Posted by Lioness Roles

Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2014-03-10 08:16:35
People seem to suggest a lot of things to righten the lion market and make sure that people get more tempted to buy lions. Many want more hunting slots which can be filled with lionesses, but this would inflate the stat market, spreading high stats and flooding the market with it. So, if we want to make sure that stats are still able to be sold, we need to avoid enabling more lionesses to gain stats.

I see one possible way to solve this issue:

Add more roles to lionesses

There were many quite interesting suggestions so far and I was inspired by those, and found that they might be the ultimate solution to this very problem. I decided to make a sum up thread for them, where the staff has easier time seeing them.

So, here are the suggestions for the roles
(Feel free to suggest your own ideas)

1. Hoard Guard/Hoard Keeper
This lioness assigned to this role cannot go hunting –because if she does, it will be automatically removed from this role- and will sit in your den all day, guarding the hoard. Because a lion’s stash surely tempts the other predators of the savannah, and they will attempt to steal your food. A lioness however can deter them just fine.
One lioness gives you about 60%-70% guarding rate (or only can protect small carcasses up to 4 uses), so for the 100% effect you will need two guards.
These lionesses cannot gain stats; instead they gain skills after each day of successful defending. (the amount I leave to the devs)

This way the safety of your Hoard will depend on 1-2 lionesses, making people buy more for their pride.
The higher the skill, the more effective they are at defending the hoard.

Slots available: 2
(-inspired by Summer's Eve’s idea-)

2. Thief
This role is described by Sunfire, although as an event idea. This however might bring a little more life into Lioden. There can be only a single Thief in the pride, who can be sent to other people’s territory to steal small prey -1 or 2 uses carcasses.

Note: Your Hoard is safe, nothing is stolen from there, only from the territory, by hunting there.

The lioness is on the male’s territory for an hour. However, there would be a chance for responding to it. Your male has the ability to catch her red-handed and steal the prey back. Maybe there could be a countdown in your den without any inbox notification to give the sneaky feel to it. If the lioness succeeds, a small carcass is added to your hoard and after a cooldown she can be sent again.

The lioness would gain skill after each successful stealing. The higher the skill, the more chance there is that even though the male caught you, you could get away and bring the carcass back anyway.

Slots available: 1
(-Original idea by Sunfire-)

3. Roamer/Explorer
This lioness can be assigned to go and explore, just like how a submale can be assigned to patrol. And in the same fashion as well, so just click a button and off she goes, or have a separate page where you can set where she should go. Maybe once every hour.

She would have the chance to bring back toys and small carcasses (eg. gerbil, meerkat), and would gain exp for each time she brings back something.
The higher the level, the more items she will bring back. A level 20+ lioness has the chance to bring back bigger carcasses.

A Roamer could also bring an adolescent female along, but she would not change the rate of how many items the Roamer finds. However, the higher the level of the roamer, the more chance there is that the adol female will gain some stats (not at the same rate as the submale, mind you)

Slots available: 1
(-Inspired by fluffyfg’s idea-)

There ya go, a lion pride now has 5/10 huntresses, 2 Hoard Guards, 1 Thief and 1 Roamer. Which means 9/14 useful lionesses in the pride which should stimulate lion demand and purchase.
Feel free to suggest more roles –within reason of course- or add your own thread if you have suggestions already.

Thank you.

This suggestion has 529 supports and 17 NO supports.

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Edited on 19/10/15 @ 02:45:31 by Axel (#6627)

Vixxen (#7328)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2014-03-12 08:34:16
These sound pretty cool :)

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Sunfire (#26490)

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Posted on
2014-03-13 10:46:50
These are all really good! (Thanks for adding mine in btw :3)
More roles would make our prides so much more interesting and complex, as well as giving more RPG material. I can definitely see this happening. I support

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FoolsgoldFenrir (#27778)

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Posted on
2014-03-16 06:50:52
Very awesome! I support it! but I've got a question. What makes them better at these roles?

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Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2014-03-16 08:31:46
I think I did include it in my suggestion?

Hoard Guard/Keeper: skill (the higher the better they guard)

Brood Mother: exp. The higher the level, the less actions you need to do to fill the survival bar of the cubs.

Thief: skill. The higher the skill, the more chance there is that upon getting caught you can still get the prey (or perhaps the shorter time it has to spend on the rival territory? Not sure)

Roamer: exp. The higher the level, the bigger carcasses she brings back. And the higher it is, the more chance that the adol she brings along gains some stats.

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) (#14648)

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Posted on
2014-03-16 08:47:41
I think it would be useful to have an additional lioness for non-event in place of thief to train future hunters or brood mothers as a teacher of sorts. Put in place a use for the stats here, the one with the most stamina could handle more "students", more smarts means better success rates with teaching, speed the faster they teach, strength and agility I'll have to think something up but it would assist in the stat gap for newbies and not have to rely on food and constant hunting or even breeding because not all newbs look for specific studs. They're excited to breed. It also could help level up the teacher's stats by having all her students gain X number of stats she gets .4 of whatever they gain and she gets .4x the experience the students do.

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Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2014-03-16 18:17:20
Oh nnononono.

I didnt want to include stats here at all. Stats dont matter anyway right now, but if uses do come in, I think not only stats should matter, but skill and level too. Stats would be ignored at these lionesses, and only either skill or level would be useful here.

These lionesses would strictly not gain any stats. We already have the huntresses who do. These wont. We dont need more high statted lions than we already have. The market would explode if these gained too.

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Friskusis (#8834)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-03-16 19:59:29
I like the thought of having roles in the pride, but I don't really know about the roles you listed... In my opinion thief/roamer roles are kind of pointless, since they could hunt and still get prey from it. If implemented, I'd only want one of them. As for the hoard keeper, what's the point? I'd be all for thieves and hoard keepers if you could combine them, sort of like this:
The thief is out searching for hoards, and finds one. Great! However, the hoard keepers chased her away before she took anything. Thus she did not bring anything home. If she had managed to get past the hoard keepers, she'd get a piece of prey from the other person's hoard (small carcasses, of course) and skill points. The user who was stolen from will get a notification that their hoard was invaded, and that prey was stolen, but the name of the user will be left out (to avoid quarrels between users). You can choose yourself which pride to send your lioness to.

I don't think a hoard should be 100% protected, however with the right training/skill level a lioness can protect up to 40-45% each.
I'm assuming you meant that there was a possibility that prey was taken if you do not have guards, but I thought it'd work better if combined with the thief idea. And if actual prey was taken, and not just something out of nowhere.

I'm all for brood mothers, if cub death was implemented as well. If no punishment is given for not filling the survival bar/having brood mothers, there's no point in filling a survival bar.

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Edited on 17/03/14 by Friskusis (THC) (#8834)

Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2014-03-16 20:09:01
I didnt want to combine the thief and the Hoard Keepers because that would make some people prey on one another. Players who hold grudge against others would continuously send their thief to them and keep stealing all the time.

Plus older members would prey on new members, hence why I didnt want to combine them.

The Hoard Keepers would be essential to keep your hoard safe, but also there should be a 100% protection once those 2 high skill lionesses were chosen, so nothing much changes. Only that an unprotected hoard will be plundered by hyenas/arabian wolves/vultures/etc. Maybe a limit of how much prey can get stolen/account.

The Thief would be more an idea for player interaction. Making people more aware and able to respond. Plus yes, there would be only a single Thief slot, so of course you couldnt have 2.

And the current official suggestion simply said that if brood mothers are guarding the litters then the Survival Bar doesnt need to be filled, but the cubs would be 100% protected. I found that one useless and pointless as a solution for the cub market, since massbreeders dont send their breeding stock to hunt, so easily can point out the mothers as brood mothers, and there ya go. Massbreeders win, those who only have the essential lions -who have no effect on the market anyway- lose. This is why I made a change in the idea, so making Brood Mothers essential instead of a guarantee.

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Edited on 17/03/14 by Axel (#6627)

Friskusis (#8834)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2014-03-16 22:23:57
I'm still uncertain. While you do make good points, I just don't see what purpose these roles would have, but give you more to do. So what if people hold grudges against each other, they won't be guaranteed to get something every time anyway. There'll always be people preying on new members, but say they got a week's protection or something. In that time they ought to have some lions stored. Plus, there could be this map that we use when we attack with our main male with completely random members (that way no one can target one person in particular, if they aren't on that map).

I can see the point of your Hoard Keepers more clearly now, however I don't see it as necessary and the interaction for this part would be kind of pointless. All you do is appoint two lionesses, then continue playing. Those two lionesses are now kind of stationary, since all they ever do is sit there watching the hoard.

By having a sub-account you could theoretically have two thieves, but I see your point. And I do agree we need more interaction features for our lionesses, more ways to play the game. I'm not entirely sure if the thieves system will work though, since there'd be hideous amounts of prey around. If you hunt 10 times a day with your lionesses you're pretty much ensured with food for your pride for a week. If you can also "steal" prey from nowhere, then there'd be a lot of food circulating, meaning less value for it. If you steal directly from a member, then that member needs to get it back by thieving, or find more food. It should circulate the food a bit more, right?

Agreed, I do not agree with that part of Brood Mothers either. Say, without a brood mother the survival bar drops quicklier every day, thus making it harder to fill it. With a brood mother on the other hand, it wouldn't lose as much. As you said though, the massbreeders can easily take this to their advantage. A difficult case to solve, actually.

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Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2014-03-16 22:39:23
We cannot give all lionesses roles which require some kind of action being done by the player. People are already complaining about all the buttons needing to be clicked, all the page loads, and they even were rather unwilling to vote for the survival bar because 'it means too much work'.

One way is to take a so far effortless feature and bind it to lionesses to give them roles within the pride.

So yes, one cannot come up with roles all the time which require gameplay. Some will need to just stay stationary, but even the fact that they are essential will stimulate demand, making people buy lions for their pride for these roles. Hoard Keepers would maybe be stationary, but now you still need them in order to keep your Hoard safe. or else there will be carcasses vanishing sometimes. So far it needed nothing really, your Hoard is safe at all times. But with the Hoard Keepers, it becomes lioness dependent.

Well, about the thief, it is not as essential as any other role. It is not needed to have them, but more like an opportunity and a choice, just like a submale. And you know... food is worthless as it is. I cannot sell food at all in TC, so I just sell it to the monkey. So it wont make any difference. Besides, people whose lionesses arent so lucky and have a huge pride would use it more frequently I guess.

I wouldnt want to reduce anyone's Hoard though. No interaction so far had any impact on your pride. When you are attacked, you dont lose anything, at the valentines event you didnt lose lionesses... If we kept losing things the game would be less fun, hence why I propose no true stealing from Hoards, but from the territory.

The brood mother case can be solved by implementing it the way I proposed it. This way the cub market would still be stabilized, mass breeders would still need to interact with those 20-30 cubs. This way it is basically guaranteed that max 15 cubs/den can be kept and raised/sold at once, cutting down on the count of cubs on the market. Plus you get more essential lionesses which people will need to buy, or breed.

It is all about adding roles, sometimes by creating them, sometimes by adding the existing -so far effortless- ones to lionesses, but still keeping it fun, and not making one role overpowering.

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Vixxen (#7328)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2014-03-17 09:00:22
How about... like, a hunting mentor or the sort? For example, I want to train my cub Rootless, and my lioness Teen Idle isn't assigned to a cub. Let's say I send Teen Idle out on a hunt, and she comes back successfully. Maybe she gains extra stats, as well as the lion she is training. Mentors must take up one hunting tile, while their trainees do not take up another. Training lions themselves would need to be 1-2 years old, in their adolescence. Perhaps we could build some more on this idea, as it only boosts both of their stats in a simple, existing way. Completely open to critiquing and suggestions on tht idea~

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Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2014-03-17 09:22:29
Trainer is actually already there, only in 2 in one, since training isnt something you need all the time. You dont always have adols.

The Roamer can bring an adol female along and the higher the level of the Roamer, the more chance there is that the adol female gains some stats. Not at the same rate as submales of course.

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Vixxen (#7328)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2014-03-17 12:57:24
I guess so... *is slightly confused*

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Onu [CT] (#23887)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2014-03-19 22:15:52
Well, whatever the specifics may be, I support the need for more lioness roles.

For the longest time, I kept a small (and more manageable) pride of only 5 good lionesses, since having any more was mostly pointless, they wouldn't be able to gain stats and would do nothing but eat your food, age and die... and I don't like breeding if they're lowstat or not improving.

This seems like it would give the extra idle lionesses more of a purpose, make them more useful to the pride.

Personally, I'd love to see different stats eventually come into play in this. For example, the Thief role would perform better and bring back a few more carcasses if her Agility was high (sneaking into enemy territory and quickly escaping with their food.)
That would also make people look among their lionesses to see who is best fit for each role, instead of just assigning randomly.

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Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2014-03-21 20:25:44
I am not sure if roles should be dependent on stats. I took it out completely for a reason. Stats mean too much in the game, and really they shouldnt be the only things counting. This is why people want more high statted lions, why they want more huntresses, and maybe in the end they will say:

'But if this role requires a specific stats,. then why doesnt it give any either?'

More high statted lions = worse market
I would like to see these roles being independent of stats entirely. Giving some nice use to skill and level solely.

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