Posted by Lioness Roles

Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2014-03-10 08:16:35
People seem to suggest a lot of things to righten the lion market and make sure that people get more tempted to buy lions. Many want more hunting slots which can be filled with lionesses, but this would inflate the stat market, spreading high stats and flooding the market with it. So, if we want to make sure that stats are still able to be sold, we need to avoid enabling more lionesses to gain stats.

I see one possible way to solve this issue:

Add more roles to lionesses

There were many quite interesting suggestions so far and I was inspired by those, and found that they might be the ultimate solution to this very problem. I decided to make a sum up thread for them, where the staff has easier time seeing them.

So, here are the suggestions for the roles
(Feel free to suggest your own ideas)

1. Hoard Guard/Hoard Keeper
This lioness assigned to this role cannot go hunting –because if she does, it will be automatically removed from this role- and will sit in your den all day, guarding the hoard. Because a lion’s stash surely tempts the other predators of the savannah, and they will attempt to steal your food. A lioness however can deter them just fine.
One lioness gives you about 60%-70% guarding rate (or only can protect small carcasses up to 4 uses), so for the 100% effect you will need two guards.
These lionesses cannot gain stats; instead they gain skills after each day of successful defending. (the amount I leave to the devs)

This way the safety of your Hoard will depend on 1-2 lionesses, making people buy more for their pride.
The higher the skill, the more effective they are at defending the hoard.

Slots available: 2
(-inspired by Summer's Eve’s idea-)

2. Thief
This role is described by Sunfire, although as an event idea. This however might bring a little more life into Lioden. There can be only a single Thief in the pride, who can be sent to other people’s territory to steal small prey -1 or 2 uses carcasses.

Note: Your Hoard is safe, nothing is stolen from there, only from the territory, by hunting there.

The lioness is on the male’s territory for an hour. However, there would be a chance for responding to it. Your male has the ability to catch her red-handed and steal the prey back. Maybe there could be a countdown in your den without any inbox notification to give the sneaky feel to it. If the lioness succeeds, a small carcass is added to your hoard and after a cooldown she can be sent again.

The lioness would gain skill after each successful stealing. The higher the skill, the more chance there is that even though the male caught you, you could get away and bring the carcass back anyway.

Slots available: 1
(-Original idea by Sunfire-)

3. Roamer/Explorer
This lioness can be assigned to go and explore, just like how a submale can be assigned to patrol. And in the same fashion as well, so just click a button and off she goes, or have a separate page where you can set where she should go. Maybe once every hour.

She would have the chance to bring back toys and small carcasses (eg. gerbil, meerkat), and would gain exp for each time she brings back something.
The higher the level, the more items she will bring back. A level 20+ lioness has the chance to bring back bigger carcasses.

A Roamer could also bring an adolescent female along, but she would not change the rate of how many items the Roamer finds. However, the higher the level of the roamer, the more chance there is that the adol female will gain some stats (not at the same rate as the submale, mind you)

Slots available: 1
(-Inspired by fluffyfg’s idea-)

There ya go, a lion pride now has 5/10 huntresses, 2 Hoard Guards, 1 Thief and 1 Roamer. Which means 9/14 useful lionesses in the pride which should stimulate lion demand and purchase.
Feel free to suggest more roles –within reason of course- or add your own thread if you have suggestions already.

Thank you.

This suggestion has 529 supports and 17 NO supports.

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Edited on 19/10/15 @ 02:45:31 by Axel (#6627)

Minimanta (#1684)

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Posted on
2014-12-28 22:44:47
More stuff to do with our pride is always welcome in my opinion =D

But if brood mothers or baby sitters or similar is ever implemented, then the slot limit should be way higher than 3 if the lionesses can only take care of 5 cubs each.

I'm a mass breeder and I just got my mute achievement the other day so I'm keeping any and all cubs I breed just in case they have a mutation. I currently have 30 cubs in my pride and they'll keep coming, 3 lionesses who can only take care of 5 cubs each is nowhere near how many I would need.

I'm all for cub mortality if you don't take care of them (makes perfect sense. Babies are fragile critters), but if it's ever implemented I will sure hope I have the ability to take care of all my little ones.

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Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2014-12-28 23:01:06
And this is the main reason why. It is meant to bring a limit into cub amounts in a pride. Right now people are able to take care of enormous amounts of cubs and they all make it to the market. Time to put a limit and make it right. The less cubs there are, the more value will they get. You will have to decide what cubs you want to keep and what you dont.

People dont want to chase cubs because they 'dont have the heart to do so'. Now the excess cubs simply die.

Or you can use Brood Mothers on both accounts, which enables you to keep 30 cubs at once.

It is all for the good of the economy.

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Edited on 29/12/14 by Axel (#6627)

Minimanta (#1684)

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Posted on
2014-12-28 23:17:41
I don't sell cubs, I'll chase the unsellable ones or the ones I don't personally keep once they reach the age of 2.

It's flat out not fair to limit the amount of cubs I can keep. I don't flood the market at all. Make the slots purchasable for GB and I'll be fine, but at least make it possible to keep the amount I so please.

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Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2014-12-28 23:29:52
That you dont do it and you chase what you dont need sadly does not make a difference. Tons of mass-breeders are about and all of their cubs land on the market, inflating prices of 'rare' markings, colors, valuable combinations.

Think about why the 'no free breeding for trade' rule was applied. That there were honest players sadly made no difference. There were still those who scammed others.

Same goes here. You chase them, but other flood the market with them.

If you have a better idea for limiting cub counts that reach the market, please post it. I however see no other way. Imo 30 cubs per person (on two accounts) is seriously more than enough. Just the same way as staff said that you dont need more than 5000SB on your account because it is too much for the game.

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Minimanta (#1684)

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Posted on
2014-12-28 23:41:51
I don't have a different solution, but mass breeding is MY way of playing this game. Limiting that is just not fair.

Just like it wasn't fair to remove the add hunt option to people who hunt for stats, it's not fair to limit the amount of cubs a mass breeder can have.

The fact that useless cubs will flood the market is just a sad truth of any sim who includes breeding.

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Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2014-12-29 00:13:01
Collecting and hoarding SB is my way of playing the game yet I was limited because it was bad for the economy. I might not agree with it, but the staff decided it was the good way to go. Cubs are causing a ruckus on the game, and even though it is your way of playing doesnt mean it is good for the game.

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Minimanta (#1684)

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Posted on
2014-12-29 00:26:38
But there isn't a cap on how much SB you can hoard, you just won't be able to get anymore while exploring and fighting if you go above the limit.

And should there be cub slots or baby sitters or something? Sure, I can go with that. Just make it possible to raise the limit with GB. Just like it is with lioness and sub male slots.

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Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2014-12-29 00:40:29
For me it is a cap because I gain my SB solely from explore and what my male and females bring back. So yes, my gameplay is limited.

Well, if there is a chance for more than additional 1 brood mother to be bought, then it should be expensive. Maybe the price of the submale slot increase because 1 brood mother can watch out for 5 cubs. Second additional -so 4th brood mother- should cost at least 15, if not 20GB. 5th 40GB and so forth. Since you can keep the slots and it means a ton on the cub market and not everyone would buy it.

If you make it too cheap, it makes no difference. Why dont we throw brood mother then and let people stay the way they are, spawning cubs mindlessly and flooding the market.

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Minimanta (#1684)

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Posted on
2014-12-29 00:55:38
Again that is the sad result in any breeding sim.

Breeding is a huge part of this game, there's no way to change that now. If it shouldn't have been focused so much on breeding it should have been limited in the beginning.

Limiting that part of the game now would be a massive blow to many people who enjoy the breeding part of the game.

If we want to remove some of the excess cubs and lionesses make them some sort of currency. Something like this maybe.

But don't limit how much a mass breeder can breed in that way. It is NOT fair to us.

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Edited on 29/12/14 by Minimanta (#1684)

Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2014-12-29 01:10:18
I guess I can go ahead and say the same thing that people like to tell me when I am displeased with a feature: This game is still in beta and anything can happen. If they want to limit something, then they have all the right to do so still.

Besides, they limited hunting during gameplay. We had unlimited hunting for free in the beginning, then they changed it to 10 free hunts a day. We had random max 5 stats a hunt, now we have max 2.

A lot of things were and are bound to be limited. And sometimes limiting is the only way.

And mass breeding is the downfall of the cub and lion economy. You have to understand that.

Would you rather have limitless breeding but no way to sell cubs for a good price/not able to sell cubs at all, or would you rather have limits in place but be able to sell your cubs for a nice sum?

See the bigger picture. It isnt about you. It isnt about me. It is about the economy.

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Edited on 29/12/14 by Axel (#6627)

Minimanta (#1684)

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Posted on
2014-12-29 01:57:37
Sure changes and limits are put in place all the time. But adding hunts costs 10 SB per hunt. Any newbie can afford that. You're talking about 40 GB for five "cub slots"? That is absolutely not comparable.

Besides stats don't even have a use on the site, breeding does. Breeding is highly encouraged on Lioden because of mutations and because there are markings and colors we can only get through breeding (or by buying lions with the markings/colors of course).

And I'll take mass breeding over a good economy anyday. That's why I'm here, I breed because it's fun and I don't make my money by selling cubs anyway.

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Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2014-12-29 02:05:04
Again: Bigger picture.

Just because you dont sell those cubs doesnt mean others dont, hence why the cub market is so bad. And if you keep saying 'deal with it because it is normal', then of course it will not get better. Breeding is a large part of the game because it is barely limited. If it had limits, it would lose some significance and give more to the other playstyles, making people find new goals.

I would love to see the game shift from breeding game to SIM. One way to do it is make breeding lose significance and make the rest gain significance.

I still dont understand that if you dont want to keep the cubs you dont like, then why do you need more than 30 slots? 30 cubs at once arent enough? Why? Explain please.

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Minimanta (#1684)

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Posted on
2014-12-29 02:31:33
Like I said, I breed because it's fun. I like to get at least one new litter of cubs everyday because it's fun.

That's how I enjoy the game. I don't play the game to reach any certain goals, I just breed because It's FUN. I like to see how the colors and marking blends on my cubs and hope for mutations.

And I run my own pride without the need for any huge income. I hunt my own food and I'm able to buy GB with real money if I really need to. So I don't breed to sell, I just play Lioden as a fun casual breeding sim.

I would hate to see this part of the game being severely limited because that's how I play the game.

And I keep the cubs I don't want untill they grow up because of the chance they'll be mutated. The chance is small, but it's still there. If I had to chase them as cubs, then there should be some way to know if the cub will have an adult mutation. Possibly an option in the scrying stone.

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Axel (#6627)

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Posted on
2014-12-29 03:19:42
See? That is another suggestion you can make.
But even if it is fun, it doesnt mean it is healthy for the game and its economy. People flood the market and that needs to stop because it is causing complaints.
One can have fun breeding and see the cubs and choose the ones one likes most. It makes no sense letting the economy be trashed just because people want to find mutations. If anything, it would make mutations that much harder to obtain and mean so much more.

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Minimanta (#1684)

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Posted on
2014-12-29 03:36:17
It was something I just came up with while typing that post actually. But now I really really want a mutation previewer or something xD

You know what, if the option to scry for mutations was implemented I would have no problems with a cub limit.

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