Posted by The Great Wolf Migration - Main RP Thread

Rusty [Interstellar
4cel 4.5k] (#39276)

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Posted on
2015-07-03 02:49:35
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Hunting Thread


You have left your forest home, left without your pack. The earthquake shook a massive hole in your life. Now, you search for the Valley of Hope and for a new pack to share your life with.

Before each post you must put this:
With Alpha's name's Pack
Character name || Sex || Age || Rank
This is to make sure there is no confusion.

Occasionally I will post plot updates, with weather/prey/landscapes coming into play. You’ll see what I mean after I’ve done this a few times. Every update will have ‘Plot Update’ written before it.

Please take your time with your responses, and allow at least couple of people to post their own replies before you post again, even if you’re only interacting with one person at the time. This makes sure replies are well thought out, nobody is controlling someone else’s character, and everyone has the chance to get involved in whatever happens before the RP moves on from that.

Pack hunts will be arranged every so often by the alpha. I will set up a hunting thread that I will link here. Once the alpha has chosen the hunters you will RP that your character has left with the hunting party, and then switch to the hunting thread to RP the hunt. This is so that characters in the hunt and in the rest of the pack don’t get confused about who is where. I find it makes things much easier to follow this way. You may hunt small prey alone here, but group hunting must be done away from the pack, in the hunting thread. You will then RP your return here, and either bring the prey or lead the pack to the prey, all in this thread. Only hunting will take place in the hunting thread.

My rule of at least four sentences per post is absolute. If you don’t follow this you will get a strike by your name. Three strikes and you will no longer be allowed to rp here. I may remove a strike if you post a lot of detail in your next few posts.

Nobody :3 let’s keep it that way, yeah?

The last thing to say is have fun everyone!

Current Plot Update

The wolf pack travelled across the soaked plains and have come to the base of the mountain. The rains have passed for now and the sun shines down. However, they must make the decision to either go around or over the mountains. They will soon encounter new wolves, but whether this be a good or bad encounter is up to their choice! Spring is still here and flowers will soon bloom.

Character Sheets

No thread generated. The original poster of this RP thread will be able to generate one for this feature.

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Edited on 26/12/15 @ 11:14:46 by Rusty [Skyward 3.2k, Poop pls] (#39276)

Xerxes (#52637)

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Posted on
2016-01-20 11:52:33
Dakota || Male || 2 years || Lead Hunter

Dakota ran towards Velvet, just in time to hear mention of a fight. He approach Remington looking to where the alpha had just emerged from the bushes. "We should attack them before they attack us—" Dakota immediately cut himself off. He took a few steps back; this was for the alphas and beta to decide. "I will defend you no matter the decision." He stated, backing away from them. He nodded his head and approached Rivers. He butted her head gently. No words were needed. He didn't want to pressure her into telling him what was wrong, he would just be there if she needed him. Dakota sat patiently, waiting for further orders.

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MoeMoe (#65000)

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Posted on
2016-01-20 13:22:51
Lynx | Female Fighter | 4 Years, 5 Months | Shadow’s Pack

Lynx listened to Shadow’s orders without a word before padding out of camp, quietly without a sound making her way down to the base of the mountain. She could not spot the alleged pack as it was still hidden within the woods, though she could certainly catch their scent. The onyx and blue-gray masked wolf hunched down beside a bolder her fur the perfect colors to blend in with the incoming night shadows. Internally the female was preparing for the coming war, blocking any emotions that may come with killing the innocent and defenceless. Externally the wolf’s bright blue eyes were slitted and dodging back and forth for any sign of the enemy even as they scanned the terrain for any advantages it might hold. There was a crack in the females focus this one time though, as she glanced at the young male beside her. Why, of all times, had conscious spoken now? Could it not have waited until Lynx had either failed or succeeded in her goal of revenge? She would do her best to keep the young male safe during the fight. He would not dissuade or distract her when Shadow entered the battlefield though. That is what Lynx told herself. The wind whistled gently through the grass and trees. The moon was slowly rising, everything was quiet other than the inanimate. No sound was made by forest creature, from the owl to the cricket. It was as if the very woodland creatures had sensed what was to come.


Kova | Male Hunter | 4 Years | Shadow’s Pack
The male let out a soft breath of air when the alpha male turned his attention from Kaeva, the male seemed to have forgotten the female even existed as memories flashed over his huge visage. The speed he ran with was as quick as the emotion that covered his face, as the male turned and ran toward the direction of the howl. Were they retreating? Kova did not think so...such a large male would not often back down from a challenge or a threat. A tingle of awareness ran down Kova’s spine, it was past the time he should have met with the pack...if there had been any hope of skirting Shadows attention it was now gone. Kaeva now seemed safe and no longer needed any backup. The logical option would be to run...but Kova had nowhere to run to...he had lived his whole life within Shadow’s Pack...his line of blood ran far back to the very beginning of its origins… he could not leave without knowing what its fate would be. Stalking through the woods the hunter’s russet and white fur moved through the forest until the male was upwind of this new pack, if pack it could be called. There were only a few wolves making up its ranks, no match for the rather average amount of members Shadow’s pack boasted. Kova was sure, as he crouched low, muscles taut and ready to spring into action at any sight of danger, that these wolves would stand little chance of winning the coming battle.

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Dipper (#28104)

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Posted on
2016-01-20 18:23:56
Aatu|Male|5 years old|Fighter

Aatu's ears came up in surprise. "What? A rival pack? Surely not..." his voice trailed off. It seemed that they were hostile and that there was indeed to be a fight. Well, if there was going to be a fight, he could fight. Growling, Aatu ran forward. "Where are they? Do we need to fight?" He glared in the direction where he could smell other wolves. How had he not noticed that before?

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GalacticRing (#68231)

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Posted on
2016-01-21 00:18:07
With Shadow's Pack
Vulcan || Male || 1 year || Pup

Vulcan's heart sank as Shadow announced the fight was about to commence. His ears drooped as he shakily got to his paws and padded along with the rest of the pack, looking at the ground and focusing on putting one paw in front of the other. He hardly noticed that he had fallen to walking beside Lynx, but his short tail was quivering, and he slowly looked ahead.

I heard that this pack is small. They pose no threat to us. Why are we attacking? Then again, we have no fear of losing, right...? We have the clear advantage... Or, the rest of the pack does. The small male shook his head as if trying to rid himself of the toxic thoughts. He couldn't even pick up the scent of this new pack.

Stay near Lynx, Vulcan... She will protect you, right...?

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Nyanunix (#11487)

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Posted on
2016-01-29 01:19:58
Kade || Female || 5 years || Beta female

Kade stood up straight as it was decided that they would fight. "It may be the only way, Vel," she murmured. "I advise taking the more helpless members of the pack somewhere away from the fighting. Try to get Rivers to go with you. She was attacked earlier, and . . . you know. I shouldn't have let her go off alone, but it can't be helped now."

She knew what to do. "Alright! Remington - we'll fight together, if that's agreeable to you; we should all be going in pairs, and we should take on their alpha or best fighter. Dakota, if Rivers insists on fighting, work with her. Everyone else, sort yourselves out. I'm assuming you know who you fight best with without me having to pair you up myself. Everything will be okay," she said, taking her place beside Remington and glancing around. "Those who cannot or do not want to fight, find somewhere safe."

Rivers || Female || 3 years || Scout

"I'm fighting, Kade," Rivers said, her mottled brown fur fluffed up with anger. This was not really directed at anyone; she was just angry. "And I'll kill that bastard, or I'll die trying." She remembered exactly what her attacker looked like and would be able to pick him out easily. Grey and black and spotty, he'd actually looked somewhat like Remington, though he was smaller and had different markings.

Ezrin || Female || 2 years || Beta Female (Shadow's Pack)

Ezrin nodded and went. She was on the first wave; most were. "Let's go, Jax," she said, already trotting to the paths. "I'd hate to go without you." Quickly, she moved down the steep, rocky trail, careful not to disturb the pebbles, as it could cause an avalanche, which would betray their position. Even so, she moved with surprising speed, reaching the rendezvous point within moments of leaving base.

((So short.))

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Xerxes (#52637)

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Posted on
2016-01-29 13:23:58
Dakota || Male || 2 years || Lead Hunter

Dakota nodded to Kade and walked to stand beside Rivers. He noticed her anger and rubbed his side against hers, trying to comfort her. It took him a moment, but then he caught the scent of the male. When he finally realized what must've happened to Rivers, he took a step back and couldn't help but stare at her. He was upset that she chose to mate with a stranger male over one of he pack males; then he remembered how scared she was, how angry she is; it couldn't have been consensual.

((Had to make it really short because I'm really busy right now))

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Nature Paw (#64491)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2016-01-29 22:50:19
Remington || Male || 4 years || Alpha
Remington's Face Remington's Body(more muscle though)

Remington growled then let out an aggressive Bark to his pack, "Everyone calm down and listen please. The pack we are facing is no joke, they have numbers over us and sorry to say but there more skilled when it comes to fighting. There objectives are not to scare us off to kill they are blood thirsty horrible wolves. Now I would suggest that maybe my darling velvet and anyone else who does not feel they would make it head off a bit to watch from the distance. " He looked to Kade and stood tall, growling and clenching his teeth as he spoke with his ears pinned, "I will take the alpha is is only suitable thay we fight each other until the death and serious injury. The alpha I used to know, and I will not have him harm any off you. Kade I would like you to pick a couple other wolves you would like to help you in fighting there betas and good fighters. Sadly retreating isnt an option during this fight, they will just follow us I'm sure."

Remington walked up to Velvet and spoke softly in het ear, "I would feel much better if you didn't join this fight my love, but I can tell you what to do, but I do not want to loose you" Remington licked her muzzle and turned away walking to the base of the mountain, being able to see them more clearly he glared and rose his head in the sky and let our a piercing loud deep howl, and waited until he could see their alpha. It was time to end the pack that loved the taste of blood.

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MoeMoe (#65000)

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Posted on
2016-01-30 02:18:50
Kova | Male Hunter | 4 Years | Shadow’s Pack
Kova’s breath whispered out of his muzzle as he watched the wolves from where he was crouched in the bushes upwind. In front of him lay the snow tipped blue-gray mountains, he could detect the faint smell of his pack from where he was, as well as the rather loud conversation of the new wolf pack. It looked as if they would split up, some heading in Kova’s direction and some turning to hold off Shadow’s pack for surely that was all that they would be doing as they were fatally outnumbered. A thought flittered through the loyal male's mind, if he managed to capture one of the females or pups that would undoubtedly be avoiding the fight, he might be able to win back Shadow’s favor….might. He would sit quietly and wait….if an opportunity arose where a female or pup was alone and unreachable by the rest of the pack, he would capture it.

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Edited on 30/01/16 @ 09:20:44 by Astral (#65000)

Nyanunix (#11487)

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Posted on
2016-01-30 09:44:40
Rivers || Female || 3 years || Scout

Rivers paid attention as she was assigned to fight with Dakota - a good choice; she was sure they'd work well together - and was beginning to calm down as he stepped over to stand by her. By then she was sure he must smell another on her and not think any less of her. And then he stepped away, and she saw the hurt flicker over his face.

And she fucking lost it.

Her eyes widened and her nostrils flared. "Don't look at me like that!" she said, her voice gaining volume as she spoke. A low growl rumbled in her chest; she was shaking with fury. Yeah, she'd expected a few strange looks before she explained, but she sure as hell didn't expect Dakota to look at her like he was hurt. "You're looking at me like I just chose to wander off and get myself raped, and like it hurt you! There's a reason Kade didn't want me around you alone - maybe she knows you wouldn't have been able to help yourself! I get that I'm smaller and not as good of a fighter as some of our other packmates may be, and I get that I can't always win and sometimes I need help, but you're acting like somehow I've managed to hurt your feelings because I didn't chose you, not when we all first met and not when I knew I was going into heat!"

((she's so angry damn Koda you got some shit to fix))

Kade || Female || 5 years || Beta female

Kade watched silently as Remington chose another way than the one she'd suggested. He'd get himself killed, trying to go at it alone like that, but she knew male pride and knew there was nothing she could do about it.

Then Rivers absolutely flipped out; Kade had seen Dakota step away from her. "Oh, dear. He's made a terrible mistake," she murmured to Velvet and Remington. "She was attacked and raped when she went into the forest to see if any deer were there; I didn't want to send Dakota with she because I didn't think he could control himself without Sollux here, and I needed them with me, anyway. I think he thinks she chose to meet with someone outside of the pack." She watched impassively once she stopped speaking.

"I wouldn't advise trying to get between them. This is something they need to work out themselves," the beta added. "Just trust me. I've seen things like this before."

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Hex (#41384)

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Posted on
2016-01-30 12:54:31
With Shadow's Pack
Ajax || Male || 4 years || Beta Male

Ajax smirks, gearing for a fight. Heat was radiating off his pelt with the anticipation, teeth already imagining the spurts of blood that would come. "Right behind you, Rin, babe." He followed right at her tail, nearly pushing her down the path, yet still careful of where he placed his paws; no need to alert anyone by making some rocks tumble down the mountainside. "Careful. Don't want to knock anything loose, or knock it in place, like the screws in your head." He teases, humor still firing despite the eminent bloodshed.

With Shadow's Pack
Twist || Female || 3 years || Hunter

Twist follows the betas, trailing behind considerably. Oh, she didn't want to watch her friends die, new or old. Shadow's pack was brutal, sure, but they didn't deserve death for following their alpha. And Remington's pack... She really didn't want to think about them nor the initial looks of betrayal when they noticed her among Shadow's ranks. But she hoped they would come to their senses once she switched sides and helped them. But... Maybe they wouldn't. For a moment, anger boiled in her at the thought. It wasn't as if it was her fault she'd fallen behind. The wound that fawn had given her had slowed her, and it seemed that no one had even noticed when she'd tripped and tumbled into that cleft in the ground. But, then again, no one had been travelling beside her. She supposed they'd eventually noticed, but it was far too late then. She pulls herself back to the present, mist clearing from her eyes as she trots after her "pack" to fight a battle she didn't want to fight.

(Sorry it's a bit short; I'm sick and I'm afraid I'm gonna puke on my laptop lol.)

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Edited on 30/01/16 @ 19:55:29 by JayKat The Hoodie Snatcher (#41384)

Rusty [Interstellar
4cel 4.5k] (#39276)

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Posted on
2016-01-31 02:33:11
With Remington’s pack
Velvet || Female || 4 years || Remington’s Mate || Alpha Female
Velvet’s appearance

Velvet couldn’t help the whine that escaped her as she looked up at the mountain, the smell of strangers growing stronger. They were obviously approaching and she was scared. She’d never seen two packs fight each other, her birth pack having been so isolated, and the occasional scrap she’d made sure to stay out of. After all, her coat didn’t stay looking so immaculate without upkeep. Getting into a fight and risking permanent marks on her body was the least likely thing to happen. Her views had changed somewhat now. Beauty was no longer her top priority. She didn’t know when it had happened, but gradually without noticing she thought less and less about being attractive. It just wasn’t so important to her anymore.

Still, that didn’t mean she was suddenly eager to fight. On the contrary, she was as unlikely to fight as she’d ever been, and slightly afraid of conflict. She was torn between running, as she always had when a scrap had broken out, or staying to help the pack she was now alpha of. She didn’t want to just leave them, or her mate, but what use would she be. She’d get in the way of those who could actually fight, and possibly put them in danger trying to defend her.

Thankfully the beta offered her a solution, one she gratefully jumped at. She nodded to Kade, butting her head against the female’s shoulder. ”I am no use in a fight,” she said, ”But I do understand stealth. I may be able to keep some of the pack from harm.” She then turned to address the rest of the pack. ”Anyone not willing or able to fight please follow me. I’ll start leading up the mountains. Hopefully we can sneak past this other pack and get through their territory before they notice. We can wait higher up for the rest of the pack to join us.”

After her announcement Remington approached her. She smiled and nuzzled into his neck, ”I’ll try my best to keep those who can’t and don’t want to fight safe,” she told him, ”Fight hard, my love, and find your way to us.” She watched as he turned and howled, announcing he was ready for battle, and her chest clenched. She had faith in him; he was one of the strongest wolves she knew, but that didn’t stop her worrying that something bad would happen. She shook her head, clearing those thoughts away. Now was not the time; she needed to come up with a path the pack could take to get to safety, out of the rivals’ territory. It needed to be a route that would hold their scent long enough that the fighters could follow them out, and be safe enough for them to not be at risk.

Velvet looked to Rivers, shaken up and reeking of a stranger, and managed to put the pieces together just before the female’s outburst at Dakota. Ignoring the beta’s advice, she chose to approach slowly but confidently. There was no time for them to work it out now, and although inexperienced she knew that as an alpha her job was to put the pack’s safety first, and their feelings about each other second. ”Dakota, perhaps it would be best if you found another wolf to fight beside,” she suggested to the male before turning her attention to Rivers, ”I know you’re angry, Rivers, but I don’t think you should be fighting like this. Killing, or getting yourself killed, for the sake of revenge won’t make you feel any better. You’re an amazing scout, and if I’m going to help get some of the pack to safety up the mountains I’ll need someone like you; someone who can judge new terrain as we come across it. Will you join me?”

Velvet turned then, splitting from those staying behind to fight. If any chose to follow her, including Rivers, she knew they wouldn’t dawdle. She ran through the bushes, circling around away from the fight to find a different path up the mountains. With the scent of the strangers now all around, she couldn’t distinguish Kova crouched just a short way up ahead.


With Shadow’s pack

Shadow snarled when he heard Remington’s howl. It was obvious now that the pack knew they were coming, but they shouldn’t yet know about the two wave plan. Something about that howl was familiar, but he couldn’t place it. It angered him, a wave of red bloodlust crossing over his vision. ”First wave,” he barked, ”Go! He smirked as Hazel and Whirlwind burst down into the plains, fangs bared and ready to tear the pack apart. Nothing would stop those two, he thought. Hazel, even a few days after birthing her pups, was as vicious and up for the fight as ever. With Whirlwind at her side they were a formidable team.

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Xerxes (#52637)

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Posted on
2016-01-31 02:56:11
Dakota || Male || 2 years || Lead Hunter

Dakota eyes opened wide in bewilderment at Rivers' burst of rage. His ears went back and he hung his head low, feeling bad about what he's done. He should have been there for her, he should have comforted her... and then she kept yelling. He was angry that she felt he wouldn't be able to control himself around her, and the reminder of her choosing Sollux over him. Dakota's head shot up and his ears pinned to his head. He bared his teeth and growled a low, deep growl. He ignored Velevt when she approached. "Maybe if you didn't wander off none of this would've happened!" He snapped at her. "You could have come hunting and helped feed the pack, and instead you're going to be handing us more mouths to feed!" Instantly he regretted his words. He opened his mouth slightly, shocked at what he'd said. "Rivers I.... I didn't mean that," he stuttered. He took a step toward her. "Rivers I'm so sorry, I didn't mean that," he repeated, desperately trying to take back what he'd done. "Rivers, I am so sorry, I promise I never meant that, I was just angry, I'm sorry. I know you're going through a hard time right now, I can't imagine the pain you're feeling and the horror you went through—" he stopped himself. The smell of wolves caught his attention. He smelled the air, nose high. "They're coming," he said.

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Edited on 31/01/16 @ 09:59:31 by NightSky01 (#52637)

GalacticRing (#68231)

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Posted on
2016-02-02 03:05:48
With Shadow's Pack
Vulcan || Male || 1 year || Pup

Vulcan flinched away as Shadow barked and Hazel and Whirlwind burst out towards the other pack. He had stayed a bit further back, away from the snapping jaws and danger. He knew he was doomed, he knew it in his gut, and he wanted to turn tail and run, despite the threats from Shadow.

The small wolf whimpered, padding a bit closer to the danger. He was on the second wave, he knew, but perhaps if he saw how the other wolves fought, what to expect, he wouldn't be as scared. He silently pleaded that Shadow wouldn't see him, that he was possibly disobeying orders. Or maybe the large wolf would pass it off as him being eager to fight? Vulcan didn't know which was more terrifying.

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Nyanunix (#11487)

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Posted on
2016-02-02 10:29:26
Rivers || Female || 3 years || Scout

Rivers seemed to regain ironbound control of herself quickly, her anger freezing into ice. While she tried not to, she flinched away from Dakota when he tried to step toward her, letting her clear disgust show in that one simple action. "If you didn't mean it, you shouldn't have said it," she snarled, before turning on her heels and trotting after Velvet. She would have rather died than let him see her cry.

"I'm coming, Vel," she said, pulling up beside the alpha female, her voice remaining normal even as tears soaked into her fur.

Kade || Female || 5 years || Beta female

The beta still watched as Velvet handled the situation, and had to admit that she did it well, even if it was just a temporary fix. And then she turned to face the oncoming tide. A smaller white wolf with ridiculously green eyes stood out to her for some reason, a larger male behind her, and several others, including two that were almost upon them. Not bothering to think up a strategy, Kade lunged and aimed for the closest female's (Hazel's) throat, her jaws snapping. If she managed to latch on, she wasn't letting go until her opponent was dead. If she missed, she would keep moving and go for the male's (Whirlwind's) side or legs. This would prevent stumbling if she missed.

Ezrin || Female || 2 years old || (Shadow's) Beta Female

Ezrin loped out with the others as the order was given. The only true piece of information she'd given Shadow was that of Kade: the female was there, though she seemed to be deferring to the grey-spotted male near her. She noticed two females slip off to the side, one clearly distressed, but didn't say anything about it. "The plain brown one with the black bits is Kade," she said to Ajax, keeping her voice low. "I advise saving her life." With that, she fell silent, not willing to allow anyone to hear their plotting.

((All of mine are so short.))

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Hex (#41384)

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Posted on
2016-02-04 08:41:53
Alliance: Remington's Pack (switched sides)
Twist || Female || 3 years || Hunter

The scarred black and white fae sprints forward as Shadow gives the order, though skids to a halt after a moment, eyes widened and confusion scrawled across her face. It wasn't that she didn't know who to fight for; it was that she was too disoriented to pick an opponent. Her eyes jump from pelt to pelt, ears (well, ear and a half) laid back against her head. She spots Kade with Whirlwind and Hazel, and for a moment considers going to help her. But she would only get in the way as she didn't know the beta's plans, and she didn't want to potentially end either of their lives. She looks past the brown femme to Remington, and leaps towards him, determined to let him know who's side she was on (okay, she missed him and the rest of the pack as well). "Remington!" She screeches, clear eye wild as she bounds closer to him. She digs one hind foot into the ground, effectively turning on her heels right beside him. "I-I know there are better circumstances to chat, but I fight with you, not Shadow's pack. Please... Please understand." She pants, giving no further explanation. Instead, she turns towards the wolves that merely hours before she'd slept with, howled with, and hunted with, eye slit and lips pulled back in a threatening snarl. She looked quite fierce, nothing like the meek little omega she'd been when she'd left Remington's pack. She raises her hackles, arches her back, and lets out a loud, low growl, inviting anyone to dare to fight her. She was small, but she wasn't helpless.

Alliance: Remington's Pack (switched sides)
Ajax || Male || 4 years || Beta male

Ajax follows Ezrin's gaze, and eyes Kade. "Oh, I'm sure she'll be incredibly inviting." He remarks, rolling his eyes at his "mate". "But whatever you say, oh dearest one." He smiles, butting his head into her side and giving the female a final lick on the cheek before tensing his haunches and springing into action, spotting the brown wolf's plan in her gaze. If she missed Hazel, that's who he would go after. If she managed to get to her target, he'd go for Whirlwind. he had her back either way, though if it came down to it he'd leave her for dead to help Rin. She was his main priority. He could always find another female to be his mate; there was no replacing his best friend. He hoped that Kade wouldn't go for him, though he supposed that she didn't quite know he was there to help, and he wasn't bout to shout "I'm abandoning my pack to help you!" in the middle of the fight. Neither pack knew about he and Ezrin's plans, and he'd like to keep it that way long enough to turn the tables in Remington's favor.

(I couldn't help myself XD I had to post lol. I also thought it smart to make sure everyone knows what side everyone else is on, since we have some switching and such owo)

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