Posted by Warrior cats- Broken Pines

The best snek (#274274)

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Posted on
2024-01-28 14:13:42

Welcome to the Broken Pines! I was a little bored, so I whipped this up.

-No arguing or fighting, hate the character not the other person.
-If there is an actual problem, please contact me or the mods.
-Mates and stuff are allowed, but you need to work it out with me if you want to have kits. Also, fade to black for 18+ stuff, or just avoid it entirely.
-If you are a kit, you can't go out of camp on your own, or go hunt prey, or fight a badger, or any of that. You are a child.
- Please don't write names with an apostrophe in between the prefix and suffix (like this: Fire'star)
-You need to PM me your character sheet, plus a roleplay sample for ANY RANK.

Please Pm me if you have questions.






OOC chat

[Please get your character sheet approved and posted before replying]

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Edited on 09/05/24 @ 20:25:41 by The best snek (#274274)

SilentStalk [NIKE] (#245505)

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Posted on
2024-02-22 20:59:45
welcome back snek!
shes gonna have a literal meltdown lmao ))


She licked her lips anxiously. She already knew what question would come next. "I can send him over in a moment. But first, I have a couple questions for you." Owlstar stepped closer to her, blocking the den entrance. Gentlebreeze spotted his tail tip twitching, and his pelt bristling. The medicine cat stepped back, almost crushing the chamomile. She quickly grabbed the flower, and put it back on the shelf before turning back to Owlstar's direction. Gentlebreeze could already feel the emotions building up. Her tail tucked between her legs, and she felt herself practically shrink.

"Why were you out on the territory last night? I don't expect you to tell me every single time you go out to gather herbs, of course, but you were gone until morning. "

His words almost seemed to claw at her face. The fierce tint of suspicion and irritation laced his voice. His tone seemed accusing. She could feel the tears clawing at her eyes. Almost like a beaver's dam about to break. That dam was her composure.

She ignored his question, and looked up into his eyes. Her blue eyes blazed with fury.
"Before you ask me any questions, why do you care?" she spat suddenly. Gentlebreeze felt as if she had no control of the words that were spoken. "None of you ever cared. Never!" she hissed. Her usual submissive posture straightened. "I spend all day and night, every single moon caring for the clan. I take care of everyone, love and care for everyone." she paused, the fur along her hackles raising. "Yet no one cares for me. My own mother died, and guess what? I was forced to forget about her! All because of a stupid code!"

She could feel the tears streaming down her face. She could feel herself quivering. Her paws were so unsteady she felt as if she was going to faint. "Every cat sees me as just a healer, nothing more or less." her voice quivered now, and she looked away from Owlstar's eyes. "I've always wanted someone to come up to me, and just ask if I'm okay." she whispered, staring down at her paws.

"But no one ever did."

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The best snek (#274274)

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Posted on
2024-02-22 21:21:08
He was completely, utterly, taken aback. As Gentlebreeze's hackles rose, he had matched her aggressive pose, fur puffing out, making him look almost twice as large. His claws had slid out to grip the earth of the den, and his eyes had narrowed even farther, ears flattening as his muzzle widened in an angry hiss that exposed sharp, gleaming white fangs. But when Gentlebreeze continued, Owlstar could feel the fight leaving him faster than thunder could roll across the sky.

He hadn't known. How could he have known, when she never said a thing! Making an effort to appear less threatening, forcing his fur flat, even as his claws remained unsheathed, that undercurrent of adrenaline still urging him to be ready, ready to strike, should things go that far. His face was still, mostly expressionless. He had never known how to deal with grieving cats. When his best friend, Hemlockshade, had lost his brother Yewpaw, Owlstar had found himself unable to help. This time, it seemed to be much the same.

"Gentlebreeze, I'm sorry." Good start. He had to de-escelate things quickly, make sure none of his clanmates had overheard much. He could feel his heart beating a little faster as his mind worked furiously. He wasn't good at this, by any stretch of the word, but if he worked fast enough, things would sort themselves out. "I hadn't known that you lost your mother, and I'm sorry." Still half decent, but he might be laying it on a little thick. Again, he made his fur lie flat, giving his chest a couple quick licks, hoping it made him look properly cowed. There. Her guard was down, and she wasn't meeting his eyes again. Time to strike.

"Tell me, Gentlebreeze. For the safety of the clan, if nothing else. I wouldn't want to lose our healer. I wouldn't want to lose you." Owlstar was particularly proud of his last few words. Casting a glance over at Palewind, he noticed her shock, and confusion. He'd have to deal with that later. "Tell me. Where were you." He had spoken more quietly, trying to soothe. It felt almost like pouncing on a particularly tricky piece of prey. Now, time for a gamble. He had to bite back his snarl at the mere idea, but if this paid off...

"Did you happen to wander into the twoleg place, Gentlebreeze?"

//hope this lives up to your expectations lol

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Edited on 22/02/24 @ 23:11:30 by The best snek (#274274)

SilentStalk [NIKE] (#245505)

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Posted on
2024-02-22 21:26:48

She ignored his words. Her flanks rose and fell quickly, her pelt burned with anger. Gentlebreeze took a step back from Owlstar. Her blue eyes burned with built up fury and grief. "Tell me, Gentlebreeze. For the safety of the clan, if nothing else. I wouldn't want to lose our healer. I wouldn't want to lose you." the she cat looked back up into Owlstar's eyes. She scoffed, as if not believing a word he said.

"Tell me. Where were you." he insisted, his voice quiet and soothing. Gentlebreeze stared at him, her glare unwavering. She licked her lips, a sign of her anxiousness. The medicine cat had to bite her tongue from revealing anything. If she said a peep about Toby she knew Owlstar would do anything to stop her from going back to the orange tabby.

"Did you happen to wander into the twoleg place, Gentlebreeze?"

His words caught her off guard. A flicker of fear clouded her eyes.
"I'm not telling you." she said simply, trying to hide the quiver in her voice. She took another step back. Even though Owlstar wasn't hissing, she still felt threatened. She felt trapped. The wall of the den was right behind her now. Owlstar blocked the entrance with his body. Gentlebreeze let out a low growl, a warning.

She desperately wanted to get out of this den. Her pupils were wide with fear. Gentlebreeze backed up more, to no avail. The den walls seemed to become closer. She felt as if she couldn't breathe. The medicine cat knew Owlstar would surely get her to spit out the truth. Her instincts were yowling at her to leave the den. Gentlebreeze didn't want Owlstar to learn the truth.
The medicine cat would be forever trapped in this den if she did.

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Edited on 23/02/24 @ 10:19:58 by SilentStalk [NIKE] (#245505)

The best snek (#274274)

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Posted on
2024-02-22 21:34:21
She hadn't bought it. Owlstar could see that in the slight flattening of her ears, and her narrowed eyes. Her scoff was easy enough to interpret. He moved at an even, fluid pace, deceptively relaxed as he angled himself to blow the medicine den's exit. He had gone too far to back out now. He couldn't be seen as some kind of fool, backing out of a conversation the instant it wasn't going his way. For a moment, Hawstar's face flashed through his mind. He had practically forgotten Palewind's presence in the den, and his claws were fully unsheathed. He made sure to keep his stance relaxed, so it would be harder for Genltebreeze to see which way he was going to strike-

What was he thinking? He wasn't going to attack anyone. He pressed forward slightly, forcing Gentlebreeze back against the side of the medicine den. Fear had flickered through her eyes, and the low warning growl snaking it's way from between her teeth made his ears twitch. Gentlebreeze had gotten some warrior training, he knew, but that had been when she was relatively young. There was practically no chance of a fair fight. Gentlebreeze had to know that. Owlstar switched gears, his voice still low, undercut by a quiet, almost sinister growl. "So, it was the twolegplace, wasn't it?" Another guess, but the fear that had clouded her eyes a few moments ago made him almost certain. "Why were you there?

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Edited on 23/02/24 @ 18:06:27 by Side account to #274274 (#269871)

SilentStalk [NIKE] (#245505)

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Posted on
2024-02-22 22:05:51

She watched him step closer. The growl became louder. Gentlebreeze knew she wasn't fit to fight a fully trained warrior. However, Owlstar was clearly threatening her. The scar on her muzzle reminded her of her first, real fight. She had been gathering herbs as an apprentice. Picking whatever she could find. It had been leafbare so any herb was useful. The young Gentlepaw had accidentally gone over the border to collect marigold, a rare find in the harsh weather. A loner had attacked her. She clearly remembered the loner's amber eyes, blazed with fury. He had clawed her muzzle well before a patrol saved the apprentice. That same glow that burned in the loner's eyes burned in Owlstar's. The want to hurt a cat.

Gentlebreeze split her mouth in a sharp hiss, baring her teeth in a warning. After that attack, her mentor insisted her apprentice would learn advanced battle moves. She clearly remembered training with the warrior apprentices. Remembered laughing and gossiping about the day's training session. Gentlebreeze had never put the battle moves to work. If she needed to, she would. She did admit to herself this fight would not be fair, as that training had been moons ago.

"So, it was the twolegplace, wasn't it?" Owlstar said, his voice laced with a growl. Gentlebreeze stiffened, and she glared into her leader's eyes. Her tail lashed behind her. The medicine cat looked Owlstar up and down. His muscles were tensed, and his claws unsheathed. So this was it? Attacked by her own leader.

"Why were you there?" he pressed on.
"I was collecting catmint." she spat. Gentlebreeze would not cower to Owlstar easily. Her ears could barely believe themselves. She paused, and stared at Owlstar's unsheathed claws.

"So you're gonna punish me? For breaking the code." she turned her gaze up to Owlstar.

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Edited on 23/02/24 @ 23:18:06 by SilentStalk [NIKE] (#245505)

Ash167 Queen of
Raccoons (#137584)

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Posted on
2024-02-22 22:57:16
Oooo the drama!//


The she cats ears fell back now, realizing it was now a very bad idea to have asked Owlstar about Gentlebreeze. She definitely wasn’t expecting this. Her eyes narrowed awaiting the leader’s response as she looked between the two cats not sure what to say and certainly did not want to interject unwanted words. Did she really think no one cared for her? Palewind did but always thought Gentlebreeze was too busy for her time or she just wanted to be left alone. After all she had gotten herself into trouble by going out and trying to find her.


The Tom shook his head.” I haven’t. Gave you? I assume you went out with Sootpaw for training.” He paused taking his last couple bites of mole.” You and I could go on patrol if you wanted.” He stated rising to his paws and shaking out his fluffy fur. He looked down at Hawktalon hoping she would want to go with him.

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🎩Fancy fork [12
days BDAY] 🍴 (#427147)

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Posted on
2024-02-23 07:07:43
Oh this is SPICY drama
All I do in these roleplays is cry, Gentlebreeze deserves better//


The medicine den scented worse then usual, scented of fear - though he didn't need the scent to determine something was wrong. The tom peered into the cave for just a millisecond whilst he was going to get a morsel from the fresh kill pile, not surprised at what he saw. He couldn't help but feel amused at the clan blood's occasional arguments and conflict; especially ones like this. The cats were about as predictable as the seasons.
He'd seen enough of clam life to know how things worked. A lot of medicine cats weren't too happy with their 'jobs?', which he found quite weird. They got to go wherever they wanted and get food brought to them.

The repeated apologies ruffled his flat fur, forcing him to hurriedly walk off and pretend he hadn't been eavesdropping.
Nettlesnap padded over to the pile and gingerly took a mouse between his teeth, pushing back the temptation to walk back to the medicine den, telling himself that he didn't want to interact with Owlstar again. Neither Gentlebreeze. The cat's inner conflict was too much to deal with and he decided on just avoiding the healer. Who cares if he got injured again?

The tom's back paw stung sharply as if he was being punished for that thought, causing him to wince in pain and drop his mouse. That hurt.
The poultice and leaf bandaging was beginning to be worn off, peeling from the stubborn injury that refused to settle.
Who would've known running and hunting with an injured paw wasn't good for said paw?

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Edited on 23/02/24 @ 07:09:29 by 🎩Fancy fork [Cutlery] 🍴 (#427147)

The best snek (#274274)

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Posted on
2024-02-24 00:10:38
//I hope Owlstar's personality comes across clear enough in the post, but just in case, I wanted to elaborate a little

So, basically, in his eyes, Owlstar doesn't really do many things wrong. Ovbousily, he knows he can make mistakes, like missing a catch, or losing his temper at the wrong time, but this is mostly about the concious desicions he makes. He knows when he's messed up, but he will still believe that whatever he did at the time was completely, fully justified. Even if he were to look back, and see that what he did was wrong and a bad thing to do, he'll still think that it was the best, the only decision he could've made. (Now that I wrote that out, it seems more confusing than the actual post, but yeah)

He watched her tail lash, tensing unconsciously, muscles rippling under his thick brown pelt as he readied for a potential spring. He didn't know how much of her training Gentlebreeze remembered, but it wouldn't be enough. He drew himself up to his full height, teeth bared, claws outstretched, ready to dig into flesh, if it came out that. His face showed nothing but anger, etching heavy lines across his muzzle. He could practically smell the tension in the air, and adrenaline raced through his veins, making it feel like his very fur was alight with flame. "Punish you? There's no reason to do that." His voice was full growl, every muscle in his body tensed to leap. "Unless you have broken the code. I never said anything about that, did I? All I wanted to know was the answer to a simple question." He spat the last few words out. It had never been supposed to get this far. It had been Gentlebreeze, escalating this whole thing right from the start.

A glance over at the shocked looking Palewind helped him force his temper down for a moment. Couldn't look too bad in front of his warriors. She would understand him, he was sure. All Gentlebreeze had needed to do was answer his questions, truthfully. A healer wasn't supposed to start fights. He wanted answers. He needed answers. He recalled one of his few conversations with Hawkstar. Shadowclan's former leader had always been so evasive, so spineless. Never giving a clear answer, always trying to slip away, wriggling free like a fish caught in Owlstar's teeth. Hawkstar had gotten his reward, eventually, although unfortunately not at Owlstar's claws. But Pineclan needed a healer. He was a better leader than Hawkstar. He couldn't walk away with blood on his claws. The clan would leave him. Hemlockshade, his oldest friend, might leave him. That wasn't going to happen. What to do next?

He glanced back a couple times, making sure that both cats were following, before he continued on. It was silent for a few moments, with nothing but the normal twolegplace noises sounding in the air. The quiet was thankfully broken by Jay, who seemed to have a question. Toby turned slightly, managing to keep walking, while pinning his focus on Jay. Feral cats? Toby suppressed a slight shiver. Even the clancats, who called them rouges, didn't like them. "Thankfully, we shouldn't run into any of them here. They really don't like to stay this close to the housefolk, so they mostly keep to the edges. It's mostly the cats that have a few different groups of housefolk, you know, they wander from nest to nest. And, of course, most of the neighborhood housecats." Toby smiled, hoping to put the large tom more at ease.

//moved Toby's thing here for convenience

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Edited on 24/02/24 @ 00:18:57 by The best snek (#274274)

SilentStalk [NIKE] (#245505)

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Posted on
2024-02-24 00:38:18
had to read that twice, but thanks for the explanation lmao ))


"Punish you? There's no reason to do that." he growled. Gentlebreeze huffed in disbelief. "Unless you have broken the code. I never said anything about that, did I? All I wanted to know was the answer to a simple question." Owlstar spat the last words. Gentlebreeze glanced at the den entrance. Her heart pounded against her chest. She'd basically revealed herself, without her even knowing. She needed to get back to Toby. She looked around the den desperately. Her blue eyes landed on Palewind, pleading.

Gentlebreeze found no way out, except telling the truth. She took a deep breath.
"I won't tell you anything even if you claw at my eyes." she said simply, the quiver in her voice clear. The fear in her eyes turned into burning desperation. "Do what you must Owlstar, as you are Pineclan's almighty leader." her voice was laced with pure mistrust. She forced her shaking body to stiffen.

She wasn't a cornered kit, praying to Starclan to save her. She was Pineclan's healer, a cat equal in power to the leader. Without a healer Pineclan would slowly wither away. No matter what, Owlstar truly couldn't lay a claw on her. The clan would throw him out. Her ears raised, and the fur along her back smoothed. A sign of her growing courage. Dominance seemed to grow out of nowhere, odd for the submissive cat. Her blue eyes unwavered as she stared into Owlstar's eyes.

"Starclan strike me down if I ever see you as a good leader."

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The best snek (#274274)

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Posted on
2024-02-24 01:04:13
He heard the distrust in her voice, and it made his hackles rise, but as he noticed her gaze flicker towards Palewind, Owlstar relented. The clan would understand him. He had convinced them all to follow him, chasing a mad star far from Shadowclan territory, to a place where they had felt safe. He had brought them all through a harsh leafbare, kept the clan under control, kept them together. They trusted him. They owed him that, if nothing else. He looked at Gentlebreeze, meeting her suddenly more confident stare with a cold look of his own. As Gentlebreeze started speaking, he felt first anger, then... Amusement? Starclan had given him nine lives! If anything, they would see his side of things. Rather unexpectedly, Owlstar huffed a quiet laugh, relaxing slightly. "Starclan? We both know that they haven't been able to reach us here. It looks like you're stuck here with Pineclan for a while." Owlstar finally turned, stepping to the side, moving from where he had been standing in front of the entrance to the healer's den. He knew Gentlebreeze wouldn't miss that little insinuation. The only time the two cats, the only time any Pineclan cat had seen their ancestors, was when Owlstar was given his nine lives. Gentlebreeze knew that, her abilities as healer allowing her to know, somehow, how many lives he still had. His claws were still unsheathed, but that seemed to matter much less than it had only a few moments ago. "I'll tell Nettlesnap to get in here in a moment. He glanced down at Morningecho, wondering how much the sleeping cat had heard. A problem for later. He had to round up his clan, and get to training. Tail held high, he exited the medicine den, his stride smooth and even. He had his answers. She had broken the code somehow, in the Twolegplace. He would find out what, eventually. He had his nine lives, after all. It was only a matter of time.

//my actual last post for the night lol
Had a great time with all the drama, hope you liked it as well

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SilentStalk [NIKE] (#245505)

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Posted on
2024-02-24 01:23:07

"Starclan? We both know that they haven't been able to reach us here. It looks like you're stuck here with Pineclan for a while." his words seemed to stab her in the back. Her blue eyes burned with disbelief. "Perhaps I may just leave, what would you do then? I'm not fond of leaders who like to threaten their own clanmates." she muttered underneath her breath. Owlstar was wrong in so many ways. Gentlebreeze knew so much more than him. Recently she has been getting into contact with her starry ancestors. They've been whispering a warning yet Gentlebreeze couldn't seem to hear it clearly. Their words always seemed to go into a soft whisper as they muttered the omen to her. The only thing she could get out of the warning was the word, "Owlstar". A prick of suspicion hit her. A low growl rumbled in her throat.

She'd joined Pineclan because there was nothing left of Shadowclan. Would she have to leave this clan aswell? Their leader already seemed to be oddly aggressive. Aggressive leaders were no good for a clan's well being. She couldn't reveal her suspicions yet. Gentlebreeze would have to listen harder in her next visit with her ancestors.

"I'll tell Nettlesnap to get in here in a moment." he meowed before walking out of her den. If Owlstar thought he could just threaten her with no consequences, he was wrong.

Gentlebreeze watched the tom walk away, and she slunk out of the den, squeezing her body through a hole in the camp boundary. She needed to be with Toby. Her heart burned for the need of his fur against hers.

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Ash167 Queen of
Raccoons (#137584)

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Posted on
2024-02-24 07:03:18

The she cat stood there rather….shocked to say the least. She had watched Owlstar leave, she had wanted to help Gentlebreeze but the two had said everything so fast she had no time to intervene.” Gentlebreeze I…..Gentlebreeze?” The she cats confused tone resumed as she watched the medicine cat ‘run away’. We all after that she definitely understood why and wanted to follow the she cat to comfort her.

The choices to make following her or not//

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The best snek (#274274)

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Posted on
2024-02-24 13:46:08
It was practically sunhigh by now, almost time to start training. The weather was good, the sun warming his fur as he walked back towards his den. A glance around camp had told him that Gentlebreeze had stalked off, slipping out of camp with barely a sound. Probably running off to wherever she had been breaking the code. His muzzle wrinkled in displeasure for a moment, before he kept walking. He could deal with it later. Most of Pineclan's members were in camp, lounging in the sunshine, or getting a bite to eat from the freshkill pile. Good. Fewer cats he'd have to round up when it was time to start training. His tail was still held high, his ears perked. Apart from that whole argument with Gentlebreeze, things were going well. Glancing around, he noticed Hemlockshade still lying on the top of his den. It would be nice to chat with the other tom. Maybe run a couple ideas for better hunting spots by him. A good way to pass the time until everyone was back in camp.

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🎩Fancy fork [12
days BDAY] 🍴 (#427147)

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Posted on
2024-02-24 14:15:49
(I both love and mildly dislike Owlstar
Very well written)


A frown creased his muzzle and he craned his head to look at Owlstar, quickly picking up the scrap of a mouse that lay discarded under his paws. He could spot the remaining rippling movements of the grass as it stilled, showing where a cat had left the camp from. Likely Gentlebreeze. Had the argument ended? He forced his fur to flatten in the leader's presence, deciding not to dwell and look for an answer to his question, as it already seemed clear enough. Owlstar looked like he'd just had a fight with an angry Raccoon. Probably not the best idea to interact with him now..
Nettlesnap padded off, retreating to a secluded corner shaded by a lucky branch that hung above him, protecting the little space from sunlight. He lowered his haunches onto the thin coat of dry dirt that littered the ground, stretching his front limbs and fully lying down. The tom picked at the parts of the mouse, watching curiously as everything in camp played out.
These clan bloods were definitely.. interesting.

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Edited on 24/02/24 @ 14:19:07 by 🎩Fancy fork [Cutlery] 🍴 (#427147)

Ivy (#291155)

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Posted on
2024-02-24 16:11:04
(Loving the complex characters. It's giving 'duh duh duuuhhh' vibes)

Cicadapaw had stepped far, far away from the medicine cat den, minding her business. A part of her was really worried about what might happen. Gentlebreeze had come into camp avoiding Owlstar's gaze, and went right into the healers den. After the meeting, Owlstar had headed there with Palewind. What was happening? He didn't seem happy, and Cicadapaw -despite the attempt to not look- was watching with bated breath, expecting yowling to occur, perhaps a fight.

Though, she really hoped that didn't happen. What would become of the clan if there was fighting from inside? Sure, the occasional spat was to be expected; but the leader? And the medicine cat? That definitely broke some unspoken rule; and it worried her immensely.

Then Owlstar left, and Gentlebreeze too! Except neither party was looking like problems were resolved, a fact that unsettled the young paw. Even though she knew it was realistically impossible, she thought how nice it would be if everyone just got along some more.


Hemlockshade was not ashamed to admit that he'd been eavesdropping. Didn't really try to hide it either. When Palewind and Owlstar left the leaders den and headed for the healers; he followed shortly after. Obviously he didn't go inside, but he sat close enough to hear, ears pricked and straining. Not an ounce of shame in him as he listened to the conversation that wasn't his. He normally didn't care, but anyone who said they weren't at least a little interested would be a liar. And he was no liar, just nosy.

All of the words spoken weren't clear to him, but the general jist was there. And what Hemlockshade picked up was that the following days were going to be both interesting, and a bit of a pain.

He shuffles away, returning to his previous perch as the conversation draws to a close, watching as Owlstar comes out. And then there's Gentlebreeze, leaving out of the camp. Wasn't she supposed to be looking at Nettlesnap? For a medicine cat, her priorities seemed a bit out of place. Well, goodbye Pineclans medicine cat, and goodbye to anycat who got sick from now on too.

"You've got a way with words." He remarks, angling his head towards Owlstar, then shaking his head slowly like he was disappointed. First the training announcement and now this? He was on a roll for getting the most cats to hold a grudge against him in one day; an impressive feat.

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