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Bamon (#12532)

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Posted on
2015-02-08 03:26:41


Hermione was shocked. Harry and Ginny were now married with a child on the way. Luna had settled down with the Scamander brothers - their wedding had been a real eye opener for a lot of Muggleborns. Even Ron had proposed to Lavendar, of all people, who was also pregnant which, to her surprise, Ron was extremely excited about. Her parents had managed to conceive again, and thus she'd have a new sibling coming along in nine months time.

Everyone was moving on with their lives. Settling down. Having a family. Severus had even been reinstated as Hogwarts Headmaster as well as the Prince heir with all of the Prince fortune going to him. With the burden of being a double spy no longer on his shoulders, Severus flourished. He looked healthier, sexier, and even he was going on numerous dates!

Hermione couldn't stand it. She felt so left out, and with the Weasley clan expanding at a rapid rate Hermione knew she had do something about it. Now.

She wasn't desperate enough for one night stands or serial dating. She didn't want to just settle for whoever would deign to lower themselves to date her (at least that was the impression she got from others). No, she wanted to find her soul mate if he even existed.

So classic Hermione she had begun research at once. It had taken numerous all-nighters, begging and blackmail to get into the biggest libraries in the UK - which did indeed include the Malfoy's library - and a lot of pots of tea but she had found a spell. It was an extremely old one, written in old english on a very old piece of parchment paper but it was something.

On a cold sunday evening, whilst everyone was eating tea in the Great Hall, Hermione performed the spell out on the Quidditch Pitch (just to make sure she had privacy).

The shockwave that came out of the spell, her bare feet gripping the sand, travelled across the world and the sheer power from it amazed her. Trying to ignore the worry in the back of her mind, Hermione then proceeded to have her own tea and then went to bed. Despite all her worries she did manage to end up sleeping soundly that night.

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πŸ’€ Maladi {Jedi}
G2 Rift πŸ’€ (#4467)

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Posted on
2015-02-08 05:53:32
Severus fround as a shockwave shook Hogwarts down to its foundation, suddenly looking up from his work. Impulse gripped him as he felt the sudden urge to visit Hermione Granger in her private quarters. It took most of his will power to quell this impulse for the most part, but still it was there if just subtly. He knew the influence of magic when he felt it, but he just couldn't determine the cause. He would have to do some digging later, but for that night, it was getting late.


All appeared calm just outside the limits of Hogsmeade, where the memorial cemetary for wizards and witches that had died in the first war laid. Nothing had been disturbed for years, until all at once the ground shook from a rippling shockwave that split open the ground over two of the graves.

Fabian and Gideon Prewett pulled themselves out of their dirt prisons, their chests heaving with the crisp oxygen that filled their lungs one more. The brothers exchanged a glance. They'd been dead for years. Looking away from each other, two pairs of eyes fixated on Hogwarts castle as two revived men head towards their goal.


A snarl sounded from the throat of one Fenrir Greyback as a shockwave shook the ground beneath him, chasing off the animal he was hunting. Nostrils flared in outrage as his eyes narrowed, he gazed towards the original point of the shockwave as instinct nudged him forward. After only a moment of hesitation, he began the journey towards a place he hadn't been in a long time


Lucius Malfoy sat up straighter as Malfoy Manor tremored in the wake of a shockwave. Whee had that come from? After a moment of uncertainty, he began to recognize a tugging all the way down in his magical core, pulling him towards his old school.

He wasn't quite sure he wanted to act on it, but trying to convince himself otherwise caused whatever was tugging him that direction roil up within him. It seems he would be going back to Hogwarts, but, he determined, not until morning.

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Bamon (#12532)

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Posted on
2015-02-08 06:25:30
With a yawn, Hermione stretched out in her warm, double bed. Completely content for the first time in a while, Hermione opened her eyes up lazily as a furry body wormed its way beneath her left hand. Laid on her side she stroked her handsome boy, Crookshanks, for a few moments as she allowed herself to bask in the morning sun that flooded in through her bedroom windows.

"What a wonderful morning."

She hummed happily as she sat up and looked around her untidy bedroom. Yet even the sight of such disorganised chaos didn't bring her down, nor did the fact it seemed Crookshanks had decided to take her underwear out of her drawers and hide them elsewhere.

As she got up to get dressed for the day she wondered if this pleasant, content feeling she had was a side effect of the Soulmate Spell she had found. Whilst she did not feel a pull to her soulmate (or soulmates as the page had said but she was pretty sure that was a mistake) she did feel a lot more... fuller as far as her soul or heart or whatever her inner essence was. She knew her soulmate would feel the pull so she guessed since he felt it and was coming for her that whatever usual unrest she felt was gone.

Having dressed in a classic burgundy Weasley jumper, the letter H in gold lettering, and a pair of old, worn, blue, denim jeans along with a pair of thick, fluffy, black slipper boots Hermione strode out of her chambers with Crookshanks in tow. Her wild, untamed, thick, brown, bushy hair was wrestled up into a bun with a sturdy black hairband and was clearly done haphazardly. Her wand was hidden up her jumper in a holster ready for any eventuality. Hermione didn't expect to use it however as she finally got close to the Great Hall.

It was time for Breakfast!

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πŸ’€ Maladi {Jedi}
G2 Rift πŸ’€ (#4467)

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Posted on
2015-02-08 12:42:04
Severus had quickly found out that resisting the impulses from the night before had been a very bad idea. From the moment he fell asleep, Hermione haunted his dreams in very vivid, provocative way. Not even a cold shower that morning could take care of him and get rid of the haunting feelings.

This was most definitely some sort of magic at play, which meant he had to figure out what was going on and who caused it. It must have something to do with the shockwave that happened the night before, that was when it all started.

In a few moments he had dressed and was on his way to the Great Hall with hundreds of thoughts running through his mind. Luck seemed to be on his side, as soon after he entered, he caught sight of Hermione, impulse pulling him towards her. However, catching sight of her also drew his attention elsewhere.

In the corner of the Grand Hall, hidden in shadows, stood two figures anyone around during the First Wizarding War would recognize. Fabian and Gideon Preweet, war hero's, dead for decades now. They were just . . . there, alive as could be, their gazes locked on Hermione as soon as she had stepped into their vision.

Oh, what had that girl done?


Fabian glanced over at his brother for only a moment as Hermione came into view. This was why they had been resurrected? For a girl they'd never even met? Not that he was particularly complaining; the girl was quite stunning and very easy on the eyes.

Gabriel merely shrugged towards his brother as he pushed the stray strands of red hair away from his face. If they were back, might as well make use of it. Straightening from where he stood against the wall, it was only a moment before his brother did the same and the pair was heading towards the witch of their attention.


The twins and Severus weren't the only ones watching Hermione, however. Greyback examined the young witch with a feral curiosity, his yes glowing with power from the shadows. He remained hidden, not wanting to cause a panic within the student body. He would reveal himself when the time was right, though just from a quick study of the girl it seemed that may cause her to panic more than coming out now. The very thought caused a wicked grin to spread across his features. Yes, he would wait until later.


Lucius was more reluctant to walk into Hogwarts than he had ever been, but if his suspicious were true then he wouldn't be the only one affected by this. He hoped more than anything he was wrong, but he knew that wasn't likely. There was a reason this spell had been buried within the most ancient of texts, and whoever had found it was going to be in for a shock.

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Bamon (#12532)

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Posted on
2015-02-08 16:36:11
Hermione hadn't even gotten halfway across the Great Hall when she felt as if she was being watched. Curious, she turned around and examined the student body only to realise it was none of them. Infact there were three men staring at her that she could see. Severus and two men, identical twins, that reminded her a lot of Fred and George. Didn't they have two deceased Uncles, Fabian and Gideon?

For some reason she felt a desire to take the three men and hide them away in her chambers immediately which was rather strange. Apart from Harry, Ginny, and Luna she hadn't let anyone else into her chambers so why these three men? Her mind went to the Soulmate Spell but surely that was wrong. The parchment had been wrong. It was impossible to have more then one Soulmate. Wasn't it?

Hermione glanced towards the staff table with sad resignation. Clearly she wasn't going to get her peaceful, happy, and yummy breakfast today. with a sigh she waked back the way she had come and over to Severus, her gaze wandering to the very attractive and manly twins.

"Um, Professor Snape..."

Here she cringed, old habits dieing hard apparently.

"I'm sorry... Anyway, um, do we need to talk in private?"

It wasn't the smartest thing she had ever said but how else was she supposed to ask 'hey, are you feeling the pull to be with me from the Soulmate Spell I did?'. It wasn't an every day thing. Hell, she doubted anyone had done the spell in decades or centuries. She had briefly wondered why but then decided if it brought her and others happiness then how could it be bad? Maybe it hadn't been in use because it required so much power and drained the performer of the spell of their magic so greatly. Hermione had no choice but to eat and go to sleep right after she was done. She had slept from six in the evening to eight o'clock in the morning which for Hermione was an exceedingly long time.

"And who are they?"

Hermione added with a glance at the twins.

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πŸ’€ Maladi {Jedi}
G2 Rift πŸ’€ (#4467)

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Posted on
2015-02-09 05:57:51
"I believe we do."

Severus said, years of experience allowing him to keep his expression calm and serious despite the magic that pulled at him. He needed to find out what had been done to warrant such powerful magic as to ressurect the dead.


"You should know deary, you're the one that summoned us, are you not?"

Fabian asked as he approached with his brother. His hands slid into his pockets as he examined the young witch curiously. He'd never seen this girl to his knowledge; she was probably born after he'd been killed by how young she looked. Then again, they looked pretty young themselves, since they still look the same as when they died.

"What's even happening? We were jumped by some of Voldemort's Death Eaters, then we were dead for . . . how long?"

Gabriel asked, glancing over to his brother as though he would know. However, Fabian merely shrugged as he glanced over to Severus for a moment.

"Long enough for little Severus Snape to grow up. From five years younger to who know how much older."


"I believe I can shed some light on the subject."

Lucius offered with a sigh as he approached the group.

"Brightest witch of the age found quite the spell, not didn't she?"

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Bamon (#12532)

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Posted on
2015-02-09 07:24:55
"I did not summon you!"

Hermione protested, feeling rather small and short compared to the four men that now circled her. This couldn't be happening. She'd done one spell to find her soulmate. She had been so sure that the parchment the spell had been written on had been mistaken when it warned that some people may have more then one soulmate. Not only that but she'd never even imagined any would be brought back from the dead! Sure, there had been a sentence on the parchment saying 'your soulmate will be drawn to you regardless of location or status' but she had never thought that by 'status' they meant alive or dead.

"Wait! You two are Gideon and Fabian Prewett?! Molly's brothers?"

She gasped in shock, wide eyed. These two were famous. They had been two of the most powerful wizards of their generation, especially with their strong and extremely intimate twin bond, and the fact it had taken five of Tom Riddle's best Death Eaters to kill them was impressive.

Of course officially the pair had gone missing, no bodies or anything, but deep down everyone had thought they were dead. Turns out they were right. Bellatrix must have been one of the ones in the team that killed them. Probably Lucius, and maybe Severus... For once Hermione hoped that the Death Eaters had worn their masks. She did not want a fight errupting right now. Things were already confusing enough as it is.

Lucius' accusation caused her gaze to snap over to him.

"The spell was to identify my soulmate. Thats all. This shouldn't have happened. Sure the parchment said something about soulmates but really, in this day and age, who would believe anyone would have more then one soulmate? Its ridiculous. Not only that but I don't know what to do with one man let alone four. Wait. Please tell me there is only four of you!"

Hermione ranted, unable to help herself.

"Research! I'll do research. There has to be something that can clear all this mess up."

She then added, murmurring more to herself as she began to turn towards the Great Hall doors with the intention of going back to her chambers to look through all the books she had amassed for this very spell.

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πŸ’€ Maladi {Jedi}
G2 Rift πŸ’€ (#4467)

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Posted on
2015-02-09 09:25:10
"Magic says otherwise."

Gideon pointed out with a small shrug. Whether she directly summoned them or not, whatever spell she had cast had brought them back from the dead to bring them to her.

"That's us, love. I see you know our big sister, as well, yet sadly we've no idea who you are."

Fabian pointed out with a charming smile. He was adjusting back to life rather well it seemed, though he knew there were certain things that he'd have to get used to. Time hadn't stopped in their absence, and they'd have a hell of a time catching up with it.

At the introduction of Lucius Malfoy, both of them turned towards him and instantly their eyes narrowed. They'd been in the same year during Hogwarts, always at odds with each other.

"What are you doing here, you bloody peacock?"

Gabrial demanded, annoyance laced through his tone.

"Same as the rest of you;"–Lucius paused to turn his attention to Hermione once more–"an irresistible pull to Ms. Granger as a result of an extremely powerful spell that should have stayed 'lost.' "

"Hermione, you used a soulmate spell? What in the world possessed you to do something like that? You could have gotten yourself killed!"

Severus scolded, sighing as he ran a hand through his hair. That wasn't the problem, what had been done was done. Now to deal with the repercussions.

"What's there to research, Hermione? You preformed a spell that would draw your soulmates to you, and honestly I can't believe you're shocked by the possibility of there being more than one. Why do you think the wizarding community is more receptive to polyamorous relationships and marriages?"

Severus asked, arching an eyebrow lightly at his former student.

"Besides, time your probably be better spent figuring out who's missing."

Lucius added, looking around the Great Hall. The statement earned him strange looks from the other males, causing him to sigh and hold up his arm with his wrist bared to them, a small, calligraphic '5' marked on the otherwise unblemished skin.

"The spell marks its targets with a number in the order they are affected, these numbers only visable to those bound by the spell. Probability says I'm likely the last, but that still leaves one person missing."

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Bamon (#12532)

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Posted on
2015-02-10 06:16:21
"Oh! I apologise. I'm Hermione Granger. I'm a Muggleborn, so theres no wizarding family you know of to recognise me by."

She replied politely, deciding she'd much rather have these two men thinking her ordinary then having them know about her past in the wizarding world. Hopefully they'd never find out about any of it. Not about being Harry Potter, Golden Boy,'s best friend or being the 'Brightest Witch of her age', or the sidekick and/or bookworm of the Golden Trio, and especially not about the large, crude letters spelling out 'Mudblood' on her arm.

Hermione spun to face Lucius and Severus, slightly fustrated that the pair seemed to be teaming up to chastise her.

"I was perfectly fine. Sure, it did say that there was a risk of permenant magical draining, making you a squib, or even death for those that didn't have strong enough magic but after everything I've done, all the spells... I knew I'd be fine. I haven't come across a spell I couldn't do yet. Besides, I had all the safety measures in place. I'm not reckless. As for me finding the spell... If it shouldn't have been found then you really should have hid it better Mr Malfoy! You are not unaware of my behaviour when it comes to libraries and books. You even allowed me into yours. If you did not want the spell used then do not have it where I can find it."

She snapped at them both, hands on hips, like a mother scolding her children. Of course she knew she was pretty much in the wrong this time but she really hoped that maybe they could see her point of view if she defended herself hard enough.

"Funnily enough I didn't know that. Do you know why? Because wizarding tradition, culture, and rituals are not taught at schools. Everything Lucius and other Purebloods hold so dear are things, apparently, everyone but Muggleborns know about! I know nothing about polyamorous couples or multiple soulmates being a possibility. It never even occurred to me. I may have fantasied about it once or twice but thats just teenage curiousity. Everyone does it!"

She added, large arm and hand gestures coming into play the more passionate she got. Hermione almost fainted when Lucius mentioned there was one person missing. One soulmate missing. Five. Five grown, adult men with muscles, skills, and experience she couldn't even begin to contemplate.

"W-who could it be?"

Hermione whispered, hands grabbing fistfulls of her bushy, untamed hair. A cold feeling tingled down the back of her neck as her gaze instinctively went to the windows on one side of the Great Hall. If Lucius was the last then logic dictated that whoever was missing was either physically and magically unable to transport himself here or a criminal that would be arrested on sight or killed on sight and Hermione had this very bad feeling it was the latter.

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πŸ’€ Maladi {Jedi}
G2 Rift πŸ’€ (#4467)

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Posted on
2015-02-10 08:35:36
"I don't think your version of reckless applies here, Ms. Granger. There is a reason that spell hasn't been used in centuries."

Severus said, his tone stern as he watched Hermione with clearly disapproving eyes.

"I his it within the Malfoy Family Records as the last person known to use it before now was one if nt ancestors. If I'd have thought for a moment that you'd look there for whatever you were looking for, I would have taken it from there myself. However, might I remind you that a soulmate spell is not what you told me you were looking for."

Lucius pointed out.

"The blame never belongs to you, does it?"

Fabian asked with a scoff, arching an eyebrow at Lucius. However, if he was looking for any rise from his old school rival, he wasn't going to get any. In fact Lucius didn't so much as glance at the twins, nor did he say a word to them.

"Plans have already been set in motion to remedy that, and if all goes well then there will be a new maditory class for mugglebirns to explain these things."

Severus sighed in explanation. Honestly that wasn't the problem, but he doubted Hermione would be willing to drop the topic so easily.

"Could be anybody that was in the radius of the shockwave. Considering Hogwarts was the origin point and Malfoy Manor was probably on the edge, we're looking at quite a number of potential people."

Lucius shrugged, not entirely concerned with the topic.

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Bamon (#12532)

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Posted on
2015-02-10 08:50:11
"MY version of reckless?! Oooooooooooh!"

Hermione growled, eyes flashing as she glared at him. With a lack of a decent comeback Hermione settled for stomping one foot in fustration, hands clenched, as she snapped at him;

"You are definitely not getting your leg over any time soon!"

With that said she turned her attention to Lucius, her expression turning into a frown the more he spoke. She took in a deep breath, not wanting to take her anger from Severus out on Lucius undeservedly, before speaking.

"I told you I was looking for a spell to help. You did not enquire for any further information and I would not have given it even if you had. It was private and to do with my personal life. I was not about to go hanging out my dirty laundry to Mr High and Mi- to you Mr Malfoy or anyone else. Its sad enough I'm one of the few of marriageable age that hasn't settled down - at least as a serious couple - I was not going to admit I wanted to find a spell to see if there was anyone I was meant to be with. What if there had been no one for me? Even Severus was having fun dating a different woman every night - don't you dare deny it - and I just didn't want to be left behind anymore. There is so many times I can pretend to have a conversation with my familiar by meowing before I start to feel just a little bit lonely and pathetic."

Hermione ranted, realising how embarassing her words were but unable to stop them coming out. She hated when it happened. It always happened when she felt the most insecure, nervous, stressed, upset, uncomfortable, and defensive.

She had to get out of there. She had to get some fresh air. She was humilated enough for the day. Hermione just felt a desperate need for comfort and for some reason that sent her feet running through the corridors, out the front doors, and across the grass towards the Forbidden Forest.

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πŸ’€ Maladi {Jedi}
G2 Rift πŸ’€ (#4467)

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Posted on
2015-02-10 09:22:44
From the shadows of the Forbidden Forest, Fenrir watched Hermione Granger as she ran from the castle. He growled as he sensed her distress, his eyes narrowing. What had caused her to be like this? It angered him to think of it.

Dropping a piece of meat from his jaws into his hand, he watched Hermione for a while longer before tossing it at her feet. A few moments more, and he slowly walked out of the Forbidden Forest, stalking towards Hermione slowly.

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Bamon (#12532)

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Posted on
2015-02-10 16:16:16
Hemione skidded to an abrupt halt in her tracks as something was thrown her way. She rubbed the tears fromm her eyes with the palms of her hand so she could see better. With her vision clearer she looked down at the ground by her feet. Shock filled her, a hand coming to her mouth as she stared at the bloody piece of meat that she knew had to have been ripped from a fresh carcass not long ago.

Her gaze snapped up to stare ahead of her where the meat had come from, fresh with blood and someones saliva she noticed. To her shock and horror she saw one Fenrir Greyback, a man she had met whilst on the hunt for Horcruxes, stalk out of the shadows.

"Oh my god..."

She croaked, her hand moving from her mouth to her throat as she stared at the Werewolf. She was sure she was lucky that it was during the day and not the full moon. She wanted to run, she knew it was a logical next step, but her brain was working out why the meat and why was he here now. Her conclusions weren't good but running away wouldn't help matters either.

When courting animals often brought carcasses to the females to prove their strength and ability to provide for her as well as future offspring. She was missing one out of five soulmates. Someone was late. If that was Fenrir Greyback... well it would be understandable he was late since the authorities were still after him. How he eluded them she had no idea.

"You're one of them aren't you? You're number four."

She asked him although she was pretty sure she was right. She did briefly wonder why the others hadn't come after her but mostly her attention was on the man that was steadily getting closer and she was now, instinctively, backing away.

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πŸ’€ Maladi {Jedi}
G2 Rift πŸ’€ (#4467)

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Posted on
2015-02-10 18:15:37
A low growl rumbled deep in Fenrir's chest as his eyes narrowed in on Hermione, trying to find some meaning in her words. Unable to do so, he crouched down and instantly made painstakingly canine-esque bounds towards Hermione until he was able to stand up behind her.

"What do you mean 'four,' princess? Is one Alpha Wolf not enough to satisfy?"

He asked, his voice a rough murmur as his teeth gently nipped at her ear while his breath fanned out over her skin. He didn't understand what was going on, or what force lead him here, buy he did know that this woman before him was his. It wounded his pride to think of other men in the picture.

"Still, if I can't be the only I'll just have to be the best."

The grin that accompanied his words was dangerous–in a way similar to a troubled teenager urging you into something you're not supposed to, or hell bent on a ridiculous plan–and domineering as he moved once more, this time simply shifting sides so that he nipped at her other ear as his breath bathed her neck in warmth. Yes, he could certainly smeel other males on her, some familiar and others not. Interesting.

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Bamon (#12532)

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Posted on
2015-02-12 06:43:04
"Oh my god!"

Hermione gasped, wide eyed, as Fenrir made his first bound. On instinct she spun around and managed to take one running stride before Fenrir was behind her. She skidded to an abrupt halt, frozen, when she felt his body just inches from hers. Her heart was racing and she felt out of breath but she knew in no way was this down to just running a few inches. Oh no, this was the effect a primal, unrestrained, Werewolf criminal had on her.


She whimpered, shuddering as she felt his sharp teeth nip at her ear. She wished she could say that she only shuddered out of fear but deep down she knew it wasn't just fear that caused it. Something she refused to acknowledge even as she shut her eyes tightly and clenched her hands into fists in an attempt to focus her mind on how bad this man was and why. When he nipped her other ear Hermione flinched, shuddering again, in response.

It was his words that managed to bring her some amount of control. Taking a deep breath she strode forward a few strides before spinning around to face him with a frown on her face.

"Best?! You're a criminal! One of the most wanted if not THE most wanted! You have seas of blood in your wake. You've tortured, ripped, maimed, raped, turned, and killed others on mere whims! You sided with Tom Riddle for Merlin's sake! You are so far away from being the best that you can't even see 'the best' finish line! You do not get to touch me!"

Although Hermione said that Fenrir did not get to touch her the thought of being held, perhaps with soft fur covered arms, was something that ignited longing in her. However this was not something she'd tell anyone any time soon.

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πŸ’€ Maladi {Jedi}
G2 Rift πŸ’€ (#4467)

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Posted on
2015-02-12 07:14:26
Fenrir listened to Hermione's rant with a rather bored disposition, arching an eyebrow lightly as she finished. Sure, he'd done everything she said, and likely worse, at some point or another, but he'd long since stopped letting it affect him. What was done was done, right?

"Funny how you care so much of the blood I have spilt, yet overlook the blood on the hands of Lucius Malfoy and"–Fenrir paused here to take a deep breath and confirm what he had earlier scented–" Severus Snape. Or do you forget that they were also carrying out the Dark One's orders?"

He asked. His tone was neither harsh, nor bitter, simply factual. No matter how she painted the picture of him, he was not the only one at fault by her logic.

"Take care that your words match your eyes, for lying does not become you, princess. Your words say no, but your eyes say yes. And do not try to shut the emotion from your eyes, for it won't work so long as your pheromones fun wild."

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