lion was selfish, only caring for things that benefitted them. That included him now. There was only one goal for Hognose. Find his eldest brother, he still owed him.

There is a lot more of his backstory that will be revealed in RP.

● Mother: [Cottonmouth] : [Living Status: Deceased]

● Father: [Unknown] : [Living Status: Unknown]

● Sibling(s): N/A

● Littermate(s): [Sorted by Oldest to Youngest]
[Coy Fish] | M | : [Living Status: Alive; Played by Mongoose|They/Them (#258174)]
Hognose's relationship with Coy Fish is complicated. As cubs, they obviously cared for each other deeply but never showed it. After all, they didn't know how to. Hognose has a perfect image of Coy Fish though. He sees him as quite literally perfect and is incredibly grateful to him as he cared for him and his siblings when they were born. Therefore, Hognose feels an incredible responsibility to help out Coy Fish with anything. Think of him like a devoted follower who wants to pay Coy Fish's kindness and so is therefore willing to do anything to pay him back. They view each other on an equal level though and although Hognose is willing to assist his brother with anything, he's still got his own sinister plans that he keeps to himself.
Viper | F | : [Living Status: Deceased; Starvation]
Wyrm | F | : [Living Status: Deceased; Murdered]

● Mate: [Name] | M/F |: [Living Status: Alive/Deceased] | Reason: |

● Close Friend: [Name] | M/F |: [Living Status: Alive/Deceased] | Reason: |

● Like(s): [Name] | M/F |: [Living Status: Alive/Deceased] |Reason: |

● Dislike(s): [Name] | M/F |: [Living Status: Alive/Deceased] |Reason: |

● Hostile: [Name] | M/F |: [Living Status: Alive/Deceased] |Reason: |

● Offspring: [Name] | M/F |: [Living Status: Alive/Deceased] |Reason: |

Theme Song
Feeling Good - Michael Bublé.

Without Primal:

- He was named Hognose for his snake eyes.

- Keeping a lot of things secret as I want to develop him mostly in the RP.

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recreation project] (#260420)

Total Chad
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2023-04-07 16:32:28

"Don't act like you're not impressed."

Fox, Foxkit, Foxpaw, Foxheart.

3 moons (3 months) old.

Cisgender Male.

To be developed.



Somali (100%).

Physical Description
One quick glance at this kit could easily reveal his background. Being smaller than average and having a scrawny build, it’s easy to tell that this young tom rarely got his recommended intake of food out on his days before he was accepted into the clan. He’s shorter than most other kits in the nursery, appearing about a moon or so younger than he actually is. His ribs can be seen slightly poking out, typically hidden by his long fur unless one would squint. While most kits seem to have blue eyes for a while at the beginning of their life, Foxkit has surprisingly dark eyes. They look like a dark amber or dark brown of sorts but with the passing days, they seem to be lightening up.

Accommodating his frail build is his long, silky pelt. It was clear that he was taken care of before his initial abandonment, having healthy fur for a former rogue that’s clear of any matts and is well-groomed. His fur is quite a sight, having a dark hue at the top of his head which surrounds his eyes before going down his back. It reaches all the way down to the back of his legs, reaching his paws and all the way down to the top of his tail. Foxkit has white markings as well, most notably around his eyes, muzzle and jaw but there’s some on the front of his back legs and at the lower part of his chest.

His name changing isn’t the only altering event in his life. Foxkit, now known as Foxpaw, has become one promising looking future warrior. His weak build is slowly growing stronger with time, still not fully replenished though. Rather than the frail build he used to have as a kit, Foxpaw now rocks a lanky build (to his despair). Foxpaw is an apprentice known to have amusing yet rather intense growth spurts, being one of those adolescents that puberty seems to bully. He’s no longer small and is considered a tall tom, towering over most near his age. It’s an awkward sight, being a hilariously tall tom with long, skinny legs and having a weight that doesn’t ever seem to want to catch up to his height.

Of course, not all is bad. Foxpaw is beginning to receive rather charming traits with his growing age. If you ignore the amusing build and stature and simply focus on the tom’s pelt, Foxpaw is quite the elegant looking tom! His pelt is getting healthier, no longer having that rough texture to it as it begins to soften with the moons. His dark markings are beginning to fade with age, showing more emphasis onto that captivating orange shade of his. The white also is beginning to fade, mostly those on his body, becoming more of a cream. Still, the white on his face remains adamantly, really showcasing the beautiful, light hazel eyes he’s developed in adolescence.

It seems that Foxpaw, now called Foxheart, wasn’t too affected by the poor nutrition intake as a kit. He grew perfectly fine, becoming one of the more healthier looking warriors in the clan. While not having a colossal, brute figure, Foxheart has developed a physique that screams elegance. He’s become a tall male, standing at 12 ½ inches in height and often towering over several of his clanmates. Foxheart isn’t the most muscular tom in the clan, however, he’s far from fit. Lean muscle adjourns his body, built more so for speed rather than brute strength, weighing a nice 10 points. Said lean muscle is especially prominent around his long legs, making him one fast and enduring feline one should watch out for whenever out in the battlefield.

Growing into a truly handsome male, Foxheart is known to be quite the charmer now that he’s no longer that awkward looking adolescent from before. His fur is his pride and joy, being likely the most attractive sight on him. The dark markings have faded nicely, no longer looking as solid colored as they once did when he was younger. It fits well with his orange coat, the dark hue now faded onto his neck, back, the back of his legs and at the top of his tail. It’s still especially dark at the top of his head though alongside his paws and the end of his tail. The white markings are no longer as bold, fading more into a cream hue rather than white. Still, the white remains on his muzzle/jaw and on the insides of his ears. His hazel hues are a sight difficult to look away, equally as entrancing. Few scars paint his body, typically being quick enough to avoid injury. Overall, everything ties together nicely on this male, making him a stunning sight.

[+] | Charismatic | Clever | Diplomatic | Receptive [Positive Traits]
[=] | Emotional | Impulsive | Sly | Prideful [Neutral Traits]
[-] | Distrustful | Manipulative | Selfish | Vindictive [Negative Traits]

Truly a charming young tom, Foxkit is truly one magnetic kit. He’s charismatic, it all ties in together. An orphan abandoned and adopted by the clan, one with a bright and sunny persona that’s difficult to hate. He’s good with his words, knowing how to strike emotion and empower. This is good out on the battlefield but for now, it’s good at getting the other kits into following his lead. Likely into doing something considered ‘mischievous’ or to simply convince them to spar with him! His natural charisma and diplomatic nature work incredibly with each other, Foxkit is a kit good at forming relations. He does so without really trying, sparking conversations by asking about another’s interests or stories! It works perfectly as the kit is genuinely interested in learning about others, gathering information and slowly but surely getting to know those around him.

He’s also a male known to work well in teams. Naturally, Foxkit is a very clever tom, capable of fixing seemingly impossible solutions with creative ideas. He’s quick-minded with his answers and decisions and due to this, is a great team player. This feline gives his opinion and ideas out, giving reasoning as to why they should go along with it. Not only that but Foxkit is also open-minded, more than willing to listen to the ideas of others and take them into account when coming up with a plan. While not exactly developed at the moment due to his youth, it’ll likely be a great contribution in the later future.

Just like his name proclaims, Foxkit is one sly dog. Or, sly cat in this case. He’s not a feline known to fear punishment and therefore talks with no stop. Afterall, what would they even do to him? Nothing, he claims. Either way, he’s one known to easily slip away from tight situations. This could be getting into trouble or accidentally doing something he’s not supposed to. Quick with his words, he could talk his way out if the other feline doesn’t see it coming. Not mixing well with his slyness is his pride. He’s one big-headed male, probably not liked by many because of it. There’s no way his name will be disrespected, he simply won’t let that slide! His honor is one of the most important things to him and it’s best not to mess with it. It’s one of the few things he had when he was younger and it only grew more serious as he grew older. He’s a confident male but maybe a little too confident for his own good.

While Foxkit likes to consider himself to be the ‘cool, laid-back’ kind of guy, the opposite is true. It’s easy to get on his nerves and to irritate him. He’s got a short-temper to his name and Foxkit easily lashes out because of it. This has gotten him into much trouble that he’d rather not admit. While it’s good to be emotional as passion can be high, it’s turning out to be not such a good look on the young cat. Foxkit is a tom known to be impulsive, especially not at the right moments. While he thinks quick and is good with his words, a lot of the time Foxkit rushes in without thinking of the consequences. Or more likely, not caring about the consequences. He truly feels as if he’s on top of the world, nothing can hurt him and because of it, doesn’t find himself fearing the consequences or punishments that his decisions may cause. Hopefully it’ll be a thing he’ll grow out of but as of right now, it’s a troubling sight.

Foxkit is a difficult feline to understand. Notably marked by his background, he’s become a complex male that many often misunderstand. Because of the abandonment caused by his mother, Foxkit and his sister, Fireflykit were thrown into the paws of complete strangers. While eventually learning to rely on his clan, it took a long time for Foxkit to trust that they wouldn’t do any harm. Due to this, Foxkit typically expects the worst out of felines and is overly cautious. As he grows older though, he doesn’t really show the distrustment any more, simply acting as if everything is alright with a smirk. Although in reality, he’s keeping his eyes peeled and ready to defend himself. While caring deeply for the clan that saved his life and provided for him, Foxkit seems to still be on edge about everything. Yes, he’d never betray them. Yes, he provides for them as he gets older. In the very back of his mind though? It’s just him, his loved ones, and his sister. If push comes to shove, he’ll know who to save.

This male has a certain way with words. It’s likely his diplomatic and charismatic behavior that helps him out here. He’s good with them, knowing what to say, knowing what others want to hear, Foxkit is good at playing others. He has those faces, one that looks like you could confide in him but in reality, this male is rather manipulative. Foxkit certainly doesn’t mean to, not really understanding that he’s doing it either. Still, it’s a habit of his that likely won’t disappear anytime soon. He doesn’t necessarily see it as harmful, in his eyes, it’s just knowing what to say and do. And that couldn’t possibly be bad, could it? As stated before, his abandonment led him into becoming the male he is today. Easily resentful and one who cares deeply for revenge, Foxkit has a good memory of those who have hurt him. He holds onto grudges easily and doesn’t easily let them go. If one were to wrong him, it’s likely this male won’t easily rest until he’s gotten back at said feline.

Warning; Abandonment.
Born in the harsh struggle of roguehood, Foxkit was born to one single parent, a rogue named Shell. In his litter had been two other kits. Firefly and Ginger. At least, that's what Foxkit remembers their names being. They weren't present much for his life, considering they were stillborn. Foxkit had no known father and whenever he would ask, his mother would grow saddened and refuse to answer the question. So, he didn’t ask. Things were rough for the family of two, there was only one provider. Especially in the harsh world of roguehood. Due to this, Foxkit grew into a small male. He had little to eat, the chances of catching prey were low.

Suddenly, one faithful night amidst the rain his mother called for him to follow her. Foxkit, having no other choice, did exactly that. He followed her with complete trust in his heart, believing that maybe they were moving out to find a home with more prey in it. Destiny had different plans for him though. Shell left him outside of the MoonClan camp and never returned.

Life was strange after that. Foxkit was no longer raised by one provider but instead had several, like most clan kits. It was a hard process, growing used to clan life and the noisy camp but ever so slowly, Foxkit is growing used to it.

● Mother: [Shell] : [Living Status: Unknown]
Foxkit had no other family other than his mother. He had so much trust, so much love for her and in turn, he was abandoned. It was almost second nature for him to grow to hate his mother, so much bad had happened in his life and this was just another one of them. Could he ever forgive her? No, never.

● Father: [Unknown] : [Living Status: Unknown]
Foxkit can't help but feel resentment towards his father. His father was never present in his life and it weighs heavily on him. He tries not to think about it but the idea of his father wanting nothing to do with him hurts. Of course, he'd rather die than admit it.

● Sibling(s): [Younger siblings will be open once Foxpaw ages up. His mother likely had more kits.]

● Littermate(s): [Sorted by Oldest to Youngest]
[Firefly] | M | : [Living Status: Alive; PM if interested]
[Ginger] | M | : [Living Status: Deceased]
Foxkit never got to know his sisters apart from being in the womb together. Still because of this mere fact, he grieves for them to this day.

● Mate: [Name] | M/F |: [Living Status: Alive/Deceased] | Reason: |

● Close Friend: [Name] | M/F |: [Living Status: Alive/Deceased] | Reason: |

● Like(s): [Name] | M/F |: [Living Status: Alive/Deceased] |Reason: |

● Dislike(s): [Name] | M/F |: [Living Status: Alive/Deceased] |Reason: |

● Hostile: [Name] | M/F |: [Living Status: Alive/Deceased] |Reason: |

● Offspring: [Name] | M/F |: [Living Status: Alive/Deceased] |Reason: |

Theme Song
To be determined.

- Played by adamant (#260420)

- Voice Claim: Kovu - The Lion King

- All writing was created by me. Any similarities it may have to other pieces of writings are purely coincidental. Please do not copy, reference, plagiarize or steal this character. Thank you!

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recreation project] (#260420)

Total Chad
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2023-04-07 16:33:01

"Don't act like you're not impressed."

Honeykit, Honeypaw, Honeyflame.


Cisgender Male.

To be developed.




Physical Description
Honeykit is considered to be a tom of impressive height. Ever since he was born, this young tom found himself towering over all his littermates. A lot of the times, Honeykit found himself towering over kits moons older than him! A feature that he is endlessly proud of. The ginger tom is infinitely grateful for not getting his mother's stature as he's always wanted to be on the taller side! Genetics were on his side, that's for sure. However, unfortunately for him, with height comes the struggle to keep up with it weight wise. Growing up, Honeykit always had a somewhat lanky build. He was awkwardly tall and not a graceful way, having long legs but being naturally skinny. His weight couldn't quite catch up to the dramatic growth spurts he had and so for a long time, Honeykit remained a silly sight in the clan.

Considering to be somewhat of a perfect mix between his parents, Honeykit was born with his father's scorching ginger coat. It's an entrancing thing, bright and alluring. Certainly a lot more saturated than most ginger cat's out there. Striking against his ginger coat are dark stripes, making the tom a tabby. Jet black stripes alike a tiger, the ancestor to the domestic cat, Honeykit's stripes are dark and bold, a nice contrast from his bright ginger coat. However as you view the kit from the side, down his lower back, he holds his mother's rosettes. They aren't fully developed and aren't as impressive as a house cat's. For a wild cat though? An absolute gift! This makes Honeykit a rarity of sorts which only feeds into his growing ego.

Feature wise though, Honeykit is considered to be a very handsome tom, especially as they grow stronger with age. He has very short, sleek fur that is always groomed to perfection. Hygiene is a top priority for this tongue. His whiskers are white and nicely trimmed to the same size. His chin and jawline, while on the softer at birth, grow into a more chiseled definition. His ears are a triangular shape, happily perked from the top of his skull. Overall, Honeykit grows into an attractive tom and he knows it, making him a very cocky individual.

[+] | Charismatic | Devoted | Extroverted [Positive Traits]
[=] | Emotional | Impulsive | Protective [Neutral Traits]
[-] | Aggressive | Prideful | Vindictive [Negative Traits]

To be written.

To be written.

To be written.

Having a controversial birth due to his parents, Honeykit alongside his two littermates; Dovekit and Hollykit, were born to a forbidden affair that broke the Warrior Code. That forbidden affair was between PetalClan's medicine cat, Foxflower, and a PetalClan warrior by the name of Moss'strike.

● Mother: [Moss'strike] : [Living Status: Alive]
Relationship to be determined.

● Father: [Foxflower] : [Living Status: Alive]
Relationship to be determined.

● Sibling(s): N/A

● Littermate(s): [Sorted by Oldest to Youngest]
[Hollykit] | F | : [Living Status: Alive]
[Shallowkit] | M | : [Living Status: Alive]
[Thawkit] | M | : [Living Status: Alive]
[Dovekit] | F | : [Living Status: Alive]
Relationship to be determined.

● Mate: [Name] | M/F |: [Living Status: Alive/Deceased] | Reason: |

● Close Friend: [Name] | M/F |: [Living Status: Alive/Deceased] | Reason: |

● Like(s): [Name] | M/F |: [Living Status: Alive/Deceased] |Reason: |

● Dislike(s): [Name] | M/F |: [Living Status: Alive/Deceased] |Reason: |

● Hostile: [Name] | M/F |: [Living Status: Alive/Deceased] |Reason: |

● Offspring: [Name] | M/F |: [Living Status: Alive/Deceased] |Reason: |

Theme Song
To be determined.

- Played by adamant (#260420)

- The first born of the Foxflower and Moss'strike litter.

- Voice Claim: Kovu - The Lion King

- All writing was created by me. Any similarities it may have to other pieces of writings are purely coincidental. Please do not copy, reference, plagiarize or steal this character. Thank you!

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recreation project] (#260420)

Total Chad
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2023-04-07 16:33:43

"We cannot choose our external circumstances, but we can always choose how we respond to them."

Pino, Wolfkit, Wolfpaw, Wolf____.

5 moons (5 months) old.

Gender & Pronouns
Cisgender Male (He/Him).

To be developed.



Maine Coon (100%).

Allegiance Description
A massive, heavily muscled solid white tom with long, thick fur and rich golden eyes.

Physical Description

Wolfkit started out life privileged, anyone with eyes can clearly tell from this kit's appearance. Bred from notable cats of his breed, Wolfkit has all the signature features of the Maine Coon breed. Muscle adjourns his body already, nicely filling out his already large body. His paws and ears are huge, his paws being the size of a newly appointed warrior. Although his ears look rather funny at the moment, Wolfkit is sure to grow into them soon enough. Atop of his tall ears are the signature tufts that any purebred Maine Coon inherits. Accommodating his large traits is his big head and thick snout, a promising sign of his future beastly strength and the thick, razor-sharp adult teeth soon to follow after his adolescence. Wolfkit is a tall tom, sure to become a beast in his future as a HawkClan warrior, already finding himself towering over most, if not all, of his nursery denmates.

The most notable feature of Wolfkit has to be his bold, white fur. His pelt is a rich white, not to be confused with the light cream hue that lots of 'white' cats appear to be. Rumor has it that it's whiter than snow, that is, if it's not dirty. A rare sight to find though as Wolfkit is the type of individual to keep his pelt nice and clean. First impressions are important, even a kit like himself knew that! A con in Greenleaf and Newleaf is his long, thick fur. It's an impressive thing, silky to the touch. One of the most obvious indicators of his former kittypet heritage. It's especially thicker around the neck area, giving him a mane that only adds onto his growing intimidation factor. To tie the look together, Wolfkit has two yellow eyes, similar to gold of the richest value. Charming to many.

This large tom's stature didn't stop there. Just as many figured, Wolfkit, or more commonly referred to Wolfpaw now, has blossomed into a capable apprentice of HawkClan. It seems that Wolfpaw doubled in size now thanks to his warrior training! It must be that impressive heritage of his beginning to come into play as well. The features that formerly looked comedic on him as a kit now fit perfectly together. It seems that Wolfpaw has skipped the awkward adolescent age, StarClan giving him the ability to bulk up on muscle easily! Although most in the clan are excited for the future of this promising young tom, Wolfpaw seems to be struggling with his balance now more than ever. He has staggering growth spurts, ones that come about randomly. So randomly in fact that Wolfpaw can't ever get used to his current height as before he knows it, he grows another inch or two!

Despite that, not all is bad. Wolfpaw, now the age of adolescence, is starting to blossom into a handsome young tom. One sure to draw the eyes of his she-cat peers and maybe even the tom's! Ignoring his understandable clumsiness, young Wolfpaw carries an attractive image. One that is beginning to tie the beauty of elegance that his purebred traits exhibit and the beastly strength that his build carries. It's a beautiful and unusual mix that is sure to attract eyes but young Wolfpaw is still a very long way to go from that point. While it may not be as obvious as it is on other apprentices, Wolfpaw still has that certain awkwardness that is typical of all adolescents. Most notably, his voice. It is beginning to crack, much to his dismay and has altered to an especially low, raspy tone.

It seems that young Wolfpaw, now known as Wolf____, has finally grown into his daunting name. Wolf___ is a warrior with an infamous streak in the forest, not easily forgettable due to his unique appearance. A white beast rumored to be untamable just like their lion ancestors before them. He's a colossal tom, standing at an impressive 18 inches, 2 inches above the height typical of his breed. Wolf____ is a brute of a male with heavily muscle, muscle that would likely weigh down any other cat if it rippled through their own build. He weighs a hefty 20 pounds, most of it being the broad muscle that ripples through his being at every step. HawkClan is sure to be relieved to have this beast of a tom on their side!

The energy that this warrior exudes is overwhelming, that's the best way to describe it. It is no surprise that he is one intimidating brute, likely to make even the most stoic of warriors react. One is either intimidated by the sheer power of this brute or intimidated by the amount of attractiveness that this tom spills. Starclan has blessed him with features are particularly powerful, very eye-catching like his strong muzzle or jawline. Long tufted ears stand proudly atop of his large head, long whiskers flowing from his square muzzle. Long, thick fur flying in the breeze, the extra lengthy fur around his neck exuding a commanding presence. Truly, a fearsome tom. One of the most pleasant things of this warrior is his voice though. No longer is it the hoarse thing it was in adolescence. Now, it's a deep and rich tone. Commanding and powerful when he utters a single word. Certainly different and sure to stand out amongst a crowd of loud felines. It can be daunting when raised but very soothing if spoken in a low tone.

[+] | Adaptable | Articulate | Charismatic | Decisive | Perceptive [Positive Traits]
[=] | Ambitious | Candid | Confidential | Instinctive | Observant [Neutral Traits]
[-] | Aloof | Enigmatic | Manipulative | Merciless | Vicious[Negative Traits]

To be written.

To be written.

To be written.

It was a good life that Wolfkit used to live. Or rather, one that Pino used to live. One of no worries, no stresses, and no dangers. He was born to two well known Maine Coons in the community. Whitten, a purely white, broad tom, just like Pino. A popular stud of well known ancestry. The two looked incredibly similar, their only differences were the heterochromia eyes that Whitten had, one blue and one golden. His mother was an impressive she-cat, one who would attend shows and competitions. Italia was her name and she was a beautiful color, being a black smoke feline with her own set of honey eyes. The litter had been planned for some time and after some waiting, they were finally born. It was a strange sight to behold, only two kits. Pino and a she-kit with two different colors splitting her face, also known as chimeria. Meaning, there was at least another kit that just hadn't made it all the way.

Pino's sister was a remarkable sight, a rare one at that. It was more than obvious that they would be keeping the little she-kit. Pino on the other hand, would be sold off. And that's exactly what happened. Growing up, Pino was never truly close with his parents. To him, they were his only set of parents. To his parents though, he was just another kit from another litter. While his mother took care of him greatly, like any mother ought to, she never created a bond with Pino, knowing that he'd be sold off. Italia and his sister, known as Gracia, were especially close though. Likely since Italia knew that her owners would be keeping Gracia. Pino had never met his father though, only heard about him through his mother.

Pino was about two months old when he was sold off. There were no tears, no mourning. Everyone knew it was bound to happen. His mother and sister uttered him a single 'good luck'. All Pino could feel was a slight disappointment. However, that was just it.

As Pino arrived to his new home, even he could tell you it wasn't a bad home either. He would eat great food, put strictly on a raw food diet to help his growth. It would never be too hot or too cold in the house, typically just right. He'd have comfortable places to sleep on. What could have happened then? Pino claimed that it was wild instinct that called out to him that night. That night where he was looking out the window after two months of living at his new home. It was night, the leaves of the trees were drifting down due to the strong breeze. There had to be more out there. More than the luxurious life that he had grown used to living. Why not check it out for himself?

So, he did. Once his owner went to lock up the door and windows for the night, they had left the front door open as they went to go lock their car. Their screen door was the only thing in the way. However, Pino had realized something. His owner's door was broken, it would never shut fully. One push and it would open from the inside. A plan hit him. Backing up, Pino took a deep breath and ran forwards. He crashed into the door and it opened, just as he expected. Without wasting anymore time, he took off in the direction of the forest, ignoring the yells of his owner.

Just as his departure with his family, there were no tears and no mourning. Just the feeling of the wind ruffling up his white whiskers. He was free but now what? He didn't know how to hunt, he was just four months old! Though his size was impressive for his age, it wouldn't do much with how much bigger the average adult cat was. All Pino could do was keep on moving forward and hope that he'd find shelter soon enough.

Night soon turned into day. Nothing had happened, Pino's large paws felt heavier than usual. It seemed that now he was surrounded by even denser forest. These trees were strong and towering, similar to the tree that he had seen his owner put up in their house one day, covered with all sorts of colors and adjournments. Truly, Pino thought that this was his final resting spot. His throat had grown dryer and dryer with every step. He needed water. To his fortune, then he heard the sound of falling water. Interesting. Pino took off after the source of the sound, tufted ears perking up eagerly. There he was met with a waterfall. The white tom wasted no time in lapping up the spilled water.

Little did Pino know that he had actually stumbled upon HawkClan territory. A border patrol had caught his scent and found him. At first, they had thought he was an intruder. However, then the scent of kittypet hit them. It was faint but obviously there. They spoke with him, finding out that he was only a kit despite his size. Following the warrior code, they decided to take him into HawkClan camp where he was then invited to become an official member of HawkClan. This was the life that Pino was meant to lead, driven by sheer instinct. He accepted and he was named Wolfkit due to his square/large features and his towering size.

● Mother: [Italia] : [Living Status: Alive]
Wolfkit was never truly close with his mother. His mother had countless kits before, she had learned to never get attached to them unless one of them was sure to be kept by her owners. Wolfkit was no exception and she kept her distance. Wolfkit still thinks about his mother, although, significantly less and less as time passes by.

● Father: [Pino] : [Living Status: Alive]
Having never met his father, there are no words that Wolfkit could say to describe him. Would he have been scolding? Or perhaps, a lot warmer? Maybe he didn't care about his kits or maybe, they were everything to him. Wolfkit will never truly know and honestly? That's fine with him.

● Sibling(s): [Older siblings are open, his parents are popular studs and have had several litters before. Younger siblings will be open once Wolfkit ages up.]

● Littermate(s): [Sorted by Oldest to Youngest]
[Gracia] | F | : [Living Status: Alive; PM if interested]
Wolfkit and Gracia were never close either, just two kits who so happened to be born alongside each other. There is endearment there but that seems to be it.

● Mate: [Name] | M/F |: [Living Status: Alive/Deceased] | Reason: |

● Close Friend: [Name] | M/F |: [Living Status: Alive/Deceased] | Reason: |

● Like(s): [Name] | M/F |: [Living Status: Alive/Deceased] |Reason: |

● Dislike(s): [Name] | M/F |: [Living Status: Alive/Deceased] |Reason: |

● Hostile: [Name] | M/F |: [Living Status: Alive/Deceased] |Reason: |

● Offspring: [Name] | M/F |: [Living Status: Alive/Deceased] |Reason: |

Theme Song
To be determined.

- Played by adamant (#260420)

- Voice Claim: Matthew Macfadyen

- Wolfkit has a disorder known as psychopathy.

- All writing was created by me. Any similarities it may have to other pieces of writings are purely coincidental. Please do not copy, reference, plagiarize or steal this character. Thank you!

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Edited on 14/04/23 @ 14:50:03 by adamant[rl recreation project] (#260420)

recreation project] (#260420)

Total Chad
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2023-04-07 16:34:08

"The question isn't who is going to let me; it's who is going to stop me."


1 year, 8 months old.

Gender & Pronouns
Cisgender Male (He/Him).

To be developed.

Evil Son #2.

Neutral (leaning towards Evil).
High Aggression Level.

Panthera Leo (Lion).

Physical Description
When the evil royal family looked at their youngest son, they felt unmeasurable disappointment. It didn't help that Amir was the only unmutated lion from their entire family. Amir had been a small, sickly cub. One to get ill easily and who struggled harshly to remain healthy. The cub was always sniffling whenever he did anything and his weak state led him to be very weak. Fortunately for young Amir though, that didn't remain. As Amir grew older, his parents believed he would be a maneless male. At one year old, his mane hadn't appeared. Truly a shame, truly an embarrassment. Fortunately for young Amir though, he had simply been a late bloomer. After months, his mane finally began to grow in and his small stature ceased. Amir began to have rapid, out of nowhere growth spurts, leading him to become a towering of an adolescent, finally taller than his sister and getting closer to his older brother in height.

Prince Amir carries himself with pride and elegance. There is a cold look in his eye, a sneer typically on his face. Amir finds himself looking down on others, a habit he didn't have but one that was forced upon him by his kin. It is better to walk with sense rather than wander aimlessly. Atop of his head is a crown made of bones and at the rest of his body, he wears armor of bones, teeth, and claws. It makes him look regal and commanding, intimidating. However the most notable piece of decor on him has to be the mask he wears regularly. The skull of a lion crushed in half, one that he wears without fail. It covers the deep scars across his face, caused by his father. Furious, deep claw swipes, so harsh that they ripped the bottom of his lip. Amir, though he carries himself with pride, is incredibly insecure because of it.

Once his armor is taken off though, the young prince's pelt is revealed. Truly a sight to see, all sorts of colors tying beautifully. Amir, out of all his siblings, seems to be the closest in appearance to their mother. He is a golden lion with dark markings. Most notably having a dark back, dark face, and especially dark paws/legs. His mane is also dark in hue, although, it's golden at the ends. He's got a light white underbelly, reaching his muzzle and the insides of his ears. He's got white ear spots resting gently on his dark ear rims. The most beautiful marking of his has to be the golden rosettes on his pelt, as if the sun kissed his own pelt. Truly, he's a handsome young male and will likely grow to be a very attractive lion. Lastly are his Draconic eyes, a rich golden in hue but his black pupils are naturally narrowed into tiny slits, never returning to their full size. It is unknown whether if this is purposely for intimidation factor or if Amir simply can't dilate them.

[+] | Charismatic | Diplomatic | Focused | Persuasive | Witty [Positive Traits]
[=] | Careless | Independent | Prideful | Reserved | Stubborn [Neutral Traits]
[-] | Apathetic | Enigmatic | Manipulative | Short-Tempered | Vindictive [Negative Traits]

To be written.

To be written.

To be written.

Warning: Abuse
Amir had never been the first choice, that much was made clear when he was born into the world. He was the Evil Queen and Evil King's second litter, born eight months after their first evil litter, Taka and Rika'ni. He was born alongside his littermate, also known as the youngest evil daughter, Xena. Amir was there for one reason and one reason only. In case Taka turned out to be a total failure, they needed a backup. And that's what Amir was, simply a backup. Unfortunately for him though, Taka would blossom into just the perfect seeming son of the two. Amir was now simply a leftover, one that they didn't know what to do with.

Prince Amir came into the world as a weak, puny cub. One that often caught sicknesses and was close to death. He'd push on though and eventually after his first year, he grew stronger. Still, he was a late bloomer due to the amount of illnesses he endured and that didn't make the Evil King happy. Not at all. How could a son of has be past the first year mark and still not have a mane? Truly an embarrassment. Before Amir knew it, now the Evil King was constantly on him, pushing him, shoving him forwards. He didn't want a puny son, that made him look bad. All of his kin must be powerful fighters, that included Amir.

It became a common routine for Amir. He would train endlessly with his father and if he'd fail in anyway, he'd be punished. And physically. It started out light at first, just a shove, a push every now and again. Just bruises, nothing he couldn't handle. Then it started getting gruesome. Cuts, bites, swipes, anything. The king was growing impatient. It was time for Amir to finally show his worth. He was tasked with the simple task of killing an innocent. More specifically, a lioness on the verge of death. Amir was barely past the half-way mark of adolescence. He didn't know what to do, or how to kill for that matter. So, he leapt onto the back of the lioness.

Adrenaline coursed through her veins. She didn't want to die, not today. Turning around, she fought the undersized Amir and pinned him to the floor. Letting out a fearsome roar, the Evil King killed her before she could cause any real damage. A sigh of relief escaped Amir. Nothing bad had happened, he was safe. That was, until the Evil King turned to him with blazing eyes. Incredible rage filled him. His son had failed, he'd show him what happened to failures. It was a look that Amir knew well, he would be hurt. He had to escape.

It was too late though. Before Amir had the chance to run off, his face was ruined by the long, sharp claws of his own father. One slash, two slash. The Evil King wanted to continue with his attacks but he knew that if he did anymore, his son would die. Worthless. Stepping off of the adolescent, he turned to walk off, leaving Amir on the ground, blood rushing out of the wounds on his face. His lower lip had been ripped from his face. He was permanently stained with the reminder of his unworthiness to his father. Amir had never felt more broken in his life.

[History may be subject to change]

● Mother: [Evil Queen] : [Darker Light] : [Living Status: Alive]
To be developed.

● Father: [Evil King] : [Lynx] : [Living Status: Alive]
Although Amir doesn't show it and certainly wouldn't admit it, he feels fear whenever his father is near. Having been punished heavily by him, Amir often tenses up whenever his father is near and grows incredibly uncomfortable. Their relationship is negative, even the densest of felines could see that.

● Sibling(s):
[Taka] | M | : [Living Status: Alive]
To be developed.

[Rika'ni] | F | : [Living Status: Alive]
To be developed.

● Littermate(s):
[Xena] | F | : [Living Status: Alive]
To be developed.

● Mate: [Name] | M/F |: [Living Status: Alive/Deceased] | Reason: |

● Close Friend: [Name] | M/F |: [Living Status: Alive/Deceased] | Reason: |

● Like(s): [Name] | M/F |: [Living Status: Alive/Deceased] |Reason: |

● Dislike(s): [Name] | M/F |: [Living Status: Alive/Deceased] |Reason: |

● Hostile: [Name] | M/F |: [Living Status: Alive/Deceased] |Reason: |

● Offspring: [Name] | M/F |: [Living Status: Alive/Deceased] |Reason: |

Theme Song
To be determined.

- Played by adamant (#260420)

- Voice Claim: Kovu - Jason Marsden

- All of Amir's family has a mutation. He's the only one that doesn't, likely being mistreated by his father for not inheriting his primal mutation.

- All writing was created by me. Any similarities it may have to other pieces of writings are purely coincidental. Please do not copy, reference, plagiarize or steal this character. Thank you!

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recreation project] (#260420)

Total Chad
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2023-04-07 16:34:39

"Impossible is a word to be found only in the dictionary of fools."

Vidar Bǫlverkr Skógr.

"The Black Beast", "The Prince of Hell".

15 Years Old.

Cisgender Male (He/Him).


Midnight Pack.


Mackenzie River Wolf.

Short Description
A colossal, heavily-scarred solid black brute with haunting amber hues.

Physical Description
[Pup Appearance]
There is no care lingering in the back of a pup's mind. The same could be said for young Vidar. He had no ambitions to grow in power nor did he attempt to eat a whole elk for the sake of height. Already as a youngling, Vidar was steadily growing in size, larger than all of his littermates. He even towered over the pups in the pack, those of which had been born first. Even at birth, the pup was bigger than the average newborn size. A sign of his mutation, Gigantism. As days passed by which turned to weeks which in turn turned into months, Vidar continued to grow, and rapidly so. It was satisfactory for his parents, a prideful thought. Their pup would grow to be a promising warrior of their pride, a beast of incredible strengths.

Even at such a youthful state, his body already showed promise of him becoming a great fighter for the pack. Vidar had natural muscle. Lean yet firm. At playful tackles caused by his littermates and den mates, the young pup wouldn't fall. Stumble a bit, yes, but never truly fall. However, oddly due to his rapid growth, Vidar was slow in development in other things. More specifically, in his eyes. He had gorgeous baby blue eyes for a long time, a trait most baby mammals are born with. They simply stuck for longer than usual. It was a rather shocking sight to see such a herculean pup with baby blues. After a few months though, they would fade into their true color, revealing fiery amber hues. Never dull, not for a second.

While praise was often given to him due to his remarkable size, whispers would often accompany said compliments. Vidar was born pitch black, no other hue upon his fur. Not even the tips. It was all black, black like the starless night. Well, maybe not entirely. The only exception to this was a white spot on his chest, a rare sight to behold as most black wolves were accompanied by various other hues as well. It was an omen. They prayed the white spot would remain and not fade away with age. Or else, problems would soon follow in their eyes.

[Adult Appearance]
As expected and to no one's surprise, Vidar became the brute that everyone hoped for him to become. An outright terrifying beast, one of sheer strength. An unforgettable presence, one that sent a chill down the spines of many. It was all the work of his Gigantism mutation. It had Vidar blossom into a colossal beast. One that stood at 40 inches measured from the withers. Towering over all, the rumored evil. How unnatural it had quickly become, to have a mere wolf reach the heights of their dire wolf ancestors. Not only that but his weight had become a shocking feat, one that screamed power. Vidar weighs a hefty 165 pounds, a build that no one could dare scoff at. Rippling muscle adjourns his body, the hardest of stone to the touch.

It is no surprise that most tremble at the sight of Vidar. Rumor has it that his mere walk causes a slight rumbling, one felt underneath the paws of creatures. Word spreads about the Midnight Pack's Beta. Rumor about all his potential kills, if he should even be considered a wolf or a beast. An untamable monster, one known in the battlefield for his clever battle tactics. Vidar isn't a wolf to only rely on strength, he's one to use his brain. That's likely one of the most intimidating factors of him. He didn't earn his title of Beta for no reason. There are no doubts that his powerful stature helped. What many don't understand is that it was mostly his brain, a quick working thing that's not only good at making decisions, but doesn't fear making the hard calls.

Long has the white spot upon his chest as a pup faded, giving him a coal coat that can only be compared to the starless night. It earns him the alias of “The Black Beast”. A reference to his pelt void of any color and his colossal build. More rarely though, he's known as “The Prince of Hell”. It mentions the haunting scorching hues he bears, cold whenever uninterested but hotter than the fires of hell themselves whenever angered. Marked up by experience, Vidar has many scars to his name. Many of which he forgot the origin of. The most notable are the long scar along his spine and the deep claw mark across his face.

[+] | Articulate | Courageous | Decisive | Diplomatic | Tactful [Positive Traits]
[=] | Aloof | Candid | Dominating | Enigmatic | Instinctive [Neutral Traits]
[-] | Adamant | Manipulative | Untrusting | Vicious | Vindictive [Negative Traits]

There are things commonly used to refer to Vidar as. A cold brute incapable of loving being a favorite. The reality is that Vidar is actually an incredibly devoted individual, especially to his pack. While he was raised to be loyal to no one but the higher ranks, Vidar has found his place in the Midnight Pack as their Beta rather than a regular packmate. Despite being of high ranking, Vidar is a male that heavily follows orders, especially from the Alpha. As the second-in-command, he may hold power, but it's his duty that everything goes right as planned. This doesn't mean he isn't capable of leadership, Vidar is a canid born with great leadership skills. He was simply shaped up to follow orders and so, he does that better than anything else. Intelligence is a strength of his, he's incredibly tactful. It is a known feature of his, his battle strategies. Guaranteed to almost never fail. It is no secret that Vidar prefers to think things out rather than rush impulsively. Of course, there are exceptions to this but Vidar wouldn't dare admit it.

If any canine were to break down his walls, expect the same amount of passion that Vidar holds in his position to go to that certain individual. Due to being born an outsider rather than a pack member of the Midnight Pack, Vidar finds himself holding different values than the pack. He's deadly, that's for sure. A killer, a murderer. However, he holds a morality code that won't be broken. It was taught in his pack prior, it'll remain until the day he dies. That's what makes Vidar a surprisingly gallant male. As gallant as any male should be, this brute is the definition of chivalry. There's a certain honor he finds important off of the battlefield. Respectful to any individual, Vidar isn’t the type to succumb to insults and petty arguments. Simply a waste of breath. If any disagreements are had, Vidar prefers to settle it with sheer intimidation or smooth talk rather than squabble.

Vidar is a diplomatic canine, knowing his way with words. It was a skill taught to him by his father, there was importance in the way one engaged with those of high ranking. There is no room to mess up or act a fool, rather, it's important to become of them and capture their interest. He knows how to carry on a conversation, knowing how to manipulate his words to earn others’ trust. That is, if they can get over the whole ‘towering wolf that could possibly kill them with a snap of his jaws’ thing. With that comes the inability to be humorous. Something he struggled right after his exile. Stoic as can be, Vidar isn’t a very excitable nor humorous canine, giving him more of an aloof trait rather than a warm, welcoming one. He’s incredibly blunt, preferring to say things the way they are rather than dance around the subject. Less things would be misunderstood that way, especially when it comes to communication in battle.

If it comes to battle though? That unleashes the beast that Vidar is often referenced as. He holds surprising patience, able to withstand lots of irritation. However if one were to crawl underneath his thick skin, he can become an incredibly vicious and aggressive individual. A monster, as often described. There's fire in him. Hard to fuel but even harder to put out. It'll ignite, burning the rest of the forest down with him. As stated before, Vidar is a male with high intelligence. Once that line is crossed though, all of that goes out the door. He is empowered by adrenaline and the desire to kill, to take revenge. It is not a look most want to see and definitely not something most want to experience.


● Mother: [Eydís Ragna Blaisdell] : [Living Status: Alive]

● Father: [Brandr Hróarr Skógr] : [Living Status: Alive]

● Sibling(s): N/A

● Littermate(s): [Sorted by Oldest to Youngest]
[Ásta Hillevi Skógr] | F | : [Living Status: Alive]
[Rúna Sylvi Skógr] | F | : [Living Status: Alive]
[Eileifr Bjorn Skógr] | M | : [Living Status: Alive]
[Herleifr Einar Skógr] | M | : [Living Status: Alive]

● Mate: [Name] | M/F |: [Living Status: Alive/Deceased] | Reason: |

● Close Friend: [Name] | M/F |: [Living Status: Alive/Deceased] | Reason: |

● Like(s): [Name] | M/F |: [Living Status: Alive/Deceased] |Reason: |

● Dislike(s): [Name] | M/F |: [Living Status: Alive/Deceased] |Reason: |

● Hostile: [Name] | M/F |: [Living Status: Alive/Deceased] |Reason: |

● Offspring: [Name] | M/F |: [Living Status: Alive/Deceased] |Reason: |

Theme Song
To be determined.

- Played by adamant (#260420)

- Voice Claim: Matthew Macfadyen

- The reason for Vidar's towering stature is due to his Gigantism mutation. Aas time passes by, his mutation causes him issues in his back.

- Vidar is apart of the Skógr bloodline. You can read about it here.

- All writing was created by me. Do not reference or plagiarize this character.

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