Posted by [OPEN] Echos (wolf/magical creature/lion RP))

Lady (#207935)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2023-08-14 17:08:38

Main Roleplay Thread


Character sheet:

something like this, it doesnt have to be exact and the backstory is optional!

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Edited on 14/08/23 @ 17:10:27 by Lady (#207935)

Lady (#207935)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2023-08-14 17:21:10
My Character:
Name: Lady
Age: Two wolf years/18 Human Years
Gender: Female
Species: Winged Wolf
Details: She is a black wolf who is constantly wearing a brown satchel, used for any herbs needed to heal others and snackies!
Backstory: Lady lived her first year by herself out in the woods, learning how to mix herbs for sicknesses, later moving to the capitol of Abrevia to assist her majesty Dusk night with prophecies for the coming war and using her skills in herbs on injured wolves to gain her way to second in command.

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Rin okumura❤(jay) (#206076)

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Posted on
2023-08-14 17:28:56
Age:2 years old (18 in human)
Species: enhanced wolf (just a wolf who had lab testing, stronger, faster and a bit bigger than a normal wolf)
Exact height: 6ft 7

Backstory: torn away from his mom as a puppy and taken into a lab to be tested on for making battle ready wolves for war, find out about his personality in rp^^

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Edited on 12/09/23 @ 18:58:51 by Rin okumura❤(jay) 75/750JB (#206076)

Brindlecloud (#104551)

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Posted on
2023-08-15 16:12:12
Name: Dakota
Age: 3 years
Gender: Male
Species: Winged wolf

Appearance: His wings are dark brown outlined with black and speckled white.

This is who I got the art from Aphrodite's Commissions

Personality: Dakota has always been a secluded type. If he had to work as a group he could but prefers to work alone. Once he gets to know someone his playful nature shines. Despite seeming tense and stern at first, Dakota is very outgoing on the inside.
Likes: Night flights, Stargazing and Hunting
Dislikes: Arguments among friends, Quitting and Surprises

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Edited on 15/08/23 @ 17:00:32 by Brindlecloud (#104551)

🎩Fancy fork
[BIRTHDAY!!] 🍴 (#427147)

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Posted on
2023-08-16 10:20:23
Name: Deimos
Age: 6 years.
Gender: male
Species: a winged black panther. (dragon cross panther hybrid)
Powers: enhanced strength, black magic (he's not very good at it.)
Personality: he is sarcastic and criticising, and isn't very friendly. His size grants him more strength leading to him bring very confident in his ability. Deimos is very cruel and harsh towards strangers and never seems to warm up to anyone. Asexual, hates everyone
Appearance: his fur is pitch black with patches of dragon scales here and there. He has piercing green eyes and a forked tongue. He is much larger than your average panther mostly since he's part dragon. He collects gem shards to decorate his tail, which is large and covered in black scales. A thick dorsal fur extends from his head to his back.
Backstory: he is part of a kingdom, and he WOULD have been next in line for the throne if it hadn't been for his brother, Omen. When his place as king was taken from him, his brother ordered Deimos to be attacked and left to die. Deimos found his way to safety before collapsing, waking up later confronted by a dragon and some wolves.
He's salty as hell.

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Edited on 02/12/23 @ 03:22:54 by Fancy fork (#427147)

Brindlecloud (#104551)

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Posted on
2023-08-26 20:45:16
Name: Nyxen
Nickname: Nyx
Age: 4 years
Gender: Female
Species: Eastern Dragon

Appearance: Nyxen is a slim fluffy eastern dragon with layered coloring. Her underbelly is a soft shade of pink. Her face and both flanks are a pure white topped with a frill of teal blue leading down to her tail. Her eyes are brown with a pink nose and white whiskers.

Personality: After growing up on the rules of the kingdom, Nyx is stern and pretty straightforward. She is loyal to who she serves and will do everything she can to make sure they are pleased. Currently her heart his set on revenge and her motive lies in finding the creature that murdered her mother. She is not one to quickly trust another unless they prove to be completely on her side.
Likes: Justice, Learning new skills and History
Dislikes: Lies, Disloyalty and Wasting time

Backstory: Nyxen grew up with a strict family who played by the rules. With her father being the right wing to the King, she was always expected to play her part. Her mother worked alchemy in the castle walls proving to be a loyal, passionate supporter.
After her death during an attack on their home, Nyx took her vows and joined the Kings army. Her fuel to her rage laid solely on taking revenge for her mother's untimely death. Now serving under the rank of Corporal, Nyx leads her own patrol during carefully placed battles.

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avery (#425633)

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Posted on
2023-09-10 07:36:55
Name: kira
Age: 18 human years
Gender: female
Species: winged panther
Details: kira has orange eyes, black fur, bisexual
personality: kinda, caring, slighty over protective, easily flustered
Backstory: unknown

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avery (#425633)

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Posted on
2023-09-10 16:06:15
Name: katie
Age:18 human years
Gender: female
Species: part dragon/ part wolf (winged wolf)
Details: she has dark brown fur, and little black specks along hr sides and the top of her tail, orange eyes, shes ben friends with kira since their arrival at the oasis, bisexual, she has light yellow scales on her undrside that resemble a dragons underside and those are the only scales she has, everything else is her fur
Backstory: katie has had a hard time trusting others ever since some things happend between her and her old friends
personality: protective, caring, trusting if you prove you are trust worthy, not afraid to tell people what she thinks/ feels about them, clingy to people she trusts the most, calm normally but easilly pissed off when it comes to those she cares about

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[Primal] (#251943)

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Posted on
2023-09-13 07:46:32
Name: Kiko
Age: 17
Gender: gender-fluid
Species: wisp nymph
Details: Has long black hair and transparent legs wearing overalls with with a rainbow on the front Their face is white and pale as well and their hands are transparent
Backstory: Was born in the underworld as a death nymph killing anything they touch
and was betrayed by Hades themself but instead of going to Tartarus they were sealed in a pendant
and lives a horrible life trapped waiting for someone to free them.

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Nightfox (#395242)

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Posted on
2023-09-26 11:49:04
Name: Void
Age: 2 years (18 in human years)
Gender: female
Species: wolf
Powers: enhanced speed, strength, stamina and senses, invisibility
Details: Void is smaller than the average wolf and has a slender build. Her fur is pitch black. She has dark gray markings on her legs and her face. She has several scars on her legs and one on her left side. Her most prominent scar is one across her face. Her eyes are yellow. She wears dark blue collar with a square tag, which reads her number an her nickname.
Personality: She is reserved and quiet. Some might mistaken her as shy, but she simply prefers to observe quietly from afar, only taking action then she deems fit. She is very intelligent, analytical and rational. Nightpaw can be quite a know-it-all and feels the need to correct others if they say something wrong. She might come off as tactless, because she is very honest and straightforward. She doesn’t trust strangers easily.
Backstory: She was captured by humans as young puppy and taken to a lab. The humans experimented on her and other wolves and dogs to assist humans better in any way imaginable, but mainly for war. To control the wolves and dogs they had electro shock collars. The experiments were very painful. The humans tested their abilities in different scenarios. To test them in a somewhat serious combat scenario, they let them fight against each other. The humans would step in before any serious damage could be done, but most wolves and dogs gained several scars. Due to her height and light build, Void was intended for espionage and received special training regarding this.
Other: - Her number is W042
- A side affect of the experiments is that her gray markings change color according to her mood.

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Edited on 26/09/23 @ 12:46:34 by Demonic Fox (#395242)

DarkMoon101 (#341380)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-12-01 19:07:19
Character sheet:
Name: Akira
Age:19 human years
Gender: Female
Species: Winged tiger (Golden tiger)
Details: A larger tigress with strawberry blond stripes. Her wings have a large span and are the color of her stripes. She wears a necklace with a variety of stones she has collected throughout her travels. She, although large, is agile and quick. Her best quality in battle is her undeniable strength. Her personality is flirty and happy. Is a pansexual Backstory: She and her family often traveled place-to-place and she never had known a single place as her home. Sadly her family dispersed around the world after her mother's death. Ever since she vowed to go everywhere and do everything in her mother's place.

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Edited on 16/12/23 @ 12:31:14 by DarkMoon101 (#341380)

🎩Fancy fork
[BIRTHDAY!!] 🍴 (#427147)

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Posted on
2023-12-06 17:29:30
Name: Vex Nightingale.

Age: 34

Gender: male

Species: green anaconda?

Details: A very, very large snake. he has the markings of a green anaconda and a reddish grey tongue, his two needle-like teeth are retractable and hold enough poison for him to kill two dragons - but after that the venom's mostly useless for the next hour. Vex can raise up to about 7ft in height and he is 37 ft long. Big snake.
He is concerningly good at lying, probably since he had formerly been the pet of a lawyer. very intelligent, but often mixes up his words and fails to say what he thinks.
he's british.

Backstory: He was raised in a glass tank, though he eventually out-grew it and managed to break himself out of it, getting revenge on his former owners and slithering away to some other place. he doesn't really know what happened after that, he just woke up on a tree with the tip of his tail cut off and his fangs hurting.

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Edited on 30/12/23 @ 09:03:15 by Fancy fork (#427147)

Nightfox (#395242)

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Posted on
2023-12-07 10:46:36
Name: Moira Silverfrost
Age: 2 years (18 human years)
Gender: female
Species winged wolf
Powers: shadow camouflage, echo location, photographic memory
Details: She is a bit smaller than the average wolf and has a graceful and light build. Her fur is mostly pitch black. Her tail tip and paws are silver. The feathers on her wings are mostly black too. The feathers on the underside of her wings are speckled with silver spots. She has heterochromia. Her left eye is dark blue and her right eye is dark green. She always wears silver earrings, a silver necklace with an amethyst pendant and a bag. She usually wears a simple black cloak too. In the bag are two notebooks, pens, coins and a spare weapon. She has a dagger strapped to her left front leg.
Personality: She is quiet and reserved. She doesn’t like it then others know too much about her and has difficulties trusting others. She is very loyal towards the rebellion and the ones she trusts. She doesn’t take betrayal likely and is unforgiving in general. She is known to hold grudges for a long time. While she values honesty greatly, she knows that lying is vital for her line of work and for her lying has become as easy as telling the truth. She is sneaky and cunning. She is very intelligent and good at rational and strategic thinking. She is ready to make hard and quick decisions in dire situations. She is curious and a bit nosy. She can also be quite the know-it-all.
Backstory: She is from a kingdom there all kinds of canines live together, traditionally ruled by a wolf. A few years before she was born, pups started to show a strange appearance or strange powers. Those were soon known as abominations and were generally treated bad. A few of those so called abominations wouldn’t take this and founded a rebellion. Moira was born to a noble family. Her family has always treated her like servant rather than like family. She was rarely allowed outside her home and if she was, she had to wear a cloak to conceal her wings. No one could know what she was. She always read much and came to love art in all its forms. Eventually she picked up drawing as her hobby. On her older sister’s wedding with the crown prince, she overheard some wolves and dogs talking about the rebellion. She was determined to join the rebellion since this evening. She wanted to be somewhere there she was accepted and didn’t need to hide what she is. Soon after that she ran away. She met a rebel her age, who brought her to the rebels. They were wary of her at first, given her status, but they let her stay and eventually accepted her. She began her training as a spy.

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Edited on 20/12/23 @ 15:35:41 by Demonic Wolf (#395242)

🎩Fancy fork
[BIRTHDAY!!] 🍴 (#427147)

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Posted on
2023-12-16 13:22:55
Name: Ratthew
Age: 1 year
Gender: male
Species: brown rat
Details: Idk man. he's just a big brown rat. very funky. Spanish, no hablo ingles :]
Backstory: originally a lab rat, he somehow scuttled away and now just eats everything he can find. doesn't understand much, very polite. will bite.

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