Posted by I solemnly swear :: HP Inspired RP OOC

SilverWolfLeopard (#5102)

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Posted on
2015-06-04 22:59:07


:: Click here to go to the RP thread


:: Rules

:: Basics

1- Treat everyone with kindness and respect; we're all buddies here! Please take any disagreements to PM.

2- This is Literate-Advanced Literate roleplay. You'll be expected to use proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation. You're to make your post at least a paragraph long (5-7 sentences) if not more. Role-players who do not meet these requirements will be removed from the role-play.

3- Being active is a must! Try to pop in at least once every 2 or 3 days. If you're going to be away for an extended period of time, or will have a change in normal activity, please let me know so that your character is saved; members that give no word and are inactive for over 2 days will be deleted.

4- Upon joining the thread, there will be a 2 day grace period. Within these two days, you're able to join the RP and test the waters. After the grace period, your character is considered a full part of the roleplay, which means if you suddenly leave the thread after the period, your character will be written out of the story in any way we see fit, especially if they leave plot gaps. Characters who have not posted at least once during this 2 day grace period will also be written out.

5- Don't make every other character a werewolf or veela or metamorphmagus or animagus, those characters are few and far between. PM if you want to make one of these ahead of time so I can give you the go or no go.

6- Follow Lioden ToS when roleplaying please.

7- I reserve the right to reject character applications if I feel you are not a good fit for this role-play. This includes if I feel you will be unable to reach the lit-adv lit requirements set in rule 2.

New Rule: 8- When filling out your application you may use real photos or REALISTIC pictures (no anime, cartoon style pictures).


:: Rules

:: Hogwarts Rules

These may not always be strictly enforced

Students shall not leave Hogwarts grounds, unless they leave with the Headmaster's permission, if collected by a parent or guardian
Students are not allowed in the Forbidden Forest, unless accompanied by a professor

Third and Fourth years may visit Hogsmead on weekends only
Fifth through Seventh years may visit Hogsmead anytime during the weekend or after class

No boys in the girls dorms
No girls in the boys dorms

Access to commons areas are strictly controlled, and students are not allowed in the other commons areas
Each common room has a protective measure in place to restrict access. The Gryffindor Tower and Slytherin Dungeon require passwords. Ravenclaw Tower requires the answer to a riddle. The Hufflepuff Basement requires tapping a specific barrel in a particular rhythm.

Students are expected to be in their commons areas by 10 pm.
Students are expected to be in their commons areas till 6 am.


Gryffindor; Fairy lights
Hufflepuff; Top middle, bottom right, top middle, bottom left
Ravenclaw; Pick a riddle
Slytherin; Salazar
Prefect bathroom; Bubble bath


:: Application

Please post applications here and PM me to know you did

Age: (13-18)
House Request: (If you'd like more information on house sorting and the common personalties and quirks that make up each house please take a look at this article. The Traits of the Four Houses)
Year: (Keep it realistic, your characters can skip or get held back ONE grade. DUE TO AN UNINTERESTED CROWD, FIRST AND SECOND YEARS WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO BE PLAYED. THEY WILL BE NPC'D)
Heritage: (Pure blood, mud blood, half blood)
Orientation: (Gay, Straight, Bi, etc.)
Significant Other: (Boyfriend, Girlfriend, Partner, Etc.)
Crush: (not who you're dating but who you have a crush on)
Strengths: (at least 3+ in a list format)
Weaknesses: (at least 3+ in a list format)
Personality: (No "Played out in RP" allowed. At least a paragraph.)
Played By:
Picture: (Optional)
RP Example:


:: Characters

(Please, only 5 characters of each year allowed)
Gender Ratio: 10 Girls // 8 Boys
Years Ratio: Third 2/5 :: Fourth 2/5 :: Fifth 4/5 :: Sixth 5/5 :: Seventh 4/5
"Other" Ratio: Metamorphmagi 2/2 // Animagi 4/4 // Werewolves 1/3 // Half-Veelas 1/3
- Light Stryker // 17 // Masculine // Seventh // N/A // Starwolf, 28052
- Katherine Gayle Luvika // 16 // Feminine // Sixth // Animagus (not fully achieved yet) // West, 43497
- Lwaxana “Rixx” Zane // 14 // Feminine // Fourth // Half-Veela // Kovu, 24258
- Levanna Anael Everett // 16 // Feminine // Sixth // N/A // Njay, 43822
- Holly Renee Andrews // 15 // Feminine // Fifth // Metamorphmagus // Astera, 15276
- Name // Age // Gender // Year // Other // Played by
- Hunter Godfrey // 16 // Masculine // Sixth // Metamorphmagus // SilverWolfLeopard, 5102
- River St. Claire // 16 // Feminine // Sixth // N/A // Rainy, 50592
- Dawn Fildrew // 15 // Feminine // Fourth // N/A // Sohodora, 48779
- Name // Age // Gender // Year // Other // Played by
- Alice Charlotte Jackson-Thomas // 14 // Feminine // Third // N/A // FantasyDragone, 54330
- Eve Vivienne Edwards // 14 // Feminine // Third // N/A // Aurielle, 22994
- Otho Godfrey // 15 // Masculine // Fifth // N/A // WARTIME, 56542
- Feya Verbic // 15 // Feminine // Fifth // Animagus // Summer, 59192
- Leland Verbic // 15 // Male // Fifth // Animagus // Thistle, 55660
- Name // Age // Gender // Year // Other // Played by
- John-Pierre Augustus Severus Cavendish // 15 // Masculine // Sixth // N/A // Kovu, 24258
- Storm Stryker // 17 // Masculine // Seventh // Animagus // Starwolf, 28052
- Sebastian Campbell // 17 // Masculine // Seventh // Werewolf // Aurielle, 22994
- Alexandria Maria Yeager // 15 // Feminine // Fifth // N/A // Dick Grayson, 34810
- Harold Edward Luvika // 18 // Masculine // Seventh // N/A // West, 43497
- Name // Age // Gender // Year // Other // Played by


:: Relationships

Siblings ★
Cousins ☆
Crushing → ←
Dating ❤
Exes ✖

- Storm Stryker ★ Light Stryker
- Hunter Godfrey ★ Otho Godfrey
- Leland Verbic ☆ Feya Verbic
- Harold Luvika ★ Katherine Luvika


:: Character Profiles

[Page 1]
Hunter Godfrey
John-Pierre Augustus Severus Cavendish
Alice Charlotte Jackson-Thomas
Storm Stryker
Light Stryker

[Page 2]
Katherine Gayle Luvika
Harold {Harry} Edward Luvika
Eve Vivienne Edwards
River St. Claire
Lwaxana “Rixx” Zane

[Page 3]
Otho Godfrey
Feya Verbic
Levanna Anael Everett
Sebastian Campbell

[Page 4]
Alexandria Maria Yeager

[Page 5]
Dawn Fildrew

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Edited on 10/06/15 by SilverWolfLeopard (#5102)

Aldwyn (#55660)

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Posted on
2015-06-07 14:34:05
Ahh, I'm so happy he's being accepted so well! ;v; Joy!

@ SilverWolfLeopard
Yes, my little Blae is a very sassy cat indeed. xD He likes to sit outside and moan and whine about not getting enough attention but then when I finally have time in my oh-so-busy schedule (because I totally actually have a life... Hue...) he just stares at me like "O rlly, now you come. Nuh, I hate you now and I'll bite you if you get any closer but bring me food or I'll keep screaming."

@ Aurielle
I actually had a hard time coming up with it, I didn't know what someone like Leland would be afraid of. I finally based it off Summer / Feya's personality, since she doesn't like hermit crabs. c; We have some in our house, and I constantly try to get her to hold one but she never does.

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Edited on 07/06/15 by Thistle (#55660)

Kovu the Original
Floof (#24258)

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Posted on
2015-06-07 14:52:13
@Silver, do you want us to wait for you to post first? Also, do you think Hunter and JP could be friends? I think they'd make a good pair, beyond their somewhat similar personalities, they seem like they have a lot in common and would get on well, just hanging out and having fun.

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West (#43497)

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Posted on
2015-06-07 15:22:31
@Silver! I'm sure it's gotten lost somewhere {and I really hope this doesn't too, lol} but I created my Slytherin male. He's brother to Katherine, and on page 2, beneath her. He'll be the last Seventh Year :3

Hope he's alright. ^^

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WARTIME (#56542)

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Posted on
2015-06-07 23:43:40
I posted on the RP form, Silver. It included Hunter so I thought it'd give you some ideas on what to write in your starting post.

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SilverWolfLeopard (#5102)

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Posted on
2015-06-08 01:02:25
@Thistle: XD yep, he is the embodiment of sassy attitude

@Kovu: Thats pretty much what I was thinking with JP and Hunter xD I can see them being lazy, skipping classes and just causing trouble together or just lazing about some secret corner of the castle no one but them knows about lol

@West: He's been accepted if its not too obvious already xD

@Wartime: Thanks for the post! Helped me write another paragraph for mine ^^

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Rainy (#50952)

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Posted on
2015-06-08 02:45:51
Name: Valentine St. Claire

Gender: Masculine

Age: 18

House Request: Slytherin

Year: 7th

Heritage: Pure blood

Family: Kenza(mother), Rowan(father), River(sister)

Orientation: Straight

Significant Other: None ATM; most likely a popular girl

Crush: None ATM

Appearance: Standing tall at 6'2, Valentine is basically the exact opposite of his sister River. He has long angular features and a slightly muscular tone to his body. Valentine's eyes are a deep blue grey, which he gets from his father. His hair is a dirty blond, which he wear all sticky-up like.

Strengths: (at least 3+ in a list format)
° Confident
° Transfiguration
° Qudditch

Weaknesses: (at least 3+ in a list format)
° Arrogant
° Cocky
° Stubborn

Pet: A barn owl named Jax

Wand: Valentine's wand is a 13 inch Applewood with a dragon heart stribg core. It has a soft flexibility and is very touchy.

Patronus: Boa constricter

Boggart: Like is sister, Valentine is afriad of death, so his borgart is a coffin

Personality: Valentine is the most stereotypical jock that you could possibly find. Since his 3rd year at Hogwarts, he has been the Seeker for Slytherin's Quidditch team. Quidditch is his life. He is practicing all the time. Valentine loves attention, and his charming looks and awesomeness on the playing field get him that. Valentine always seems to be surrounded by other people. Towards those that he doesnt like, or someone from a different house, he can be sarcastic and mean. Valentined definitely has a mean streak. He isn't very fond of his little sister River, especially since she didnt have it in her to become a Slytherin.

Played By: Rainy

Other: Valentine has been the Seeker of the Slytherin Quidditch team since his 3rd year at Hogwarts.

Picture: (Optional) Valentine

RP Example: I aleeady did one for you on River. Do you want me to do another one?

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Astera (#15276)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2015-06-08 11:40:55
Name: Holly Renee Andrews

Gender: Female

Age: 15 (going on 16 three days before halloween)

House Request: Gryffindor

Year: 5th

Heritage: Half-blood

Family: Henry Andrews (father, Half-blood, director in one of the sections of Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures), Carol Andrews (mother, muggle-born), Drake Andrews (1st older brother, 21 and working for the Gringotts in Paris), Alexander Andrews (2nd oldest brother, 7th year, wants to work as an Auror), Michael Andrews (2nd youngest brother, 2nd year), Thomas Andrews (youngest brother, 8 yrs old, wants to be a dragon wrangler when he grows up)

Orientation: Straight

Significant Other: none so far

Crush: none yet but she curious

Appearance: Holly is a metamorphmagus. She was about 4 of 5 years old when she first exhibited these abilities. She was changing different parts of her face to make her baby brother Michael laugh. Since she showed her abilities a little later in life than most metamorphmagi she knows that her real hair and eye color are a straw blonde and an apple green color. Holly is 5'3" and petite with pale peachy skin (most of the time). Her hair color and length are changing often though Holly prefers to have mid length blue hair and deep purple eyes. She has pointed ears with multiple piercings, and a light dusting of freckles across her nose. She usually wears whatever she grabs from her dresser which is usually a T-shirt and torn pants.


Very Loyal: when it comes to her friends she will defend them to the end and will even go out of her comfort zone to help them.

DADA/Care of Magical Creatures: due to her fathers job position she has encountered a lot of magical creatures and knows a whole lot about them. She's also been babysat by the children of several aurors so she's had a lot of interest in possibly being one.

Very Athletic: She is currently the chaser of the quidditch team. She has also played some muggles sports when she was younger including football (soccer) which her mom introduced her to since she grew up for a long while as a muggle.

Booksmart: despite being very much into sports Holly loves to read as well and has been caught passed out on a sofa with a large book in her hands multiple times.


Too trusting/holds grudges: Holly can sometimes be too trusting towards others and when someone betrays that trust or hurts her she can hold onto that grudge for a good long while.

Can't Swim: She has a crippling fear of large bodies of water and had to be dragged into the boats in her first year. She can't even doggy paddle.

Astronomy: She might like stars and the night sky but she can't make heads or tails of it, she barely passed her first two years of it.

Oblivious: She is very perceptive to others peoples crushes and feelings when it does not involved her, but she's as blind as a bat when anyone has a crush on her. Heck sometimes she doesn't even realize when she has a crush on someone. She also doesn't always realize when someone is insulting her.

Pet: a vanilla furred ferret named Rikki who sometimes looks smarter than he lets on to.

Wand: Unicorn hair core, Elder wood, 11 1/2 inches, pliant. Very good for charms.

Patronus: Husky

Boggart: Anything that has to do with her drowning experience she had when she was 5. She was riding a ferry when she was 5 years old but in an accident she fell of and nearly drowned. She's been terrified of any body of water larger than her bathtub ever since.

Personality: A happy sometimes hyper girl Holly easily makes friends with others and is a very approachable girl. She can be very trusting of anyone she considers a friend and can be very sympathetic to the plights of others. She is also very adventurous and loves to explore the castle grounds. She will face most challenges head on and has even faced a giant spider in order to save her friends in her 3rd year. (It's a rather funny story actually, involving a pigmy owl and some waffles, but that's for another time ;3 ) Holly loves playing Quidditch and can be very competitive but is still a good sport at the end of the day. She doesn't like to bother others with her problems and will usually try to solve them on her own. This can lead to her becoming stressed and giver her panic attacks. She learning though to rely on others to help her out when she needs it.

Played By: Astera

Other: Holly would never admit this to her friends but she cried at the ending of the story "Pip the dragon" and she is actually a decent singer but is too shy to sing in front of others. She also hopes to be promoted to Seeker this year in quidditch since the Gryffindor Seeker graduated last year.

Picture: (Optional)

RP Example: (this is from an old Fairy Tail rp)
Heine's eyes flashed with anger as she turned to the monster, energy rippling around her like an oncoming storm. She saw Tatsu shiver and cough, blood trickling down his lip. He'd protected her and all that she's been doing is hiding in fear. She was mad, both at herself for being such a coward and at the monster for hurting her friend. She took a deep breath and roared,
"Water dragons roar!" A large jet of hot water was sent flying at the beast. She would not let this creature hurt her friends any more! She would destroy it if it was the last thing she did.

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Edited on 08/06/15 by Astera (#15276)

Kovu the Original
Floof (#24258)

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Posted on
2015-06-08 12:42:26
@Silver I think together they could probably come up with some awesome pranks and ways to skive off classes lol. They seem like they'd get into tons of trouble if left alone too long. Also sorry about the delays in replies, I've got 8 hours of work first thing in the morning tomorrow, and was at work most of this afternoon, so haven't had much time, though should have plenty after work tomorrow.

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SilverWolfLeopard (#5102)

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Posted on
2015-06-08 13:30:55
@Kovu: can't wait to get a head on this pranking friendship xD its gonna be fun! lol and its all good, I've been painting and moving all day so my posts will probably be just once a day for now

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Sohodora- The Senpai
Hyena (#48779)

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Posted on
2015-06-08 13:49:44
... I dont know how to start on this.

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Aldwyn (#55660)

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Posted on
2015-06-08 21:46:45
Feya and I shall be gone / on haitus for two weeks, from the 10th till the 24th. I'm very sorry to anyone who was interacting with us. ;v;

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SilverWolfLeopard (#5102)

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Posted on
2015-06-09 00:11:49
@Rainy: Not accepted. Reason: We've already reached our limit of Seventh Years

@Astera: Accepted

@Thistle: Thanks for letting us know! You will be missed a lot

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SilverWolfLeopard (#5102)

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Posted on
2015-06-09 00:12:18
Double post

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Edited on 09/06/15 by SilverWolfLeopard (#5102)

WARTIME (#56542)

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Posted on
2015-06-09 05:31:43
Forces inspiration to return.-

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SilverWolfLeopard (#5102)

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Posted on
2015-06-09 05:47:51

For those who have not posted their first post yet today is your last day to post. After today your character will be deleted and your slot put up for grabs. I will be sending out individual PMS to various people tonight to let them know.

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