Venicestar The Charming's Den

This lion has 103 happy thoughts, 50 awkward thoughts, and 117 frivolous thoughts!

Hi! Trans male, They/he pronouns. I LOVE cats, gambling, and making lore!

Current Statuses:
Asri + Pirates = Neutral
Dasar + Pirates = Neutral
Dasar + Asri = Sworn Enemies

I met you in California
You told me you loved me in Georgia

Tw: some intense lore, don't read if your squeamish to death and stuff ty

Canyonstar, a young foolish and silly male, not having many goals. He wasn't very pretty nor strong, so many males looked at his pride as easy pickings. Darkstar, took over this clan, sparing the wife and child of this young king, Former Queen Mushroomfall and Former Princess Lightshade. He toyed with Lightshade and made her take on a new, dumb name. "Edible playdough" it was funny to him. He grew his pride and had many more members, even getting a standing hierchy. He took a queen, Dustclaw. They had twins, both patches, which was his goal to have patches royalty, seeing non patches Cubs as useless. Things went well, too well, and he set all the pieces into place, but in his last 2 years everything went crazy. The heir fell in love with a guard, the prince fell in love with a consort meant to date the heir, it was all chaos! Even Lightshade demanded to have her rightful title and name, he said yes just to get it over with. Breeding with many lionesses on his final day, he spent the rest of it with his Queen. He loved his Queen, that's something good about him.

So the kingdom is now Popsiclestars, after the tyrant that shaped this pride is gone, how will they prevail? How will his relationship with Locustspeck unravel? Will Ravenriver shut there love down? Let's see!

Coronation day, Ravenriver, still in grief but held her head high. Atleast she had a new loyal king at her will, just like her mother used to boss around Darkstar, him helplessly following. Maybe this won't be so bad after all. Until... Popsiclestar announces he will be taking a "main" mate, one he will love more than the queen, but the queen still has the power. What... The fuck is that supposed to mean? Locustspeck stands up, with a bit of blush on her face. As Ravenriver unsheathes her claws.

She slashes angrily, and lashes out at Popsiclestar. It takes half the pride to get her off.

Years go by as no one respects Popsiclestar much, he never saw his fate as the king who nobody cared for. So he tried to not anger the Queen and simply spent his days with his favorite mate Locustspeck. He let the love stories prevail and didn't do much order, nor care for patches Cubs that much. He couldn't do much without the prides approval so he just waited for his reign to end. He knew atleast that his mate would cherish him till his death and that was enough for him, plus Ravenriver was still calling the shots for everyone to behave and he trusted her to be a good leader, even if he hated her.

With the Widow Ex-Queen Dustclaws last litter, a darling son named Rainbowkit, and a... Daughter. A daughter named... Canyonkit. As the mage Snowberry coughed, and coughed, as there arrival turned to gray. The skies darkened, as Snowberry started speaking in tongues. Dustclaw knew she would anger someone, but the gods? She had a giant grin on her face. They took her mate, made her daughter compete with some guard, now they would pay. Everyone would pay. She wouldn't be here to see the consequences. Snowberry finally able to say words she yells "The gods are angry, Canyonstars death was apart of the fate, it was Darkstars doing and it should've been to rest," Canyonstars daughter Lightshade and even Peachnose snarled at that comment. Snowberry continued "You've reawakened settled conflict, you've reawakened... A prophecy. One of the Canyon name will take the opposite nature of it's past life, and reckon with the prides future, maybe even... Slaughter it."

The village reacting in fear as the heads of it protected and reassured the others, gaining more independency. The descendent/descendents of Mushroomfall and Canyonstar instead adored Canyonkit feeling that there father's/mother's husbands death wasn't a "closed case". The guards were on edge, the consorts a bit frightened, and the royalty intrigued and terrified.

Mocha was announced as the new Queen, Queen to the kind Rainstar. (until she dies in a few years ofc) she was prideful and cocky to anyone that challenged her title. Yes, she was the best, and better than anyone else competing for Queen. She slayed. She knew it. And unfortunately for the others, Rainstar is a sucker for girls with confidence. Welcome, Queen Mocha!

With the loss of Rainstars wife, Queen Mocha, he had to pick a new Queen. There were many options, but one stood out to him... Canyonfang. She was gorgeous, dangerous, confident, everything he loved in lionesses. He fell deeply in love with her as he saw Mocha in her, in her confidence, in her bold behavior. Despite his adopted children/Advisors wisdom on how it'd be a horrid idea, the prophecy! He ignored them. All he wanted was happiness, love, and the way she looked at him across the valley, he had to make her his queen. Regardless of the consequences, love prevails, if this was a selfish action, so be it. He'd be selfish for once in his life. Welcome, Queen Canyonfang.

Canyonfang was... A strict ruler. She killed any that stood out against her with her own claws and ruled with an iron fist, in opposite nature to the king. But, this was, decently docile compared to a warning prophecy... Darkstar was the same way! So what... What was the prophecy REALLY about...?

The death of Rainstar was both expected and unexpected. He was getting old, but he didn't die of old age. On the highest rock of the royals, Vixenfall, the head of the village dragged out the kings body, blood covered her muzzle. She snickered, watching as the royals pupils thinned, shock, terrified, anger, coming from everyone. Argentina, one of Rainstar and Canyonfangs daughters roared out in protest. Vixenfall roaring back, starting her speech "Long overdue have you overlooked the village. We will either be given independency, or we will take it. Make your choice, or Rainstar won't be the only casualty today." Venice, now Venicestar from Rainstars death, was going to speak, until... Canyonfang. Oh, gods no Canyonfang. She looked more furious than a disrespected god, her roar practically shaking the cave sending shudders down everyone's fur. She sprinted, climbing the rock with ease, much to Vixenfalls protest. Canyonfang chased Vixenfall, through the village, destroying everyone and everything in her way. Raccoonwither, her adopted daughter, following right beside her. Omeneyes another one of the rain/canyon daughters used her wings to keep up with Vixenfall. Eventually, Vixenfall stopped, surrounded by other lions in the village, backing her up. The smart ones were already gone, as Raccoonwither and Canyonfang started killing every lion in sight. Omeneyes glowing, roaring out as everything is flashbanged. The prophecy... Is completed. The pride, part of it, fell under Canyonfangs paws. It was completely destroyed, but Vixenfall was nowhere to be found.

Until... The kingdom of Asri suddenly appeared. Enemies to the kingdom, the pride, of Dasar. Who's leading it? Vixenfall. Or Vixenstar, now. Sure, the village was destroyed, but they weren't going to become nomads, they created there own kingdom.

As Rainstar died, Canyonfang was stripped of her queen title. Venicestar coming into the throne, bringing along with them, Queen Tideriver. Ravenrivers youngest daughter. Welcome, Queen Tideriver, let's see how you fair against The Kingdom Of Asri.

The Kingdom of Asri started their attacks with their general Patience Blackwell. Targeting Dasars protectors, like Omeneyes and many others. They trained their young to become killers, to attack, and enforced the mentality of "The Kingdom of Asri should be the only kingdom." In their minds. Though, with King Venicestars manipulation skills and Queen Tiderivers intelligence, they have managed to fair and fight back against Asri and Vixenstar.
Goal! Get a Ankh/Mushroom heir eventually!
πŸ–€my two favorite bases🧑

Bone Collector Venicestar The Charming
Level: 7 Branch: Selling stuffsss
Stats: 431 Territory: 110
Lionesses: 89 Beetle Slots: 0 / 6
Cubs: 27 / 550 Grandpaw: β€”
Male Slots: 5 / 6 Subordinate Males: Crown Prince Iciclerift
King Quietstalk
Prince Etherealdusk
Royal Advisor Bushwing
Royal Γ‡rΓͺātΓΌrΓ©
Frozen Slots: 0 / 1 Cave Slots: 4 / 4
There are 28 lions with mutations in Venicestar The Charming's pride.

Venicestar The Charming's Player
Member ID #450048
Unlucky Leafy πŸ₯€
Joined: 2023-09-09 06:07:46 Last Active: 2025-02-18 18:42:59

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