-LOCKED - Pregnancy & Nesting
Posted on 2015-05-22 07:43:38

Pregnancy & Nesting!


HEY STUDS! You got her pregnant, now what?
A pregnant lioness will require to build a nest. You can access a list of all pregnant ladies in your nesting page located here:


You will see a list of your ladies that are pregnant. Those, that already have nests will have a nice icon shown: nest.png

If a lioness doesn't have a nest, the icon will show an X: nonest.png

On the right you will see a list of all the items that are fit to build a nest! You can pick any amount and lioness just will pick whatever she prefers, so even if you pick too many, don't worry, unused items will be un-checked after lionesses finish building nests. The amount of item uses needed total is 6. Some items such as Dry Palm Leaf have their uses upped to be more suitable for nesting.

This is a current list of all the working items for nesting:

Yes! Even those pesky Shaman Herbs are soft enough!

If a lioness was not given items for nesting, she will risk a cub death upon birth. If your cubs survive, that's great, but you might not be so lucky. Should a litter die this way, lioness will grieve for 3 days on cooldown, and then be ready to be bred again. If she has a nest made for her, no cubs will die!

- A nesting lioness cannot hunt until she gives birth!
- Nesting lioness will show pregnancy art - if the nest is not complete, it won't show.
- Mutations have the pregnancy stage disabled.
- All decors will be disabled during pregnancy stage, and Nesting BG shown.
- An option in your Den appeared - you can disable visual pregnancy art, but not the nesting.
- We will enable pregnancy stage for custom decors in near future!
- Instant Cub Delivery won't work if nest is not complete.
- Nesting can be done on last day/hours of lionesses' pregnancy for cub's birth safety - she can hunt while pregnant without nest for that time.
If your lioness is not pregnant, and she's not able to hunt, you should modbox it as a stuck lioness, it's an older bug.



New Markings!

Feline 5: Dark Brown, Onyx & Silky have appeared in wardrobe! They will be raffle only.

Layout Megathread is still being worked on!

If you have any questions about the Event that is currently going on, you can check the Sticky News post for May! :D

Raffle Lioness

Congrats Suti (#53668)! you have won fluffball Lady!
Newest lady has Feline 5 DB, and is up for impressing in Special Lioness area in Explore or in NEWS section under News Post List!

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Edited on 22/05/15 by Xylax (#4)

soup (#52780)

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Posted on
2015-05-22 14:39:28
Oh thank goodness I bred my lionesses before this update xD But yes, while there are some things that will probably need to be tweaked this I think this will help increase cub prices, and hopefully add another way of getting sb for new/poor players since now there will be a bigger demand for feathers and the like!
(Though I'm determined to get my feather decors first xD)

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VeeVee (#390)

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Posted on
2015-05-22 14:43:24
Star, As said in the News post, you don't don't have to make a nest. However, you risk the death of any cubs that will be born. They can survive, but if you don't want any cubs to die it would be beneficial to create a nest.

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Tortuga (#54751)

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Posted on
2015-05-22 14:44:46
Yesss, I really like this update. Really nice addition to make it more realistic!

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Iris {love the
floods} (#59566)

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Posted on
2015-05-22 14:49:05
So nice, love it

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Seventails (#38441)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-05-22 14:52:55
@Soup: Well, yeah the prices for them will go up and poor people can sell them, but ... uhm ... they will need those items for themselves as well, otherwise they run the risk of cub death =/.

And I still remember when I joined one year ago, that I was thankful for every SB I was able to get, but if I would have had to keep those items, so I could, sucessfully (!), "improve" my breeding stock (i.e. living lionesses in my den), then I probably would have quit, because it would have been really hard to get a good start.

As you progress in the game, you sometimes can lose the 'feeling' of a newbie XD.



Well, I meant if 2+3 would get combined, that the 'drop rate' for the "Nest items" (i.e. totally new items) would be increased, not the normal decor XD.
Decor 'drop rate' would only be increased by a lot, if the system would stay as it is right now, so people won't have to decide: Sucessfull birth or Decor?

Because then we could just remove the Decor crafting, since most would probably like to keep their Den alive and not dying out, because there are no young or rarely some XD.
(~coughs~ especially with the sometimes barely mark bearing cubs ~coughs~)

Though, even IF we would remove Decor crafting ... we would run into the Events problem still =/.

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Edited on 22/05/15 by Seventails ( CHALLENGE ME ) (#38441)

Xylax (#4)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2015-05-22 15:39:09
Due to complaints, I removed all the "standing up" mentions from news and comments. It's not actual part of the game anywhere, I don't really want to see players nitpicking unimportant stuff. Nesting stays the way it is.

We will release more items and exploring encounters for nesting.

I am pretty sure you guys supported nesting a lot, wanted cub mills to stop and introduce cub mortality, slowly, step by step. This is how we do it.
You are saying "wasn't there supposed to be a Nesting Bundle?" - no, because I never heard of it. If you want a bundle like that, you're welcome to suggest it now.

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Seventails (#38441)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-05-22 15:43:47
I have to say, those words are really sad to read.
Even if people back then wanted it, doesn't mean that minds won't change and it doesn't justify making a game more and more time consuming, but whatever.
Also, nitpicking about the standing up? Why not explain errors that someone made, better than spreading false truths.

Oh and btw. there was, it was even from your own post:

"For lions that, at the last minute, realize they don't have any/enough bedding materials in their hoard, we'd put in a little bedding bundle in the Monkey Shop. But if you're a frequent explorer, that wouldn't be necessary anyway. :) "

Thread => http://www.lioden.com/topic.php?id=24911

Anyway, as said.. if this gets too time consuming and I have to spend more stuff that is NEEDED elsewhere (hint hint decor crafting and events), then I probably will quit in the long run.
Again, really sad - I am used to that staff is open to suggestions and stuff and listening actually, which is why - for example - the poll was made with the hunting problem.
If a poll would have been made for everyone to see before this was implemented, users would have been able to throw in suggestions to avoid this whole decor/event/drain problem.
And no, not everyone goes to the Game Development or the Boards frequently, deeply or at all.

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Edited on 22/05/15 by Seventails ( CHALLENGE ME ) (#38441)

Nny (#257)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2015-05-22 15:51:53
Ooh. LOVE this update~! <3

I don't see a problem with nesting stuff either. To me it seems like It'll encourage people to explore, promote player interaction for stuff they'd need, and it'll help people think and not just mindlessly breed every heat which will help the overabundance of cubs in the game somewhat. ^^

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ShnafflesnapTwo (#5479)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-05-22 16:01:10
Hilarious - love the new artwork <3

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Kraft (#738)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2015-05-22 16:13:48
Nesting :O
This is amazing, and those poses are super adorable! Look how happy she looks =3


I have to say reading the comments from Seventails on the previous page I'd like to explain somethings in regards to your post.

- A vote for/against nesting.

I'm not sure you were around for that particular vote however we DID have a vote on how to fix he cub market. There were three options, Idea 1 (mortality and nesting), Idea 2 (fertility and deadly mutations), and then an option for Both.
The overwhelming vote was for BOTH ideas being added in time. So yes, there was a vote.

- Harder for Old Fashioned Breeding

I don't see this as a valid point concern at all because of the studding system. The studding system is a game feature used to control how much a lion can breed and another way to reduce the amount of cubs in the game. By going around this feature people are adding to the overflow. But the most prominent reason I cannot see this as a concern in terms of nesting is that lioden does not support traditional studding mainly due to how easy it is to scam people. I do not see how they should cater for people using a feature they do not endorse.


I've always had this opinion and I'll lay it out here again.

If people cannot take care of their pride. You need less lions. Simple as that. If you do not have time, energy or are just too lazy then prides of 20+ lions are not for you. Perhaps a team of 5 is more appropriate and easy to handle. And also while saying that: People do not need to breed every heat. I see that as irresponsible for the cub market until cub mortality is added.

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Lulu (#56881)

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Posted on
2015-05-22 16:44:27
I agree with Kraft's statements. It might get a little difficult for me to maintain my pride at its current size, but I can downsize, I have a few nice lionesses that should be able to sell for cheap. Its not impossible to adapt to this new feature, it'll just take time to learn it and get a pride appropriately sized or the most beneficial breeding schedules.

A better cub market would be nice. I admit that I contributed to it in the beginning and still breed crud cubs for people who need karma fodder.

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Pademelon (#30225)

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Posted on
2015-05-22 17:08:42
Woowww O.o I love this concept and the new artwork is totally amazing (as always)! I think this update is a great way to further manage some aspects of the game, especially dens that over-breed. Engaging way to manage the influx of cubs, especially since the lethal mutations are pretty rare, and so are infertile lionesses in comparison to those who can breed.

I understand that it may prove challenging for some people, such as newer players and those who frequently breed every lion in their den, which, I don't think is the best. Anyway, the positives definitely outweigh negatives in my opinion; there may be some personal issues for some people, but as a community it will prove beneficial. The only problem I could have with this personally is that I am hoarding feathers for decor, but, since I am not constantly breeding every single lioness in my den, I am sure I could balance this easily, I mean it's not like you need a hoard full of feathers every time you breed a lioness. And if more items/encounters are going to be added to explore, this pretty much shouldn't be that much of a hassle.

Decor crafting is a side aspect of the game. Who would honestly risk losing a litter of cubs to make a decor -.- not me. Although I am most definitely trying to hoard for decor, I don't think I'm that desperate for it tbh.
Also, uhh, not every event requires feathers/herbs... people can just focus on that during the actual event, just breed your lioness before and she'll be on cooldown for a lot of it, so you won't have to worry about nesting if it's THAT big of a deal.

And I don't get why this would be time consuming? Doesn't everyone Explore all the time anyway? Sooo, you pick things up on the way, it's not like you have to spend any more time collecting nesting items than what you already do exploring... because you have an energy limit.... I dunno, I just am not too bothered by this and don't think it would drive me to quit the game either. I mean, I understand why it could bother people but I agree that it's a bit nitpicky for the most part O.o

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Pademelon (#30225)

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Posted on
2015-05-22 17:16:00
Also, it's not that hard to keep up a sustainable pride. If people are struggling or if they are newbies, they can just keep a small pride and focus on sending out hunting parties for food, and explore whenever they have an opportunity/send out sub males on patrol, etc. and actually feed and play with their small pride each day. If they do this to start they will eventually have surplus items to sell, or they can supply nests to a couple lionesses to breed... I don't see why it's so hard

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Sofi (#50044)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-05-22 17:18:48
Yay! This adds more realism to Lioden. I LOVE ittttt. Now I can get even more attached to my lionesses. xD Great. :T I have a pregnant lioness right now. Time to check out that nest function!

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Celeste_16 (#60183)

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Posted on
2015-05-22 17:32:32
Interesting update! Looking forward to it.

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