Posted by The Great Wolf Migration - Main RP Thread

Rusty [Interstellar
4cel 4.5k] (#39276)

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Posted on
2015-07-03 02:49:35
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Hunting Thread


You have left your forest home, left without your pack. The earthquake shook a massive hole in your life. Now, you search for the Valley of Hope and for a new pack to share your life with.

Before each post you must put this:
With Alpha's name's Pack
Character name || Sex || Age || Rank
This is to make sure there is no confusion.

Occasionally I will post plot updates, with weather/prey/landscapes coming into play. You’ll see what I mean after I’ve done this a few times. Every update will have ‘Plot Update’ written before it.

Please take your time with your responses, and allow at least couple of people to post their own replies before you post again, even if you’re only interacting with one person at the time. This makes sure replies are well thought out, nobody is controlling someone else’s character, and everyone has the chance to get involved in whatever happens before the RP moves on from that.

Pack hunts will be arranged every so often by the alpha. I will set up a hunting thread that I will link here. Once the alpha has chosen the hunters you will RP that your character has left with the hunting party, and then switch to the hunting thread to RP the hunt. This is so that characters in the hunt and in the rest of the pack don’t get confused about who is where. I find it makes things much easier to follow this way. You may hunt small prey alone here, but group hunting must be done away from the pack, in the hunting thread. You will then RP your return here, and either bring the prey or lead the pack to the prey, all in this thread. Only hunting will take place in the hunting thread.

My rule of at least four sentences per post is absolute. If you don’t follow this you will get a strike by your name. Three strikes and you will no longer be allowed to rp here. I may remove a strike if you post a lot of detail in your next few posts.

Nobody :3 let’s keep it that way, yeah?

The last thing to say is have fun everyone!

Current Plot Update

The wolf pack travelled across the soaked plains and have come to the base of the mountain. The rains have passed for now and the sun shines down. However, they must make the decision to either go around or over the mountains. They will soon encounter new wolves, but whether this be a good or bad encounter is up to their choice! Spring is still here and flowers will soon bloom.

Character Sheets

No thread generated. The original poster of this RP thread will be able to generate one for this feature.

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Edited on 26/12/15 @ 11:14:46 by Rusty [Skyward 3.2k, Poop pls] (#39276)

Xerxes (#52637)

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Posted on
2015-10-10 05:24:32
Dakota || Male || 2 years || Lead Hunter

Dakota walked slowly through the forest, weaving between trees. His paws padded heavily against the earth. His shaggy grey fur hangs off his body, swaying with each step. Dakota lets his head hang low as he walks, following the scent of the other wolves. He hears a howl in the distance, shattering the silence. He shoots his head up and begins walking in that direction, quickening his pace. As he nears the location of the howl, the trees begin to thin. Once he passes the tree line, he see Kade, Velvet, and Remington. He pauses, expecting tension between the Alpha male and Beta, but there doesn't seem to be any. Instead, something seems off between the Alphas. "Hello Remington," he says, dipping his head slightly. He is excited to hear the plans for the journey, now that they are free of the forest walls. He looks at the mountain range, wondering how much longer until the Valley. His tail sways for a moment at the thought of reaching the 'safe place'.

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Nyanunix (#11487)

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Posted on
2015-10-10 09:04:09
Kade || Female || 5 years || Beta female

Kade automatically answered Velvet's joy with enthusiasm. "Velvet! It's been fine; I had some time to calm down and now I feel better," she said, and dipped her head to Remington as he approached. The fact that he seemed to be ignoring Velvet a little made her internally sigh; he'd probably have to learn on his own that he and his mate didn't have to be showing affection to each other one hundred percent of the time. Kade and her old mate had occasionally gone days without speaking a word, just occasionally exchanging glances to communicate, and it hadn't been because they didn't love each other, it had been because they could and did function as individuals. Remington would just have to figure that out.

Kade also nodded to Nova as she arrived, and Dakota a moment later. "Nova, Dakota," she said, so they didn't feel she wasn't going to acknowledge them. "Vel, I don't trust that storm. Remington is right. We should stay at the edge of the forest and just go the long way. It may be a shortcut to just go across the plains, but I don't see any food or water and I'm not comfortable having the pack out in the open. If there are any packs nearby that find us there, we'll be an easy target with nowhere to hide. If we're accidentally in a pack's territory on the edge of the forest, we can explain the situation, apologize for the inconvenience, and hope for the best."

When she heard Remington's question, she shook her head. "No, I've only seen those that are here right now. I did see Luna right before we left. She was being attacked by coyotes, but I took care of the situation. She seemed very upset but I thought she was right with us. I caught a few glimpses of Rivers and Sollux, but I passed them at some point, and they should be here soon. I haven't seen Raven, Marcel, or Cyber, but there is a chance that they just needed a little time alone."

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Edited on 10/10/15 @ 16:07:24 by Nyanunix | MusicalAgony (#11487)

Dipper (#28104)

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Posted on
2015-10-13 21:07:57
Raoula|Female|4 years old|Scout
Raoula nodded to Nova. "I killed a fawn," she said. As Nova started moving, Raoula followed, taking in the sights and sounds of the forest around her. Somewhere behind her, she could hear a deer herd trampling down the undergrowth-maybe the same herd she had taken the fawn from. As they passed the place where she had killed the fawn, Raoula peered through the trees. She saw the clearing, and her kill stretched out in the center. The tawny coyote had finished eating and was sitting facing the river. Raoula let out a soft yip; it looked at her and fled. Raoula emerged from the trees, and saw the rest of the pack gathered. She could smell the impending storm, as she was sure they could, and lay down at the tree's edge after greeting Remington and Velvet.

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Rusty [Interstellar
4cel 4.5k] (#39276)

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Posted on
2015-10-30 08:40:17
The wolf pack travelled across the soaked plains and have come to the base of the mountain. The rains have passed for now and the sun shines down. However, they must make the decision to either go around or over the mountains. They will soon encounter new wolves, but whether this be a good or bad encounter is up to their choice! Spring is still here and flowers will soon bloom.

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Nature Paw (#64491)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2015-11-05 22:16:26
Remington || Male || 4 years || Alpha
Remington's Face Remington's Body(more muscle though)

As Remington and his pack reached the base of the mountains he looked up to the top of them, smelling the air as he did so. If Remington had been alone he would just travel over the mountains, but with a pack that might not be the best idea. Remington looked to the pack for their suggestion on what they would like to do. I feel staying along the base of the mountains is a good idea, there may be a pack up there, and traveling in middle of forest we would run into several packs. What are all your ideas?

Remington didn't really want to go up these mountains because he knew there was the evil one that his father had used to lead but was taken over by a malicious wolf. He sat his rump down letting the pack think about there descision. He thought about Velvet and decided to let it go and not be bothered by not having her to himself very long at times. He just sat the quietly and started to clean his coat by his neck and down his side, even though strong he was still proud of his pelt.

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Rusty [Interstellar
4cel 4.5k] (#39276)

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Posted on
2015-11-06 06:01:55
Velvet || Female || 4 years || Remington’s Mate || Alpha Female
Velvet’s appearance

Velvet noticed something was playing on her mate’s mind and had decided to wait for him to approach her. If he wanted her to know then he’d open up eventually. He didn’t look hurt and the pack was back together again so she couldn’t think what it could be. She remained level with the majority of the pack as they approached the base of the mountains. Having never seen so much as a hill, mountains were something she’d never imagined. Despite the tragedy, she was quickly seeing that this journey would teach her so many new things and she’d get to see so many new sights.

Elated with the thought, the leapt like a spring lamb from puddle to puddle, splashing the liquid mud all around. She nudged against a couple of packmates as she went, trying to encourage them to play. The argument and rain had dampened everyone’s spirits and she wanted everyone to cheer up again. They were pack. It didn’t matter how short a time they’d been together; a pack was a pack. Velvet would support any wolf here as much as possible.

Her playful spirit having temporarily misplaced the fact that her mate was upset about something from her mind, she ended up bounding over to where he was sat. A grin was spread across her face and she stood tall, tail high and wagging. The serious air around him and his silence made her pause, grin and tail falling simultaneously. Her forehead creased as she thought for a moment. Maybe if she mimicked him he’d feel better.

She sat, tail curled over her paws, ”Staying at the base would probably be safer, but would it take too long to go all the way around?” Her ears dropped a little and she tilted her head, glancing at him and hoping she hadn’t upset him further.

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Nuru (#76478)

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Posted on
2015-11-06 13:03:27

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Edited on 07/11/15 @ 10:32:03 by Nuru (#76478)

Nyanunix (#11487)

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Posted on
2015-11-06 13:06:08
Kade || Female || 5 years || Beta female

Kade appeared soon after the alpha pair. She had taken one of the sides of the group, nervous about a possible attack, and by this point, she really just needed a good sleep somewhere relatively safe. "I don't know much about mountains," she said, frowning a little. The beta knew, logically, that the mountains could easily go on for miles and miles on either side. Going over was their best bet to take the least time.

"Going over is faster, certainly . . . But I'm not sure," Kade added to her original statement, tail thumping lightly from side to side as she considered. Still undecided, she walked in a tight circle before laying down on the grass.

"Until we decide, we should spend the night here, get some sleep now that we're relatively sheltered, find some food, so that if we decide to go over, we won't be tired before we even start," she muttered, nose half covered by her tail. Her nerves were frayed with being out in the open and she was a little scared that they next person to cross her wouldn't make it out alive if she didn't get some proper sleep.

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MoeMoe (#65000)

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Posted on
2015-11-06 13:37:45
Nova | | Female | | 3 years | | Fighter

Nova looked up at the huge blue green mountains that reached high into the sky, their peeks disappearing mysteriously into the thick gray clouds that floated around the tips of the chain of mountains. The warrior had taken her job seriously during the trek through the tall grasses of the plain...sometimes staying up front and sometimes found behind always watching for potential enemies. The small wolf had spent a whole year wandering before she found this pack to ease the surprising loneliness that had ambushed her heart only a few days ago. Some of the wolves who had joined, had left just as quickly for reason's unknown to Nova who honestly did not care...a migration was no walk in a park and only the most determined would stay in...that or the most curious. Nova had to admit it was less determination and more pure curiosity that encouraged her to continue to follow this pack of unrelated wolves led by two alphas that were only a year older than herself. Looking up at the mountain once again Nova yearned to explore its mysteries as only a true traveler and learner could desire. Despite the possible dangers the possibilities of finding the unknown or previously undiscovered was something Nova could not help but want. The young wolf found herself leaning towards the adventure and danger the mountains offered instead of trekking around the mountains. Knowing the pack would eventually decide in a meeting Nova silently scouted out the area for any possible dangers spotting only a few does, a mother fox bringing home her kill and an annoyed badger that chattered a warning when approached.

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Xerxes (#52637)

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Posted on
2015-11-07 05:20:11
Dakota || Male || 2 years || Lead Hunter

Dakota looked up at the tall, intimidating mountains. He imagined the difficult journey over them, the danger, the trouble; and smirked. He loved a challenge. He trained all his life to try and perfect his hunting, fighting, hiding. This was a game. It was a game to test his abilities he worked so hard to perfect. "I think we should go over." He chimed. He had a bounce in his step, although he was trying hard to hide it. His body ached with excitement. His mind raced with thoughts of the adventure, the journey, the difficult obstacles he'd have to face. Then he thought of the condition he was in. He'd need good rest, and a good meal.

"We should go for a hunt," He suggested, looking at Remington. His hunters didn't seem to be around, so he'd need warriors maybe, but that was up to the Alpha. He peered at the field, and a few does caught his eye. He licked his teeth, slowly and hungrily. Drool formed on his tongue. Everything in his view slowly darkened, and the only thing he could see was a doe, grazing innocently in the field. He needed to kill for himself. All the meals he'd eaten since the earthquake were carcasses he'd passed on his way to meet the pack. He'd gotten a fair amount of meat, and was not near starving. He just needed to hunt something. Memories of the adrenaline as his fangs pierced into the flesh of the waiting victims. The excitement rushing through his bones, urging him to end that creatures life. He needed to kill. He craved it. His tail wagged slowly, swayed by his legs, then he snapped out of it. He drew his attention back to Remington and away from the doe. He waited for his Alpha to answer, politely, but could only think of the taste of warm blood filling his mouth.

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Nyanunix (#11487)

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Posted on
2015-11-09 07:22:23
Rivers || Female || 3 years || Scout

Rivers soon arrived with the others. She and Sollux had been running fine, but one minute he was there and the next he was gone. This had been the day before, and she'd thought he would show back up eventually, but so far, he was still nowhere to be seen. "I don't know where Sollux is," was the first thing out of her mouth, but it was quickly followed by, "We should hunt. I don't know about the rest of you, but I haven't eaten since we started crossing." Sollux's disappearance rather stung, especially as he hadn't notified her as to where he was going or when he'd return, if at all, and it made her wonder if she'd made too hasty of a decision in choosing a suitor. Well, as least she hadn't been in heat, but it wouldn't be too long until that started, either.

This would not be the first time she'd gone into heat, but it would be the first time in which she was surrounded by males, most of which had no mates. She'd have to ask a more experienced female - Kade was the first to come to her mind, followed by Velvet - how to avoid becoming pregnant or making a rash decision. Now was as good a time as any, right? "Velvet, can we talk for a moment? Alone? It shouldn't take long," she said, feeling bad about interrupting the sort of conversation but understanding the urgency of her question.

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Dipper (#28104)

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Posted on
2015-11-10 22:05:27
Raoula|Female|4 years old|Hunter

Raoula jogged, panting, up to the group. She had stayed behind to drink from a muddy pond and was glad to catch them up. As she steadily drew closer, she faintly heard some of the others say something about a hunt. That got her listening. She knew that as a Hunter, it was her duty to provide for the pack. She slowed to a stop, panting. Her inner pup got the better of her and she played for a while, splashing in and out of the mud puddles. When she stopped, she was thoroughly covered in mud. She trotted up to the group, her tail wagging softly. "Are we going to hunt?" she asked. "Because if we are, we should get something organised. There's a deer over there." she nodded in the direction of the deer.

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Nature Paw (#64491)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2015-11-14 03:51:40
Remington || Male || 4 years || Alpha
Remington's Face Remington's Body(more muscle though)

As Velvet appeared in front of him he flicked his tail and twitched his nose, sitting tall. When she sat close in front of him he stood shaking out his pelt seeing as questions were being directed to him left and right. He took the time thought and stood above Velvet and licked behind her ears and on her cheek and muzzle and walked over to the rest of the pack to do business. Right as he left he saw Rivers walk over to Velvet he watched her converse but then focused on the matters at hand.

" Alright everyone settle for a moment please! We have reached a point of decision making, we can either continue our travels from down here and go around the mountains to the other side, or just go up and over them. I have in my mind what would be a safe route, but would like to hear some thoughts and opinions. Secondly we will be resting here for the night, Dakota you may go out on a hunt with what hunters we have left, and choose who you want to bring. The rest of us, find a good bedding spot by stay close, if there are survivors and packs left they might not be friendlys. "

As Remington finished speaking he turned around and looked at Rivers and Velvet, he could sense something was up and wanted to make sure everything was alright but decided to remain where he was. With a large puff of breathe released and laid himself down looking up at the mountains, his head rested on his paws and his tail dragged around the ground behind him. A yawn came from him and she snorted. Standing back up he walked over to Kade, "Would you mind taking first watch tonight on the perimeter and halfway through the night we switch? I am already falling asleep so I need rest before I keep an eye out tonight."

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MoeMoe (#65000)

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Posted on
2015-11-22 15:01:57
Nova | | Female | | 3 years | | Fighter

Finding nothing dangerous in the area and noticing that the other wolves did not seam to want to voice their opinions. Nova reluctantly approached the alpha male with her own point of view. "Personally I wish to trek over the mountains, we do not know how long this mountain range is and we could very well be making a more dangerous journey in trying to travel around it. Other than that...the mountain will be dangerous and will test each of us and though it is perhaps unreasonable I truly do love the challenge and mystery it offers. Having stated her opinion Nova did not wait for a reply from Remington, turning and walking up to Dakota. "If you don't mind, Dakota I wish to help you on the hunt. Many of the others seam to have gone their own ways and it looks as if you need another to help. " As Nova waited for an answer the wind picked up bringing with it a few gray clouds that soon began to let loose a war drizzling of rain that reflected the lights rays and created a rainbow far in the distance.

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Rusty [Interstellar
4cel 4.5k] (#39276)

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Posted on
2015-11-29 04:47:06
With Remington’s pack
Velvet || Female || 4 years || Remington’s Mate || Alpha Female
Velvet’s appearance

Velvet smiled as the rest of the pack turned up slowly. Kade was the first to appear. The beta looked tense, nervous, but otherwise safe. She shot her a smile in greeting, wagging her tail a little. Kade had a good point about spending the night; the pack had been moving a lot over the past few days and they could all do with a good rest to recollect themselves and prepare for whatever move they chose to make next. The rest of the wolves present all chattered, firing off questions and opinions. It seemed as though the prevailing opinion was that the pack should travel over the mountains, but with everyone talking at once it was hard to tell.

The alpha female jumped a little as her mate moved, but leant into his touch as he licked her ears and cheek. She lifted her nose to nudge at his cheek as he passed her, but made no move to stop him. The pack needed some organising and as the alpha they would look to him to tell them the next move. She thought it was wise as he addressed them that he’d chosen to leave the decision about which way to go until after hearing everyone’s thoughts, and also that he was following Kade’s idea of resting there for the night.

Velvet was drawn from listening to Remington when Rivers appeared beside her, asking to speak alone for a moment. Confused but happy to comply, she nodded. ”Is everything okay?” she looked over to where a couple of boulders had fallen to the base of the mountain, ”We can talk behind there if you wish for privacy” She smiled and stood, waiting for the scout’s answer.


With Shadow’s pack

A pair of sharp eyes observed the wolves far below, a cool expression on a weathered face. An experienced scout, there was no way for the small pack below to detect him from so far up the mountain. He counted their numbers, noted their weariness, and turned to ascend the mountain farther. His grey pelt camouflaged him against the rocks and he slipped through gaps that meant he could get to his destination quickly, without being seen. He needed to go back to the rocky den site, to find his alpha.

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