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Bamon (#12532)

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Posted on
2015-02-08 03:26:41


Hermione was shocked. Harry and Ginny were now married with a child on the way. Luna had settled down with the Scamander brothers - their wedding had been a real eye opener for a lot of Muggleborns. Even Ron had proposed to Lavendar, of all people, who was also pregnant which, to her surprise, Ron was extremely excited about. Her parents had managed to conceive again, and thus she'd have a new sibling coming along in nine months time.

Everyone was moving on with their lives. Settling down. Having a family. Severus had even been reinstated as Hogwarts Headmaster as well as the Prince heir with all of the Prince fortune going to him. With the burden of being a double spy no longer on his shoulders, Severus flourished. He looked healthier, sexier, and even he was going on numerous dates!

Hermione couldn't stand it. She felt so left out, and with the Weasley clan expanding at a rapid rate Hermione knew she had do something about it. Now.

She wasn't desperate enough for one night stands or serial dating. She didn't want to just settle for whoever would deign to lower themselves to date her (at least that was the impression she got from others). No, she wanted to find her soul mate if he even existed.

So classic Hermione she had begun research at once. It had taken numerous all-nighters, begging and blackmail to get into the biggest libraries in the UK - which did indeed include the Malfoy's library - and a lot of pots of tea but she had found a spell. It was an extremely old one, written in old english on a very old piece of parchment paper but it was something.

On a cold sunday evening, whilst everyone was eating tea in the Great Hall, Hermione performed the spell out on the Quidditch Pitch (just to make sure she had privacy).

The shockwave that came out of the spell, her bare feet gripping the sand, travelled across the world and the sheer power from it amazed her. Trying to ignore the worry in the back of her mind, Hermione then proceeded to have her own tea and then went to bed. Despite all her worries she did manage to end up sleeping soundly that night.

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Bamon (#12532)

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Posted on
2015-02-12 08:09:16
"Severus Prince has been working as a Double Agent for years. He's paid for his mistakes a thousand times over, and Lucius has been doing his best to atone for his sins as well. Whilst you've continued your rampage. Its completely different! They regret what they have done. You don't."

Hermione snapped back, for some reason feeling a desire not only to back up her own words but also to defend both Severus and Lucius. It was an odd thing and something she had decided she would not examine at any point in time. At least not when it came to Lucius anyway. Severus was understandable. Lucius... was not.

"How dare you! Any pheromones that may spark within your vicinity is done against my will. I have no control over my baser instincts despite how well buried they usually are. Just because my body may feel one thing does not mean I'll ever embrace it or you."

She added, hands on her hips as she stared Fenrir down. Hermione sighed, took a moment to take a deep breath before she relaxed her body. She knew fighting would get her no where. If he was her fourth then he wasn't going anywhere any time soon. Reluctantly she'd have to bring him inside Hogwarts and to her chambers as that was the only home she had now.

She would have to take him to Severus. He'd have to know and then maybe he, Lucius, Fabian, and Gideon could decide what to do as she had no idea.

"I need you to let me stupefy you so I may levitate you inside. We need to decide what is going to happen from here."

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πŸ’€ Maladi {Jedi}
G2 Rift πŸ’€ (#4467)

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Posted on
2015-02-12 09:02:18
"The fact remains that they have killed, and tortured, and maimed under orders of another. I refuse to see how my situation is any different.

"I was a child when I was turned a human child; for all I had known, I'd been attacked by a common dog. Twenty eight days later, I find out I'm a werewolf and what does the wizarding population do? Lock me up, treat me like a criminal while I was a victim. I saw them for what they were: corrupt. Tom Riddle gave me freedom and purpose, promised me revenge on those that sought to control me.

"And who are you to determine what I do and do not feel? How well do you know me to claim that I feel no remorse? You forget I was human once, and that side is still there, it still feels. When was the last time I attacked someone? The last time someone was hurt by my efforts? During the Final Battle, and why do you think that is? Because I don't want to drag others down with me anymore. I don't want others to hurt like the way I hurt anymore."

His eyes were cold as he regarded his mate, though by no means were they dishonest. He had dug himself a deep hole over the years, and he couldn't blame people for thinking as they did of him, but he would not allow someone else to tell him what he felt and what he didn't feel.

"As for your pheromones, it has very little to do with instinct. Hormones do not stir, and reactions do not occur without a physical attraction. Your body and your mind are one, and your body knows who your mind has deemed suitable for you, whether it is something you have acknowledged it or not."

He knew instinct, and attraction was not instinct . . . not with humans anyway. With animals there was a deeper pull than mere attraction, which was one of the only things making him stay around for so long. He knew Hermione belonged to him, as his mate, and he wasn't going down without a fight.

His eyes narrowed as Hermione mentioned stupefying him. No, absolutely not! He may not be as violent as before, but that didn't mean he was going to let others dominate him and chain him up – literally or metaphorically. However, before the werewolf could protest, a frantic seventh year ran from the castle, looking around hurriedly until she spotted Hermione and running up to the Ancient Runes Professor.

"Professor Granger! You need to come quickly, th-there was aβ€” and aβ€” Everything wasβ€”"

The girl seemed unable to provide a full sentence from the stress that Fenrir could have smelled a mile away, and so stopped trying to explain after a few attempts.

"Headmaster Prince wishes to see you in his classroom."

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Edited on 12/02/15 by JediTimeLord SlytherinPrincess (#4467)

Bamon (#12532)

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Posted on
2015-02-12 19:04:01
Oh god. Oh god. Oh god!

Fenrir Greyback was sprouting facts and logic she could not dispute or deny. She felt as if she was a computer, overheating and with a potential to explode. Only she knew if she exploded she would end up flinging herself at the feral Alpha Werewolf, legs around his h ips, and all reason gone from her mind. She could not let that happen. She had to keep control of herself. Pheromones or not she was not going to succumb to him.

The more he spoke the harder it was to keep her distance.

Which was why it was lucky when a student interrupted them. Hermione knew she probably wouldn't have been able to hold out much longer without the interruption.

"Right. Lead the way."

Hermione told the girl, completely confused as to what was going on but if it involved Severus she knew it would be best to get there as soon as possible. She had been surprised to see him continue to teach Potions, even as Headmaster, but she had a bad feeling his choice to continue to teach 'dunderheads' may have finally come to bite him on the bottom. There was very little at this point that could fluster a student so much.

Her gaze travelled back to Fenrir, and although she knew it was a very bad idea she also knew she couldn't leave him alone. Besides, she had to get him with the others so they could figure out what to do.

"Um, you better come with me Fenrir."

She said softly, doing her best to ignore the fact Fenrir could probably smell her pheromones. Hermione turned swiftly and without a glance back strode inside the castle and to Severus' long standing Potions classroom in the dungeons.

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πŸ’€ Maladi {Jedi}
G2 Rift πŸ’€ (#4467)

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Posted on
2015-02-13 01:33:41
Fenrir maintained a calm façade as he watched Hermione's internal struggle. Seeing her emotions work against he body's desires, yet her subconsciousness slowly giving in as a result. He'd heard many things about Hermione Granger, one of them being her love of knowledge, logic, and reasoning. So this was the way to break down her walls. Interesting.

He'd just once more to coax her to him in a backdoor fashion, when she'd turned away to put her focus on the student. Damn, he'd been close. If it wasn't for that one little distraction . . .

He was shaken from his musings as Hermione spoke to him, looking over to her as her words sunk in. With a simple shrug, he walked towards his mate compliantly.

"As long as you don't cast any magic on me . . . "

He murmured, a slight growl edging his voice at the warning. However, it seemed it wasn't needed, as Hermione merely turned around to follow the girl, and allowed Greyback to follow obediently.

As he followed the women through the halls, he carefully looked around the castle, though kept himself in check enough to keep following Hermione and the student. The last time he had been here, he was trying to destroy the place and . . .

Fenrir shook his head to drive away the memory. He didn't want to think about it. Out in the Forbidden Forest, just meters from where he had met with Hermione, he'd changed his last victim. That, however, hadn't been free will, but Voldemort's orders. He couldn't remember the last time he'd changed someone from free will. He refused to let it effect him either way, but so many people judged him on thing's he'd been ordered to do by a wizard he was endebted to.

When they'd finally stepped into the dungeons (something Fenrir was rather apprehensive about, since there would be no where for him to run), the werewolf cautiously followed the witches before him into what had to be Severus Snape's classroom.

Severus stood with his back to them, leaning against one of the desks as he discussed what sounded to Fenrir like steps for potions-making with a make student knelt down beside his caulderon. Even from this angle, Fenrir could tell there was something off about Snape–besides the fact that his voice seemed a bit strange–though exactly what, he couldn't tell.

As the girl that had led the two there shifted her weight rather nervously, she cleared her throat and gained her professor's attention. With a small, almost imperceivable sign on his part, Severus turned towards Hermione. He didn't speak, nor did his gaze wander to Fenrir. He was focus solely on Hermione and her reaction.

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Bamon (#12532)

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Posted on
2015-02-13 19:40:19
Hermione felt her body fall into a little bit more submissive position then it had previously when Fenrir told her he'd follow her only if she didn't cast any magic on him. Guilt embraced her and she suddenly found it hard to look at him due to it. She tried her best to focus on where they were going, anything and everything around them, but all she seemed to be aware of was the very Alpha Werewolf behind her.

She knew if he didn't have the reputation he did then he'd have every heterosexual female and homosexual man panting after him yet all he seemed to want now was her. Despite her accussations which could still be true. Fenrir hadn't given any proof or evidence to the contrary after all just well spoken arguements.

What Hermione found in the dungeons however shoved all thoughts of Fenrir from her mind.

"Bloody hell!"

She swore, something she didn't usually do. Severus was no where near as tall or muscular as he was half an hour ago. Not only that but his dominant air he usually had wasn't there either and she could see why. Severus was no longer the middle aged adult he had been when she last saw him. No, he had somehow lost over one decade's worth of aging to be a teenager once more.


She knew it could be no one else. Even if she had run into this man in the corridor she would have known it was Severus and not because of the number on his wrist. Severus had always been do distinctive to her.

She couldn't help but hope he still had his deep, dark, sinful voice...

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πŸ’€ Maladi {Jedi}
G2 Rift πŸ’€ (#4467)

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Posted on
2015-02-14 04:00:14
"I see you've had about the same reaction as everyone else."

Severus's voice was still deep, though not quite as deep as it had been barely an hour ago. He wasn't surprised, considering the change he'd just gone through. He still couldn't tell if he liked it or not, though. After letting it sink in with her, he nodded towards the student still in the classroom.

"Mr. Clearwater added the wrong ingredient to his potion and it had some rather interesting side effects."

He explained. His voice wasn't angry towards the seventh year, but the boy still cowered down any way. Even seemingly the same age as him, Headmaster Prince was not one of be reckoned with.

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Bamon (#12532)

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Posted on
2015-02-14 10:57:35
"Right, well, I have news of my own. Severus, I'm sure you know Fenrir Greyback. He is the missing fourth."

Hermione replied, almost absentmindedly as she was still shocked over Severus' transformation. He looked so young. He looked younger then her. He sounded younger then her.

This was probably the most confusing moment of her life. He was so attractive as an adult and now as a teenager she just wanted to mother him. It was so odd. Right in this moment she wanted to mother Severus Prince and jump Fenrir Greyback. If anyone before today had told her she'd ever feel this way she would have laughed. Now it wasn't so funny.

What was she going to do? Could Severus still run Hogwarts in this new, temporary, form?

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πŸ’€ Maladi {Jedi}
G2 Rift πŸ’€ (#4467)

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Posted on
2015-02-14 16:06:28
"Is he now?"

Severus asked, his tone one that was none-too-surpised as he looked over to the werewolf. Both males examined each other with gazes that were cautiously guarded, and it ended up being Fenrir to break the silence.

"You're looking good for your age, Snape."

He commented. The shrug he gave was casual, but his smirk was highly amused. Whatever he was trying to accomplish seemed to work, as it was not long after that Severus sent a wry gaze the werewolf's way.

"Wish I could say the same, Greyback."

He returned, mimicking the other man's casual shrug. After a few moments, he turned to the seventh year still knelt beside his cauldron.

"Go on to your next class, and make sure the word spreads that Potions in cancelled for the rest of the day due to this little incident."

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Bamon (#12532)

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Posted on
2015-02-15 00:57:07

Hermione shouted in response to Severus' instructions. Whilst Severus had mellowed a bit when it came to teaching she knew should anyone hear of Severus' classes being cancelled there would be a massive party to rival all parties in every inch of Hogwarts.

"No. You will do nothing of the sort Mr Clearwater. Go to class and make sure everyone knows Potions Class is resuming as normal."

She said firmly, clearly expecting no arguement as she stared the boy down until he nodded and made his escape. She had no idea who was going to teach Potions but she was not going to have a riot on her watch.

"Right, I guess I'll be acting Headmistress until this transformation is reversed. First I need someone working on creatiing an antidote Potion... Severus and Lucius can do that."

Hermione began muttering to herself, absentmindedly bringing out her wand with a flick and then summoning up her Otter Patronus before sending it on its way to alert Lucius as to his new job.

"Teaching Potions... Can't be Fenrir. They'd be too terrified... What about... Gideon and Fabian. Hm..."

Then with another flick she sent a second Otter Patronus to the Prewett twins asking if they could come to the Potions classroom immediately. If they did have enough eptitude to teach Potions at least for the day that still left one more problem...

Fenrir Greyback. Now what on earth was she supposed to do with him? She briefly considered him doing bodyguard duty for her as she knew should Molly Weasley find out she had not only brought her brothers back from the dead but also not told her then she would be in for a world of pain. However she wasn't sure it would be wise to have Fenrir in such a position. If things were as he said then making him a bodyguard wouldn't do his public reputation any good.

"Fenrir... I think it may be best if you just stick with me for now."

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πŸ’€ Maladi {Jedi}
G2 Rift πŸ’€ (#4467)

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Posted on
2015-02-15 02:12:14
Severus's body tensed almost unnoticeably as Hermione overrode his orders to the seventh year. That would start a trend that would last for Merlin knows how long. If every word he said was belayed by Hermione, soon the students would stop listening to him all together.

"Excuse me, Ms. Granger I am still Headmaster and here at Hogwarts, and these physical changes do not change a thing."

He pointed out, his voice carefully measured as he guarded his expression from the great annoyance he felt. It was only once she spoke of an antidote that he let his shock, disbelief, and great offence show. She couldn't be serious. By Merlin, she was.

"I see. Well, at least now I understand I'm not worth the time of the Greatest Witch of her Generation without my physical appearance."

He said, his voice calm, though with in underlying bitterness. He knew she'd stop him before he could make it to the door, so instead he turned and stalked into his potion's office, closing and locking the door behind him so he could sulk in solitude.

Fenrir watched as Severus disappeared, though he had made no move to stop him. Instead he turned to Hermione as he was addressed by her.

"Whatever you say, princess."

He shrugged, leaning against one of the tables in the classroom. It was only a few minutes longer before Lucius and the twins arrived, almost at the same time.

"So what exactly am I making an antidote for?"

Lucius asked as he leaned against the wall behind Severus's desk.

"And what are we here for?"

Fabian questioned, motioning between himself and Gideon

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Bamon (#12532)

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Posted on
2015-02-15 02:29:20
Hermione's eyes went wide at Severus' reaction. For a moment she just stood there shocked and numb, desperately trying to figure out what she had done wrong. She knew she was bossy. Harry, Ron, Ginny and Luna had teased her about it mercilessly but it had been the main thing that kept the two boys alive during their school years. She didn't understand. In the handbook for a Deputy it mentioned that should the Headmaster be compromised the Deputy should take over temporarily until such time as the Headmaster is restored to normal.

Surely this situation meant Severus was compromised? And what did he even mean about him not being worth her time without his normal appearance?

"I need Minerva."

Hermione decided. Minerva was one of the people who knew Severus best and not only that but Minerva had been Deputy to Dumbledore in her past. Surely she could help her.

She was snapped out of her own bewildered thoughts when she heard Fenrir, Lucius and Fabian speak. She turned to look at them, an expression of confusion, vunerability, and a trace of fear in her eyes. She knew enough to know Severus thought she had done something wrong but what she'd done wrong she had no idea.

She just hoped she hadn't done something as bad as Lily had done when she'd betrayed Severus by finding James' bullying of him amusing, not forgiving a word said in a humilating and heated situation, and cutting Severus out of her life because of it. Hermione had sworn to herself she wouldn't be like the fickle Lily Potter, she wouldn't hurt anyone like that, but right now she had a terrifying thought she may have.


Hermione began, wanting to tell everything that had happened but unable to find or express the words to do so she just shook her head hopelessly as tears stung the corner of her eyes although she fought them back fiercely,

"I need to do some research."

Research hadn't failed her so far.

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πŸ’€ Maladi {Jedi}
G2 Rift πŸ’€ (#4467)

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Posted on
2015-02-16 16:18:08
"Hermione, did you ever stop to think that maybe Severus doesn't want to find an antidote? This must be like a second chance at life for him, free of being a double agent, and making sure Voldemort couldn't tell he was a double agent."

Greyback pointed out. He didn't really care about the other male's, or their interactions with Hermione, but he did care about Hermione's happiness, and right now he could smell the stress on her like pheremones on a Veela. Honestly he was surprised she hadn't thought of the possibility, considering out of all of them here she likely know Severus best merely having worked with him, and having been taught by him in her younger years.

Lucius and the twins had absolutely no clue what either was on about – though Hermione's announcement of research didn't seem to surprise them. The three exchanged a strange glance before looking back to Hermione, though it was ultimately Lucius to speak up.

"Hermione, what happened down here? Why did you call us?"

He asked, his tone gentle as he slowly moved forward to comfortingly snake an arm around her shoulders.

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Bamon (#12532)

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Posted on
2015-02-20 06:38:36
"B-but there wasn't anything wrong with him before."

Hermione whispered. Of course she understood what Greyback was saying now that it had been said but she'd had a crush on the older Severus. The wiser Severus. The Severus with a deep, silky voice that could make every woman's dream come true. The Severus with the tall height and hard, muscular body that made her shiver with excitement. The Severus whom had been her Potions Professor, her saviour, and whom in a way was the forbidden.

Now he looked her age. He looked like a boy. A boy she wanted to mother and not the man she longed for.

"There was an accident."

She murmurred as she looked over at Lucius and the twins.

"A student's potion exploded and turned Severus into a boy. I... I wanted to make an antidote, I mean thats the logical step, but he... he got mad and stormed of. I... I look like I could be his mum."

She told them, her voice shaking with how confused and stunned she was.

What was she going to do now?

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πŸ’€ Maladi {Jedi}
G2 Rift πŸ’€ (#4467)

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Posted on
2015-02-23 13:59:12
"And by saying that, you are insinuating that there is something wrong with him now. That's a hit on any man's pride, especially one of his appeared age."

Fenrir shrugged. Hermione may net be saying such, but it was more than likely that Severus was hearing it, especially if his mentality was also reverted back to that of a teenager. He appeared to have all his memories intact – which was more than reassuring considering he did not want to deal with a teenage Severus – but that didn't mean he still had the maturity and wisdom of his older self.

Lucius frowned as he listened to Hermione, gently stroking her arm as she spoke. That's what was making her so upset? He could see why, but that didn't make it any less of a strange occurence.

"Hermione, you're barely in your twenties, I doubt Severus has been turned young enough for you to look like you could be his mother."

Gideon pointed out from whee he stood beside his brother, leaning back against one of the stone walls.

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Bamon (#12532)

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Posted on
2015-03-03 06:43:22
Okay, so maybe Gideon had a point but just a moment ago she had adult Severus whom she just found out was one of her soulmates and then the next she had a teenage Severus that she had no idea what to do about or what to do with. She didn't even know how she was going to begin to process the whole thing as it was.

Severus was young again.

"But thats the point - I don't know this Severus. The young Severus. I'm pretty sure I wasn't even born when he was a teenager the first time. I don't know what to think or feel about this Severus. All I know is how I felt about adult Severus."

Hermione confessed, innocent and teary eyes glancing up at each of the four men with her.

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