Posted by .:Twisted Roots Pack|OPEN:.

(Unholy|4xLeonid|G4) (#36246)

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Posted on
2015-06-30 15:54:34

Rising Storm

Sign Ups' and Main Thread

Silver Stream Pack Thread

You reach a stream that runs through green plains. To the left and right are grass lands that stretch almost as far as the eye can see, bordered by thick forest. It seems peaceful and welcoming on either side but you feel a force pulling you, urging you to go left. This is the first step of your journey.

It's dark in the trees. You've finally made it across the plains and are now somewhat lost in the forest. You're about to turn back when a strong scent of wolves hits your nose. Now you're running towards what seems like more forest when suddenly you burst through the thick tree-line and are greeted by a beautiful lake. A tree, its' twisted roots digging into the surrounding ground, sits delicately on the edge of the water. This is your home.

Shared Areas:

(Images are not mine! Full credit goes to their owners!)
(This is where the packs meet and discuss things with each other, kind of like a gathering. The alphas and betas sit on the pile of stones while the rest of the pack sits in the leafy area below. Gatherings will only be held if the alphas agree to hold one. Placed where the two territories join.)

(This is the Crystal River that divides the two territories. To the left is the Twisted Roots Pack territory and the right, Silver Stream Packs' territory. On either side is where both packs do most of their hunts.)


~No perfect characters, godmodding or power playing.
~Lioden Rules apply.
~Please keep swearing to a minimum.
~Try to be original with your wolfs' power or mutation.
~3+ sentences. Please be literate. If you don't speak fluent english please don't join.
~Do not kill or seriously injure another character without their owners permission. (Higher ranks may lightly scathe any rank lower than them only if necessary.)
~Hunts do not happen instantly and are not always successful. (More with larger prey.) As well as sickness, wolves do not get over a sickness in a matter of minutes.
~Feel free to cause drama but don't do it all the time.
~Only past tense writing please. 1st or 3rd person are both ok.
~Fade to black only if mating, birthing is ok.
~Be nice to everyone!
~Put your favourite number in Other if you've read the rules.
~When Posting put please state more than the characters name at the top of the post.
~No Wolf Speak. Eg: Oculus instead of eye.
~If crossing a border by mistake, post the crossing in both packs threads but make it clear in the other packs' thread that you're going to immediately return to your own territory.
~If crossing the border on purpose or to have confrontation with the other pack wolves, post the crossing in both threads but continue to Rp in the opposite packs' thread.
(Any more suggestions? Feel free to say them!)

Twisted Roots Pack

Image and video hosting by TinyPic~
(This is the main gathering area in the packs' territory. When a meeting is held the alpha and beta will often perch on a tree branch. The dens are slightly further into the trees, with the alphas den being in the middle and the omega and subordinates' dens on the outside of the others.)

~Fang|5 Yrs|Female|Grey Wolf|Appearance
~Azar|4 Yrs. 7 M.|Male|Mexican Wolf|Appearance
Sentinels - Max 4|Min 2
~Lucifer|4 Yrs.|Female|Grey Wolf|Appearance
~Rhys|3 Yrs. 5 M.|Male|Grey x Timber Wolf Appearance
Elders - Max 3
Lead Warrior
~Gebo|3 Yrs.|Male|Unknown|Appearance
Warriors - Max 3
~Jax|2 Yrs. 3 M.|Female|Maned Wolf|Appearance
Lead Hunter
~Name|Age|Gender|Breed - (RESERVED)
Hunters - Max 3
Lead Scout
~Stena|3 Yrs. 11 M.|Female|Iberian Wolf|Appearance
Scouts - Max 3
~Lorikeet|2 Yrs. 5 M.|Female|3 Breed Mix|Appearance
Pup Watchers - Max 2
~Name|Age|Gender|Breed - (1 RESERVED)
Subordinates - Max 3
Pups - Max 5
~Aluna|8 M.|Female|Timber Wolf|Appearance

Pack Challenge:


All capable pack members must go on a pack hunt to kill at least three elk. The pack will be rewarded if they manage to hunt a bull elk as well.

Time Allowed:

One Week


All Capable Pack Members


The lake levels are rising...

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Edited on 23/07/15 by Lia-Lin - {We All Still Die} (#36246)

(Unholy|4xLeonid|G4) (#36246)

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Posted on
2015-07-04 16:57:09

Environmental Info:

✿The Season is✿


⌚The Time is⌚

Early Morning

☼The Weather is☼


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🌻roseistance🌻 (#58710)

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Posted on
2015-07-22 14:48:29
Gebo l l Lead Warrior l l Male l l Pack

He had been awake all night, most of the others still asleep. He had one ear pinned, one straight up, one eye squinted, and tongue lolled out to the side. He looked ridiculous. A butterfly caught his attention, and he ran around, chasing it for awhile. He decided this was childish and distracted himself from the insect, standing near the tree in the clearing. He was /bored/. Gebo lifted his head, his absolutely beautiful vocals howling the words ever so softly:

"YOU º are blown far up in the air
including º umbrella turn upside down too often
oh no, oh I
Th º? blow out breakers
including º hair stroking? struck
Th º Lalalala lala: Lala Lala lala lala
wind in your hair - ooh
wind in your hair - ooh
wind in your hair - ooh
wind in ...
Lala Lala Lala Lala, Lala Lala
Th º eyes blow until he tears
º including chewing gum in hand on fixed
Th º Lalalala lala: Lala Lala lala lala
wind in your hair - ooh
wind in your hair - ooh
wind in your hair - ooh
wind in ...
Lala Lala Lala Lala, Lala Lala."

The words were confusing, and hard to pronounce. He had learned it from his father in the German language, and did his best to translate it. "Come on, guys! Lets go get some elk!" He howled, a laugh following shortly after it.

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Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2015-07-23 00:46:53
Lucifer|4 Yrs.|Female| Sentinel|

"Gebo shut it!" She groaned, rolling over in her half asleep daze. Her paws moving to cover her muzzle. The males voice was beautiful yes, but this early it was annoying. The spring breeze lifted through her den, pushing and pulling on her fur lightly as it drifted in and out of her den. Groaning again, the tired she-wolf moved out of the den and flopped outside in the sun.

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(Unholy|4xLeonid|G4) (#36246)

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Posted on
2015-07-23 05:28:47
Azar|4 Yrs. 7 M.|Male|Beta|Mexican Wolf

Azar flicked his cold paws in annoyance as the slowly melting spring snow seeped all the energy from his body. The sun was just beginning to rise but he had been up well before dawn. The beta pushed his way through the thick trees that guarded the camp when a flicker of movement caught his eye. This movement was not the fleeing wing of a bird, nor the bobbing tail of a rabbit. No, this movement was something only described as a ripple. The ripples were pulsing from a nearby tree. He padded to it's base and spotted a crow sitting among the higher branches. There was no way he could climb this thing! Azar thought for a moment before letting out a loud bark. The crow cawed and launched itself from the tree. Perfect! The Mexican Wolf gave chase, letting the ripples guide his paws. Suddenly, he burst through the tree-line and, without realising, had chased the crow into camp. All Azar was focused on was the crow and didn't notice his paws were scrabbling for a grip until he launched himself at the bird and fell into the lake.

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Edited on 26/07/15 by Lia-Lin - {We All Still Die} (#36246)

KitCat (#30064)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2015-07-23 21:29:51
Fang | Alpha | Female |

Fang's eyes struck open the second Gebo opened his jaws to sing. He did this everyday and she swore she would of kicked him out long ago if it wasn't for his excellent skill to fight.. Growling from her annoyance, she sat on her moss bed staring at the left overs of last night's meal before deciding to head out. The alpha scanned the camp and was struck with anger at the fact almost no one was wake. She decided not to waste any more of her time on these fools, so her paws then carried her on a trek into the pack's forest while her front mutated claws ripped up every plant that grew in her path. After a while, Fang arrived near the edge of the territory where a small den was still intact. Memories flooded back to her, happy and dreadful memories. She stood in front of the den with her head down staring at her front claws. She could take no more of this, that den has caused too much grief. Without anymore hesitation, The grieving mother charged at the den with her claws extended and shreded the last object of her past.

(This might not make sense if you have not read the bio for Fang on my form)

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Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2015-07-24 03:05:11
Lucifer|4 Yrs.|Female| Sentinel|

The minute she awoke she could feel the icy cold feel of the flames leaping around her pelt. They wouldnt harm the ones she loved, but they do if the person was attacking her. She could every so often feel the flames around her paws and on her back flicker but that was about it. Used to the flames that never burned or went out unless she was asleep or dead. She seen the alpha leave camp alone and cocked her head to the side but ignored it. Moving around with not a set location on where she was going.

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Sáracen (#52208)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-07-24 03:51:07
Aluna || 8 Months || Female || Pup

Aluna yawned and stretched, only halfway escaped from the clutches of sleep. A beautiful tune was gliding through the air, the words dancing just out of reach of comprehension, and faintly, she wondered if the song was a dream, but she was not awake enough to give it much further thought. After an unmeasurable ammount of time -for time moves in strange paces when one still has one paw in the dream world-, she heard a series of growls and sharp yelps, and the threatening sound of them finally tore her awake. She looked around drowsily- she was alone in the den, her watchers had been missing for a while now. Somewhere in the back of her mind, a small voice was concerned about their absence, but her braver part was glad to have some freedom. Maybe, if they stayed away today too, she could sneak out and join a scout?
The thought excited her so much that she bounced to her feet and almost ran headfirst into the camp. She stopped herself a second later though, realizing that if she wanted to sneak out after the Scouts, she'd have to be silent as a wolf walking on moss. She peeked out of the comfortable den, glancing around camp. To her disappointment, she couldn't see any of the scouts. They couldn't have gone out already, could they? The thought filled her with a sense of hurry, and she walked over to the closest wolf, a white and gray female.
"Hey, do you know if any of the scouts are awake yet?" She asked hurriedly, then she hesitated as she recognized the she-wolf; It was Lucifer, one of the Sentinels, and among the higher ranked wolves in the pack.
"I-i'm sorry, I-" she gasped intimidated, then, not knowing what to say, fell into embarassed silence.

Actions: waking up, looking for a scout to follow, talking to Lucifer
Mentions: Lucifer

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Edited on 24/07/15 by Sheba (Forever Hufflepuff) (#52208)

🌻roseistance🌻 (#58710)

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Posted on
2015-07-24 04:02:56
Gebo l l Male l l Lead Warrior/Fighter l Azar

He grumbled at all the wolves yelling at his singing. He did this repeatedly every morning, a new song every time. He thought it was a little funny, even. Gebo sat and watched Fang disappear, clearly pissed off. "Great, guys! Now we're all in trouble cause you can't get up!" He howled once she was out of sight. Shaking his head lightly, the young male got his attention stolen by movement and a large splash. Azar, their beta, had clearly fallen in the water. Gebo let out a chorus of laughter while walking over to the shoreline. Still laughing as he spoke, he was able to clearly say: "Our mighty Beta has fallen! Someone get a lifeguard!" And began to wade int the water, growing a little more serious. "Need any help?" He asked, a bright smile still on his face, and head cocked.

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Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2015-07-24 04:03:46
Lucifer|4 Yrs.|Female| Sentinel|

She picked up on the sounds of hurrying paws, ears flicking as a pup bounced up to her and asked about the scouts. "No good morning for me? Little rude there." She chuckled before shrugging, "I just got up myself, his singing woke me up." Looking to Gebo with a aggravated look. The sentinel was alone, her mate not yet in the pack. She distanced herself from many other males and the other sentinels for the moment. Nudging the pup, "why dont you go talk to Gebo? He might know."

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Tide (#65016)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2015-07-24 04:16:19
Rhys|3 Yrs. 5 M.|Male|Grey x Timber Wolf

Rhys woke and yawned she heard his pack and stood. He walked out of the den and watched as Azar fall into the lake and he laughed. The male watched as Gebo walked over and walked over too. He said"Really do you need help" he cocked his his head like Gebo.

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Sáracen (#52208)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-07-24 04:17:10
Aluna || 8 months || Female || Pup

"i'm sorry," she said, panicking slightly, then remembering her manners, she stuttered out, "Good morning!" But her sense of alarm dropped several nothces as the sentinel chuckled good-naturedly. She resisted the urge to complain over the nudging- she was not a little pup anymore, she almost grown! The thought filled her with excitement-maybe, if the alpha saw her power, she'd let her be a scout! only two more months... She blinked, realizing she had gotten lost in thought for a moment. "Oh, i will! Thank you so much," she said. How was it again? Higher ranking, uhh... she wished she had paid better attention when the other pack members greeted each other. She lowered her head and tail slightly, hoping it resembled a courteous and respectful pose at leats remotely. Then curiosity overrode her embarassment over being so clumsy. "D-does he really sing every morning?" It must be taxing to get up before everyone else, she though.

Actions: talking to Lucifer
Mentions: Fang, Gebo (indirectly)

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Edited on 24/07/15 by Sheba (Forever Hufflepuff) (#52208)

Kamay (#37519)

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Posted on
2015-07-24 06:26:57
Jax|2 Yrs. 3 M.|Female|Warrior|Maned Wolf

Jax woke up to the sound of yelling. Well, more so complaining. She sighed. Gebo had been singing. Again. As he does every morning. And other wolves had complained. Again. As they do every morning. She yawned and stretched, then sat down the give herself a quick cleaning. She hated having dirt in her fur. She left the den and was welcomed by a spring breeze. She took a deep breath and though of all the wonderful things that come with spring - soft grass, beautiful flowers, lots of prey. She smiled to herself as she felt the weak sunlight of the early morning on her back.

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Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2015-07-24 11:13:25
Lucifer|4 Yrs.|Female| Sentinel|

She nodded at the pups question, "Yes every single morning he must sing." She said shaking her head slightly. When a warrior exited the den, "Jax!" She woofed out in a semi happy voice. Her tail swinging as she greeted the other. Her tail accidently whacking into the pup, "Shoot! Im so sorry." She said seeing if the pup was hurt. -shorttt-

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Sáracen (#52208)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-07-24 20:46:02
Aluna || 8 months || Female || Pup

She found herself grinning at the Sentinel's mild annoyance with the singing wolf, and was about to reply when a tail swatted her side. She let out a surprised "Omph!" as she lost her balance and toppled over. The hard ground sent a jolt of pain through her as she landed- it was so much harder than expected. She blinked a couple of times to get the dust away from her eyes, then she got to her feet again. "I'm f-fine," she said shakily, but meaning it- she tried to make her voice sound determined. "I'll go ask Gebo right away!" She hesitated for a while for a last look at the sentinel, still slightly awestruck- then she bounced off to find Gebo.
Actions: talking to Lucifer, falling
Mentions: Gebo, Lucifer

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KitCat (#30064)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2015-07-24 22:11:39
Fang | Alpha | Female |
The female did not stop until every last trace of the den was gone and immediately raced back to camp as fast as her gray paws could take her, without looking back at what she's done. She was a bit more cheered when she found most wolves now awake but she still wore a growl from the slow-ness. Fang returned to the entrance of her den where she sat down and let out a loud howl. That ought to wake the rest she thought, with a hint of amusement.

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