Posted by Northern Pack

SilentStalk [NIKE] (#245505)

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Posted on
2024-01-19 21:53:02
making this roleplay because why not and im bored
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PREVIOUS ALPHAS - written by Lupa (#50745)

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Edited on 02/02/24 @ 22:09:06 by SilentStalk [NIKE] (#245505)

Ash167 Queen of
Raccoons (#137584)

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Posted on
2024-01-31 20:19:37

She looked at Altair offering a nice little nudge.” Go on say something.” She encouraged the male or it could even be directed to Kipo to help encourage him to talk.” If you’re too stressed maybe we can try talking later.” She stated doing her best to think of what her fellow caretaker would do. No no can’t be comparing oneself to someone who is already so kind and sweet. She thought to herself as she looked between the two wolves, the nervousness of them both was very evident in the air, it even made Shade feel a little stressed she didn’t like that both of them were already nervous. She was already considering Altair kind of a friend and he was very un sure about everyone else and she didn’t like to.

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Edited on 31/01/24 @ 20:20:24 by Ash167 Queen of Raccoons (#137584)

Lily (#435779)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2024-01-31 20:21:54

Kipo shuffles a bit more as Altair moved away. She looks back at Shade with more nervousness. She was really scared that Altair was scared of her. She shuffles again. She lightly sighs, her eyes moving back at Shade again.


Daisy was worried. His eyes were on the alpha and the alpha only. “Are you sure you are alright?” He says, his eyes full of worry. “Do you need anything?” He says, looking around for a older wolf to help take care of the alpha.

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The best snek (#274274)

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Posted on
2024-01-31 20:24:09

He shook out his thick fur, scattering a few stray flakes of snow over the soft ground of the den. Now that his paws had finally warmed up, he could check on the dispersal... But the wolf was still getting his paw tended to, sitting a just a bit too close to shade. Sighing, Cedar curled up in his nest with a somewhat annoyed flick of the tail, before returning to watching his packmates move around the den. He had to do a slight double take, however, when he noticed Shibaan nuzzling Tenn, lying half curled beside the omega. Well. That hadn't been something he'd seen coming. He didn't usually chat with his packmates much about this kind of thing.

As Cedar watched, he noticed Shibaan seemed to be in some sort of pain. Odd. Cedar wrinkled his muzzle in concern, but wasn't sure whether or not to stay put. Shibaan probably wouldn't want him sticking his nose in her business, after all.

don't get me wrong I'm loving the twist but WHAT

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Lupa (#50745)

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Posted on
2024-01-31 20:37:49


[ Hehe the plot twist has struck, time for mayhem. Unpausing Duvessa for this, and so nobody feels guilty for not having time to post. ]


The Caretaker had finished tending to the paw of Sylvain, the thick poultice smeared generously over the callouses of his pads and the tender flesh above them. Flicking an ear, Duvessa smiled up at the male, her features warming the longer that she looked up at the wolf, her fur shivering with the suppressed emotion that threatened the waterline of her eyes. The loss of Lupin and Athena had hit the pack hard, and it perhaps hit Duvessa harder still to lose her two dearest friends, it was an agony that remained fresh in her chest, raw yet unseen from the eyes that were on her, looking to her for comfort and reassurance, guidance and counsel, always at the disposal of her packmates. The fear that reared up it's ugly head once more at the news that Sylvain had gone missing in the blizzard, it had shaken the she-wolf, and she tried to hide how emotional it made her to see him return, the relief almost suffocating despite it lifting a weight off her shoulders.

However, the scents of the wolves mixed within the small, dense space inside of the cave that made their den. The smell of fear mingled with some of the pack's individual scents, yet there was a faint whisper of an achingly familiar smell that had the Caretaker's head snapping, her eyes fixating on Shibaan and Tenn. Pain marred the features of the white she-wolf, and the concern that was answered in Tenn's eyes alerted the female, but nothing more than that scent, the scent that Duvessa had become acquainted with throughout her time as the Caretaker of the Northern Pack, one that followed Athena herself through the seasons. The familiarity stabbed Duvessa in the gut, yet a thrill coursed through her veins as her ears perked forward. The desperation to survive with the lack of prey, the worry and grief surrounding the loss of Athena and Lupin, and then the stress that followed with the disappearance of Sylvain, Duvessa could almost forgive herself for not nothing the scent sooner.

The scent of a developing pregnancy.

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SilentStalk [NIKE] (#245505)

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Posted on
2024-01-31 21:21:20

"I'm fine Tenn." her body loosened as the cramp went away. She sighed in relief, covering her belly once more. "No, you won't get one of them." she stared in Tenn's eyes. "You can't.. Please." she looked at him with pleading, blue eyes. She stood up, and shook out her fur. "See, I'm fine, just a quick stomach pain." she smiled, trying to play it off. Shibaan lowered her head, laying back down with Tenn. Her mind raced. Well shit. She had just basically showed the entire pack her secret without even trying.

She curled up, covering her belly with her tail. Her blue eyes were full of exhaustion. That cramp had been the worst one yet. She'd never experienced anything like it. Her enlarged belly rose and fell with each breath. The Alpha fought the urge to run out of the den, and have some time alone. Her gaze fell on Duvessa, who was staring straight at her.

Might as well just stand in the way of a stampede.


His eyes flickered over to Shade as she nudged him gently, telling him to speak. Altair shifted his paws, thinking. What *was* he supposed to say? He looked at Shade again, his tongue refusing to speak. He lowered his ears, his dark fur ruffled. The dispersal wolf looked down at his paws, signalling he didn't want to speak. He tried to find something else to do, and looked around the den.

The tension in the air was alarming. It wasn't just coming from this den however. It was from all the other pack wolves.

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Wormnut (#451819)

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Posted on
2024-01-31 21:27:59

The omega listened to his alpha's orders, as much as he wanted to find Duvessa and bring her over to look over Shibaan. Tenn let out a sigh as he watched her stand up, either Shibaan had eaten something bad, or she was pregnant. He watched her lay down again, and decided to do something. Tenn stood up and repositioned himself by laying down in front of Shibaan, covering her body from anyone who was looking at her.

"I won't tell, I promise," he said in a low voice. Tenn did his best to smile, even if Shibaan picked someone else as a mate, he still cared very much about her.

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Ash167 Queen of
Raccoons (#137584)

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Posted on
2024-01-31 21:31:57

She looked at the male understanding he didn’t want to talk.” Alright Altair. So Kipo what brings you by you want to socialize?” She asked nicely tilting her head. She moved a little closer to Altair to help sooth the dispersal. She tensed a little feeing the tension outside the den with her other pack mates but turned it back to the nervousness of the two wolves with her. She wanted to comfort Altair but she wasn’t exactly sure how.

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Lily (#435779)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2024-01-31 21:32:09

Daisy said in a quiet voice, only loud enough for the alpha to hear. “Ok. I’ll won’t tell anyone ok? You can trust me.” He says, his voice calm. He walks back to Jay and curls up. He falls asleep, his chest rising up and down.


Kipo looks at Shade and back at Altair. “I was just curious about Altair.” She says, her voice a bit low. Her tail was around her paws, her paws still shuffling nervously.

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Edited on 31/01/24 @ 21:34:19 by Lily (#435779)

Lupa (#50745)

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Posted on
2024-01-31 22:16:02


Words unspoken conveyed between eyes of silver and eyes of blue as the gaze of the two she-wolves made contact. Understanding answered the uncertainty and a blink broke the connection between the two. Shibaan was overwhelmed, the nosiness of pups and packmates suffocating as slowly, as each wolf noticed in their own way that something was wrong. But, only the nose of a mother, or an experienced Caretaker, would be able to catch the scent that lingered in the air, permeated by the stress that oozed from the Alpha, strengthening the sweet smell of her condition. Flicking her tongue against her lips, she turned her gaze to Sylvain, touching her nose to his shoulder as her tail wagged over the stone floor of the cave. 

Despite the concern that the submissive felt for her future Alpha, Duvessa knew that during sensitive matters such as the one Shibaan would be experiencing, suffocating her with the need to relieve her own worries would only contribute to the worries of the expecting mother. The white she-wolf would come to her Caretaker when she was ready, and not a moment before, for the secret that was left unspoken in the air, was one for Shibaan to share on her own accord.

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SilentStalk [NIKE] (#245505)

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Posted on
2024-02-02 14:18:41

She kept eye contact with Duvessa for a couple of moments. She prayed that the Caretaker wouldn't mention anything, or accidentally say anything to her packmates. Her attention focused back on Tenn as he stood. Her tail thumped against the stone ground as Tenn shielded her. "Thank you." she murmured, her eyes drooping with exhaustion. Her blue eyes glanced up at Duvessa for a second before she looked away once more. Shibaan looked at Tenn, affection in her eyes.

The white wolf shifted closer to him, finding comfort in his sweet scent.


He stared past Kipo, into the rest of the cave. His olive eyes narrowing. Altair shook his head, looking at Shade for a second. His tail thumped against the den floor as the she-wolf moved closer. He yawned quickly, his white teeth glistening in the dim light.

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Wormnut (#451819)

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Posted on
2024-02-02 14:24:13

Tenn couldn’t help but wonder who Shibaan possibly mated with, and breaking the rules to pile on top of that. He didn’t want anything to happen to her, she was a great alpha, but this was so conflicting to him. The brown omega gently licked behind her ears to try and help her relax.

“Once the storm has cleared, can we talk in private?” He whispered to her. It was nothing scandalous or anything, he just wished the rest of the pack didn’t have to hear what he was going to ask.

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Ash167 Queen of
Raccoons (#137584)

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Posted on
2024-02-02 14:25:24

She nodded at Kipo as she listened quietly about how the younger wolf was interested in Altair. In the she wolfs mind she was wondering why. Daisy, Cedar and the rest seemed very irritated or at least annoyed by the dispersals presence in their home." He's a little shy. Not very interested in talking. At least not yet. He's still a little tense from all the hostile interactions from earlier." she noted the males yawn and gently nudged him. "If your tired you can rest in your nest if you want." she stated as she glanced at Kipo. "I'd be happy to talk to you Kipo if you'd like." she stated attempting to take the wolfs attention off of Altair. She somehow figured that Altair didn't like the attention he was getting at least from wolves that were somewhat hostile towards him earlier. She had seen Cedar staring at him and keeping an eye on him. But why was everyone so concerned him? He seemed very sweet at least to her.

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SilentStalk [NIKE] (#245505)

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Posted on
2024-02-02 14:33:32

She looked around the cave, watching the pups squirm in their sleep. She let out a heavy sigh. Her gaze flickered over to Tenn as he licked behind her ears. "Once the storm has cleared, can we talk in private?” Tenn whispered to her. Shibaan stared at him for a few seconds, nodding slowly. She hoped it wasn't anything about the pup's father. The she-wolf barely even knew herself. Yes, she'd courted some males in the pack, and spoken to dispersal males, but she hadn't expected anything out of it. The she-wolf shifted onto her side as it was more comfortable.

Shibaan thought for a moment. She remembered meeting up with a dispersal. It was way before she'd even thought of Tenn as a possible mate. The dispersal had been so... charming. She remembered sneaking out at midnight, meeting him outside of the territory. The she-wolf remembered feeling the longing within her, the urge to be with him. The way he looked at her with those eyes..

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Lily (#435779)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2024-02-02 15:48:26

Kipo nods. “I should get some sleep as well. Nice meeting you Altair.” She says, getting up. She walks back to her nest and curls up. She smelled a faint different scent from the alpha. She looks at the alpha and smells the air once more. Was she… expecting pups? Her eyes turn wide with shock but she quickly hides it. She curls up again and falls asleep with so many questions in her head.

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Ash167 Queen of
Raccoons (#137584)

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Posted on
2024-02-02 15:57:03

She nodded to Kipo." sleep well Kipo." She then turned her full attention back to Altair.' Do you need rest as well Altair? I'm sure you've had a long day." she stated as she picked up the rest of the marigold paste getting ready to dispose of it. She stared at the male offering him a smile. She couldn't understand why Kipo had become so interested in him. Well maybe she did, he was new, he was different and to some he was strange. He had never been here before and wasn't apart of their pack but she felt a little bit of happiness knowing Altair was sort of beginning to trust her.

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